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Modern SQL in PostgreSQL
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Modern SQL in PostgreSQL


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SQL has gone out of fashion lately—partly due to the NoSQL movement, but mostly because SQL is often still used like 20 years ago. As a matter of fact, the SQL standard continued to evolve during the …

SQL has gone out of fashion lately—partly due to the NoSQL movement, but mostly because SQL is often still used like 20 years ago. As a matter of fact, the SQL standard continued to evolve during the past decades resulting in the current release of 2011. In this session, we will go through the most important additions since the widely known SQL-92, explain how they work and how PostgreSQL supports and extends them. We will cover common table expressions and window functions in detail and have a very short look at the temporal features of SQL:2011 and the related features of PostgreSQL.

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  • 1. Still using Windows 3.1? So why stick to SQL-92? Modern SQL in PostgreSQL @MarkusWinand
  • 2. SQL:1999
  • 3. !"#$%"!
  • 4. Inline views can't refer to outside the view: !"#"$%&' &&()*+&,- &&.*/0&1!"#"$%&' &&&&&&&&&&()*+&,2 &&&&&&&&&34")"&,256&7&,-56 &&&&&&&8&9:;9:<=>9<? &&&&*0&19:;9:<=>9<?56&7&,-568 LATERAL Before SQL:1999 Invalid
  • 5. Inline views can't refer to outside the view: !"#"$%&' &&()*+&,- &&.*/0&1!"#"$%&' &&&&&&&&&&()*+&,2 &&&&&&&&&34")"&,256&7&,-56 &&&&&&&8&9:;9:<=>9<? &&&&*0&19:;9:<=>9<?56&7&,-568 LATERAL Before SQL:1999 Belongs there
  • 6. SQL:99 #@%")@# views can: !"#"$%&' &&()*+&,- &&.*/0&!"#$%"!&1!"#"$%&' &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&()*+&,2 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&34")"&,256&7&,-56 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&8&9:;9:<=>9<? &&&&*0&1,AB<8 LATERAL Since SQL:1999 Valid due to LATERAL keyword Useless, but still required except for CROSS join
  • 7. But WHY?
  • 8. Apply #/+/% per row from previous table: !"#"$%&,CD=DACEBF,G5' &&()*+&FH,<ICA9<G&F &&.*/0&#@%")@#&1!"#"$%&' &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&()*+&DACEBF,G&D &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&34")"&D5FH,&7&F5FH, &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'%($%&)*&+,-./0&($12 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&!343#&5 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&8&,CD=DACEBF,G LATERAL and Top-N per Group
  • 9. Get the 10 most recent news for subscribed topics: !"#"$%&:5' &&()*+&:<?G&: &&.*/0&GBJGFA9D,9C:G&G &&&&*0&1:5,CD9F&7&G5,CD9F8 &34")"&G5BG<A&7&K &*)L")&MN&:5FA<H,<E&L"!$ &#/+/%&-O LATERAL and Multi-Source Top-N
  • 10. LATERAL and Multi-Source Top-N Sort/Reduce Join everything !"#"$%&$"#'()*+ ,-,%./01(2-3 45%6/.$%&$"#'()*+ ,-,%./01(2-3 %%%6/.$%7'$8/9:%$/;4<%8'=;1/.$%7'#:%*->? %%%45%@=18%A/"B%&$"#'()** C--%./01(D-E -)D3 %%%%%%45%6'F%6G=B%/B%1HI1G.";$"/B1%1 %%%%%%%%%&$"#'(*+D%./01(C-3 %%%%%%45%@=18%&$"#'(2-J DC+%./01(2-K,3 %%%%%%%%%45%6'F%6G=B%/B%B'01%B %%%%%%%%%%%%&$"#'(D2 )2C%./01(2-K,3 LM=BB"BN%$"#':%-O)DJ%#1 PQ'GH$"/B%$"#':%)*+ ,-,O)+2%#1
  • 11. LATERAL and Multi-Source Top-N Sort/Reduce Join everything #9P9,&1,9P<72QR SOS&AC?G7-O8 TU&!CA,&1,9P<72QR SOS&AC?G7-O8 &&&!CA,&+<,VCEW&,CDT0&V<HDGCA,&+<PW&QOXM &&&TU&4HGV&.C9:&1,9P<72QQ YOO&AC?G7ZO[ O2Z8 &&&&&&TU&!<&!FH:&C:&GBJGFA9D,9C:G&G &&&&&&&&&1,9P<7QRZ&AC?G7YO8 &&&&&&TU&4HGV&1,9P<7-O] ZYR&AC?G7-O^S8 &&&&&&&&&TU&!<&!FH:&C:&:<?G&: &&&&&&&&&&&&1,9P<7Z- 2-Y&AC?G7-O^S8 _;H::9:I&,9P<W&O52Z]&PG "6<FB,9C:&,9P<W&2QR SOS52R-&PG Why producing 900k rows... ...when there are only 80 subscriptions?
