
[取得:  表示:22]   http://scontent-nrt1-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/9c96792e0d89ce0e7c695befcf4a6d40/5D45FBDA/t50.12441-16/68488887_406860809943128_3538914939484126798_n.mp4?_nc_ht=scontent-nrt1-1.cdninstagram.com   http://scontent-nrt1-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/9c96792e0d89ce0e7c695befcf4a6d40/5D45FBDA/t50.12441-16/68488887_406860809943128_35389

[取得:  表示:44]   https://m.dcinside.com:443/board/colonialism/20107   폼페이오 확인사살ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ-[제국주의와 식민주의] 갤러리 커뮤니티 포털 -디시인사이드

[取得:  表示:14]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/engine/merge_requests/289   [Sprint/KiltedKoala] (fix): groups conversations issue (!289) · Merge Requests · Minds / Minds Backend - Engine · GitLab

[取得:  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/engine/merge_requests/289   [Sprint/KiltedKoala] (fix): groups conversations issue (!289) · Merge Requests · Minds / Minds Backend - Engine · GitLab

[取得:  表示:13]   https://www.lesswrong.com:443/posts/33KewgYhNSxFpbpXg/scientific-self-help-the-state-of-our-knowledge   Scientific Self-Help: The State of Our Knowledge - LessWrong 2.0

[取得:  表示:6]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/engine/issues/700   (regression): Unable to post comments to groups sidebase (#700) · Issues · Minds / Minds Backend - Engine · GitLab

[取得:  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/engine/issues/700   (regression): Unable to post comments to groups sidebase (#700) · Issues · Minds / Minds Backend - Engine · GitLab

[取得:  表示:12]   https://twitter.com:443/CecileDSZ   Cécile de Sèze (@CecileDSZ) | Twitter

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[取得:  表示:7]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/engine/commit/957e7e55257b41892f593d9fa6637b619de9dad6   (fix): groups conversations issue (957e7e55) · Commits · Minds / Minds Backend - Engine · GitLab

[取得:  表示:10]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/mobile-native/merge_requests/283   [Sprint/JollyJellyFish] (feat) reduce entities size (!283) · Merge Requests · Minds / Minds Mobile · GitLab

[取得:  表示:13]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/mobile-native/merge_requests/284   [Sprint/KiltedKoala] (chore) remove sms listener (!284) · Merge Requests · Minds / Minds Mobile · GitLab

[取得:  表示:20]   https://andymatuschak.org:443/books/   Why books don’t work | Andy Matuschak

[取得:  表示:6]   https://www.drawlab.com:443/product-category/accessories/legendary-metal-coins/?v=8cee5050eeb7   Legendary Metal Coins | Drawlab Entertainment

[取得:  表示:32]   https://prettyearth.evertdespiegeleer.com:443/   PrettyEarth App

[取得:  表示:27]   https://twitter.com:443/Y_Michiari_Game   仕事率P=仕事W/時間t (@Y_Michiari_Game) | Twitter

[取得:  表示:11]   https://www.drmaciver.com:443/2019/05/how-to-do-hard-things/   How to do hard things | David R. MacIver

[取得:  表示:15]   https://news.ycombinator.com:443/item?id=19955830   How to do hard things | Hacker News

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[取得:  表示:14]   https://literariness.org:443/2018/08/14/the-political-theory-of-ernesto-laclau-and-chantal-mouffe/   The Political Theory of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe | Literary Theory and Criticism

[取得:  表示:28]   https://twitter.com:443/stephanekenech   stephane kenech (@stephanekenech) | Twitter

[取得:  表示:11]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/engine/issues/703   (feat): notifications or pending posts (#703) · Issues · Minds / Minds Backend - Engine · GitLab

[取得:  表示:13]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/engine/issues/703   (feat): notifications or pending posts (#703) · Issues · Minds / Minds Backend - Engine · GitLab

[取得:  表示:21]   https://blog.juliobiason.net:443/thoughts/things-i-learnt-the-hard-way/   Julio Biason .Net 4.0 - Things I Learnt The Hard Way (in 30 Years of Software Development)

[取得:  表示:16]   https://m.dcinside.com:443/board/colonialism/20109   조센징들 주인 갈아타고 또 전주인 악마화작업 시작해야지-[제국주의와 식민주의] 갤러리 커뮤니티 포털 -디시인사이드

