
[取得:6  表示:4]   https://twitter.com:443/RyuichiYoneyama/status/417209877136564224   米山 隆一 on Twitter: "@merancron ガンダム、いいですね。巷の美女には、是非パンツなしで街に出撃してほしいものですが、かなわぬ夢です(笑)。"

[取得:6  表示:2]   https://h5.g123.jp:443/game/vividarmy?platform=zckscpc1&_zucks_suid=NTEyMmRkMzBhNDk2ZmE0Y2UyZGI3M2UwMjQ5MDJkZTNiZGI1YjJiMQ   ビビッドアーミー | ゲームスタート - G123.jp

[取得:8  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/engine/commits/feat/unread-messages-to-top-819   Commits · feat/unread-messages-to-top-819 · Minds / Minds Backend - Engine · GitLab

[取得:8  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/engine/merge_requests/367   Cassandra\Exception\InvalidArgumentException: Invalid integer value (!367) · Merge Requests · Minds / Minds Backend - Engine · G

[取得:0  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/engine/merge_requests/347   [Sprint/OldfashionedOwl](fix): Subscription feed upgrade #435 (!347) · Merge Requests · Minds / Minds Backend - Engine · GitLab

[取得:1  表示:3]   https://ameblo.jp:443/d197937/entry-12526032581.html   キリスト教と仏教がなぜカルトにならなかったか? | まーちゃんのブログ

[取得:1  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/engine/issues/941   (bug): post stuck in boost (#941) · Issues · Minds / Minds Backend - Engine · GitLab

[取得:1  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/engine/commits/fix/sentry-issue-1296   Commits · fix/sentry-issue-1296 · Minds / Minds Backend - Engine · GitLab

[取得:2  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/front/issues/1701   Investigate blog indexing (#1701) · Issues · Minds / Minds Frontend · GitLab

[取得:3  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/engine/compare/0f12af4c2f3ed84cc6d11e9784b5d07db647b4fa...b0e688e8c0921c609aeeff43e9d38f8b805131da   0f12af4c2f3ed84cc6d11e9784b5d07db647b4fa...b0e688e8c0921c609aeeff43e9d38f8b805131da · Minds / Minds Backend - Engine · GitLab

[取得:4  表示:4]   https://twitter.com:443/__dearlord__   DEAR LORD (@__dearlord__) | Twitter

[取得:5  表示:56]   http://histori-ai.net/archives/2053   平安女流文学が現在のラノベと同じワケがない | Historiai

[取得:5  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/mobile-native/issues/1437   Invariant violation error rendering channel actions (#1437) · Issues · Minds / Minds Mobile · GitLab

[取得:6  表示:18]   https://twitter.com:443/May_Roma   めいろま (@May_Roma) | Twitter

[取得:7  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/minds/issues/850   Can't Wire to Channel on Pro (#850) · Issues · Minds / Minds · GitLab

[取得:7  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/minds/issues/850   Can't Wire to Channel on Pro (#850) · Issues · Minds / Minds · GitLab

[取得:7  表示:2]   https://www.reddit.com:443/user/BrandonKatrena/   BrandonKatrena (u/BrandonKatrena) - Reddit

[取得:8  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/front/issues/2071   Logged out actions (vote up, down, etc) are not triggering the signup/login modal (#2071) · Issues · Minds / Minds Frontend · Gi

[取得:9  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/front/issues/2004   Exclusive content not working when sent via CDN (#2004) · Issues · Minds / Minds Frontend · GitLab

[取得:0  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/mobile-native/issues/1296   Cassandra\Exception\InvalidArgumentException: Invalid integer value: '1018625753679482880:1018627544011816960:0' (#1296) · Issue

[取得:0  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/mobile-native/issues/1296   Cassandra\Exception\InvalidArgumentException: Invalid integer value: '1018625753679482880:1018627544011816960:0' (#1296) · Issue

[取得:1  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/minds/issues/845   Disabled channels can't log into Pro. (#845) · Issues · Minds / Minds · GitLab

[取得:1  表示:10]   https://blogdaichi.exblog.jp:443/14342181/  

[取得:2  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/engine/issues/924   Duplicate users in messenger (#924) · Issues · Minds / Minds Backend - Engine · GitLab

[取得:2  表示:27]   http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/accountability.html   What is accountability? definition and meaning - BusinessDictionary.com

[取得:3  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/engine/merge_requests/367   Cassandra\Exception\InvalidArgumentException: Invalid integer value (!367) · Merge Requests · Minds / Minds Backend - Engine · G