  • 12. LATERAL and Multi-Source Top-N Sort/Reduce Join everything #9P9,&1,9P<72QR SOS&AC?G7-O8 TU&!CA,&1,9P<72QR SOS&AC?G7-O8 &&&!CA,&+<,VCEW&,CDT0&V<HDGCA,&+<PW&QOXM &&&TU&4HGV&.C9:&1,9P<72QQ YOO&AC?G7ZO[ O2Z8 &&&&&&TU&!<&!FH:&C:&GBJGFA9D,9C:G&G &&&&&&&&&1,9P<7QRZ&AC?G7YO8 &&&&&&TU&4HGV&1,9P<7-O] ZYR&AC?G7-O^S8 &&&&&&&&&TU&!<&!FH:&C:&:<?G&: &&&&&&&&&&&&1,9P<7Z- 2-Y&AC?G7-O^S8 _;H::9:I&,9P<W&O52Z]&PG "6<FB,9C:&,9P<W&2QR SOS52R-&PG Only the 10 most recent per subscription, you need.
  • 13. !"#"$%&:5' &&()*+&GBJGFA9D,9C:G&G &&.*/0&#@%")@#&1!"#"$%&' &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&()*+&:<?G&: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&34")"&:5,CD9F&7&G5,CD9F &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'%($%&)*&/,6-7.879&($12 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&!343#&:; &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&8&,CD=:<?G&*0&1,AB<8 &34")"&G5BG<A=9E&7&K &*)L")&MN&:5FA<H,<E&L"!$ &#/+/%&-O LATERAL and Multi-Source Top-N
  • 14. #9P9,&1,9P<725]YY&AC?G7-O8 TU&!CA,&1,9P<725]YS&AC?G7-O8 &&&TU&0<G,<E&#CCD&1,9P<725QQZ&-<=>?@;;8 &&&&&&TU&/:E<6&*:;`&!FH:&BG9:I&DX&C:&G&&& &&&&&&&&&1,9P<7O5O]2&AC?G7YO8 &&&&&&TU&#9P9, &&&&&&&&&1,9P<7O5O2S&AC?G7-O&;CCDG7YO8 &&&&&&&&&TU&/:E<6&!FH:&MHFX?HAE &&&&&&&&&&&&BG9:I&:<?G=,CD9F=,G=9E&C:&:&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& _;H::9:I&,9P<W&O5-R-&PG "6<FB,9C:&,9P<W&25[-Z&PG LATERAL and Multi-Source Top-N About 100 000 times faster Limited to 10 times # of subscriptions
  • 15. LATERAL in an Nutshell #@%")@# is the "for each" loop of SQL #@%")@# plays well with outer joins #@%")@# is an optimization Super-Power #@%")@# handy to join table functions
  • 16. LATERAL Availability (SQL:1999)
  • 17. &'#( (Common Table Expressions)
  • 18. WITH Before SQL:99 Nested queries are hard to read: !"#"$%&a &&()*+&1!"#"$%&a &&&&&&&&&&()*+&,- &&&&&&&&&&.*/0&1!"#"$%&a&()*+&a &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&8&H&*0&1a8 &&&&&&&8&J &&.*/0&1!"#"$%&a&()*+&a &&&&&&&8&F&*0&1a8
  • 19. Understand this first WITH Before SQL:99 Nested queries are hard to read: !"#"$%&a &&()*+&1!"#"$%&a &&&&&&&&&&()*+&,- &&&&&&&&&&.*/0&1!"#"$%&a&()*+&a &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&8&H&*0&1a8 &&&&&&&8&J &&.*/0&1!"#"$%&a&()*+&a &&&&&&&8&F&*0&1a8
  • 20. WITH Before SQL:99 Then this... Nested queries are hard to read: !"#"$%&a &&()*+&1!"#"$%&a &&&&&&&&&&()*+&,- &&&&&&&&&&.*/0&1!"#"$%&a&()*+&a &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&8&H&*0&1a8 &&&&&&&8&J &&.*/0&1!"#"$%&a&()*+&a &&&&&&&8&F&*0&1a8
  • 21. WITH Before SQL:99 Then this... Nested queries are hard to read: !"#"$%&a &&()*+&1!"#"$%&a &&&&&&&&&&()*+&,- &&&&&&&&&&.*/0&1!"#"$%&a&()*+&a &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&8&H&*0&1a8 &&&&&&&8&J &&.*/0&1!"#"$%&a&()*+&a &&&&&&&8&F&*0&1a8
  • 22. WITH Before SQL:99 Finally the first line makes sense Nested queries are hard to read: !"#"$%&a &&()*+&1!"#"$%&a &&&&&&&&&&()*+&,- &&&&&&&&&&.*/0&1!"#"$%&a&()*+&a &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&8&H&*0&1a8 &&&&&&&8&J &&.*/0&1!"#"$%&a&()*+&a &&&&&&&8&F&*0&1a8
  • 23. CTEs are statement-scoped views: 3/%4 &H&1F-b&F2b&FQ8 @!&1!"#"$%&F-b&F2b&FQ&()*+&a8b &J&1F]b&a8 @!&1!"#"$%&F]b&a &&&&&&()*+&,- &&&&&&.*/0&H &&&&&&&&*0&1a8 &&&8b WITH Since SQL:99
