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[取得: 表示:7] https://x.com:443/elonmusk/status/1888979339003281878 Elon Musk on X: "Seriously 🤣🤣 And for damn sure, I’m 1000% more trustworthy than untold numbers of deep state bureaucrats and fraudsters who may be misusing your SSN right now." / X
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[取得: 表示:5] https://x.com:443/hano_takatuki/status/1888840676558967098 ( ¯꒳¯ᐢ) on X: "なんか勘違いしてる人いるけど 本人様は 「生成AI使う人ってこういう人だよ」 ↑これは復活のポメを見てだぞ? 引用で「これだから反AIは〜」 とか言ってる推進派、文章読んでる? あなた達が呆れられてんだよ?" / X
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[取得: 表示:1] https://x.com:443/Hn0A5FCkPn7w81t/status/1888828897405681897 パルコ on X: "生成AIユーザーが「絵描きどもが反AIを拗らせて普通の手描きのイラストレーターに攻撃してる」みたいな事書いてたけど実態はこうだよな 本当事実誤認とデマの流布だけは上手い奴ら" / X
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[取得: 表示:5] https://x.com:443/elonmusk/status/1888980304917856290 Elon Musk on X: "True" / X
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[取得: 表示:7] https://x.com:443/elonmusk/status/1888978144985530370 Elon Musk on X: "There is a massive effort by the UNELECTED bureaucracy to oppose the ELECTED President, House & Senate!! This is why I say the true & noble battle is to restore DEMOcracy, rule of the people, from the BUREAUcracy, rule of the bureaucrats." / X
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[取得: 表示:6] https://x.com:443/elonmusk/status/1888976692980351046 Elon Musk on X: "True" / X
[取得: 表示:8] https://x.com:443/elonmusk/status/1888976095745044729 Elon Musk on X: "You are right. The truth is that NGOs are used by governments to do things that are illegal to do directly or would be opposed by the public. Super shady." / X
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[取得: 表示:5] https://x.com:443/sputnik_TR/status/1888852905928565128 Sputnik Türkiye on X: "😲 Göttingen Üniversitesi duyurdu: 🚨 'Türkiye'nin altında bin 500 kilometrelik devasa bir yarık keşfedildi' 🚨 'Anadolu, Ortadoğu'dan ayrılıyor' https://t.co/n7SNHnJ68Q" / X
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[取得: 表示:3] https://x.com:443/jisukewizon/status/1888853540401234058 じすけ❂✨✨✨ tiamat on X: "@marukul_ @studiocorvo @as8ir15YCP4dCOG 実際に経済優先して感染対策を疎かにした国があったんですが逆効果だったんですよ。https://t.co/bFWTCg57Dz" / X