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Roger Waters Stops Live Concert to Explain ‘False Flag Chemical Attack in Syria’

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631,748 readers

3,669 users here now

Roger Waters Stops Live Concert to Explain ‘False Flag Chemical Attack in Syria’

This is a forum for free thinking and discussing issues which have captured the public’s imagination. Please respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind. Our goals are a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone.

List of Confirmed Conspiracies

/r/Conspiracy IRC Chatroom

Rules of Reddit:

Rules of r/Conspiracy:

  1. Bigoted slurs are not tolerated.
  2. No accusations of rules violations in comments. Please report violations.
  3. No blog spam/malicious web sites.
  4. No abusive/threatening language.
  5. No stalking or trolling.
  6. Titles and comments with a large percentage of caps lock, bold text, large fonts or text colors are considered "shouting" and can be removed.
  7. Facebook links will be removed.
  8. No memes... use /r/ConspiracyMemes. Other image posts are subject to removal at moderators discretion.
  9. Posting links in other subs pointing to specific submissions or comments here is subject to a ban, depending on context.
  10. Posts that attack this sub, users or mods thereof, will be removed. Accusing another user of being a troll or shill can be viewed as an attack, depending on context. First violations will usually result in a warning but bans are at the mods' discretion.
  11. Misleading, fabricated or sensationalist headlines are subject to removal.
  12. Self posts that lack context or content may be removed.
  13. Submission Statements are required for link and image posts. Link posts without a Statement will be removed after 20 minutes.

Rules are explained in depth at FAQ page.

Users with reddit accounts under two months old are encouraged to visit /r/conspiracy_commons.

Read-only mode powered by /r/NoParticipation

Related subreddits:

Injustices Information
Wikileaks Missing 411
Endless War World Politics
Collapse 911 Truth
Post Collapse Conspiracy Fact
Social Engineering PermaCulture
Propaganda Documentaries
Descent Into Tyranny Politics1
Military Conspiracy United We Stand
Bad Cop No Donut The Survival Guide
Palestine altnewz
Intelligence Other
Intelligence UFOs
NSA Leaks Paranormal
False Flag Watch Critical Shower Thoughts
Privacy Shills
Subliminals Rome Rules
Activism Conspiracy Memes
Agenda 21 Psychonaut
Fringe Theory

Moderator Transparency

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