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[取得:  表示:9]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/mobile-native/issues/1154   (feat): notifications for pending group posts (#1154) · Issues · Minds / Minds Mobile · GitLab

[取得:  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/mobile-native/issues/1154   (feat): notifications for pending group posts (#1154) · Issues · Minds / Minds Mobile · GitLab

[取得:  表示:10]   https://twitter.com:443/intent/user?user_id=1061651023582814209   マーガレット

[取得:  表示:17]   https://m.dcinside.com:443/board/colonialism/20110   웃음참기 LV99-[제국주의와 식민주의] 갤러리 커뮤니티 포털 -디시인사이드

[取得:  表示:7]   https://twitter.com:443/ohmura_hideaki/status/1156575238076846091?s=09   大村秀章 on Twitter: "津田大介芸術監督と。名古屋東急ホテルにて。 https://t.co/Pi4fvGSKZc" / Twitter

[取得:  表示:83]   http://news.biglobe.ne.jp/exarticle/entame/2019/0801/7f30379a.html   グダグダ会見で脚光の吉本「岡本社長」とAKS「村松元取締役」驚くべき共通点は(デイリー新潮) - BIGLOBEニュース

[取得:  表示:25]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/front/commits/feat/cypress   Commits · feat/cypress · Minds / Minds Frontend · GitLab

[取得:  表示:29]   https://twitter.com:443/fs0c131y   Elliot Alderson (@fs0c131y) | Twitter

[取得:  表示:6]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/mobile-native/issues/1153   (feat): download mp4 (#1153) · Issues · Minds / Minds Mobile · GitLab

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[取得:  表示:35]   https://twitter.com:443/fs0c131y/status/1156930845636288512   Elliot Alderson on Twitter: "Tu es une star maintenant Alex. Enjoy the spotlights!… https://t.co/FFPsFccJ83"

[取得:  表示:29]   https://twitter.com:443/fs0c131y/status/1156586441121705984   Elliot Alderson on Twitter: "Qui se cache derrière cette escroquerie? THREAD… "

[取得:  表示:17]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/mobile-native/issues/1152   (feat): download gifs (#1152) · Issues · Minds / Minds Mobile · GitLab

[取得:  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/mobile-native/issues/1152   (feat): download gifs (#1152) · Issues · Minds / Minds Mobile · GitLab

[取得:  表示:16]   https://www.nicovideo.jp:443/watch/so35434126   異世界チート魔術師  #3「駆け出し冒険者」 アニメ/動画 - ニコニコ動画

[取得:  表示:10]   https://twitter.com:443/threadreaderapp/status/1156944030309203969   Thread Reader App on Twitter: "Hola there is your unroll: Thread by @fs0c131y: "Qui se cache derrière cette escroquerie? THREAD

[取得:  表示:19]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/front/commit/4dc1b9ee6eeeeacaaf1d6e640256998ae64f072c   (fix): moved algorithm to a queryParam (4dc1b9ee) · Commits · Minds / Minds Frontend · GitLab

[取得:  表示:57]   http://hochi.news/articles/20190731-OHT1T50112.html?mode=photo&photoid=1   東京五輪ボクシングの競技日程決定 男子8階級、女子5階級 決勝は8月4日から : スポーツ報知

[取得:  表示:17]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/front/commit/4cea763a6164a050b76c82160a1006df0867a242   (fix): moved algorithm to a queryParam (4cea763a) · Commits · Minds / Minds Frontend · GitLab

[取得:  表示:10]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/front/commit/ecd429b90b0936abfb4b50c597b16c4d70293d69   (feat): move anayltics to mwa endpoint (ecd429b9) · Commits · Minds / Minds Frontend · GitLab

[取得:  表示:9]   http://hochi.news/images/2019/07/31/20190731-OHT1I50106-L.jpg   http://hochi.news/images/2019/07/31/20190731-OHT1I50106-L.jpg

[取得:  表示:7]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/engine/commit/dffd0a4e5bc78a995bc11053e75f9696a6b5a18b   (feat): introduce new mwa endpoint for pageview recording (dffd0a4e) · Commits · Minds / Minds Backend - Engine · GitLab