  • 24. CTEs are statement-scoped views: 3/%4 &H&1F-b&F2b&FQ8 @!&1!"#"$%&F-b&F2b&FQ&()*+&a8b &J&1F]b&a8 @!&1!"#"$%&F]b&a &&&&&&()*+&,- &&&&&&.*/0&H &&&&&&&&*0&1a8 &&&8b Keyword WITH Since SQL:99
  • 25. CTEs are statement-scoped views: 3/%4 &H&1F-b&F2b&FQ8 @!&1!"#"$%&F-b&F2b&FQ&()*+&a8b &J&1F]b&a8 @!&1!"#"$%&F]b&a &&&&&&()*+&,- &&&&&&.*/0&H &&&&&&&&*0&1a8 &&&8b WITH Since SQL:99 Name of CTE and (here optional) column names
  • 26. CTEs are statement-scoped views: 3/%4 &H&1F-b&F2b&FQ8 @!&1!"#"$%&F-b&F2b&FQ&()*+&a8b &J&1F]b&a8 @!&1!"#"$%&F]b&a &&&&&&()*+&,- &&&&&&.*/0&H &&&&&&&&*0&1a8 &&&8b WITH Since SQL:99 Definition
  • 27. CTEs are statement-scoped views: 3/%4 &H&1F-b&F2b&FQ8 @!&1!"#"$%&F-b&F2b&FQ&()*+&a8b &J&1F]b&a8 @!&1!"#"$%&F]b&a &&&&&&()*+&,- &&&&&&.*/0&H &&&&&&&&*0&1a8 &&&8b WITH Since SQL:99 Introduces another CTE Don't repeat WITH
  • 28. CTEs are statement-scoped views: 3/%4 &H&1F-b&F2b&FQ8 @!&1!"#"$%&F-b&F2b&FQ&()*+&a8b &J&1F]b&a8 @!&1!"#"$%&F]b&a &&&&&&()*+&,- &&&&&&.*/0&H &&&&&&&&*0&1a8 &&&8b WITH Since SQL:99
  • 29. CTEs are statement-scoped views: 3/%4 &H&1F-b&F2b&FQ8 @!&1!"#"$%&F-b&F2b&FQ&()*+&a8b &J&1F]b&a8 @!&1!"#"$%&F]b&a &&&&&&()*+&,- &&&&&&.*/0&H &&&&&&&&*0&1a8 &&&8b WITH Since SQL:99 May refer to previous CTEs
  • 30. 3/%4 &H&1F-b&F2b&FQ8 @!&1!"#"$%&F-b&F2b&FQ&()*+&a8b &J&1F]b&a8 @!&1!"#"$%&F]b&a &&&&&&()*+&,- &&&&&&.*/0&H &&&&&&&&*0&1a8 &&&8b &F&1a8 @!&1!"#"$%&a&()*+&a8 !"#"$%&a &&()*+&J&.*/0&F&*0&1a8 WITH Since SQL:99 Third CTE
  • 31. 3/%4 &H&1F-b&F2b&FQ8 @!&1!"#"$%&F-b&F2b&FQ&()*+&a8b &J&1F]b&a8 @!&1!"#"$%&F]b&a &&&&&&()*+&,- &&&&&&.*/0&H &&&&&&&&*0&1a8 &&&8b &F&1a8 @!&1!"#"$%&a&()*+&a8 !"#"$%&a &&()*+&J&.*/0&F&*0&1a8 WITH Since SQL:99 No comma!
  • 32. 3/%4 &H&1F-b&F2b&FQ8 @!&1!"#"$%&F-b&F2b&FQ&()*+&a8b &J&1F]b&a8 @!&1!"#"$%&F]b&a &&&&&&()*+&,- &&&&&&.*/0&H &&&&&&&&*0&1a8 &&&8b &F&1a8 @!&1!"#"$%&a&()*+&a8 !"#"$%&a &&()*+&J&.*/0&F&*0&1a8 WITH Since SQL:99 Main query
  • 33. CTEs are statement-scoped views: 3/%4 &H&1F-b&F2b&FQ8 @!&1!"#"$%&F-b&F2b&FQ&()*+&a8b &J&1F]b&a8 @!&1!"#"$%&F]b&a &&&&&&()*+&,- &&&&&&.*/0&H &&&&&&&&*0&1a8 &&&8b &F&1a8 @!&1!"#"$%&a&()*+&a8 !"#"$%&a &&()*+&J&.*/0&F&*0&1a8 WITH Since SQL:99 Read top down
  • 34. WITH in an Nutshell 3/%4 are the "private methods" of SQL 3/%4 views can be referred to multiple times 3/%4 allows chaining instead of nesting 3/%4 is allowed where !"#"$% is allowed /0!")%&/0%*&,J; 3/%4&555&!"#"$%&555
  • 35. $%"&!FH:&C:&F,< &1AC?G7RQSO8 &(9;,<AW&,CD9F&7&- &$%"&F,< &TU&!<&!FH:&C:&:<?G &&&&1AC?G7-OOOOOO-8 WITH PostgreSQL Particularities In PostgreSQL 3/%4 views are more like materialized views: 3/%4&F,<&@! 1!"#"$%&' &&&()*+&:<?G8 !"#"$%&'& &&()*+&F,< &34")"&,CD9F7-
  • 36. $%"&!FH:&C:&F,< &1AC?G7RQSO8 &(9;,<AW&,CD9F&7&- &$%"&F,< &TU&!<&!FH:&C:&:<?G &&&&1AC?G7-OOOOOO-8 WITH PostgreSQL Particularities In PostgreSQL 3/%4 views are more like materialized views: 3/%4&F,<&@! 1!"#"$%&' &&&()*+&:<?G8 !"#"$%&'& &&()*+&F,< &34")"&,CD9F7-
  • 37. $%"&!FH:&C:&F,< &1AC?G7RQSO8 &(9;,<AW&,CD9F&7&- &$%"&F,< &TU&!<&!FH:&C:&:<?G &&&&1AC?G7-OOOOOO-8 WITH PostgreSQL Particularities In PostgreSQL 3/%4 views are more like materialized views: 3/%4&F,<&@! 1!"#"$%&' &&&()*+&:<?G8 !"#"$%&'& &&()*+&F,< &34")"&,CD9F7- CTE doesn't know about the outer filter
  • 38. Normal views and inline-views support "predicate pushdown": !"#"$%&' &&()*+&1 &&!"#"$%&' &&&&()*+&:<?G &&8&: 34")"&,CD9F7-c M9,PHD&4<HD&!FH: C:&:<?G&1AC?G7RQSO8 TUM9,PHD&/:E<6&!FH: &&C:&9E6&1AC?G7RQSO8 &&$C:EW&,CD9F7- WITH PostgreSQL Particularities
