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Waifuist Thread #2560 Alt Foy 10/26/2024 (Sat) 00:48:13 No. 505561
Hats! Because that is all you see when you look at these pics!! Or just ignore the topic like normal
(3.46 MB 576x1024 ssstik.io_@e[...].mp4)
>>505953 Lol the lies you tell
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>>505956 gm 🍍
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>>505959 Hey tick She’s really showing off that hat from all angles
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(839.06 KB 360x640 Shout out hahaha[...].mp4)
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>>505960 mhm and she can put it on me tbh
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>>505958 She is so stinking cute !!!
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>>505962 yo >>505964 she sure is I see Elyse can do the elegance thing too if she wants
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Great thread. My hat's off to all the contributors.
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>>505969 Hey you, hope the weekend good
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>>505971 🤠 i suppose it's near time to cap this thread off
>>505971 I'll show myself out.
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>>505969 Elyse can just about anything she wants :}
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>>505972 1. That must be some kind of rich neighborhood where you can ride your horse in the middle of the street 2. She’s giving a very high reading on my My Type meter
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>>505977 Yes and Yes. Your type but little on the thinner side
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>>505982 Body type isn’t a huge factor tbh
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>>505939 Thanks, she has a great back catalogue
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>>505985 Fair enough lol
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>tiktok/secret.acc.kk as a libtard cesspool, we need to be sure to vote for the laughing hyena and her promise to pricecap drugz or something, to help my sickwaifu out
>>505961 drawon browz?
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>>505986 Speaking of back catalogs…
(1.41 MB 576x1024 idgaf.mp4)
>>505989 don’t know don’t care, I’ve never been inclined to grill a girl over her makeup
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Anna looking around her empty apartment one last time as she prepares to move to America and live with me. Honest, would I lie about something like this?
Is it almost new thread time? Question: since there’s already a Jewfu thread, is there openness to threads for other groups as well?
>>505993 Prolly. Go ahead with your boring Italian thing if you please.
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>>505993 What group are you thinking? I mean making an 'ethnic' thread would work. Covers lots of bases, we all have lots of girls to post.
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>>505998 I think the Italian girls are something special, ESPESCIALLY Nancy.
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>>506005 These types of videos are something else.

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