
[取得:  表示:1]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/front/issues/1377   Firehose - Only need 1 feed (All) (#1377) · Issues · Minds / Minds Frontend · GitLab

[取得:  表示:233]   http://www.yuko2ch.net/mako/makok/makok.php?res=2871820   皇室全般画像掲示板

[取得:  表示:23]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/engine/issues/496   Implement a cassandra provisioner (#496) · Issues · Minds / Minds Backend - Engine · GitLab

[取得:  表示:15]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/engine/issues/496   Implement a cassandra provisioner (#496) · Issues · Minds / Minds Backend - Engine · GitLab

[取得:  表示:20]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/mobile-native/issues/73   (bug): Nothing happened and no message displayed when tried to open "Terms and Conditions" via Minds app (#73) · Issues · Minds

[取得:  表示:20]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/mobile-native/issues/73   (bug): Nothing happened and no message displayed when tried to open "Terms and Conditions" via Minds app (#73) · Issues · Minds

[取得:  表示:33]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/mobile-native/issues/84   (bug): iPhone XS -app compatibility (#84) · Issues · Minds / Minds Mobile · GitLab

[取得:  表示:29]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/engine/issues/494   Firehose - Items adjudicated in "All" feed are showing up in "Images" feed. (#494) · Issues · Minds / Minds Backend - Engine · G

[取得:  表示:12]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/front/issues/1354   (bug): Banning does not stop user from posting again in public group chat (#1354) · Issues · Minds / Minds Frontend · GitLab

[取得:  表示:15]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/front/issues/1354   (bug): Banning does not stop user from posting again in public group chat (#1354) · Issues · Minds / Minds Frontend · GitLab

[取得:  表示:25]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/mobile-native/issues/957   (trivial): Change Ooopppsss message to "Sorry!". (#957) · Issues · Minds / Minds Mobile · GitLab

[取得:  表示:26]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/mobile-native/issues/957   (trivial): Change Ooopppsss message to "Sorry!". (#957) · Issues · Minds / Minds Mobile · GitLab

[取得:  表示:11]   https://www.asiae.co.kr:443/news/view.htm?idxno=2015120910191069500   정부가 믿는 '낙수효과', IMF 이어 OECD도 지적 - 아시아경제

[取得:  表示:358]   http://www.yuko2ch.net/mako/makok/makok.php?res=2871381   皇室全般画像掲示板

[取得:  表示:20]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/mobile-native/issues/956   (feat) implement socket for notifications (#956) · Issues · Minds / Minds Mobile · GitLab

[取得:  表示:25]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/front/issues/1376   Firehose - Image Feed seems non-responsive (adjudicated, but refreshing shows same item over again) (#1376) · Issues · Minds / M

[取得:  表示:28]   https://twitter.com:443/han_Warai/status/1136291518757519360   半笑い on Twitter: "なんか疲れちゃったよ"

[取得:  表示:20]   https://twitter.com:443/kikumaco/status/1136187787198193664?s=19   kikumaco(6/23神戸Big Apple) on Twitter: "最低賃金全国一律1500円という政策は、まあポピュリズムなんだろうと思います。この政策は失敗すると思います。もっと本質的な反緊縮政策を打ち出すべきでしょう"

[取得:  表示:56]   https://www.ganganonline.com:443/contents/osananazimi/   幼なじみが過保護すぎてツライ | ガンガンONLINE | SQUARE ENIX

[取得:  表示:16]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/mobile-native/merge_requests/208   [Sprint/GiddyGiraffe] (feat) tos update modal (!208) · Merge Requests · Minds / Minds Mobile · GitLab

[取得:  表示:16]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/mobile-native/merge_requests/208   [Sprint/GiddyGiraffe] (feat) tos update modal (!208) · Merge Requests · Minds / Minds Mobile · GitLab

[取得:  表示:23]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/mobile-native/merge_requests/207   [Sprint/GiddyGiraffe](trivial): Changed oops to sorry, except for direct calls for ops #483 (!207) · Merge Requests · Minds / Mi

[取得:  表示:23]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/mobile-native/issues/958   Firehose - Mobile display issues (#958) · Issues · Minds / Minds Mobile · GitLab

[取得:  表示:19]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/front/merge_requests/322   [Sprint/FunnyFrog](bug): Fixed toggle button hidden behind groups bar mobile. #1060 (!322) · Merge Requests · Minds / Minds Fron

[取得:  表示:28]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/minds/issues/483   (trivial): Change Ooopppsss message to "Sorry!". (#483) · Issues · Minds / Minds · GitLab

[取得:  表示:23]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/engine/issues/377   Create a back end for tagging content as reported (#377) · Issues · Minds / Minds Backend - Engine · GitLab

[取得:  表示:29]   https://www.ganganonline.com:443/contents/soubiwaku/   装備枠ゼロの最強剣士 でも、呪いの装備(可愛い)なら9999個つけ放題 | ガンガンONLINE | SQUARE ENIX

[取得:  表示:12]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/mobile-native/issues/79   (bug): After press UNLOCK botton, its show a error message (#79) · Issues · Minds / Minds Mobile · GitLab

[取得:  表示:17]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/front/issues/1060   (bug): Navigate to group conversations missing on in mobile web (#1060) · Issues · Minds / Minds Frontend · GitLab

[取得:  表示:13]   https://www.ganganonline.com:443/contents/kingdom/   キングダム ハーツIII | ガンガンONLINE | SQUARE ENIX

[取得:  表示:15]   https://twitter.com:443/cv_light_/status/1136252984797458432   らいと@北大ダンパ6/8 on Twitter: "すいません!保存させていただいたのでこちら含めての写真のツイートを削除していただけるとありがたいです。… "

[取得:  表示:20]   https://twitter.com:443/5642miku/status/1136230344569499648   山田金次郎@仙コミ洞爺湖参加予定です on Twitter: "@cv_light_… "

[取得:  表示:20]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/front/issues/1380   Fix wire buy tokens flow on the main wire page (#1380) · Issues · Minds / Minds Frontend · GitLab

[取得:  表示:15]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/front/issues/1380   Fix wire buy tokens flow on the main wire page (#1380) · Issues · Minds / Minds Frontend · GitLab

[取得:  表示:10]   http://fsm.vip2ch.com/-/hirame/hira160221.png   http://fsm.vip2ch.com/-/hirame/hira160221.png

[取得:  表示:15]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/mobile-native/issues/43   (bug): when tilting screen to landscape mode, gathering briefly disconnect/reconnects (#43) · Issues · Minds / Minds Mobile · Gi

[取得:  表示:9]   http://fsm.vip2ch.com/-/hirame/hira160222.png   http://fsm.vip2ch.com/-/hirame/hira160222.png

[取得:  表示:15]   https://www.ganganonline.com:443/contents/sukinahito/   好きな彼のパパはじめます | ガンガンONLINE | SQUARE ENIX

[取得:  表示:10]   http://fsm.vip2ch.com/-/hirame/hira160223.png   http://fsm.vip2ch.com/-/hirame/hira160223.png

[取得:  表示:19]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/front/issues/1379   Firehose - Make content smaller to see entire piece at once on normal sized laptop screen (#1379) · Issues · Minds / Minds Front

[取得:  表示:20]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/front/issues/1379   Firehose - Make content smaller to see entire piece at once on normal sized laptop screen (#1379) · Issues · Minds / Minds Front

[取得:  表示:17]   https://gitlab.com:443/minds/engine/issues/497   Implement an elastic search provisioner (#497) · Issues · Minds / Minds Backend - Engine · GitLab