  • 39. PostgreSQL 9.1+ allows /0!")%, d_L@%" and L"#"%" within 3/%4: 3/%4&E<;<,<E=AC?G&@!&1 &&&L"#"%"&()*+&GCBAF< &&&)"%d)0/0e&' 8 /0!")%&/0%*&E<G,9:H,9C: !"#"$%&'&()*+&E<;<,<E=AC?Gc WITH PostgreSQL Particularities
  • 40. WITH Availability (SQL:99)
  • 41. &'#()%$*+%,'-$ (Common Table Expressions)
  • 42. WITH RECURSIVE Before SQL:99
  • 43. (This page is intentionally left blank) WITH RECURSIVE Before SQL:99
  • 44. Recursive common table expressions may refer to themselves in the second leg of a d0/*0&f@##g: 3/%4&)"$d)!/h"&F,<&1:8 &&@!&1!"#"$%&- &&&&&&&d0/*0&@## &&&&&&!"#"$%&:i- &&&&&&&&()*+&F,< &&&&&&&34")"&:&j&Q8 !"#"$%&'&()*+&F,<c WITH RECURSIVE Since SQL:99 Keyword
  • 45. Recursive common table expressions may refer to themselves in the second leg of a d0/*0&f@##g: 3/%4&)"$d)!/h"&F,<&1:8 &&@!&1!"#"$%&- &&&&&&&d0/*0&@## &&&&&&!"#"$%&:i- &&&&&&&&()*+&F,< &&&&&&&34")"&:&j&Q8 !"#"$%&'&()*+&F,<c WITH RECURSIVE Since SQL:99 Column list mandatory here
  • 46. Recursive common table expressions may refer to themselves in the second leg of a d0/*0&f@##g: 3/%4&)"$d)!/h"&F,<&1:8 &&@!&1!"#"$%&- &&&&&&&d0/*0&@## &&&&&&!"#"$%&:i- &&&&&&&&()*+&F,< &&&&&&&34")"&:&j&Q8 !"#"$%&'&()*+&F,<c WITH RECURSIVE Since SQL:99 Executed first
  • 47. Recursive common table expressions may refer to themselves in the second leg of a d0/*0&f@##g: 3/%4&)"$d)!/h"&F,<&1:8 &&@!&1!"#"$%&- &&&&&&&d0/*0&@## &&&&&&!"#"$%&:i- &&&&&&&&()*+&F,< &&&&&&&34")"&:&j&Q8 !"#"$%&'&()*+&F,<c WITH RECURSIVE Since SQL:99 Result sent there
  • 48. Recursive common table expressions may refer to themselves in the second leg of a d0/*0&f@##g: 3/%4&)"$d)!/h"&F,<&1:8 &&@!&1!"#"$%&- &&&&&&&d0/*0&@## &&&&&&!"#"$%&:i- &&&&&&&&()*+&F,< &&&&&&&34")"&:&j&Q8 !"#"$%&'&()*+&F,<c WITH RECURSIVE Since SQL:99 Result visible twice
  • 49. Recursive common table expressions may refer to themselves in the second leg of a d0/*0&f@##g: 3/%4&)"$d)!/h"&F,<&1:8 &&@!&1!"#"$%&- &&&&&&&d0/*0&@## &&&&&&!"#"$%&:i- &&&&&&&&()*+&F,< &&&&&&&34")"&:&j&Q8 !"#"$%&'&()*+&F,<c WITH RECURSIVE Since SQL:99 &:& TTT &- &2 &Q 1Q&AC?G8 Once it becomes part of the final result
  • 50. Recursive common table expressions may refer to themselves in the second leg of a d0/*0&f@##g: 3/%4&)"$d)!/h"&F,<&1:8 &&@!&1!"#"$%&- &&&&&&&d0/*0&@## &&&&&&!"#"$%&:i- &&&&&&&&()*+&F,< &&&&&&&34")"&:&j&Q8 !"#"$%&'&()*+&F,<c WITH RECURSIVE Since SQL:99 &:& TTT &- &2 &Q 1Q&AC?G8 Second leg of UNION is executed
  • 51. Recursive common table expressions may refer to themselves in the second leg of a d0/*0&f@##g: 3/%4&)"$d)!/h"&F,<&1:8 &&@!&1!"#"$%&- &&&&&&&d0/*0&@## &&&&&&!"#"$%&:i- &&&&&&&&()*+&F,< &&&&&&&34")"&:&j&Q8 !"#"$%&'&()*+&F,<c WITH RECURSIVE Since SQL:99 &:& TTT &- &2 &Q 1Q&AC?G8 Result sent there again
  • 52. Recursive common table expressions may refer to themselves in the second leg of a d0/*0&f@##g: 3/%4&)"$d)!/h"&F,<&1:8 &&@!&1!"#"$%&- &&&&&&&d0/*0&@## &&&&&&!"#"$%&:i- &&&&&&&&()*+&F,< &&&&&&&34")"&:&j&Q8 !"#"$%&'&()*+&F,<c WITH RECURSIVE Since SQL:99 &:& TTT &- &2 &Q 1Q&AC?G8
  • 53. Recursive common table expressions may refer to themselves in the second leg of a d0/*0&f@##g: 3/%4&)"$d)!/h"&F,<&1:8 &&@!&1!"#"$%&- &&&&&&&d0/*0&@## &&&&&&!"#"$%&:i- &&&&&&&&()*+&F,< &&&&&&&34")"&:&j&Q8 !"#"$%&'&()*+&F,<c WITH RECURSIVE Since SQL:99 &:& TTT &- &2 &Q 1Q&AC?G8 It's a loop!
