/w/ - Waifuist

💗 The OFFICIAL Home for Celebrating All Waifu 💗

Mode: Thread

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Remember to follow the rules

Pics and videos must be of girls who have at least one of the following or they will be deleted: As of now, an active social media presence, a celebrity or social media influencer. ➡️ ➡️ ➡️ ➡️ Rules updated, see here ⬅️ ⬅️ ⬅️ ⬅️

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Ballad of The Pineapple QG!LaneyabuJ6 03/21/2020 (Sat) 08:32:35 Id:e6f578 No. 180830 [Reply] [Last]
Join /waifuist/ as we celebrate the amazing fruit that is the pineapple. Spending time with PINEAPPLE is the key to our strength and success in all areas of life. Be sure that you never try to work PINEAPPLE into your schedule, but always work your schedule around PINEAPPLE. Hungry for love, PINEA looks at you. Thirsty for sweetness, PINEA begs of you. Yearning for passion, PINEA comforts you. Hopeless and needing magic in your soul, PINEA provides that for you. Will you be that one to PINEA? And Remember: “Be a pineapple: Stand tall, wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.”
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Waifuist Thread #2564 ticktocker!Rowan.11oM 11/01/2024 (Fri) 01:33:04 No. 507447 [Reply] [Last] >>507450
Halloween Thread cuz one aint enough! 👻🎃
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>>507565 1 thing about androvid apkmod I like, is how it gives u a estimated file size of a video trim (useful for getting stuff under the 50/100mb limit u see on a lot of lynxchan forums) It's also something that glorious losslesscut on PC doesnt do Yeah I know I can just manually vidlength÷(filesize÷100mb) but its still annoying, when ure final trim/clip is just a few mbs above or under 100mb

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Waifuist Thread #2563 Alt Foy 10/30/2024 (Wed) 22:00:21 No. 506922 [Reply] [Last] >>506923
Halloween!! Waifu dressed up!!
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>>507442 Which is so retarded considering the bitch is 18, just have a no content from before her 18bday stickied post in her thread, like all the forums do with willowtrie
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Pineabro 10/31/2024 (Thu) 21:37:55 No. 507277 [Reply]
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Waifuist Thread #2562 Nancy Lanza Model 10/29/2024 (Tue) 03:24:45 No. 506459 [Reply] [Last] >>506460
🍒ULTIMATE GTT THREAD🍒 Let's come together to share the best tatas, twins, cans, jugs, cherries, bibs and bops, and bazookas from girls we can find!
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Picture of me trying to woo waufui
>>506919 She looks cute You look gay... Sorry to tell you that...
>>506920 Yall are hard on a MFer around here! Thats my best mischievous grin

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Waifuist Thread #2561 - ITALIAN EDITION Nancy Lanza Model 10/27/2024 (Sun) 18:25:58 No. 506013 [Reply] [Last] >>506015
🇮🇹ITALIAN GIRLS!🇮🇹 Who is the best Italian model out there? Is it Nancy Lanza? Sabri M? Yasmine Sahlaoui? Either Morena Casaburi or Morena Del Grosso Battaglia? Let us know!
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>>506450 Probably works for GTTs lol
What are GTTs?
>>506450 Cleavage thread no GTT thread yes GTT = Grand TTs
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Found QG dream job

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Waifuist Thread #2560 Alt Foy 10/26/2024 (Sat) 00:48:13 No. 505561 [Reply] [Last] >>505562
Hats! Because that is all you see when you look at these pics!! Or just ignore the topic like normal
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>>506006 epic! to bad for the bad quality
>>506010 Delete your thread and this post and try again with photos bigger than thumb nails
>>506011 Sorry, I was using videos and not just photos. I tried a second time; if they're still too small, please correct them as you please.

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Waifuist Thread #2560 Capaldibro 10/24/2024 (Thu) 23:43:47 No. 505117 [Reply] [Last] >>505119
LEGS It's high time we had a Leg Thread. So let's do it. - Read and follow the rules - Autism is Prohibited
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>>505556 Do it Foy! But you'll have to be more specific. We talkin' hats or what?
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>>505554 just the 2012 account bro
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>>505556 You're on!
>>505558 akdromi and someone else has said differently.

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Butts, Bums & Posteriors TahBu 10/25/2024 (Fri) 11:58:44 No. 505326 [Reply]
Baby got back. Post those tushes.
2 posts and 9 images omitted.
Any ass shots from when she was really young?
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And rare Emma Noell thong stuff?
1. This board is only for the general threads 2. No we aren't going to make a thread of only girls that are banned from solo threads.

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Waifuist Thread #2559 QG!LaneyabuJ6 10/23/2024 (Wed) 14:32:57 No. 504653 [Reply] [Last]
Girls you like. Especially ones not usually posted.
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Hello bros So who wants to make a new thread?
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>>505111 she's deffff grown 👀 >>505113 hey capper u can if u wanna
>>505114 Ok 8m on it
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Waifuist Thread #2558 Aintnunya 10/22/2024 (Tue) 00:19:36 No. 504169 [Reply] [Last] >>504661 >>504176
Am I allowed to do this? If so post your favorite waifu glowup or blowup
Edited last time by QuietGrace on 10/22/2024 (Tue) 01:02:41.
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>>504651 Facts. plus that was def the era she was top 5. Not that I don't like her anymore cuz I do
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Lucy Hale glow up
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Waifuist Thread #2557 ticktocker!Rowan.11oM 10/20/2024 (Sun) 14:26:20 No. 503699 [Reply] [Last] >>503702
Cutes being cute Babes being babes follow the rules, don't be a total autist
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>>504091 that's getting a little freaky...not in a good way

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>>504176 Noted, thanks
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>>504176 Someone else make a thread and delete the one I started. Freaking rookies...

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Waifuist Thread #2556 BlueM!ageWWPm32k 10/20/2024 (Sun) 01:21:03 No. 503230 [Reply] [Last] >>503231
Black & White
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Waifuist Thread #2555 QG!LaneyabuJ6 10/18/2024 (Fri) 16:20:47 No. 502778 [Reply] [Last] >>502781
Besties and Friends
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>>502852 Tina's pimp lol
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No new Pavaga today 😭😭
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Waifuist Thread #2554 ticktocker!Rowan.11oM 10/17/2024 (Thu) 13:11:26 No. 502277 [Reply] [Last]
Fresh Air thread! bc all of us need some but some of us especiallyyy
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>>502774 i guess i agree!
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Girls with LONG hair rule...
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