FURTHER CONTENT (which did not make the cut for significant address incorporation):
Find below noteworthy sources, content, and academic references which did not make the cut but ultimately figured in the writing of this address.
• Interesting to note the fork-Club withholding the publication of their 2024 AGM results (https://www.instagram.com/p/DASSMOJS6X5/), opting for an SGM instead (https://www.instagram.com/p/DCD2jnARaj5/) .
Compare this with 2023 (https://www.instagram.com/p/CyejUCpPvTZ/) and the apparent subsequent update: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy7yWZ8qBcP/
• AUT Racing has been removed from the New Zealand Incorporated Societies Register via dissolution in August 2024 ( https://app.businessregisters.govt.nz/view/is/9429048450751 ). They still appear to be informally holding events with the fork-Club: https://www.instagram.com/autracing
• UoA-FSAE has received a $350,000 gift from the ‘Four S Trust’ which could sustainably supplement their relatively expensive comp[etition] campaigns if placed in an appropriate security / trust / interest-bearing time deposit account:
https://www.auckland.ac.nz/assets/about-us/the-university/governance-and-committees/university-council/agenda/Part%20A%20Council%20Agenda%20and%20attachments%20For%20public%20and%20press%2009.10.2024%202.pdf (Appendix 1, bullet-point 6, page 27). Said society has also apparently undergone a restructure post-SARS-CoV-2, potentially having their member intake restricted from 2025 onwards.
• Re: ⁵² https://uoacollectiveagreements.blogs.auckland.ac.nz/individual-employment-agreement-terms-conditions/
“Advantageous human resource redirection of students/staff/club executives”
Comparable to the informal macro-audit of affairs that may impact the Club e.g. low barrier to entry in accessing member social media activity (see section on Intellectual Property), community volunteer profiles which were publically accessible were reviewed; and this included the finding that there were Club executives in the University’s payroll as far back as 2021; i.e. there was UoA staff coverage of Club affairs well before any disputes “formally” arose.
Extrapolated, this state of affairs brings about more questions, given the highly likely notion that the University – and its partners – were aware of the technical errors in the administration of this Student Group (where it was permitted to operate in a relatively low-risk period in New Zealand’s recent history, i.e. SARS-CoV-2 lockdowns).
Consider that between late-2022 to today; an almost fatal ‘pseudo-kill-switch’ was directed toward this group (see Instagram example) potentially in favour of student groups either more established or more willing to ‘earn hall monitor points’ with the current sociopolitical hegemony in the New Zealand motorsport communities/the Auckland Learning Quarter.
• Macro opportunities and risks (Global):
Content linked below considers a nationwide yearning for an alternative system to the current ‘Western hegemony’ – as encouraged by local inequities and acknowledged in Address Matter ‘C’:
“Acknowledgement of New Zealand’s current codified processes under its Legislative, Governance, and Parliamentary structures potentially being inappropriate, inconsistent, and ineffective at satisfying the spirit of Aotearoa-New Zealand’s foundational document (The Treaty of/Te Tiriti o Waitangi, 1840).⁴”
Link i) and ii) potentially summarises the opportunity, while link iii) to vi) explores the risk of said yearning from an Asia-Pacific perspective – a region which New Zealand is technically part of, and ultimately subject to:
i) https://www.weforum.org/stories/2024/11/brics-summit-geopolitics-bloc-international
ii) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBXANgqh404&t=1239
iii) https://publications.armywarcollege.edu/News/Display/Article/3789926/what-american-policymakers-misunderstand-about-the-belt-and-road-initiative/
iv) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V80MGYrWWaM
v) https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF11735
vi) https://youtu.be/b-dpiEwSmB0 *
* compare with UoA Privacy Statement’s affinity for Meta Platforms Inc. (https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/privacy.html) with respect to Alumni Relations (https://www.calendar.auckland.ac.nz/en/info/alumni.html).
“[UoA] use[s] Facebook Custom Audiences to target our advertising. This allows us to provide a better online experience and connect with our alumni and friends in ways that are relevant and meaningful. If you would like to opt out of this, contact us using the details set out below at Accessing and controlling your personal information.”
Consider how Club Instagram was service provider-side deactivated, while Club Facebook selectively retained in the context of the excerpt above. Further consider the following excerpt in the context of ‘technical reality:
“[UoA] share[s] the personal information we collect about website users only with the third-party service providers – such as Google – that provide us with advertising and other online services.”
