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[取得: 表示:15] https://brainly.com:443/question/1035368 What is the main energy source that drives global climate? a. solar b. wind c. mechanical d. heat - Brainly.com
[取得: 表示:40] https://brainly.com:443/question/91365 Human impact on one system leads to changes in more of Earth’s systems. True or false? Explain - Brainly.com
[取得: 表示:16] https://japan.cnet.com:443/article/35115190/ 「アレクサ、本を読んで」と呼びかけるだけ--Amazon EchoがKindleの読み上げに対応 - CNET Japan
[取得: 表示:15] https://brainly.com:443/question/2125432 Which of the following is a function of the atmosphere? a. facilitating the movement of water through - Brainly.com
[取得: 表示:16] https://brainly.com:443/question/653764 Which is not an example of an earth system cycle? a. seasons b. tsunamis c. food web d. day and night - Brainly.com
[取得: 表示:17] https://brainly.com:443/question/7138432 Glacial episodes are an example of _______. a. positive feedback b. negative feedback c. the “Daisy - Brainly.com
[取得: 表示:22] https://brainly.com:443/question/1782624 Which of the following is a function of the geosphere? a. facilitating the movement of water through - Brainly.com
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[取得: 表示:17] https://brainly.com:443/question/836798 What system includes the core, mantle, and crust of the Earth? - Brainly.com
[取得: 表示:13] https://brainly.com:443/question/1204218 What system includes the core, mantle, and crust of the Earth? a. geosphere b. hydrosphere c. - Brainly.com
[取得: 表示:21] https://brainly.com:443/question/1504118 What is the most likely effect a decrease of plant life in the biosphere would have on the - Brainly.com
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[取得: 表示:16] https://brainly.com:443/question/4024057 The ocean and the atmosphere serve as long-term storage areas for carbon and other nutrients. What - Brainly.com
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[取得: 表示:16] https://brainly.com:443/question/867256 Which of the following would be a result of eutrophication of nitrogen? undergrowth of water - Brainly.com
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[取得: 表示:21] https://brainly.com:443/question/2952383 Which process allows water to enter the atmosphere? - Brainly.com
[取得: 表示:16] https://brainly.com:443/question/1227560 Which of the following statements about positive feedback mechanisms is not true? a. Positive - Brainly.com
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[取得: 表示:15] https://brainly.com:443/question/1792539 What makes life on the Earth possible? - Brainly.com
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[取得: 表示:19] https://brainly.com:443/question/1379914 What system includes the living components of the Earth? a. geosphere b. hydrosphere c. - Brainly.com
[取得: 表示:16] https://brainly.com:443/question/3809471 Which describes a disruption in the water cycle that could affect photosynthesis? Heat causes an - Brainly.com
[取得: 表示:18] https://brainly.com:443/question/1788394 the gaia hypothesis is an example of _______. a. positive feedback b. negative feedback c. glacial - Brainly.com
[取得: 表示:31] https://brainly.com:443/question/1456904 Explain why humans cannot impact one of earth’s systems without impacting the others. - Brainly.com
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[取得: 表示:15] https://brainly.com:443/question/2150000 Explain how the biosphere interacts with the atmosphere - Brainly.com
[取得: 表示:14] https://brainly.com:443/question/2530922 Which of the following about the biosphere is true? a. It only interacts with the atmosphere. b. It - Brainly.com
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[取得: 表示:13] https://brainly.com:443/question/1908500 Which of the following statements about the interaction of Earth’s systems is true? a. The - Brainly.com
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[取得: 表示:12] https://brainly.com:443/question/3426672 Which system serves as the interface between the other spheres? a. geosphere b. hydrosphere c. - Brainly.com
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[取得: 表示:11] https://brainly.com:443/question/3729591 The ocean and the atmosphere serve as long-term storage areas for carbon and other nutrients. What - Brainly.com
[取得: 表示:17] https://brainly.com:443/question/1504118 What is the most likely effect a decrease of plant life in the biosphere would have on the - Brainly.com
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