Play MM: Infection

New Murder Mystery mode

1 Infected, 15 Survivors. How long can you survive the horde?

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Duels v1.0 now live

Duels Lobby, New Modes, New Maps, Tournaments and more!

Play 4 new modes and 4 new maps in the new Duels release

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Minecraft 1.12 Supported

Login using 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 or 1.12!

Play together with friends on Hypixel using Minecraft versions 1.8 and above.

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by DeprecatedNether at 10:43 AM
(12,957 Views / 308 Likes)
Hello everyone!

As announced in the discussion thread, we've released an update to Hypixel Experience, which greatly increases the amount of Hypixel Experience you get from playing games!

We received a lot of feedback about how difficult it is to get experience in-game just from playing. To level up quickly, players often resorted to so-called "Exp Parties" instead of actually playing more games. To address this issue and make actually playing games more rewarding, we've made the following changes:

▶ Up to 40% more exp from Quests and Challenges
Quests and challenges give players Hypixel Experience for completing various tasks in games, such as killing a certain number of players, winning a game... All challenges now give 40% more Hypixel Experience than before, and quests give between 20% and 40% more exp - this depends on the quest and how long it takes to complete. If you complete all quests and challenges, you can now get around 35% more Hypixel Experience than before!

▶ Exp for playing games now based on time, increased 10x
The rewards you got for playing games weren't balanced - your time in some games was worth more than in other games, and the rewards weren't very rewarding. We changed this by moving to a time-based system - the amount of Hypixel Experience you get now depends entirely on the amount of time you spent playing. You will get 10 exp for every minute you spend in game. If you win, you get 3.5x that much exp, or 35 per minute.


▶ Party Bonus
When playing in a party, you will get 10% more Hypixel Experience for playing games. We hope this will encourage everyone to spend more time playing with players, making new friends along the way!

▶ Experience for playing Housing
Until now, playing in Housing gave no Hypixel Experience, since the game never "ends" like all our other games do. We've now changed this and made Housing give 10 exp per minute to active players, just like all other games. To get the exp, you need to be actively playing - whether that's building, chatting or even just completing parkours.

▶ Changes to Exp Bags
When a player opens a Gift they received from another player, they radiate with Generosity for one game. Every player in that game is in the end rewarded with a bag of Hypixel Experience, which they can open at the Mystery Vault. This resulted in the creation of so-called "Exp Parties" where a large group of players would get together, all radiating with Generosity, and everybody in the party would get large amounts of Hypixel Experience. Based on feedback, we've decided to impose a limit on the number of Exp Bags you can get from one game.

Starting in April, a maximum of 20 players will be able to radiate with Generosity in one game. Players whose Generosity does not activate in a game because of this cap won't lose their generosity - it'll activate the first game it can without exceeding the limit. This change will go live at the start of April, so anybody that bought gifts with parties in mind will still be able to use them until the end of March.

We hope you enjoy this update! Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

by Externalizable at 1:44 PM
(6,450 Views / 150 Likes)
Hey hey!

I'm Eric, one of Hypixel's newest developers, and today I've got a SkyWars bug fix patch for you to make sure everything runs smoothly.

Carry on reading to see the full list of fixed bugs!

Bug Fixes

  • You should now get kicked when the game ends. We have had previously situations where the game did not end correctly. I have put measures in place to help prevent this.
  • Fixed getting duplicated crafting benches from the Bridger perk
  • Fixed Super Dice giving you items after you die
  • You should now get kills from the Creeper Army scroll
  • Fixed kit stats not showing bow kills (They will start counting towards them now)
  • Fixed kit customizer for the Athlete kit
  • Fixed Athlete kit giving Speed III instead of Speed II
  • Fixed heads sometimes dropping from the Head Rocket kill effect
  • Told all snowmen to stop attacking balloons
  • You should no longer get kicked from a kaboom
  • Fixed getting credit for killing your team mate
  • Fixed spectators breaking sprays
  • Removed the ability to spread water with the Chill Pants
  • Fixed water balloons giving you strange-looking items when you spam them
  • Fixed chests getting cleared when a player dies while looting them
  • Fixed being able to get kills when a ranked game ends in a draw
  • Fixed Dragon Rider spawning and flying into the void
  • You can now free yourself if someone traps you under a chest
    • If you were trapped under a chest, you couldn't break any blocks around you
    • With this bug fix patch, all you have to do is right click anywhere once to be able to break blocks around you

That's it for today! Thanks to everyone for reporting these bugs. If you run into any more, please report them at

by Minikloon at 12:53 AM
(9,618 Views / 196 Likes)

Hey all.

We just released The Pit v0.2 to the PTL lobby.

Before going into the details of the update, a word about stat resets (unrelated to prestige resets). We understand The Pit is about personal progression. As such, we are not looking to reset stats if the game sees a full release. BUT! We hope you can understand that we cannot make a 100% commitment on this. Millions of reasons could justify a global reset, we do not want it to happen, but it might.

▶ In a nutshell
  • Prestige system with a whole new layer of upgrades
  • Stats NPC to see how well you're doing
  • Balance changes
  • New perks & upgrades
  • Chat options feature to filter the chat
  • Lots of bugfixes
Last week we also pushed a mid-week patch to the game, read more here.

by Nitroholic_ at 6:48 PM
(12,067 Views / 196 Likes)

The new 1.0 update has been released for Duels, available to play now in the new Duels Lobby. Read on below for a full list of changes and additions, or play it right now by clicking the Duels Lobby NPC, game menu icon, or using the command /lobby duels.

▶ What is in this update?
  • A new Duels Lobby and info board
  • 4 new modes, including a Blitz mode, TNT mode and 2 new Duels Tournament modes
  • 4 new maps
  • Leaderboards and stats tracked per mode
  • QOL improvements, including Duel command improvements and settings
  • Kit/Mode balances
  • Achievements and Quests
  • Lots of bug fixes and improvements
  • and much more!
As always, if you find any bugs or issues please report them in the bugs section on the forums HERE.

by Jayavarmen at 1:36 PM
(7,784 Views / 163 Likes)

Good news SkyClash fans - we've rolled out our full 'Quality of Life' update including new Alternative Master Passives, new cards, tons of balancing, new quality of life features and lots of bug fixes.

This update took place over the past few months, involving the community feedback as much possible to ensure that you will like this update. Huge thanks to the community and everyone who helped us in the SkyClash forums. Continue reading to find out more.