Technical reality allows University IT administrators to infer identity based on the device ID of the user, permitting advertising partners to target messaging on networks and devices which the community of interest may be using.
Inferred identity from implicitly consenting to data capture carries risks (as indicated by Edward Snowden; e.g.:
- https://medium.com/@1kg/ive-got-nothing-to-hide-and-other-misunderstandings-of-privacy-b7ae8bf26603
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_surveillance_in_China | https://cset.georgetown.edu/article/chinas-sharp-eyes-program-aims-to-surveil-100-of-public-space/
- https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/the-streets-have-eyes-but-does-that-make-them-safer/PEUX5U5LYETLJCU2CWFBFDEHII/
• Local opportunities and risks (Academic)
[Potentially hybridised] global trends – transitory or otherwise – which have been reflected in the impact of the pandemic response as discussed above; as well as the activities and standards within the University of Auckland.
• Transitory Trends:
University[‘s the nation all over] are faced with challenging task of financially recovering from a now non-top-of-mind governance response from 2020 onwards, and may be required to capture value from the BRICS trend described above; e.g:
Decade-long transition of UoA’s Centre for Learning and Teaching towards its current, published multiple purposes (retrieved from https://www.coursebuilder.cad.auckland.ac.nz/flexiblelearning/arts-students-employability/):
- https://www.clear.auckland.ac.nz/ | https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/news/2024/06/13/new-centre-to-focus-on-ai-impact-and-opportunities-for-chinese-l.html
- http://web.archive.org/web/20140000000000/https://www.clear.auckland.ac.nz/
- https://web.archive.org/web/20200000000000/https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/staff/learning-and-teaching/clear.html
- https://clearalumni.blogs.auckland.ac.nz/
- https://www.clear.auckland.ac.nz/app/coursebuilder | https://web.archive.org/web/20150113172516/https://www.clear.auckland.ac.nz/en/elearning/coursebuilder.html | https://web.archive.org/web/20150114112700/http://flexiblelearning.auckland.ac.nz/coursebuilder_support/
Perceived risk in cultivating this as per “Global” subsection, though opportunities not dismissed out of hand given stated intent for understanding and collaboration, i.e. carries apparent alignment with the nation’s local and global obligations; for example, the protection and cultivation of [indigenous] cultures – in New Zealand’s case, the language of Te Reo Māori for instance.
Further content for reader consideration:
• Ethics
Ethics a significant matter of debate – in the context of this address and outside of it – given it is accounted for in the Education and Training Act 2020’s section 267. Areas of concern stem from UoA documentation below:
- https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/about-us/about-the-university/the-university/governance-and-committees/committees/a-z-committees/human-participation-ethics-committee.html
- https://courseoutline.auckland.ac.nz/dco/course/advanceSearch?advanceSearchText=ethics&pageNumber=0
- https://web.archive.org/web/20161012040924/https://www.artsfaculty.auckland.ac.nz/courses/?Subject=ETHICS
Ethics ‘expert’ committee role concerning given pandemic government choice and subsequent economic outcome.
Ethics courses do not span across faculties, and concern naturally arises from anecdotal reports from students of the tendency for faculties in which ethics courses are administered to engage in sorority-tier skullduggery and conduct.
Further concern arises from the number of management and administrative staff that carry qualifications from said/comparable faculties, where the University has enamoured said community members with roles that wholesale enforce a Code and culture which result in some segments of the current campus demographic being underrepresented by way of opinion and voice.
• Local opportunities [and risks] (Sport):
2024 Clubs Support Committee [i.e. UoA Campus Life]-extended opportunities as communicated to membership last year September, including:
1. 🎓 UoA Connection with UTS-NZ (University & Tertiary Sport New Zealand)’s Board: https://www.utsnz.co.nz/our-team.html
2. 🏂 Olympics-themed Event Ideation as spearheaded by UoA Arts Student Association: https://forms.gle/WwSjJFyskARay2Ni6 (consider and compare with prior opportunities and risks discussion with emphasis on Transitory Trends discussion)
3. 🎖️ UoA High Performance Support Portal: https://www.auckland.ac.nz/high-performance
N.B.: Both NASCAR and Drifting had roots from ‘grey areas’.
However, may potentially be worthwhile pursuing a more aligned collective sporting activity with UoA (something akin to the British Universities Karting Championship as was proposed as far back as early last decade and currently being explored by incumbents on campus; other obvious opportunity is pursuit of Nissan GT Academy-style community development format).