[取得:3  表示:2]   https://h5.g123.jp:443/game/vividarmy?platform=zckscpc5&_zucks_suid=MzRlODEzODI4MjFjOGU5YmRlYjZjMzEwOTQ3NTQ4ZjI3OTg0NGJiMg   ビビッドアーミー | ゲームスタート - G123.jp

[取得:4  表示:9]   https://www.r-staffing.co.jp:443/sol/op21/sd03/D191005843D/   【楽天でのお仕事】データ抽出業務◆SQL作成ができる方募集(D191005843D) | SE・プログラマー(オ-プン系) | OA事務 | 二子玉川 徒歩4分 | 時給2,400円~ | 派遣会社の【リクルートスタッフィング】

[取得:5  表示:3]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/engine/merge_requests/347   [Sprint/OldfashionedOwl](fix): Subscription feed upgrade #435 (!347) · Merge Requests · Minds / Minds Backend - Engine · GitLab

[取得:5  表示:2]   https://i.imgur.com:443/jmiGK6I.png   https://i.imgur.com:443/jmiGK6I.png

[取得:5  表示:15]   https://kaoponta.work:443/2019/10/14/ramen-2/   なんちゃってラーメン屋さん | PONTAN★食費1日1000円生活

[取得:6  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/minds/issues/865   User cannot access site, but can use app (#865) · Issues · Minds / Minds · GitLab

[取得:6  表示:1]   https://ameblo.jp:443/flowerstalk2011/entry-12533830779.html   ★日本でたった6つだけ!寄るべきオススメの道の駅【全国モデルの道の駅】とは・・? | 買い物ついでに花の旅*道の駅はお花屋さん**簡単!可愛い♪アレンジの法則+

[取得:7  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/engine/commits/fix/sentry-issue-1296   Commits · fix/sentry-issue-1296 · Minds / Minds Backend - Engine · GitLab

[取得:8  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/engine/merge_requests/366   [Sprint/PinkPanther](feat): Put unread conversations to top of conversation list (!366) · Merge Requests · Minds / Minds Backend

[取得:0  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/front/issues/1701   Investigate blog indexing (#1701) · Issues · Minds / Minds Frontend · GitLab

[取得:0  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/front/issues/2071   Logged out actions (vote up, down, etc) are not triggering the signup/login modal (#2071) · Issues · Minds / Minds Frontend · Gi

[取得:0  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/front/issues/1701   Investigate blog indexing (#1701) · Issues · Minds / Minds Frontend · GitLab

[取得:0  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/front/issues/2071   Logged out actions (vote up, down, etc) are not triggering the signup/login modal (#2071) · Issues · Minds / Minds Frontend · Gi

[取得:0  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/engine/compare/0f12af4c2f3ed84cc6d11e9784b5d07db647b4fa...b0e688e8c0921c609aeeff43e9d38f8b805131da   0f12af4c2f3ed84cc6d11e9784b5d07db647b4fa...b0e688e8c0921c609aeeff43e9d38f8b805131da · Minds / Minds Backend - Engine · GitLab

[取得:1  表示:6]   https://shachibato.jp:443/?_zucks_suid=Y2I1OWUyZGFkYmQwNzk0NjA0OGViZjI2MWMwMmExNmI2ZDJjOWZiZg   【公式】『社長、バトルの時間です!(シャチバト)』|事前登録サイト

[取得:1  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/engine/commit/280f505e4f7a0302c11b5ddd50b1a74be6027a62   Removed comments (280f505e) · Commits · Minds / Minds Backend - Engine · GitLab

[取得:2  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/front/issues/2004   Exclusive content not working when sent via CDN (#2004) · Issues · Minds / Minds Frontend · GitLab

[取得:3  表示:2]   https://may.2chan.net:443/b/src/1571072943438.jpg   https://may.2chan.net:443/b/src/1571072943438.jpg

[取得:5  表示:4]   https://www.publickey1.jp:443/blog/19/visual_studio_codepythonjupyter_notebookspython.html   Visual Studio CodeがPython対応強化。Jupyter Notebooksネイティブ編集、Pythonファイルの直接実行など - Publickey

[取得:5  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/front/issues/2087   Avatar image in middle of top menu bar does not update (#2087) · Issues · Minds / Minds Frontend · GitLab

[取得:5  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/front/issues/2087   Avatar image in middle of top menu bar does not update (#2087) · Issues · Minds / Minds Frontend · GitLab

[取得:5  表示:51]   http://blueiris.jp/   Blueiris | Publishing Art Text Comunications

[取得:5  表示:4]   http://i.imgur.com/EowI6eg.jpg   http://i.imgur.com/EowI6eg.jpg

[取得:5  表示:5]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/mobile-native/issues/1437   Invariant violation error rendering channel actions (#1437) · Issues · Minds / Minds Mobile · GitLab