  • 54. Recursive common table expressions may refer to themselves in the second leg of a d0/*0&f@##g: 3/%4&)"$d)!/h"&F,<&1:8 &&@!&1!"#"$%&- &&&&&&&d0/*0&@## &&&&&&!"#"$%&:i- &&&&&&&&()*+&F,< &&&&&&&34")"&:&j&Q8 !"#"$%&'&()*+&F,<c WITH RECURSIVE Since SQL:99 &:& TTT &- &2 &Q 1Q&AC?G8 n=3 doesn't match
  • 55. Recursive common table expressions may refer to themselves in the second leg of a d0/*0&f@##g: 3/%4&)"$d)!/h"&F,<&1:8 &&@!&1!"#"$%&- &&&&&&&d0/*0&@## &&&&&&!"#"$%&:i- &&&&&&&&()*+&F,< &&&&&&&34")"&:&j&Q8 !"#"$%&'&()*+&F,<c WITH RECURSIVE Since SQL:99 &:& TTT &- &2 &Q 1Q&AC?G8 n=3 doesn't match Loop terminates
  • 56. WITH RECURSIVE Use Cases • Row generators (previous example) (I<:<AH,<=G<A9<G18 is proprietary) • Processing graphs (don't forget the cycle detection!) • Generally said: Loops that... ‣ ... pass data to the next iteration ‣ ... need a "dynamic" abort condition
  • 57. WITH RECURSIVE in a Nutshell 3/%4&)"$d)!/h" is the ?V9;< of SQL 3/%4&)"$d)!/h" "supports" infinite loops (not in SQL Server where +@k)"$d)!/*0 is limited to 32767) Except PostgreSQL, databases generally don't require the )"$d)!/h" keyword
  • 58. WITH RECURSIVE Availability
  • 59. SQL:2003
  • 60. !"#$%&
  • 61. Pivot table: Years on the Y asis, Month on X axis: !"#"$%&'"()*& !"#$%&!'()*'+(#,+-*(.(/ (((((((((-*'+(01230('4!'(5('+67(8&+* !+,-$(!"&./"0&,10%/&2&3 &&&&&&&&&%/"0&45674&"#!"&8&"09:&;"<*= &&;)1,&4567>?5@5 &A)1+B&<'&'"() FILTER Before SQL:2003
  • 62. SQL:2003 has !"#$%&: '%#%($)*%+&, !"#$%&'(%)*+,-./0*$12/0/*#34.2*5*6)*7849 '-./012304)!"#$%&)/56%&%).78$6)9):4)!%;, < ))!&7.)0123=>1?1 )@&7-A);*)*%+&B FILTER Since SQL:2003
  • 63. FILTER Availability (SQL:2003)
  • 64. .-$% and /"%#'#'.0)12
  • 65. Show percentage of department salary: 3/%4&,C,H;=GH;HA`=J`=E<DHA,P<:, &&@!&1!"#"$%&E<Db&!d+1GH;HA`8&,C,H; &&&&&&&&()*+&<PD &&&&&&&e)*d_&MN&E<D8 !"#"$%&E<Db&<PD=9Eb&GH;HA`b &&&&&&&GH;HA`l,G5,C,H;'-OO&mn&Co&E<Dm &&()*+&<PD &&.*/0&,C,H;=GH;HA`=J`=E<DHA,P<:,&,G &&&&*0&1<PD5E<D&7&,G5E<D8 &34")"&<PD5E<D&7&K OVER Before SQL:2003
  • 66. Show percentage of department salary: 3/%4&,C,H;=GH;HA`=J`=E<DHA,P<:, &&@!&1!"#"$%&E<Db&!d+1GH;HA`8&,C,H; &&&&&&&&()*+&<PD &&&&&&&e)*d_&MN&E<D8 !"#"$%&E<Db&<PD=9Eb&GH;HA`b &&&&&&&GH;HA`l,G5,C,H;'-OO&mn&Co&E<Dm &&()*+&<PD &&.*/0&,C,H;=GH;HA`=J`=E<DHA,P<:,&,G &&&&*0&1<PD5E<D&7&,G5E<D8 &34")"&<PD5E<D&7&K OVER Before SQL:2003
  • 67. Show percentage of department salary: 3/%4&,C,H;=GH;HA`=J`=E<DHA,P<:, &&@!&1!"#"$%&E<Db&!d+1GH;HA`8&,C,H; &&&&&&&&()*+&<PD &&&&&&&e)*d_&MN&E<D8 !"#"$%&E<Db&<PD=9Eb&GH;HA`b &&&&&&&GH;HA`l,G5,C,H;'-OO&mn&Co&E<Dm &&()*+&<PD &&.*/0&,C,H;=GH;HA`=J`=E<DHA,P<:,&,G &&&&*0&1<PD5E<D&7&,G5E<D8 &34")"&<PD5E<D&7&K OVER Before SQL:2003
