/w/ - Waifuist

💗 The OFFICIAL Home for Celebrating All Waifu 💗

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Remember to follow the rules

Pics and videos must be of girls who have at least one of the following or they will be deleted: As of now, an active social media presence, a celebrity or social media influencer. ➡️ ➡️ ➡️ ➡️ Rules updated, see here ⬅️ ⬅️ ⬅️ ⬅️

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Waifuist Thread #2555 QG!LaneyabuJ6 10/18/2024 (Fri) 16:20:47 No. 502778 [Reply] [Last] >>502781
Besties and Friends
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>>503176 stop, you need psychological help girl in the 1st pic looks so sad
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lots of nacket girls @ Spam.com. CLICK SEARCH @ TOP PAGE... pixs 'B' - vids 'MP4'
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@ n.i.p.p.y.f.i.l.e.C.O.M.
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post pixs N vids @ n.i.p.p.y.f.i.l.e.C.O.M
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' B ' ; VIDs @ 'mp4'

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Waifuist Thread #2554 ticktocker!Rowan.11oM 10/17/2024 (Thu) 13:11:26 No. 502277 [Reply] [Last] >>502278
Fresh Air thread! bc all of us need some but some of us especiallyyy
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>>502774 i guess i agree!
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Girls with LONG hair rule...
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Waifuist Thread #2553 PinPing 10/16/2024 (Wed) 04:28:29 No. 501856 [Reply] [Last] >>501857
ORANGE 🍊🔶🎃🔶🍊 Or not if you don't feel like it
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>>502273 Seems like it
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>>502273 >>502274 we’ll find out someday at this rate Millie will have her first kid before it finally airs
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>>501556 I am reconning this ped0pIace
(369.66 KB 1440x1800 2023-10-23 07.11[...].jpg)
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Waifuist Thread #2552 QG!LaneyabuJ6 10/14/2024 (Mon) 15:49:28 No. 501379 [Reply] [Last] >>501380
I appreciate a lot of you guys. The lurkers too. Hope you all enjoy the place. And if you don't, sorry? We can't be perfect for everyone. Enjoy and Post Cutes.
443 posts and 849 images omitted.
>>501839 I would LOVE to stuff some things into her.
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Waifuist Thread #2551 QG!LaneyabuJ6 10/13/2024 (Sun) 03:45:26 No. 500930 [Reply] [Last] >>500931
We All Like Waifu Prove it
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Almost ready for GTT
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Lily is a hot grandma
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>>501367 I see you've found my salon des frites !! So, question... Why was the Charlie Elison thread locked in Starlet? She's too cute to be 'locked'
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>>501377 I have a feeling it was because her account was below 20,000 which is what we asked if she has a thread. Is it true that that's the case?
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>>501379 >>501379 >>501379 >>501379 NEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

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Who's this girl? She's so cute. Who's this girl? She's so cute. 10/13/2024 (Sun) 21:39:51 No. 501224 [Reply]
Who's this girl? She's so cute.

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Waifuist Thread #2550 ticktocker!Rowan.11oM 10/11/2024 (Fri) 15:29:28 No. 500447 [Reply] [Last] >>500450
Cozy Thread
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>>500918 No not like that. More like an island to keep the boys away am sure raising beautiful daughters had some stress by itself, but so would raising not so beautiful just different type of stress
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>>500926 not my daghter , she is my wife and the island is a cali-phat
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she´s happy living la vida loca in the caliphat lol
>>500888 who is that in the photos?
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Waifuist Thread #2549 QG!LaneyabuJ6 10/11/2024 (Fri) 00:01:43 No. 499981 [Reply] [Last] >>499982
Welcome to Waff-ist.pro >show up for the cutes >complain about the customs >repeat Post cutes smiling
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Dasha is such a thirst trap
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I'd still go out with her
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>>500436 1st , If I mand it , you are ready to be it !
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>>500441 Well of course, there was no doubt

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Waifuist Thread #2548 Alt Foy 10/09/2024 (Wed) 00:28:38 No. 499098 [Reply] [Last] >>499515
Forgotten Waifu! Girls that we used to post constantly who now hardly get posted at all! And new waifu as always!
Edited last time by ticktocker on 10/09/2024 (Wed) 00:32:03.
421 posts and 747 images omitted.
>>499975 Some girl named Ai
>>499933 I want this guys job. LOL
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>>499978 >I want this
>>499909 Cute! Cute! Who is she?
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Waifuist Thread #2547 ticktocker!Rowan.11oM 10/09/2024 (Wed) 00:25:42 No. 499093 [Reply] [Last] >>499096
HEADGEAR hats, headbands, helmets, hijabs, idc post cutes and don't be a dumbass pls
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>>499505 Noted for the future. That included Emma being attractive
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Waifuist Thread #2546 Capaldibro 10/07/2024 (Mon) 06:55:04 No. 498618 [Reply] [Last] >>498619
Can't spell Autumn without tum. So let's do it!
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>>499089 What if QG runs this place because he secretly likes MILFS and this is how he gets their attention?
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>>499092 Shhhhh! Also who tf cares who is the damn admin and mod and whatever the fuck? Anyone that knows the history of the place doesn't need this explanation. And ppl really want to know, why would I care to say?
>>499089 I bet it's very hard to make an algorithm for spam detection and deletion. Whatever, do your thing.
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>>499092 hmmmm that's a new one. sadly, tinfoil hats are the only headgear not allowed 🤷‍♀️ >>499093 >>499093 >>499093 >>499093 >>499093 >>499093 >>499093 >>499093 >>499093 >>499093 >>499093 >>499093 >>499093 >>499093

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>>499094 you are above speaking to us pleb, we understand. We are not worthy of your ancient secrets, o great mod one!

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Waifuist Thread #2545 BlueM 10/05/2024 (Sat) 10:02:44 No. 498140 [Reply] [Last] >>498141
It's the weekend, post your best stuff.
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>>498609 Did you see i said you should make the next thread?
>>498611 No But I'll do itnow.
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Waifuist Thread #2544 PinPing 10/03/2024 (Thu) 04:12:30 No. 497679 [Reply] [Last] >>497680
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Twiggy ❤️
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Waifuist Thread #2543 QG!LaneyabuJ6 10/01/2024 (Tue) 23:50:20 No. 497230 [Reply] [Last] >>497231
Lazy Tuesday Lazy Theme
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>>497671 Who is the lucky SOB?
>>497673 Not me :( From an advertizing stance idk how putting a 12yo in a wedding dress works, but it distresses me to see it. WHY CAN'T IT BE ME
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>>497671 Well I certainly doesn't sound normal
>>497674 I’d like have children first
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Waifuist Thread #2542 QG!LaneyabuJ6 09/30/2024 (Mon) 11:34:26 No. 496768 [Reply] [Last]
It's Monday, so cutes are recommended
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(1.28 MB 720x1280 30 Days until Ha[...].mp4)
>>497223 Nah, we don't do such things as it's against the rules. Besides such things can be found anywhere. Our waifu not so much
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>>497226 Fair enough, I'd been biting my tongue up until that point. I'm not here for porn either. But Jenna is the GOAT
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>>497226 >>497227 And I was mainly hoping it would give him somewhere to hang out haha
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>>497229 Oh I know, he could definitely go to any one of those sites instead lol >>497230 >>497230 >>497230 NEWWWWWWWWWWW

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