  • 68. Show percentage of department salary: 3/%4&,C,H;=GH;HA`=J`=E<DHA,P<:, &&@!&1!"#"$%&E<Db&!d+1GH;HA`8&,C,H; &&&&&&&&()*+&<PD &&&&&&&e)*d_&MN&E<D8 !"#"$%&E<Db&<PD=9Eb&GH;HA`b &&&&&&&GH;HA`l,G5,C,H;'-OO&mn&Co&E<Dm &&()*+&<PD &&.*/0&,C,H;=GH;HA`=J`=E<DHA,P<:,&,G &&&&*0&1<PD5E<D&7&,G5E<D8 &34")"&<PD5E<D&7&K OVER Before SQL:2003 WITH intermezzo
  • 69. Show percentage of department salary: 3/%4&,C,H;=GH;HA`=J`=E<DHA,P<:, &&@!&1!"#"$%&E<Db&!d+1GH;HA`8&,C,H; &&&&&&&&()*+&<PD &&&&&&&e)*d_&MN&E<D8 !"#"$%&E<Db&<PD=9Eb&GH;HA`b &&&&&&&GH;HA`l,G5,C,H;'-OO&mn&Co&E<Dm &&()*+&<PD &&.*/0&,C,H;=GH;HA`=J`=E<DHA,P<:,&,G &&&&*0&1<PD5E<D&7&,G5E<D8 &34")"&<PD5E<D&7&K OVER Before SQL:2003
  • 70. e)*d_&MN&= L/!%/0$% + Aggregates OVER Before SQL:2003
  • 71. Build aggregates without e)*d_&MN: !"#"$%&E<Db&<PD=9Eb&GH;HA`b &&&&&&&GH;HA`l1A4B>.C.-DE &&&&&&&&&&&&&&'F$%BG"%#3#3'H&)*&97+E &&&&&&&&&&&&&'&-OO&mn&Co&E<Dm &&()*+&<PD OVER Since SQL:2003
  • 72. OVER How It Works E<D GH;HA` - -OOO ROOO 22 -OOO ROOO 22 -OOO ROOO QQQ -OOO ROOO QQQ -OOO ROOO QQQ -OOO ROOO !"#"$%&E<Db& &&&&&&&GH;HA`b &&&&&&&!d+1GH;HA`8 &&&&&&&*h")&18 &&()*+&<PDc
  • 73. OVER How It Works E<D GH;HA` - -OOO ROOO 22 -OOO ROOO 22 -OOO ROOO QQQ -OOO ROOO QQQ -OOO ROOO QQQ -OOO ROOO !"#"$%&E<Db& &&&&&&&GH;HA`b &&&&&&&!d+1GH;HA`8 &&&&&&&*h")&18 &&()*+&<PDc
  • 74. OVER How It Works E<D GH;HA` - -OOO ROOO 22 -OOO ROOO 22 -OOO ROOO QQQ -OOO ROOO QQQ -OOO ROOO QQQ -OOO ROOO !"#"$%&E<Db& &&&&&&&GH;HA`b &&&&&&&!d+1GH;HA`8 &&&&&&&*h")&18 &&()*+&<PDc
  • 75. %&E<Db& &&GH;HA`b &&!d+1GH;HA`8 &&*h")1_@)%/%/*0&MN&E<D8 +&<PDc E<D GH;HA` ,G - -OOO -OOO 22 -OOO 2OOO 22 -OOO 2OOO QQQ -OOO QOOO QQQ -OOO QOOO QQQ -OOO QOOO OVER How It Works
  • 76. %&E<Db& &&GH;HA`b &&!d+1GH;HA`8 &&*h")1_@)%/%/*0&MN&E<D8 +&<PDc E<D GH;HA` ,G - -OOO -OOO 22 -OOO 2OOO 22 -OOO 2OOO QQQ -OOO QOOO QQQ -OOO QOOO QQQ -OOO QOOO OVER How It Works
  • 77. %&E<Db& &&GH;HA`b &&!d+1GH;HA`8 &&*h")1_@)%/%/*0&MN&E<D8 +&<PDc E<D GH;HA` ,G - -OOO -OOO 22 -OOO 2OOO 22 -OOO 2OOO QQQ -OOO QOOO QQQ -OOO QOOO QQQ -OOO QOOO OVER How It Works
  • 78. OVER in a Nutshell *h") may follow any aggregate function *h") defines which rows are visible at each row (it does not limit the result in any way) *h")18 makes all rows visible at every row *h")1_@)%/%/*0&MN x) segregates like e)*d_&MN
  • 79. .-$% and .%3$%)12
  • 80. OVER Before SQL:2003 Calculating a running total: !"#"$%&,69Eb&>H;B<b &&&&&&&1!"#"$%&!d+1>H;B<8 &&&&&&&&&&()*+&,AH:GHF,9C:G&,62 &&&&&&&&&34")"&HF:,&7&K &&&&&&&&&&&@0L&,625,69E&j7&,6-5,69E8&JH; &&()*+&,AH:GHF,9C:G&,6- &34")"&HF:,&7&K &*)L")&MN&,69E
  • 81. OVER Before SQL:2003 Calculating a running total: !"#"$%&,69Eb&>H;B<b &&&&&&&1!"#"$%&!d+1>H;B<8 &&&&&&&&&&()*+&,AH:GHF,9C:G&,62 &&&&&&&&&34")"&HF:,&7&K &&&&&&&&&&&@0L&,625,69E&j7&,6-5,69E8&JH; &&()*+&,AH:GHF,9C:G&,6- &34")"&HF:,&7&K &*)L")&MN&,69E
  • 82. OVER Before SQL:2003 Calculating a running total: !"#"$%&,69Eb&>H;B<b &&&&&&&1!"#"$%&!d+1>H;B<8 &&&&&&&&&&()*+&,AH:GHF,9C:G&,62 &&&&&&&&&34")"&HF:,&7&K &&&&&&&&&&&@0L&,625,69E&j7&,6-5,69E8&JH; &&()*+&,AH:GHF,9C:G&,6- &34")"&HF:,&7&K &*)L")&MN&,69E
  • 83. OVER Before SQL:2003 Calculating a running total: !"#"$%&,69Eb&>H;B<b &&&&&&&1!"#"$%&!d+1>H;B<8 &&&&&&&&&&()*+&,AH:GHF,9C:G&,62 &&&&&&&&&34")"&HF:,&7&K &&&&&&&&&&&@0L&,625,69E&j7&,6-5,69E8&JH; &&()*+&,AH:GHF,9C:G&,6- &34")"&HF:,&7&K &*)L")&MN&,69E
  • 84. OVER Before SQL:2003 Calculating a running total: !"#"$%&,69Eb&>H;B<b &&&&&&&1!"#"$%&!d+1>H;B<8 &&&&&&&&&&()*+&,AH:GHF,9C:G&,62 &&&&&&&&&34")"&HF:,&7&K &&&&&&&&&&&@0L&,625,69E&j7&,6-5,69E8&JH; &&()*+&,AH:GHF,9C:G&,6- &34")"&HF:,&7&K &*)L")&MN&,69E
  • 85. OVER Before SQL:2003 Before SQL:2003 running totals were awkward: ‣ Requires a scalar sub-select or self-join ‣ Poor maintainability (reparative clauses) ‣ Poor performance The only real answer was: Do it in the application
  • 86. With SQL:2003 you can narrow the window: !"#"$%&,69Eb&>H;B<b &&&&&&&!d+1>H;B<8 &&&&&&&*h")1'%($%&)*&8IJ9 &&&&&&&&&&&&%'K1 &&&&&&&&&&&&)$#K$$H&AH)'AH($(&G%$2$(3HL &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&"H(&2A%%$H#&%'K8&JH; &&()*+&,AH:GHF,9C:G&,6- &34")"&HF:,&7&K &*)L")&MN&,69E OVER Since SQL:2003
  • 87. With *h")&1*)L")&MN&a8 a new type of functions makes sense: ‣ )*3=0d+M") ‣ Ranking functions:& )@0pb&L"0!"=)@0pb&_")$"0%=)@0pb $d+"=L/!% OVER Since SQL:2003
  • 88. OVER Availability (SQL:2003)
  • 89. !"#$"%&'()*+
  • 90. WITHIN GROUP Before SQL:2003 Getting the median: !"#"$%&'()*+, &&-./0&'+1+&'( &&2/34&'+1+&'5 &&&&/4&6'()*+,&7&'5)*+, &&&&&&&/.&6'()*+,8'5)*+,&94:&'();'7'5);'<< &=./>?&@A&'()*+, B9C34=&DEFG16H<&8& &&&&&&&6!"#"$%&-#//.6$/>4%6H<I5< &&&&&&&&&&-./0&'+1+<
  • 91. WITHIN GROUP Since SQL:2003 SQL:2003 introduced ordered-set functions... !"#"$%&'"($")%*#"+,*!$-./01 &&&&&&&2*%3*)&4(56'&-5(,"(&78&9:;1 &&<(5=&>:?: ...and hypothetical-set functions to say which rank a hypothetical row would have: &!"#"$%&(@)A-BCD1 &&&&&&&&2*%3*)&4(56'&-5(,"(&78&9:;1 &&&<(5=&>:?: Median Which value?
  • 92. WITHIN GROUP Availability
  • 93. SQL:2008
  • 94. .-$%
  • 95. Calculate the difference to a previous row: 3/%4&:BPJ<A<E=EH,H&@!&1 &!"#"$%&'b &&&&&&&&)*3=0d+M")18&*h")1*)L")&MN&68&A: &&&()*+&EH,H8& !"#"$%&FBA5'b&FBA5JH;H:F<TDA<>5JH;H:F< &&()*+&&&&&&:BPJ<A<E=EH,H&FBA &&#"(%&.*/0&:BPJ<A<E=EH,H&DA<> &&&&*0&1FBA5A:&7&DA<>5A:T-8 OVER Before SQL:2008
  • 96. Calculate the difference to a previous row: 3/%4&:BPJ<A<E=EH,H&@!&1 &!"#"$%&'b &&&&&&&&)*3=0d+M")18&*h")1*)L")&MN&68&A: &&&()*+&EH,H8& !"#"$%&FBA5'b&FBA5JH;H:F<TDA<>5JH;H:F< &&()*+&&&&&&:BPJ<A<E=EH,H&FBA &&#"(%&.*/0&:BPJ<A<E=EH,H&DA<> &&&&*0&1FBA5A:&7&DA<>5A:T-8 OVER Before SQL:2008
  • 97. SQL:2008 can access other rows directly: !"#"$%&'b&JH;H:F<&T&#@e1JH;H:F<8 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&*h")1*)L")&MN&68 &&()*+&EH,H Available functions: &#"@L&l&#@e &(/)!%=h@#d"&l&#@!%=h@#d" &0%4=h@#d"1FC;b&:8&()*+&(/)!%l#@!% &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&)"!_"$%l/e0*)"&0d##! OVER Since SQL:2008 Not supported by PostgreSQL (as of 9.4)
  • 98. OVER Availability (SQL:2008)
  • 99. 4$#*()4'%,#
  • 100. Limit the number of selected rows: !"#"$%&' &&()*+&1!"#"$%&'b &&&&&&&&)*3=0d+M")18&*h")1*)L")&MN&68&A: &&&()*+&EH,H8&:BPJ<A<E=EH,H &34")"&A:&j7-O FETCH FIRST Before SQL:2008
  • 101. Limit the number of selected rows: !"#"$%&' &&()*+&1!"#"$%&'b &&&&&&&&)*3=0d+M")18&*h")1*)L")&MN&68&A: &&&()*+&EH,H8&:BPJ<A<E=EH,H &34")"&A:&j7-O FETCH FIRST Before SQL:2008 PostgreSQL does not optimize this properly!
  • 102. Limit the number of selected rows: !"#"$%&' &&()*+&1!"#"$%&'b &&&&&&&&)*3=0d+M")18&*h")1*)L")&MN&68&A: &&&()*+&EH,H8&:BPJ<A<E=EH,H &34")"&A:&j7-O FETCH FIRST Before SQL:2008 Dammit! Let's take LIMIT (or TOP)
  • 103. SQL:2008 has ("%$4&(/)!%&:&)*3!&*0#N: !"#"$%&' &&()*+&EH,H &*)L")&MN&6 &("%$4&(/)!%&-O&)*3!&*0#N FETCH FIRST Since SQL:2008
  • 104. FETCH FIRST Availability
  • 105. SQL:2011
  • 106. .44,$#
  • 107. Skip 10 rows, then deliver only the next 10: !"#"$%&' &&()*+&1!"#"$%&'b &&&&&&&&)*3=0d+M")18&*h")1*)L")&MN&68&A: &&&()*+&EH,H &&("%$4&(/)!%&2O&)*3!&*0#N 8&:BPJ<A<E=EH,H &34")"&A:&U&-O OFFSET Before SQL:2011
  • 108. SQL:2011 introduced *((!"%, unfortunately: !"#"$%&' &&()*+&EH,H &*)L")&MN&6 'MM1$#&:;&%'K1 ("%$4&0"k%&-O&)*3!&*0#N OFFSET Since SQL:2011
  • 109. OFFSET is EVIL
  • 110. OFFSET Availability (SQL:2011)
  • 111. &'#(.+#).-$%!"/,
  • 112. Prior SQL:2011 it was not possible to define constraints that avoid overlapping periods. Workarounds are possible, but no fun: $)"@%"&%)/ee") WITHOUT OVERLAPS Before SQL:2011 id begin end 1 8:00 9:00 1 9:00 11:00 1 10:00 12:00
  • 113. SQL:2011 introduced temporal and bi-temporal features —e.g., for constraints: _)/+@)N&p"N&19Eb&+7-J<9&K3#N'A#&'F$%!"G18 PostgreSQL 9.2 introduced range types and "exclusive constraints" which can accomplish the same effect: "k$#dL"&d!/0e&I9G, &&&&&&&&19E&3/%4&7b&+7-J<9&K3#N&OO8 WITHOUT OVERLAPS Since SQL:2011
  • 114. SQL:2011 goes far beyond 3/%4*d%&*h")#@_!. Please read these papers to get the idea: Temporal features in SQL:2011 What's new in SQL:2011? Temporal/Bi-Temporal SQL
  • 115. WITHOUT OVERLAPS Availability
  • 116. About @MarkusWinand Tuning developers for high SQL performance Training & tuning: Author of: Geeky blog: