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top 200 commentsshow all 338

[–]dacemcgraw 1306 points1307 points  (28 children)

You're right.

I'm gay. I've slept with enough men to have intimate experience with more than thirty and seen/been around even more men naked over the course of my life.

Your penis won't match your body. It's plenty big enough for you to get off, and that's the point of sex - getting off and having fun. It'll curve to the left or right or down or have a little lump in the middle or seem comically undersized next to bull balls or huge as fuck compared to your pubic hair. The head will look torpedo-shaped, have a huge mushroom or the foreskin will be tight or loose or thick or like tissue-thin parchment or not be there. It'll leak precum like a faucet or be awkwardly dry.

It's yours. Enjoy it. And if someone wants to be a queen about it, either let them suffer in the prisons of their own making, or show them just how good sex can be of you let go of how it's "supposed to be." Get your partner off with your tongue, your penis, your sheer manliness, your tender attention, that hilarious gag gift dildo you got for your birthday three years ago, with a slow tender fuck that sends them to Venus and back, with sloppy sweaty fucksex, with the "oh wow we're still horny aren't we" spontaneous sex in the shower, with whatever kink paraphernalia you're in to, with a penis sheath, with a pegging kit, with a friend, with fingers and a ridiculous amount of lube, with goddamn Gregorian chants in the background or with candelight and rose petals.

Your penis is not the thing that should make someone happy to sleep with you. If so, it's a crutch.

Edit: And for context, I'm nobody's idea of a model, my cock is fairly average in all dimensions, and I've only been sexually active since roughly 2012. I'm no more special than my choices.

[–]ReluctantMonster 163 points164 points  (3 children)

This might be my favorite Reddit reply of all time.

[–]dacemcgraw 19 points20 points  (0 children)

D'awww, you're sweet :P

[–]soicanfap 3 points4 points  (0 children)


[–]PansyParkinson80[S] 237 points238 points  (3 children)


[–]mhn23 9 points10 points  (1 child)

He agreed hard as well.

[–]BrucePee 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I got hard as well.

[–]jackipop 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Agreed, I'm just as happy riding a 4 inch cock as I am riding a 6 inch cock. Less girthy cocks are easier to take in as well when you're tight.

[–]dragontology 48 points49 points  (4 children)

As a straight guy, this is so true. Except for the second paragraph, this can apply to straight guys as well. Or bi, or pan, whatever.

Conclusion, orientation is personal, but passion is near universal. Great post.

[–]dacemcgraw 24 points25 points  (3 children)

I mean, you can be a straight dude and get to know plenty of dicks. I'm sure there are straight nudists and swingers who have seen plenty more dicks than me. Whatever one's comfortable with :D

[–]Cho_Assmilk 3 points4 points  (2 children)

Ever been in a hockey dressing room?

[–]dacemcgraw 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Nope, was never one for formal team sports. Those boys are hunky though.

[–]jherazob 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Or urologists

[–]FuckyouMrCrowley 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Gregorian chants. Awesome comment

[–]chillinsince91 7 points8 points  (4 children)

Damn dude.

[–]dacemcgraw 4 points5 points  (3 children)

Thanks, I think! ;D

[–]chillinsince91 14 points15 points  (2 children)

Yeah man you killed it. I love seeing gay men talk about how different penises are because gay men have definitely seen/been with more penises than like 95% of the women that comment on these types of posts.

[–]accidentaloverlord 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Well, I wouldn’t say that’s necessarily true.. as a mostly straight/occasionally bi woman I’ve seen a lot of dicks, and I’m fascinated by every one. They really are beautiful, and sexy, and all of them have been different. And having experienced so many, I’m confident with saying the one I’m with now is my favorite :)

[–]chillinsince91 1 point2 points  (0 children)

That's why I said 95% of women.. Not all. You must fall in the 5%. :)

[–]execthts 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Yes, completely yes. My boyfriend doesn't have a really thick one yet it's satisfieable (let's say average). I'm a guy btw (not "gay" per label though), mine's much thicker but also leaks a lot, his one doesn't. Everyone's different, and it's fine.

[–]Kserwin 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I've never met you and I almost think I love you from this reply. That was beautifully written, man.

[–]ReinbaoPawniez 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Thanks for being real dude :)

[–]espangleesh [score hidden]  (1 child)

What an awesome reply, no sarcasm. Peter (my penis) and I thank you.

[–]Bart_1980 324 points325 points  (13 children)

Despite the negative feedback you may have gotten. I love you for your intentions. I just wish my first girl had said that instead of "I want a bigger one". It would have saved me many a worried and anxious moment.

[–]BabyBlackBear 28 points29 points  (4 children)

Wow who says that

[–]FireZeLazer 29 points30 points  (1 child)

Girls who want bigger ones

and have little regard for other people's feelings

[–]BabyBlackBear 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Word. Even if I thought that I would never say that. Terrible

[–]Sweetashoneyy [score hidden]  (0 children)

Anyone who says that just isn't worth it.

[–]adabbadon 202 points203 points  (23 children)

People are complaining that women never like small penises, which yes visually maybe big penises look nice but goddamn can they be uncomfortable during sex. Stretching the vagina open too much so it hurts, and the guy constantly going too deep hitting the cervix really sucks. Some women don’t have that issue, but a ton do and end up preferring smaller penises. If a woman won’t have sex with you or makes fun of you for what your dick looks like, she’s an immature pos. If she’s truly attracted to you and wants to be with you, she’s not gonna care. Women have to put up with a lot of bullshit for their bodies too. There are shitty immature people who get their entire concept of sex from porn, and inevitably are going to have a shitty sex like. Good sex comes when you accept its a bizarre, stinky, sweaty act and you’re gonna end up spending far too much time looking at your partners asshole and seeing them from weird unflattering angles, making weird faces and noises when they orgasm, bad dirty talk, accidentally kicking or elbowing or awkwardly maneuvering. Accidentally farting or burping or getting the giggles. You’ve just gotta accept all of this and learn to relax and have fun.

[–]funkless_eck 46 points47 points  (3 children)

My ex told me she has slept with a couple of guys with very small penises and had a great time. The only negative experiences were when the dude let his self esteem get in the way and got all weird about it.

[–]PM_ME_CORGlE_PlCS 21 points22 points  (2 children)

Frankly, I prefer small penises. And I'm not alone, I've met my fair share of women who feel the same way.

In the past, when I have made this comment around men (who weren't my sexual partners), some of them refused to believe me. In those cases, I ask them to consider they types of breasts straight men have enjoyed. Maybe they prefer large breasts, but they certainly know that some men prefer small breasts, right? They likely also understand that an even greater percentage of men don't have any particular size preference. If they are they type of guy who would reject a woman because her breasts aren't big enough, I probably won't ever get thought to them, but that is a minority.

[–]thethoughtsdontstop [score hidden]  (1 child)

Yes but breast size isn't the most commonly ridiculed phenomenon. Somehow body shaming of every kind is highly frowned upon except for penis shaming. In fact, jokes at their expense are thrown in your face at every opportunity.

"He's so loud and obnoxious, such an asshole. insert any other negative personality trait here"

"Oh he must be compensating for his small manhood"

There's the Canadian government lady who was shaming some dude for hunting wildlife, and said that he must be trying to compensate for having a small dick.

Every day on my way to work I pass by a giant billboard that advertises the cheese stick things, and it's literally a juxtaposition of a big cheese stick to a small one, and the caption reads "Bigger is always better". If this billboard was utilizing body shaming in any other way, people would be up in arms about it and there would be news articles written about it.

But no, penis shaming is seen as completely okay, somehow.

I'm not attacking you, I'm just frustrated seeing these comparisons to other body preferences, when the real issue stems from a larger societal collective consciousness that think it's funny.

[–]SevenLight 14 points15 points  (5 children)

People are complaining that women never like small penises

This is plain bullshit too. I love me some smaller dicks. I'd honestly take <5 inches over >6. Not only do I like the way they feel, I actually like the way they look. Between 4 and 5 inches is a nice size visually, in my (apparently uncommon) opinion. I love looking at random dude's bodies on male versions of the GW subreddits, but instantly close the tab when there's a giant dick on the screen. Nothing against you hung dudes - do your thing. It's just not my thing.

Maybe I am a total outlier, but I swear to god I'm not lying about this. I'm not so into tall guys either. My ideal imaginary guy is like, 5'6" and has a 4 to 5 inch dick. One of the hottest guys I know is about 5'5". Just unf. Gimme dat shit.

[–]Willow-girl 1 point2 points  (3 children)

You know, I've never met a short guy with a really small dick. I think ghod gives them an extra inch down below to make up for what they lack in height ...

[–]jherazob 10 points11 points  (1 child)

[–]cuginhamer 4 points5 points  (0 children)

"Sex is the moldy cheese of physical activity."

[–]RIPcherryboyRIP 4 points5 points  (3 children)

change the angle and you can go just short of it (belly side) and hit the anterior fornix or go downwards (booty side) and you go under the cervix into the posterior fornix.

There's a small amount of women where the cervix is unfortunately at the end of the road.

[–]adabbadon 3 points4 points  (1 child)

In such a circumstance I do prefer him behind me, it’s usually at a much better angle. And it’s a bit of a mood killer when I have to tell a guy every ten seconds to stop going so deep

[–]whatnointroduction 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I like this too - I lay on my stomach, let the guy go crazy behind me, and use my clenched thighs/butt to hold him at an appropriate distance. It's such a good system for when you're sort of tired of asking him to ease up, and/or you don't want to kill the mood with a sensitive guy. I hate to say it... but it's useful for that "I don't want to stop, but I do want this to be over..." time that can sometimes happen.

[–]shygoodguy 4 points5 points  (0 children)

What a great comment! You deserve 1,000 upvotes.

[–]gangbang_me 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I think it depends on the size of the vagina too though. Maybe I'm just loose, but big penises feel a lot better for me than small ones. When I started having sex with my now ex-boyfriend (who has a large penis), he was amazed how well I could take him, and that it fit inside me (as it caused a lot of pain for other women). Some women have small vaginas, some have big. Some people's genitals fit well together, and some don't, and there's nothing wrong with that.

[–]duhex 28 points29 points  (0 children)

Some of the comments in this post make me sad. I think it dicks are like people, not everyone will love your dick but there will be people out there who do love your dick, wanting it be universally loved is ridiculous.

Some girls are horrified by the idea of having a guy with a pornstar sized dick in them, some girls love the extreme nature of having the biggest thickest monster in them. Some girls find the idea of a guy with something below average down there to be arousing and interesting. Some women just won't care either way and will care more about how you are as a person. Simply put, just go through life with what you have and make the most of it, don't apologise or hold yourself accountable for the things you can't change. If you feel that more often than not you're meeting people who don't like you, keep meeting new people till you find the ones you do. Always keep moving onwards.

[–]Ingetfunkarfan 114 points115 points  (4 children)

I get this. It's like how all breasts are beautiful regardless of size.

[–]Azael_Descends 17 points18 points  (1 child)

I also like boobs.

[–]J_Bob24 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I too dig da boob.

[–]zanpher717 60 points61 points  (5 children)

This is my penis. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My penis is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.

Without me, my penis is useless. Without my penis, I am useless. I must fire my penis true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy who is trying to bang me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will…

My penis and I know that what counts in the bedroom is not the rounds we fire, the noise of our bust, nor the smoke we make. We know that it is the hits that count. We will hit it…

My penis is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strength, its parts, its accessories, its sights and its barrel. I will keep my penis clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We will become part of each other. We will…

Before God, I swear this creed. My penis and I are the defenders of my country. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life.

So be it, until victory is America's and there is no enemy, but peace!

[–]CTheGoldfish 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I like the uplifting comments on this thread, but this one is uplifting in a humorous way. Have an upvote.

[–]Skyairen 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Found the engineer

[–]MDMAbleToShine 0 points1 point  (1 child)

Are you aware of the poet Shayne Koyczan? The first part of this was written exactly like one of his works “this is my voice”, wasn’t sure if that was intentional but made me smile nonetheless!

[–]th3juggler 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The comment and the poem are references to The Rifleman's Creed.

[–]PansyParkinson80[S] 139 points140 points  (12 children)

Here I go again arguing about topics I didn’t expect to argue about.

I apologize.

Can I now love men the way they are in peace? Y’all precious!

[–]noahsygg 48 points49 points  (0 children)

Fuck the haters. The ones of us here with brains know where your heart is. Haters gonna hate.

[–]OtherMeta 39 points40 points  (4 children)

Lol your post makes me feel pretty. And I'm apparently a 6 foot tall beast with a beard. There should be more like you

[–]mykidisonhere 6 points7 points  (3 children)

Beards are pretty.

[–]OtherMeta 8 points9 points  (2 children)

They are scruffy and annoying sometimes, and food gets stuck in them but I appreciate the sentiment!

[–]mykidisonhere 9 points10 points  (1 child)

I could say the same about my bra and it's still pretty.

[–]OtherMeta 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I like your style

[–]Gottabecreative 5 points6 points  (0 children)

As a guy, it was very pleasing to read your post!

[–]fratstache 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Why are you apologizing?

[–]Zoenboen 8 points9 points  (3 children)

It would have been nice to refocus the anger on those who've told us our entire lives that dicks are ugly and gross and that no one wants to see them. They are important enough to us that it takes a toll.

[–]miamiwerewolf 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Thank you for saying what ive been afraid to say in this thread since I started using it ❤

[–]unicornSporked 26 points27 points  (1 child)

I complete agree and it has always confused me that people find theirs ugly. Then again, I’ve never seen an ugly vagina either.

Dirty/uncared for/ diseased... sure. But ugly? No. I really... REALLY like them all 😂😂😂 but am particularly obsessed with my spouses.

[–]Polyfacetic 118 points119 points  (4 children)

Addendum: every vulva is also gorgeous. Women are often so self-conscious because they have large labia (a lot of us guys fucking love large labia), or because they hate shaving/waxing and abstain (plenty of us love bush too), or because of colors, shapes, size, texture, wetness/dryness, etc. It’s all good, ladies. We love it all.

Regarding penises, my GF has explained that she doesn’t find them attractive. But if she’s attracted to the person the cock is attached to, the cock itself becomes beautiful and — in her own words — “mouth-watering.” I’m sure this phenomenon occurs in men, too, but still...women are amazing.

[–]shygoodguy 20 points21 points  (3 children)

Great post! OP you're a great and very body positive! And please guys I know how much insecurities hurt but please when a woman says something positive about your penis please believe them.

[–]PansyParkinson80[S] 16 points17 points  (2 children)

I am really sorry, because I didn’t know how much painful this insecurity actually is and it breaks my heart to hear that people really don’t believe they are beautiful. And I sure didn’t mean to say they’re making it up, but my post sounds like it, I admit.

So I just want to say, again, that I think men are precious and if I love a man then I love him the way he are. And if I can help him to love himself too, I’ll try.

[–]shygoodguy 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Please don't feel bad. You sounds like a good loving person, you probably won't make everyone happy but with your mentality I'm 💯 sure that you'll make any man who share his life with you very very happy. Please never change! :)

[–]Paultrippy 6 points7 points  (0 children)

You had and have the right intentions, and your heart is in the right place. Unfortunately in this debate, you are more rare than the women that feel the opposite, and they speak up more. So thanks for being the considerate one!

[–]thepurrrfectcrime 110 points111 points  (2 children)

I don't want to look at any penises just for fun. Naked guys yes, but the penis isn't the focal point.

However, when I'm in a relationship the penis is king. I love looking at it and I love playing with it. It becomes beautiful to me because of the person it's attached to and the enjoyment we both derive from it.

So objectively, no, I don't think all penises are beautiful -- just specific ones. And whatever that specific penis looks like, as long as it's attached to someone I care about, I'm going to find it fucking hot.

[–]Yadnarav 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Agreed. Similarly, all boobs and vilvas aren't objectively beautiful either

[–]falling_apart522 65 points66 points  (5 children)

Yesssss. Fun to play with in every size shape and color. Porn really does mess with guys heads in the same way that professional models mess with girls heads. Guys don’t have to have a cookie cutter thick cock in the same way that girls dont have to be thin to be pretty. 🤗🍆🍌🥖🌭♥️

[–]OtherMeta 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Well, to be honest, I can see this logically, and while I'm on Reddit writing a comment I completely agree. But still I'll have that thought at the back of my mind always. The dear of being inadequate. And I think this applies to women as well regarding standards of beauty.

Understanding this is easy, applying this and believing this in real life is much much harder in my opinion. For me at least

[–]AbeLincolnsFreckles 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Porn definitely skewed my idea of what penises are like. I was really surprised to find the average length is only* around 5.25".

*I'm not implying anything negative by this, just talking about how the actual typical penis compares to what you see in porn.

[–]hayduke5270 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Porn seriously messed with my self image as a man. In fact porn screwed up my whole idea of what sex is supposed to be like.

[–]Pez-Fez 10 points11 points  (1 child)

Somebody smarter than me once said, “Porn actors are the Olympians of sex.” So if you’re not tearing yourself down because you can’t swim like Michael Phelps, why are you tearing yourself down because you can’t fuck like James Deen? Do your best, and learn to work with what you got.

[–]falling_apart522 12 points13 points  (0 children)

And even better- they edit out and don’t share the screwups- so its like olympians who only share their awesome 9.0 runs and never let anyone see their training they went through where they fell a hundred times.

[–]dragonslayor117 22 points23 points  (2 children)

Wait how is this controversial, I liked this messaged

[–]fedxc 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I was wondering the same. Looks like negative comments got downvoted though.

[–]ghanima 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I like this message too, and I don't even think penises are beautiful. I don't they're unsightly or anything, I'd just way rather not be looking at genitalia than just about any other body part.

[–]TomPalmer1979 28 points29 points  (24 children)

Every penis? Are you sure?

(NSFW link, it's a collection of "oddity" penises)

[–]Grello 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Woah.... I... Uhhh....huh.

[–]SnowTurdPie 8 points9 points  (9 children)

I wanna talk about head proportions- are those just naturally off, or is something weird going on there ?

The knobs are also throwing me for a loop. I may still slob on it though..

[–]hbgbz 13 points14 points  (3 children)

Some of them are circumcision damage - the surgeon scrapes the foreskin away and basically leaves the shaft under the head underdeveloped.

[–]delalunes 2 points3 points  (4 children)

I was expecting a lot stranger. Crooked ones didn’t bother me, different colored ones didn’t bother me, the uncircumcised ones didn’t bother me, the small head one didn’t bother me, and the large head ones didn’t bother me, but I would be concerned about sex, bc to me it looks like they could easily be twisted or hurt? Don’t know if that makes sense.

[–]SnowTurdPie 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Exactly. The ones at sharp angles have to take some gentle strokes or else both partners could be injured!

[–]apekillape 5 points6 points  (4 children)

...what's supposed to be wrong with number 8? (Totally asking for a friend.)

[–]IAMA_Shark__AMA 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The two skin colors, I guess? It's fairly common with circumcision, though.

[–]FakeAmazonReviews [score hidden]  (0 children)

8 looks the best of them all IMO. It's a nice big dick

[–]ghanima 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It just looks unusually large to me, although I suspect some people would consider the difference in skin tones unusual (not me, 'though).

[–]sipsredpepper 5 points6 points  (1 child)

Only a couple of those are really out there to me. And that one guy is hot as fuck why would I give a shit that his dick isn't model perfect? I won't see it when he's plowing me with it.

[–]oddsavant 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Lol where's OP now huh

[–]tossoway 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Number 8 seemed pretty normal. The rest not so much.

[–]FakeAmazonReviews [score hidden]  (0 children)

10 and 12 are the only ones that seem odd without reason and even then I'm not judging harshly. I'm Positive 1, 6 and 13 are photoshop jobs

[–]Rosegin 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I must be a terrible person because I’d turn down most of those guys.

[–]ManBearHybrid 65 points66 points  (15 children)

Men don't worry about their penis size as a problem in its own right. They worry about the ridicule and social stigma that comes with having a small penis. I dont think a man stranded on a deserted island would worry about his cock size.

it's unfortunate but there are the "size queens" out there. It is a reality that there are some girls out there who seek out black guys to fuck, because they're dumb enough to believe the stereotypes that porn feeds them (and then behave as if the black guy is broken for being average). It is a reality that a lot of girls will talk to their friends about her partners, and if he doesnt measure up then they will laugh behind your back - and sometimes not behind your back. It is a reality that having a normal love life is a lot harder if you have a small penis.

Yes, it is possible to find women out there who arent like this, but every small-penised man has to deal with the ones that are like this. Dont believe me? Check out /r/smalldickproblems. You speak about the myth that we crave a big cock, but ultimately they arent myths - many women are explicitly and openly like that. Some even put it in their tinder bios. The "ideals" that you speak about are enforced by real people, and there is a real punishment for being below average. It isn't something that men imagine.

[–]tyfreak 23 points24 points  (0 children)

Well, if you find a women like that, move on. Don’t let some random girl ruin your confidence. Find someone you share an intimate connection with. Can’t change anything about girls who like to make fun of you for your insecurities, except move on.

[–]PansyParkinson80[S] 11 points12 points  (2 children)

Because I literally said it l, the concept is stupid. Shaming someone for having a small penis is stupid, we need to send it to hell and start more positively and more confident.

I actually do understand how harmful that toxic stigma is, that’s why I don’t understand why the salt... But I admit it’s hard to get the tone and intention from text, so I might be just imagining things. In that case I apologize.

[–]littleworr 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I don't think there's a lot of direct "shaming" that occurs, but there's definitely a filter.

The rise of image/beauty/attractiveness/sex culture as a status symbol through things like SnapChat/IG/FB is putting an emotional and social strain on both men and women that can't conform. To some extent though, women can turn to plastic surgery. If you're an A cup you can get breast enhancements, if you've got huge lips you can get labiaplasty, but if you have a 3" dick you're stuck with it. There is no plastic surgery for cock augmentation, because if there were, I assure you it'd be just as popular as a boobjob.

It's repeatedly enforced through many channels that if you're small, you can't "compete". Regardless of your attractiveness, if a woman finds you too small, she can, and often will, just leave you; there are equally attractive men available who don't have "size problems". This causes a LOT of social anxiety for anyone who isn't rocking over 6". While you might be body positive, the social standard is that if you're hot (and attractiveness is the social currency of today) you should be banging dudes with no less than 7" dicks. You want to be able to brag about it on social media, after all. The sexual revolution hasn't been kind to many, and in an age of "swipe right" dating (but where the onus is still on the guy to put himself up for rejection), it's made things very difficult for anyone that doesn't ascribe to the social "norm".

Also I don't think you have to apologise for anything. No one here is mad or angry at you OP, I think you've just hit a nerve and people are venting.

[–]voxfemme 18 points19 points  (1 child)

I have no argument with the sentiment of acceptance here, which is great, but let's be honest about what words mean.

The way to handle insecurities about physical beauty is not to pretend that everyone is beautiful, because that makes beauty a meaningless concept. If we call every person a genius, every effort a success, and every penis or vulva or breast or face beautiful, what words will we have left to honor the most exquisite traits, actions, or aesthetic forms?

The way to handle physical insecurities is to accept the reality that all of us have an ugly or at least not beautiful feature and that's totally OK. Different people find different things beautiful, and value looks differently. We are defined much more by our actions and our character than by the shape of a body part, you don't have to meet some conventional standard of beauty to be respected or to be cherished by the people you love.

[–]nadmaximus 21 points22 points  (5 children)

If you're not ready for another person to find you unattractive, you're gonna have a bad time. People have every right to prefer whatever body type and anatomy they wish. We each have to understand that other people's preferences are every bit as valid as our own. A healthy person will know that some portion of humanity will accept them as they are, perhaps even seek them out. Some portion will be indifferent, and some will be turned off. It's ok to not like small dicks, or big ones, or bent ones. Make the best of the dick you have, don't feel victimized if you're not to someone's taste, and be confident that someone out there wants exactly what you have.

[–]voxfemme 6 points7 points  (0 children)

This is a much better expression of the sentiment the OP was going for. Every penis, breast, vulva, or whatever is not beautiful; it's just nonsense to say so. Some penises are beautiful and some are ugly, and that's ok.

[–]RIPcherryboyRIP 3 points4 points  (0 children)

One day my "D" shaped penis will find its way to the girl craving the D

(it really is shaped like that)

[–]fantastic-dan 6 points7 points  (0 children)

This is not the same argument used to discuss women's body issue. We expect society to be better in it views women, and it's normal to expect the same for it's views on men.

What is being discussed here is not an individual's right to preference, but that the behavior of some vocal, rude and abusive group of people regarding how they EXPRESS THEIR PREFERENCE is problematic.

[–]creativeatrophy 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I think this is what OP was going for, but you phrased it better.

[–]Paultrippy 35 points36 points  (0 children)

All thing being equal, I’d say half the women are in your camp, and the other half are pretty vocal what they are looking for there. We can’t say “all women” in this debate, but there’s a large group that feel the exact opposite of you. So while I think it’s great you went out of your way to try and make guys feel better about this, we don’t create this stuff in our head as much as you think. We just listen to that other half more (unfortunately)

[–]IshiOfSierra 6 points7 points  (0 children)

It's true not all women like big penises. I can remember working construction with this Brazilian guy that was going through a painful divorce (from an American women) On rides home, he would be on the brink of tears, giving details about his situation. He said issues started when she didn't want to have sex with him, because his dick was "TOO BIG" (he didn't mention how big). He was seriously upset about this, almost ashamed of his dick. I tried to explain the big dick superiority stereotype in the US and he utterly confused. Too small, too big? I'll stick with my average. Seems to be doing the ladies just fine..

[–]TotallyRickenCrazy 29 points30 points  (34 children)

Thank you for trying to boost the confidence of us insecure guys, but I have read too much on Reddit to believe that my 4.5" (both dimensions), heavily veiny, curved, awkwardly-foreskinned (yes, I probably just made that term up) penis is anything approaching beautiful, or any real use to anyone.

Most women generally like either girth or length, and I have neither :(

Again though, thanks for the post, but this is one insecurity of mine that is a futile battle.

[–]PansyParkinson80[S] 36 points37 points  (16 children)

Hey, reddit can be really toxic. I noticed that in the red pill community. It’s so unreal. Don’t read that.

Be careful with the idea that “most” women. Because that’s not true.

I wish you enough strength and luck to fight this insecurity. Self love is a learning process, and it’s hard, but once learned, it’s worth it!

[–]TotallyRickenCrazy 30 points31 points  (15 children)

I remember once reading a post one time, ages ago, from a woman who was asking other women whether they found penises really attractive. Was like 400 comments or something. Lot of them described their boyfriends/husbands/FWBs cock. Saw a lot of "big but not too big", some "its huge and I'm a small girl and I love how overwhelming it feels", and some "its just the right size to hit the right spots and make me cum during sex". How many comments did I see complimenting a smaller penis? Zero. Out of 400 comments.

I've seen plenty of posts/comments from women who only found out they could have vaginal orgasms once they found a guy with a bigger cock.

And none of those women are being "toxic" (well, maybe a few will actively shame when talking about this stuff) - most of them are just freely and openly discussing their preferences, which they have every right to do.

And I should point you to a subreddit called smalldickproblems. If you want to hear some horror stories, that is the place to go.

I really appreciate your post and its lovely to see posts like this, but at the same time I can't agree.

[–]all_four_seasons 23 points24 points  (8 children)

You might stay away from the smalldickproblems sub if you don’t want to be insecure about your dick size. You’re kind of reinforcing your insecurity by hanging out there no? Because I’ve read a ton of posts with women saying they either don’t have strong preferences or they flat out prefer a smaller penis. The fact that you haven’t seen those makes me think you’re hanging out in the wrong places.

[–]TotallyRickenCrazy 5 points6 points  (7 children)

People can say things online, but what those guys are describing are real experiences they've had. Should I just stay away from anything that makes me feel bad, even if they are facts?

[–]Cianwoo 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Yes, because you are confirming your bias. You had an idea, a preconcieved notion, so you went to a sub where people specifically talk about this 'problem' and only this 'problem.' Which reinforces your original idea, tricking you into thinking it's a bigger issue than it may be. That's confirmation bias.

[–]wittypunthatspunny 2 points3 points  (1 child)

What we feed, grows. If theres nothing to be done to change something, no point in spending a bunch of energy thinking about it.

[–]tossoway 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Then how will we figure out how to enhance penis size?

If no smart people are focusing on it, it'll never happen.

[–]littleworr 2 points3 points  (1 child)

If you start to set expectations based on those facts (aka bias) then yes.

"Fake it until you make it" is very real. Disassociating yourself from your expectations is difficult but is necessary. You're biasing yourself by developing preconceived notions of interactions before they've happened.

[–]dallyan 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Will you remember this post? You should.

[–]xXMistressEveXx 12 points13 points  (4 children)

Keep in mind, a lot of women don't want to call out their partner having a small penis, and it's generally because guys have an ego thing with their penis. If their partner is below average, they're more likely to not mention it to avoid sounding like they're talking bad about him.

I actually have a friend who was dating a guy with a small penis, and she sung praises about it. She said the things he did with it were amazing. It really is so much more about technique than size. With larger guys, you run the risk that they won't bother working on technique, sexual skills, etc. because they think all she needs is his large dick.

[–]TotallyRickenCrazy 8 points9 points  (3 children)

Yeah, thats the comparison that is always made: small guy with skills is better than big guy who is a dumbass. Never compared are two guys, one big and one small, with equal skill, because everyone knows how that would turn out...

[–]xXMistressEveXx 7 points8 points  (1 child)

Whatever you got, I promise, someone, somewhere, is into it. Comparing yourself to others is detrimental. Focus on yourself, and whoever you're having sex with.

[–]TotallyRickenCrazy 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I hope so. I really, honestly hope so...

[–]sexchick19 13 points14 points  (10 children)

Legit, enthusiasm and skill matter so much more than size. The g spot is about an inch in and for me, that's what feels the best. Learn to drive a woman crazy with your fingers and tongue. I know insecurities are hard to overcome but this one is just unnecessary and way more in your head than what women really think.

[–]TotallyRickenCrazy 3 points4 points  (9 children)

I'm sure they do, but all things equal, a nice big one is a bonus, yeah? And it takes about 5 minutes of reading on this subreddit to know that there are spots other than the g-spot that small penises can't reach. Also girth.

Can say that there is nothing I can do about it and that I can still be good in bed - true. Doesn't mean my dick itself is beautiful, or great, which is what OP is trying to say - that all penises are beautiful. Mines just isn't.

[–]KrazyKestral 6 points7 points  (1 child)

I think it really depends on the woman though. Some women like them bigger and some don't care or prefer smaller ones. I personally really really do not care about penis size as long as they satisfy me in bed.

[–]instrumentnerd 8 points9 points  (6 children)

No I don't like penises much bigger than like, 6 inches. If my cervix gets hit, the pain is incredible and I have thrown up from it before. The man I'm seeing is smaller than average but I I can go all out in oral and blow his mind and also not be in excruciating pain during sex. Win.Win.

[–]dallyan 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I agree. Cocks are beautiful and exciting and fun to play with, regardless of size. I’m grateful I get to deliver such pleasure to such a precious organ, not to mention receiving.

[–]06210311off 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Mine isn't. It's just my penis. Not beautiful, nor ugly.

It saddens me there's so much focus on genitalia. But that's probably just me valuing personality and attitude over physical aspects.

[–]Azael_Descends 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Title of this post made me think of the "Every Sperm is Sacred" song.

[–]Kempeth 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Obligatory link to r/normalnudes and the penis gallery.

[–]ElectraJane 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Some penis' are better than others.

[–]undercover_redditor 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Even dirty and stinky penises are beautiful, underneath the grime.

Seriously though, be respectful to yourself and your partners. Wash your ass.

[–]Corosz 11 points12 points  (1 child)

You can swear on the internet.

[–]PansyParkinson80[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Very relevant note, thanks for your input.

[–]nowthappens91 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I don’t have a particularly big penis, but I genuinely like the way mine looks, so I’ve never had any worries about it...except one time when I was a third for a couple and the guy had the biggest cock I’ve ever seen in or out of porn. That had me playing “hide the penis in his girlfriend” so much that they probably thought I was 100x more enthusiastic than I was.

Dick was T H I C C

[–]LaserDiscTilDeath 8 points9 points  (1 child)

You should stop caring about what they show you in porn, there’s no ideal model of beauty which you have to look like to be beautiful. It’s a construct, completely unnecessary.

I feel like this is one of those statements thats always made alongside "Most girls dont know what a really big dick is like anyway"

It's a platitude that tells smaller dicked guys "dont worry, she's probably never even SEEN one that big!!"

Which does nothing for the guys who date someone and they find out her previous partners DID have those massive porn dicks

Simple fact, my partner loves me for me and I get that. But if I were me, just with a thicker dick, it'd simply be "me but better". That's what bothers us.

[–]vulcliques 2 points3 points  (0 children)

There is a lock for every sized key lol.

[–]StrayRatt 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Don't apologize it was great advice for all men out there. And thanks for it

[–]fatandhilarious 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Thank you!

[–]kalyvale 17 points18 points  (0 children)

I think it's better to stop being delusional and accept that people have preferences and some prefer big dick, some average etc.

[–]ItsOnlyRocknRol 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Every Sperm is sacred!

[–]ed523 6 points7 points  (2 children)

As long as it gets hard

[–]Grommph 0 points1 point  (0 children)

There's an easily accessible pill for that. No one this day and age has to needlessly struggle with erectile dysfunction. Go to the doctor and go enjoy your sexlife.

[–]Quelude 3 points4 points  (0 children)

A helpful way to love your own cock is to masturbate in front of a mirror. It feels silly at first, but I've found it builds confidence.

[–]uk_ex 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Thank you for that, to me as a guy, they look awful, but then I have loved every vulva I have seen, and plenty of girls seem to find them off-putting. I guess that's just nature trying to steer us towards each other.

Same goes for breasts, I love big and small ones equally.

Love what you have, big or small.

[–]LadyAzure17 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Yes, girl, yes! Agreed! Dicks are great no matter the size or shape.

[–]npepin 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I am a fan of sex positivity, but it is important to not be sex delusional. Attraction differs from person to person, but in aggregate there is agreement on what is unattractive and attractive.

It is important to accept your partner and other people as they come, but you can't also reject your actual feelings about aspects of a person's body. If you see your man's penis and you are disappointed in how it looks, then you are disappointed, it is ok. If you see your woman's breasts and you think they look weird, then you think they look weird, it is ok. There is no reason to dissociate from how you feel, you don't have a choice over what you are attracted to.

You have to know your hand and you have to play your hand. Unless you happen to be really good looking, most people aren't going to find you to be beautiful, and it is important to have an accurate assessment of how you are generally perceived.

Should you find your own body to be beautiful and have confidence if yourself? I think you need to know your hand and to play your hand accordingly. Accept it, but also realize there is variation.

With dating and sex especially, you would probably be rejected by 90% of the people out there, some portion of those people will reject you for dumb reasons like your dick size and shape, but most people aren't going to care, and there will be some portion of people that will find your particular dick size and shape to be the best they have ever seen. There is a lot of variation in sexual preferences, which isn't to say that there isn't a whole lot of overlap, but most of the people out there are not the right person for you and dating is about finding the right person. Not everyone is going to be a fan of how you look. Some people will love the way you look. Some people will love you regardless of how you look.

There is the whole other side of this conversation where people find faults in their body where they simply don't exist.

[–]miltonbimowitz 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Objective beauty is directly proportional to positive media exposure but also doesn't really mean jack shit if you have the time to appeal to someone on an individual basis.

[–]Sumodenden 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Totally! I’m so sick of “please rate me”! Reminds me of how insecure I used to be.

[–]TheCuntyVaginaShow 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I had a guy with a nice dick tell me he’s always been insecure about it and especially self-conscious when soft. I was genuinely surprised. I appreciated his vulnerability and I’m glad I could encourage him! I’m sure this post helped many.

[–]greyjackal 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Show them your middle fingers up. thanks

[–]onthesunnyside 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I've had a variety of penises and can't remember being disappointed by any of them.

[–]Tigris474 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I'm a slutty queer 23 year old woman and I want to add that everyone's genitals, be it a penis, vagina, or something inbetween is beautiful. I've had sex with over 60 people, honestly I lost count I'm not really sure, and I have never judged someone's attractiveness based on their genitals. It usually has to do with their personality.

[–]gliscorgirl 1 point2 points  (0 children)

We should say this about vaginas as well.

[–]Samadonis 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Just reading the edits, how are people getting triggered by being told their dick is beautiful? Like there's literally nothing that doesn't boost the ego of every dude who reads it in this post

[–]thelostwhore 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I love your attitute.

I dont think all penises, much like vaginas are all beautiful.

But a lot of my idea of a good looking dick is also a mans hygiene and how they treat and clean their own dick that make or breaks a penis.

Im a hooker. I have seen more penises and vaginas than most. Not all are great. I also find the whole penis love thing more exclusive to someone I'm in a relationship with. Like i love my bfs dick. Its literally perfect for me. Taste, size, fit, look etc.

Love your attitude. Dont totally agree with the idea that every dick is awesome.

[–]Ragnarokryss 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Hey, thanks! I'll take the compliment :)

[–]SalVen 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Thank you. I am welling up in tears. I needed this so much.

[–]Jdisgreat17 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I wish this is true, but when I went to college, the size of your dick could definitely make or break a hook up. Apparently, at least at the college I went to, if you didn't have a minimum 7 inch schlong, your chances of sleeping with a woman was cut nearly in half, and if you had under 5.5, which is still considered average if I'm not mistaken, you might as well not even try

[–]mareenah 6 points7 points  (3 children)

Bullshit. There are ugly penises. It doesn't matter. What matters is when we have fun with it. Why does everything have to be beautiful? Why are we 'all beautiful'? Can we just accept some shit is ugly and still not judge or demean people for it?

[–]RVA14 3 points4 points  (1 child)

You realize you called something "ugly" and said that we should "not judge" it in literally 5 words in the same sentence.

That's got to be a record.

[–]mareenah 4 points5 points  (0 children)

It's because you think being ugly is an insult. It's a descriptor of (generally) physical appearance. I don't consider it an insult. My friend is physically ugly, but she's a good person and worthwhile, and smart. She accepts she's ugly and it can't insult her or hurt her. We shouldn't judge their worth as a person based on appearance. I was fucking ugly for a long time, too. Not everyone is "perfect". If everyone is, then no one is.

[–]DarkReign2011 4 points5 points  (3 children)

I dunno about that... Typical male insecurity about things like size aside, I have good reason to be insecure about my own. When I was an infant I received a botched circumcision. Performance issues aside, it also left a very lopsided and ugly shape. Not really anything I can do about it and I've learned to live with it, appearance-wise. It's definitely not beautiful, though.

[–]BarefootWulfgar 5 points6 points  (2 children)

There are things you can do about it but it will take effort. I was also circumcised very tight without my consent as an infant.

[–]DarkReign2011 1 point2 points  (1 child)

I don't know if I'd want to restore foreskin, though. I prefer being cut. The issues not that I'm too tight. I'm actually lopsided. One side is cut and the other still has a large portion of skin. I could probably get the rest cut properly and get it balanced out, but I'm pretty terrified of doctors and even moreso of taking a knife near the goods.

[–]BarefootWulfgar 1 point2 points  (0 children)

So you were cut as an adult then? I never knew what it was like to be uncut.

Edit: Just reread your first post, you were cut as an infant. So there is no way to know if you prefer being cut or not.

Well you could balance the skin out by just restoring the side that is cut low. Either way it's worth looking since your not happy with the results of a botched cut.

[–]ElectraJane 6 points7 points  (3 children)

I don't believe this. I have a preference. Just like a man has a preference. They are all different, and some better than others.

[–]fantastic-dan 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Nobody is saying you can't have a preference, just don't be a shithead when you express it.

[–]RainingGlitter28 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Am woman. I agree entirely with this post!!

[–]dudezilla1989 -3 points-2 points  (0 children)

karma bait post

[–][deleted]  (2 children)


    [–]MyVoreThrowaway[M] 1 point2 points  (1 child)

    You say self-love and confidence are important, yet you define guys who have been circumcised as mutilated, and imply that they are not able to enjoy sex that feels "natural" and "right." This for us falls into body shaming, and while holding the opinion that you would not circumcise your kids is obviously fine, we don't facilitate calling circumcised guys mutilated.

    [–]shiftynightworker 0 points1 point  (0 children)

    Now sing it to the tune of Every Sperm Is Sacred from Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life

    [–]Ankeneering 0 points1 point  (2 children)

    I for one, have struggled with shame. Now, thanks to diet and excercise I am proud of my tanned, athletic penis.

    [–]JDogish 0 points1 point  (1 child)

    The way you said that makes it seem like your penis is in really great shape!

    [–]Ameen2103 0 points1 point  (0 children)

    Yeah they’re not gonna believe you

    [–]smartyr228 0 points1 point  (0 children)

    Thanks. Still hate mine tho.

    [–]CH1CK3NW1N95 0 points1 point  (0 children)

    I needed that today, thanks a bunch

    [–]johnyann 0 points1 point  (1 child)

    Think having a two toned dick stopped two toned Malone?

    Nope. Skanked his way into the anals of porn history.

    [–]musichave 1 point2 points  (0 children)

    Thought you meant Kevin Malone from the office and I thought I missed something the nine times I’ve seen the series

    [–]MustGetALife 0 points1 point  (0 children)

    Why on earth are you having to apologise? Lol.

    Controversial? Harmful? Insensitive?

    Holy shit, some snowflakes can be offended over absolute fuck all and need to grow the fuck up.

    I liked your post. Well said.

    [–]DWright_5 0 points1 point  (0 children)

    I think OP had great intentions with her post. But now that I’ve read the entire thread, the term “zero-sum game” occurs to me.

    [–]Saphron_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

    Amen! Every dick is a pretty dick. No one should feel ashamed of how their genitalia looks.

    [–]ABunchOfRadishSpirit 0 points1 point  (0 children)

    You just made this asian guy's day even more brighter 😄

    [–]EricTheRoman 0 points1 point  (0 children)

    Dont apologise, youre right. Thankyou for saying that ❤️

    There will be some with deep hurts, but you made me smile and plenty of others!

    [–]Redowadoer 0 points1 point  (1 child)

    Show them your middle fingers up.

    I can show them something else up. ;)

    [–]musichave 0 points1 point  (0 children)

    Ask first

    [–]MonopolyButWthDads 0 points1 point  (0 children)

    Man my SO makes fun of my balls all the time, and how much she thinks penises are gross. This feels nice to read, I just want to sleep naked

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    [–]dacemcgraw 1306 points1307 points  (28 children)

    You're right.

    I'm gay. I've slept with enough men to have intimate experience with more than thirty and seen/been around even more men naked over the course of my life.

    Your penis won't match your body. It's plenty big enough for you to get off, and that's the point of sex - getting off and having fun. It'll curve to the left or right or down or have a little lump in the middle or seem comically undersized next to bull balls or huge as fuck compared to your pubic hair. The head will look torpedo-shaped, have a huge mushroom or the foreskin will be tight or loose or thick or like tissue-thin parchment or not be there. It'll leak precum like a faucet or be awkwardly dry.

    It's yours. Enjoy it. And if someone wants to be a queen about it, either let them suffer in the prisons of their own making, or show them just how good sex can be of you let go of how it's "supposed to be." Get your partner off with your tongue, your penis, your sheer manliness, your tender attention, that hilarious gag gift dildo you got for your birthday three years ago, with a slow tender fuck that sends them to Venus and back, with sloppy sweaty fucksex, with the "oh wow we're still horny aren't we" spontaneous sex in the shower, with whatever kink paraphernalia you're in to, with a penis sheath, with a pegging kit, with a friend, with fingers and a ridiculous amount of lube, with goddamn Gregorian chants in the background or with candelight and rose petals.

    Your penis is not the thing that should make someone happy to sleep with you. If so, it's a crutch.

    Edit: And for context, I'm nobody's idea of a model, my cock is fairly average in all dimensions, and I've only been sexually active since roughly 2012. I'm no more special than my choices.

    [–]ReluctantMonster 163 points164 points  (3 children)

    This might be my favorite Reddit reply of all time.

    [–]dacemcgraw 19 points20 points  (0 children)

    D'awww, you're sweet :P

    [–]soicanfap 3 points4 points  (0 children)


    [–]PansyParkinson80[S] 237 points238 points  (3 children)


    [–]mhn23 9 points10 points  (1 child)

    He agreed hard as well.

    [–]BrucePee 6 points7 points  (0 children)

    I got hard as well.

    [–]jackipop 12 points13 points  (0 children)

    Agreed, I'm just as happy riding a 4 inch cock as I am riding a 6 inch cock. Less girthy cocks are easier to take in as well when you're tight.

    [–]dragontology 48 points49 points  (4 children)

    As a straight guy, this is so true. Except for the second paragraph, this can apply to straight guys as well. Or bi, or pan, whatever.

    Conclusion, orientation is personal, but passion is near universal. Great post.

    [–]dacemcgraw 24 points25 points  (3 children)

    I mean, you can be a straight dude and get to know plenty of dicks. I'm sure there are straight nudists and swingers who have seen plenty more dicks than me. Whatever one's comfortable with :D

    [–]Cho_Assmilk 3 points4 points  (2 children)

    Ever been in a hockey dressing room?

    [–]dacemcgraw 3 points4 points  (0 children)

    Nope, was never one for formal team sports. Those boys are hunky though.

    [–]jherazob 2 points3 points  (0 children)

    Or urologists

    [–]FuckyouMrCrowley 11 points12 points  (0 children)

    Gregorian chants. Awesome comment

    [–]chillinsince91 7 points8 points  (4 children)

    Damn dude.

    [–]dacemcgraw 4 points5 points  (3 children)

    Thanks, I think! ;D

    [–]chillinsince91 14 points15 points  (2 children)

    Yeah man you killed it. I love seeing gay men talk about how different penises are because gay men have definitely seen/been with more penises than like 95% of the women that comment on these types of posts.

    [–]accidentaloverlord 1 point2 points  (1 child)

    Well, I wouldn’t say that’s necessarily true.. as a mostly straight/occasionally bi woman I’ve seen a lot of dicks, and I’m fascinated by every one. They really are beautiful, and sexy, and all of them have been different. And having experienced so many, I’m confident with saying the one I’m with now is my favorite :)

    [–]chillinsince91 1 point2 points  (0 children)

    That's why I said 95% of women.. Not all. You must fall in the 5%. :)

    [–]execthts 11 points12 points  (0 children)

    Yes, completely yes. My boyfriend doesn't have a really thick one yet it's satisfieable (let's say average). I'm a guy btw (not "gay" per label though), mine's much thicker but also leaks a lot, his one doesn't. Everyone's different, and it's fine.

    [–]Kserwin 2 points3 points  (0 children)

    I've never met you and I almost think I love you from this reply. That was beautifully written, man.

    [–]ReinbaoPawniez 1 point2 points  (0 children)

    Thanks for being real dude :)

    [–]espangleesh [score hidden]  (1 child)

    What an awesome reply, no sarcasm. Peter (my penis) and I thank you.

    [–]Bart_1980 324 points325 points  (13 children)

    Despite the negative feedback you may have gotten. I love you for your intentions. I just wish my first girl had said that instead of "I want a bigger one". It would have saved me many a worried and anxious moment.

    [–]BabyBlackBear 28 points29 points  (4 children)

    Wow who says that

    [–]FireZeLazer 29 points30 points  (1 child)

    Girls who want bigger ones

    and have little regard for other people's feelings

    [–]BabyBlackBear 6 points7 points  (0 children)

    Word. Even if I thought that I would never say that. Terrible

    [–]Sweetashoneyy [score hidden]  (0 children)

    Anyone who says that just isn't worth it.

    [–]adabbadon 202 points203 points  (23 children)

    People are complaining that women never like small penises, which yes visually maybe big penises look nice but goddamn can they be uncomfortable during sex. Stretching the vagina open too much so it hurts, and the guy constantly going too deep hitting the cervix really sucks. Some women don’t have that issue, but a ton do and end up preferring smaller penises. If a woman won’t have sex with you or makes fun of you for what your dick looks like, she’s an immature pos. If she’s truly attracted to you and wants to be with you, she’s not gonna care. Women have to put up with a lot of bullshit for their bodies too. There are shitty immature people who get their entire concept of sex from porn, and inevitably are going to have a shitty sex like. Good sex comes when you accept its a bizarre, stinky, sweaty act and you’re gonna end up spending far too much time looking at your partners asshole and seeing them from weird unflattering angles, making weird faces and noises when they orgasm, bad dirty talk, accidentally kicking or elbowing or awkwardly maneuvering. Accidentally farting or burping or getting the giggles. You’ve just gotta accept all of this and learn to relax and have fun.

    [–]funkless_eck 46 points47 points  (3 children)

    My ex told me she has slept with a couple of guys with very small penises and had a great time. The only negative experiences were when the dude let his self esteem get in the way and got all weird about it.

    [–]PM_ME_CORGlE_PlCS 21 points22 points  (2 children)

    Frankly, I prefer small penises. And I'm not alone, I've met my fair share of women who feel the same way.

    In the past, when I have made this comment around men (who weren't my sexual partners), some of them refused to believe me. In those cases, I ask them to consider they types of breasts straight men have enjoyed. Maybe they prefer large breasts, but they certainly know that some men prefer small breasts, right? They likely also understand that an even greater percentage of men don't have any particular size preference. If they are they type of guy who would reject a woman because her breasts aren't big enough, I probably won't ever get thought to them, but that is a minority.

    [–]thethoughtsdontstop [score hidden]  (1 child)

    Yes but breast size isn't the most commonly ridiculed phenomenon. Somehow body shaming of every kind is highly frowned upon except for penis shaming. In fact, jokes at their expense are thrown in your face at every opportunity.

    "He's so loud and obnoxious, such an asshole. insert any other negative personality trait here"

    "Oh he must be compensating for his small manhood"

    There's the Canadian government lady who was shaming some dude for hunting wildlife, and said that he must be trying to compensate for having a small dick.

    Every day on my way to work I pass by a giant billboard that advertises the cheese stick things, and it's literally a juxtaposition of a big cheese stick to a small one, and the caption reads "Bigger is always better". If this billboard was utilizing body shaming in any other way, people would be up in arms about it and there would be news articles written about it.

    But no, penis shaming is seen as completely okay, somehow.

    I'm not attacking you, I'm just frustrated seeing these comparisons to other body preferences, when the real issue stems from a larger societal collective consciousness that think it's funny.

    [–]SevenLight 14 points15 points  (5 children)

    People are complaining that women never like small penises

    This is plain bullshit too. I love me some smaller dicks. I'd honestly take <5 inches over >6. Not only do I like the way they feel, I actually like the way they look. Between 4 and 5 inches is a nice size visually, in my (apparently uncommon) opinion. I love looking at random dude's bodies on male versions of the GW subreddits, but instantly close the tab when there's a giant dick on the screen. Nothing against you hung dudes - do your thing. It's just not my thing.

    Maybe I am a total outlier, but I swear to god I'm not lying about this. I'm not so into tall guys either. My ideal imaginary guy is like, 5'6" and has a 4 to 5 inch dick. One of the hottest guys I know is about 5'5". Just unf. Gimme dat shit.

    [–]Willow-girl 1 point2 points  (3 children)

    You know, I've never met a short guy with a really small dick. I think ghod gives them an extra inch down below to make up for what they lack in height ...

    [–]jherazob 10 points11 points  (1 child)

    [–]cuginhamer 4 points5 points  (0 children)

    "Sex is the moldy cheese of physical activity."

    [–]RIPcherryboyRIP 4 points5 points  (3 children)

    change the angle and you can go just short of it (belly side) and hit the anterior fornix or go downwards (booty side) and you go under the cervix into the posterior fornix.

    There's a small amount of women where the cervix is unfortunately at the end of the road.

    [–]adabbadon 3 points4 points  (1 child)

    In such a circumstance I do prefer him behind me, it’s usually at a much better angle. And it’s a bit of a mood killer when I have to tell a guy every ten seconds to stop going so deep

    [–]whatnointroduction 1 point2 points  (0 children)

    I like this too - I lay on my stomach, let the guy go crazy behind me, and use my clenched thighs/butt to hold him at an appropriate distance. It's such a good system for when you're sort of tired of asking him to ease up, and/or you don't want to kill the mood with a sensitive guy. I hate to say it... but it's useful for that "I don't want to stop, but I do want this to be over..." time that can sometimes happen.

    [–]shygoodguy 4 points5 points  (0 children)

    What a great comment! You deserve 1,000 upvotes.

    [–]gangbang_me 7 points8 points  (0 children)

    I think it depends on the size of the vagina too though. Maybe I'm just loose, but big penises feel a lot better for me than small ones. When I started having sex with my now ex-boyfriend (who has a large penis), he was amazed how well I could take him, and that it fit inside me (as it caused a lot of pain for other women). Some women have small vaginas, some have big. Some people's genitals fit well together, and some don't, and there's nothing wrong with that.

    [–]duhex 28 points29 points  (0 children)

    Some of the comments in this post make me sad. I think it dicks are like people, not everyone will love your dick but there will be people out there who do love your dick, wanting it be universally loved is ridiculous.

    Some girls are horrified by the idea of having a guy with a pornstar sized dick in them, some girls love the extreme nature of having the biggest thickest monster in them. Some girls find the idea of a guy with something below average down there to be arousing and interesting. Some women just won't care either way and will care more about how you are as a person. Simply put, just go through life with what you have and make the most of it, don't apologise or hold yourself accountable for the things you can't change. If you feel that more often than not you're meeting people who don't like you, keep meeting new people till you find the ones you do. Always keep moving onwards.

    [–]Ingetfunkarfan 114 points115 points  (4 children)

    I get this. It's like how all breasts are beautiful regardless of size.

    [–]Azael_Descends 17 points18 points  (1 child)

    I also like boobs.

    [–]J_Bob24 3 points4 points  (0 children)

    I too dig da boob.

    [–]zanpher717 60 points61 points  (5 children)

    This is my penis. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My penis is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.

    Without me, my penis is useless. Without my penis, I am useless. I must fire my penis true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy who is trying to bang me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will…

    My penis and I know that what counts in the bedroom is not the rounds we fire, the noise of our bust, nor the smoke we make. We know that it is the hits that count. We will hit it…

    My penis is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strength, its parts, its accessories, its sights and its barrel. I will keep my penis clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We will become part of each other. We will…

    Before God, I swear this creed. My penis and I are the defenders of my country. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life.

    So be it, until victory is America's and there is no enemy, but peace!

    [–]CTheGoldfish 8 points9 points  (0 children)

    I like the uplifting comments on this thread, but this one is uplifting in a humorous way. Have an upvote.

    [–]Skyairen 2 points3 points  (0 children)

    Found the engineer

    [–]MDMAbleToShine 0 points1 point  (1 child)

    Are you aware of the poet Shayne Koyczan? The first part of this was written exactly like one of his works “this is my voice”, wasn’t sure if that was intentional but made me smile nonetheless!

    [–]th3juggler 1 point2 points  (0 children)

    The comment and the poem are references to The Rifleman's Creed.

    [–]PansyParkinson80[S] 139 points140 points  (12 children)

    Here I go again arguing about topics I didn’t expect to argue about.

    I apologize.

    Can I now love men the way they are in peace? Y’all precious!

    [–]noahsygg 48 points49 points  (0 children)

    Fuck the haters. The ones of us here with brains know where your heart is. Haters gonna hate.

    [–]OtherMeta 39 points40 points  (4 children)

    Lol your post makes me feel pretty. And I'm apparently a 6 foot tall beast with a beard. There should be more like you

    [–]mykidisonhere 6 points7 points  (3 children)

    Beards are pretty.

    [–]OtherMeta 8 points9 points  (2 children)

    They are scruffy and annoying sometimes, and food gets stuck in them but I appreciate the sentiment!

    [–]mykidisonhere 9 points10 points  (1 child)

    I could say the same about my bra and it's still pretty.

    [–]OtherMeta 4 points5 points  (0 children)

    I like your style

    [–]Gottabecreative 5 points6 points  (0 children)

    As a guy, it was very pleasing to read your post!

    [–]fratstache 4 points5 points  (0 children)

    Why are you apologizing?

    [–]Zoenboen 8 points9 points  (3 children)

    It would have been nice to refocus the anger on those who've told us our entire lives that dicks are ugly and gross and that no one wants to see them. They are important enough to us that it takes a toll.

    [–]miamiwerewolf 12 points13 points  (0 children)

    Thank you for saying what ive been afraid to say in this thread since I started using it ❤

    [–]unicornSporked 26 points27 points  (1 child)

    I complete agree and it has always confused me that people find theirs ugly. Then again, I’ve never seen an ugly vagina either.

    Dirty/uncared for/ diseased... sure. But ugly? No. I really... REALLY like them all 😂😂😂 but am particularly obsessed with my spouses.

    [–]Polyfacetic 118 points119 points  (4 children)

    Addendum: every vulva is also gorgeous. Women are often so self-conscious because they have large labia (a lot of us guys fucking love large labia), or because they hate shaving/waxing and abstain (plenty of us love bush too), or because of colors, shapes, size, texture, wetness/dryness, etc. It’s all good, ladies. We love it all.

    Regarding penises, my GF has explained that she doesn’t find them attractive. But if she’s attracted to the person the cock is attached to, the cock itself becomes beautiful and — in her own words — “mouth-watering.” I’m sure this phenomenon occurs in men, too, but still...women are amazing.

    [–]shygoodguy 20 points21 points  (3 children)

    Great post! OP you're a great and very body positive! And please guys I know how much insecurities hurt but please when a woman says something positive about your penis please believe them.

    [–]PansyParkinson80[S] 16 points17 points  (2 children)

    I am really sorry, because I didn’t know how much painful this insecurity actually is and it breaks my heart to hear that people really don’t believe they are beautiful. And I sure didn’t mean to say they’re making it up, but my post sounds like it, I admit.

    So I just want to say, again, that I think men are precious and if I love a man then I love him the way he are. And if I can help him to love himself too, I’ll try.

    [–]shygoodguy 9 points10 points  (0 children)

    Please don't feel bad. You sounds like a good loving person, you probably won't make everyone happy but with your mentality I'm 💯 sure that you'll make any man who share his life with you very very happy. Please never change! :)

    [–]Paultrippy 6 points7 points  (0 children)

    You had and have the right intentions, and your heart is in the right place. Unfortunately in this debate, you are more rare than the women that feel the opposite, and they speak up more. So thanks for being the considerate one!

    [–]thepurrrfectcrime 110 points111 points  (2 children)

    I don't want to look at any penises just for fun. Naked guys yes, but the penis isn't the focal point.

    However, when I'm in a relationship the penis is king. I love looking at it and I love playing with it. It becomes beautiful to me because of the person it's attached to and the enjoyment we both derive from it.

    So objectively, no, I don't think all penises are beautiful -- just specific ones. And whatever that specific penis looks like, as long as it's attached to someone I care about, I'm going to find it fucking hot.

    [–]Yadnarav 4 points5 points  (0 children)

    Agreed. Similarly, all boobs and vilvas aren't objectively beautiful either

    [–]falling_apart522 65 points66 points  (5 children)

    Yesssss. Fun to play with in every size shape and color. Porn really does mess with guys heads in the same way that professional models mess with girls heads. Guys don’t have to have a cookie cutter thick cock in the same way that girls dont have to be thin to be pretty. 🤗🍆🍌🥖🌭♥️

    [–]OtherMeta 12 points13 points  (0 children)

    Well, to be honest, I can see this logically, and while I'm on Reddit writing a comment I completely agree. But still I'll have that thought at the back of my mind always. The dear of being inadequate. And I think this applies to women as well regarding standards of beauty.

    Understanding this is easy, applying this and believing this in real life is much much harder in my opinion. For me at least

    [–]AbeLincolnsFreckles 9 points10 points  (0 children)

    Porn definitely skewed my idea of what penises are like. I was really surprised to find the average length is only* around 5.25".

    *I'm not implying anything negative by this, just talking about how the actual typical penis compares to what you see in porn.

    [–]hayduke5270 6 points7 points  (0 children)

    Porn seriously messed with my self image as a man. In fact porn screwed up my whole idea of what sex is supposed to be like.

    [–]Pez-Fez 10 points11 points  (1 child)

    Somebody smarter than me once said, “Porn actors are the Olympians of sex.” So if you’re not tearing yourself down because you can’t swim like Michael Phelps, why are you tearing yourself down because you can’t fuck like James Deen? Do your best, and learn to work with what you got.

    [–]falling_apart522 12 points13 points  (0 children)

    And even better- they edit out and don’t share the screwups- so its like olympians who only share their awesome 9.0 runs and never let anyone see their training they went through where they fell a hundred times.

    [–]dragonslayor117 22 points23 points  (2 children)

    Wait how is this controversial, I liked this messaged

    [–]fedxc 0 points1 point  (0 children)

    I was wondering the same. Looks like negative comments got downvoted though.

    [–]ghanima 0 points1 point  (0 children)

    I like this message too, and I don't even think penises are beautiful. I don't they're unsightly or anything, I'd just way rather not be looking at genitalia than just about any other body part.

    [–]TomPalmer1979 28 points29 points  (24 children)

    Every penis? Are you sure?

    (NSFW link, it's a collection of "oddity" penises)

    [–]Grello 12 points13 points  (0 children)

    Woah.... I... Uhhh....huh.

    [–]SnowTurdPie 8 points9 points  (9 children)

    I wanna talk about head proportions- are those just naturally off, or is something weird going on there ?

    The knobs are also throwing me for a loop. I may still slob on it though..

    [–]hbgbz 13 points14 points  (3 children)

    Some of them are circumcision damage - the surgeon scrapes the foreskin away and basically leaves the shaft under the head underdeveloped.

    [–]delalunes 2 points3 points  (4 children)

    I was expecting a lot stranger. Crooked ones didn’t bother me, different colored ones didn’t bother me, the uncircumcised ones didn’t bother me, the small head one didn’t bother me, and the large head ones didn’t bother me, but I would be concerned about sex, bc to me it looks like they could easily be twisted or hurt? Don’t know if that makes sense.

    [–]SnowTurdPie 0 points1 point  (0 children)

    Exactly. The ones at sharp angles have to take some gentle strokes or else both partners could be injured!

    [–]apekillape 5 points6 points  (4 children)

    ...what's supposed to be wrong with number 8? (Totally asking for a friend.)

    [–]IAMA_Shark__AMA 1 point2 points  (0 children)

    The two skin colors, I guess? It's fairly common with circumcision, though.

    [–]FakeAmazonReviews [score hidden]  (0 children)

    8 looks the best of them all IMO. It's a nice big dick

    [–]ghanima 0 points1 point  (0 children)

    It just looks unusually large to me, although I suspect some people would consider the difference in skin tones unusual (not me, 'though).

    [–]sipsredpepper 5 points6 points  (1 child)

    Only a couple of those are really out there to me. And that one guy is hot as fuck why would I give a shit that his dick isn't model perfect? I won't see it when he's plowing me with it.

    [–]oddsavant 7 points8 points  (0 children)

    Lol where's OP now huh

    [–]tossoway 1 point2 points  (0 children)

    Number 8 seemed pretty normal. The rest not so much.

    [–]FakeAmazonReviews [score hidden]  (0 children)

    10 and 12 are the only ones that seem odd without reason and even then I'm not judging harshly. I'm Positive 1, 6 and 13 are photoshop jobs

    [–]Rosegin 3 points4 points  (0 children)

    I must be a terrible person because I’d turn down most of those guys.

    [–]ManBearHybrid 65 points66 points  (15 children)

    Men don't worry about their penis size as a problem in its own right. They worry about the ridicule and social stigma that comes with having a small penis. I dont think a man stranded on a deserted island would worry about his cock size.

    it's unfortunate but there are the "size queens" out there. It is a reality that there are some girls out there who seek out black guys to fuck, because they're dumb enough to believe the stereotypes that porn feeds them (and then behave as if the black guy is broken for being average). It is a reality that a lot of girls will talk to their friends about her partners, and if he doesnt measure up then they will laugh behind your back - and sometimes not behind your back. It is a reality that having a normal love life is a lot harder if you have a small penis.

    Yes, it is possible to find women out there who arent like this, but every small-penised man has to deal with the ones that are like this. Dont believe me? Check out /r/smalldickproblems. You speak about the myth that we crave a big cock, but ultimately they arent myths - many women are explicitly and openly like that. Some even put it in their tinder bios. The "ideals" that you speak about are enforced by real people, and there is a real punishment for being below average. It isn't something that men imagine.

    [–]tyfreak 23 points24 points  (0 children)

    Well, if you find a women like that, move on. Don’t let some random girl ruin your confidence. Find someone you share an intimate connection with. Can’t change anything about girls who like to make fun of you for your insecurities, except move on.

    [–]PansyParkinson80[S] 11 points12 points  (2 children)

    Because I literally said it l, the concept is stupid. Shaming someone for having a small penis is stupid, we need to send it to hell and start more positively and more confident.

    I actually do understand how harmful that toxic stigma is, that’s why I don’t understand why the salt... But I admit it’s hard to get the tone and intention from text, so I might be just imagining things. In that case I apologize.

    [–]littleworr 8 points9 points  (0 children)

    I don't think there's a lot of direct "shaming" that occurs, but there's definitely a filter.

    The rise of image/beauty/attractiveness/sex culture as a status symbol through things like SnapChat/IG/FB is putting an emotional and social strain on both men and women that can't conform. To some extent though, women can turn to plastic surgery. If you're an A cup you can get breast enhancements, if you've got huge lips you can get labiaplasty, but if you have a 3" dick you're stuck with it. There is no plastic surgery for cock augmentation, because if there were, I assure you it'd be just as popular as a boobjob.

    It's repeatedly enforced through many channels that if you're small, you can't "compete". Regardless of your attractiveness, if a woman finds you too small, she can, and often will, just leave you; there are equally attractive men available who don't have "size problems". This causes a LOT of social anxiety for anyone who isn't rocking over 6". While you might be body positive, the social standard is that if you're hot (and attractiveness is the social currency of today) you should be banging dudes with no less than 7" dicks. You want to be able to brag about it on social media, after all. The sexual revolution hasn't been kind to many, and in an age of "swipe right" dating (but where the onus is still on the guy to put himself up for rejection), it's made things very difficult for anyone that doesn't ascribe to the social "norm".

    Also I don't think you have to apologise for anything. No one here is mad or angry at you OP, I think you've just hit a nerve and people are venting.

    [–]voxfemme 18 points19 points  (1 child)

    I have no argument with the sentiment of acceptance here, which is great, but let's be honest about what words mean.

    The way to handle insecurities about physical beauty is not to pretend that everyone is beautiful, because that makes beauty a meaningless concept. If we call every person a genius, every effort a success, and every penis or vulva or breast or face beautiful, what words will we have left to honor the most exquisite traits, actions, or aesthetic forms?

    The way to handle physical insecurities is to accept the reality that all of us have an ugly or at least not beautiful feature and that's totally OK. Different people find different things beautiful, and value looks differently. We are defined much more by our actions and our character than by the shape of a body part, you don't have to meet some conventional standard of beauty to be respected or to be cherished by the people you love.

    [–]nadmaximus 21 points22 points  (5 children)

    If you're not ready for another person to find you unattractive, you're gonna have a bad time. People have every right to prefer whatever body type and anatomy they wish. We each have to understand that other people's preferences are every bit as valid as our own. A healthy person will know that some portion of humanity will accept them as they are, perhaps even seek them out. Some portion will be indifferent, and some will be turned off. It's ok to not like small dicks, or big ones, or bent ones. Make the best of the dick you have, don't feel victimized if you're not to someone's taste, and be confident that someone out there wants exactly what you have.

    [–]voxfemme 6 points7 points  (0 children)

    This is a much better expression of the sentiment the OP was going for. Every penis, breast, vulva, or whatever is not beautiful; it's just nonsense to say so. Some penises are beautiful and some are ugly, and that's ok.

    [–]RIPcherryboyRIP 3 points4 points  (0 children)

    One day my "D" shaped penis will find its way to the girl craving the D

    (it really is shaped like that)

    [–]fantastic-dan 6 points7 points  (0 children)

    This is not the same argument used to discuss women's body issue. We expect society to be better in it views women, and it's normal to expect the same for it's views on men.

    What is being discussed here is not an individual's right to preference, but that the behavior of some vocal, rude and abusive group of people regarding how they EXPRESS THEIR PREFERENCE is problematic.

    [–]creativeatrophy 1 point2 points  (0 children)

    I think this is what OP was going for, but you phrased it better.

    [–]Paultrippy 35 points36 points  (0 children)

    All thing being equal, I’d say half the women are in your camp, and the other half are pretty vocal what they are looking for there. We can’t say “all women” in this debate, but there’s a large group that feel the exact opposite of you. So while I think it’s great you went out of your way to try and make guys feel better about this, we don’t create this stuff in our head as much as you think. We just listen to that other half more (unfortunately)

    [–]IshiOfSierra 6 points7 points  (0 children)

    It's true not all women like big penises. I can remember working construction with this Brazilian guy that was going through a painful divorce (from an American women) On rides home, he would be on the brink of tears, giving details about his situation. He said issues started when she didn't want to have sex with him, because his dick was "TOO BIG" (he didn't mention how big). He was seriously upset about this, almost ashamed of his dick. I tried to explain the big dick superiority stereotype in the US and he utterly confused. Too small, too big? I'll stick with my average. Seems to be doing the ladies just fine..

    [–]TotallyRickenCrazy 29 points30 points  (34 children)

    Thank you for trying to boost the confidence of us insecure guys, but I have read too much on Reddit to believe that my 4.5" (both dimensions), heavily veiny, curved, awkwardly-foreskinned (yes, I probably just made that term up) penis is anything approaching beautiful, or any real use to anyone.

    Most women generally like either girth or length, and I have neither :(

    Again though, thanks for the post, but this is one insecurity of mine that is a futile battle.

    [–]PansyParkinson80[S] 36 points37 points  (16 children)

    Hey, reddit can be really toxic. I noticed that in the red pill community. It’s so unreal. Don’t read that.

    Be careful with the idea that “most” women. Because that’s not true.

    I wish you enough strength and luck to fight this insecurity. Self love is a learning process, and it’s hard, but once learned, it’s worth it!

    [–]TotallyRickenCrazy 30 points31 points  (15 children)

    I remember once reading a post one time, ages ago, from a woman who was asking other women whether they found penises really attractive. Was like 400 comments or something. Lot of them described their boyfriends/husbands/FWBs cock. Saw a lot of "big but not too big", some "its huge and I'm a small girl and I love how overwhelming it feels", and some "its just the right size to hit the right spots and make me cum during sex". How many comments did I see complimenting a smaller penis? Zero. Out of 400 comments.

    I've seen plenty of posts/comments from women who only found out they could have vaginal orgasms once they found a guy with a bigger cock.

    And none of those women are being "toxic" (well, maybe a few will actively shame when talking about this stuff) - most of them are just freely and openly discussing their preferences, which they have every right to do.

    And I should point you to a subreddit called smalldickproblems. If you want to hear some horror stories, that is the place to go.

    I really appreciate your post and its lovely to see posts like this, but at the same time I can't agree.

    [–]all_four_seasons 23 points24 points  (8 children)

    You might stay away from the smalldickproblems sub if you don’t want to be insecure about your dick size. You’re kind of reinforcing your insecurity by hanging out there no? Because I’ve read a ton of posts with women saying they either don’t have strong preferences or they flat out prefer a smaller penis. The fact that you haven’t seen those makes me think you’re hanging out in the wrong places.

    [–]TotallyRickenCrazy 5 points6 points  (7 children)

    People can say things online, but what those guys are describing are real experiences they've had. Should I just stay away from anything that makes me feel bad, even if they are facts?

    [–]Cianwoo 10 points11 points  (0 children)

    Yes, because you are confirming your bias. You had an idea, a preconcieved notion, so you went to a sub where people specifically talk about this 'problem' and only this 'problem.' Which reinforces your original idea, tricking you into thinking it's a bigger issue than it may be. That's confirmation bias.

    [–]wittypunthatspunny 2 points3 points  (1 child)

    What we feed, grows. If theres nothing to be done to change something, no point in spending a bunch of energy thinking about it.

    [–]tossoway 0 points1 point  (0 children)

    Then how will we figure out how to enhance penis size?

    If no smart people are focusing on it, it'll never happen.

    [–]littleworr 2 points3 points  (1 child)

    If you start to set expectations based on those facts (aka bias) then yes.

    "Fake it until you make it" is very real. Disassociating yourself from your expectations is difficult but is necessary. You're biasing yourself by developing preconceived notions of interactions before they've happened.

    [–]dallyan 4 points5 points  (0 children)

    Will you remember this post? You should.

    [–]xXMistressEveXx 12 points13 points  (4 children)

    Keep in mind, a lot of women don't want to call out their partner having a small penis, and it's generally because guys have an ego thing with their penis. If their partner is below average, they're more likely to not mention it to avoid sounding like they're talking bad about him.

    I actually have a friend who was dating a guy with a small penis, and she sung praises about it. She said the things he did with it were amazing. It really is so much more about technique than size. With larger guys, you run the risk that they won't bother working on technique, sexual skills, etc. because they think all she needs is his large dick.

    [–]TotallyRickenCrazy 8 points9 points  (3 children)

    Yeah, thats the comparison that is always made: small guy with skills is better than big guy who is a dumbass. Never compared are two guys, one big and one small, with equal skill, because everyone knows how that would turn out...

    [–]xXMistressEveXx 7 points8 points  (1 child)

    Whatever you got, I promise, someone, somewhere, is into it. Comparing yourself to others is detrimental. Focus on yourself, and whoever you're having sex with.

    [–]TotallyRickenCrazy 1 point2 points  (0 children)

    I hope so. I really, honestly hope so...

    [–]sexchick19 13 points14 points  (10 children)

    Legit, enthusiasm and skill matter so much more than size. The g spot is about an inch in and for me, that's what feels the best. Learn to drive a woman crazy with your fingers and tongue. I know insecurities are hard to overcome but this one is just unnecessary and way more in your head than what women really think.

    [–]TotallyRickenCrazy 3 points4 points  (9 children)

    I'm sure they do, but all things equal, a nice big one is a bonus, yeah? And it takes about 5 minutes of reading on this subreddit to know that there are spots other than the g-spot that small penises can't reach. Also girth.

    Can say that there is nothing I can do about it and that I can still be good in bed - true. Doesn't mean my dick itself is beautiful, or great, which is what OP is trying to say - that all penises are beautiful. Mines just isn't.

    [–]KrazyKestral 6 points7 points  (1 child)

    I think it really depends on the woman though. Some women like them bigger and some don't care or prefer smaller ones. I personally really really do not care about penis size as long as they satisfy me in bed.

    [–]instrumentnerd 8 points9 points  (6 children)

    No I don't like penises much bigger than like, 6 inches. If my cervix gets hit, the pain is incredible and I have thrown up from it before. The man I'm seeing is smaller than average but I I can go all out in oral and blow his mind and also not be in excruciating pain during sex. Win.Win.

    [–]dallyan 3 points4 points  (0 children)

    I agree. Cocks are beautiful and exciting and fun to play with, regardless of size. I’m grateful I get to deliver such pleasure to such a precious organ, not to mention receiving.

    [–]06210311off 3 points4 points  (0 children)

    Mine isn't. It's just my penis. Not beautiful, nor ugly.

    It saddens me there's so much focus on genitalia. But that's probably just me valuing personality and attitude over physical aspects.

    [–]Azael_Descends 3 points4 points  (0 children)

    Title of this post made me think of the "Every Sperm is Sacred" song.

    [–]Kempeth 2 points3 points  (0 children)

    Obligatory link to r/normalnudes and the penis gallery.

    [–]ElectraJane 3 points4 points  (0 children)

    Some penis' are better than others.

    [–]undercover_redditor 3 points4 points  (0 children)

    Even dirty and stinky penises are beautiful, underneath the grime.

    Seriously though, be respectful to yourself and your partners. Wash your ass.

    [–]Corosz 11 points12 points  (1 child)

    You can swear on the internet.

    [–]PansyParkinson80[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

    Very relevant note, thanks for your input.

    [–]nowthappens91 9 points10 points  (0 children)

    I don’t have a particularly big penis, but I genuinely like the way mine looks, so I’ve never had any worries about it...except one time when I was a third for a couple and the guy had the biggest cock I’ve ever seen in or out of porn. That had me playing “hide the penis in his girlfriend” so much that they probably thought I was 100x more enthusiastic than I was.

    Dick was T H I C C

    [–]LaserDiscTilDeath 8 points9 points  (1 child)

    You should stop caring about what they show you in porn, there’s no ideal model of beauty which you have to look like to be beautiful. It’s a construct, completely unnecessary.

    I feel like this is one of those statements thats always made alongside "Most girls dont know what a really big dick is like anyway"

    It's a platitude that tells smaller dicked guys "dont worry, she's probably never even SEEN one that big!!"

    Which does nothing for the guys who date someone and they find out her previous partners DID have those massive porn dicks

    Simple fact, my partner loves me for me and I get that. But if I were me, just with a thicker dick, it'd simply be "me but better". That's what bothers us.

    [–]vulcliques 2 points3 points  (0 children)

    There is a lock for every sized key lol.

    [–]StrayRatt 2 points3 points  (0 children)

    Don't apologize it was great advice for all men out there. And thanks for it

    [–]fatandhilarious 2 points3 points  (0 children)

    Thank you!

    [–]kalyvale 17 points18 points  (0 children)

    I think it's better to stop being delusional and accept that people have preferences and some prefer big dick, some average etc.

    [–]ItsOnlyRocknRol 5 points6 points  (0 children)

    Every Sperm is sacred!

    [–]ed523 6 points7 points  (2 children)

    As long as it gets hard

    [–]Grommph 0 points1 point  (0 children)

    There's an easily accessible pill for that. No one this day and age has to needlessly struggle with erectile dysfunction. Go to the doctor and go enjoy your sexlife.

    [–]Quelude 3 points4 points  (0 children)

    A helpful way to love your own cock is to masturbate in front of a mirror. It feels silly at first, but I've found it builds confidence.

    [–]uk_ex 3 points4 points  (0 children)

    Thank you for that, to me as a guy, they look awful, but then I have loved every vulva I have seen, and plenty of girls seem to find them off-putting. I guess that's just nature trying to steer us towards each other.

    Same goes for breasts, I love big and small ones equally.

    Love what you have, big or small.

    [–]LadyAzure17 2 points3 points  (0 children)

    Yes, girl, yes! Agreed! Dicks are great no matter the size or shape.

    [–]npepin 3 points4 points  (0 children)

    I am a fan of sex positivity, but it is important to not be sex delusional. Attraction differs from person to person, but in aggregate there is agreement on what is unattractive and attractive.

    It is important to accept your partner and other people as they come, but you can't also reject your actual feelings about aspects of a person's body. If you see your man's penis and you are disappointed in how it looks, then you are disappointed, it is ok. If you see your woman's breasts and you think they look weird, then you think they look weird, it is ok. There is no reason to dissociate from how you feel, you don't have a choice over what you are attracted to.

    You have to know your hand and you have to play your hand. Unless you happen to be really good looking, most people aren't going to find you to be beautiful, and it is important to have an accurate assessment of how you are generally perceived.

    Should you find your own body to be beautiful and have confidence if yourself? I think you need to know your hand and to play your hand accordingly. Accept it, but also realize there is variation.

    With dating and sex especially, you would probably be rejected by 90% of the people out there, some portion of those people will reject you for dumb reasons like your dick size and shape, but most people aren't going to care, and there will be some portion of people that will find your particular dick size and shape to be the best they have ever seen. There is a lot of variation in sexual preferences, which isn't to say that there isn't a whole lot of overlap, but most of the people out there are not the right person for you and dating is about finding the right person. Not everyone is going to be a fan of how you look. Some people will love the way you look. Some people will love you regardless of how you look.

    There is the whole other side of this conversation where people find faults in their body where they simply don't exist.

    [–]miltonbimowitz 1 point2 points  (0 children)

    Objective beauty is directly proportional to positive media exposure but also doesn't really mean jack shit if you have the time to appeal to someone on an individual basis.

    [–]Sumodenden 1 point2 points  (0 children)

    Totally! I’m so sick of “please rate me”! Reminds me of how insecure I used to be.

    [–]TheCuntyVaginaShow 1 point2 points  (0 children)

    I had a guy with a nice dick tell me he’s always been insecure about it and especially self-conscious when soft. I was genuinely surprised. I appreciated his vulnerability and I’m glad I could encourage him! I’m sure this post helped many.

    [–]greyjackal 1 point2 points  (0 children)

    Show them your middle fingers up. thanks

    [–]onthesunnyside 1 point2 points  (0 children)

    I've had a variety of penises and can't remember being disappointed by any of them.

    [–]Tigris474 1 point2 points  (0 children)

    I'm a slutty queer 23 year old woman and I want to add that everyone's genitals, be it a penis, vagina, or something inbetween is beautiful. I've had sex with over 60 people, honestly I lost count I'm not really sure, and I have never judged someone's attractiveness based on their genitals. It usually has to do with their personality.

    [–]gliscorgirl 1 point2 points  (0 children)

    We should say this about vaginas as well.

    [–]Samadonis 1 point2 points  (0 children)

    Just reading the edits, how are people getting triggered by being told their dick is beautiful? Like there's literally nothing that doesn't boost the ego of every dude who reads it in this post

    [–]thelostwhore 1 point2 points  (0 children)

    I love your attitute.

    I dont think all penises, much like vaginas are all beautiful.

    But a lot of my idea of a good looking dick is also a mans hygiene and how they treat and clean their own dick that make or breaks a penis.

    Im a hooker. I have seen more penises and vaginas than most. Not all are great. I also find the whole penis love thing more exclusive to someone I'm in a relationship with. Like i love my bfs dick. Its literally perfect for me. Taste, size, fit, look etc.

    Love your attitude. Dont totally agree with the idea that every dick is awesome.

    [–]Ragnarokryss 1 point2 points  (0 children)

    Hey, thanks! I'll take the compliment :)

    [–]SalVen 1 point2 points  (0 children)

    Thank you. I am welling up in tears. I needed this so much.

    [–]Jdisgreat17 1 point2 points  (0 children)

    I wish this is true, but when I went to college, the size of your dick could definitely make or break a hook up. Apparently, at least at the college I went to, if you didn't have a minimum 7 inch schlong, your chances of sleeping with a woman was cut nearly in half, and if you had under 5.5, which is still considered average if I'm not mistaken, you might as well not even try

    [–]mareenah 6 points7 points  (3 children)

    Bullshit. There are ugly penises. It doesn't matter. What matters is when we have fun with it. Why does everything have to be beautiful? Why are we 'all beautiful'? Can we just accept some shit is ugly and still not judge or demean people for it?

    [–]RVA14 3 points4 points  (1 child)

    You realize you called something "ugly" and said that we should "not judge" it in literally 5 words in the same sentence.

    That's got to be a record.

    [–]mareenah 4 points5 points  (0 children)

    It's because you think being ugly is an insult. It's a descriptor of (generally) physical appearance. I don't consider it an insult. My friend is physically ugly, but she's a good person and worthwhile, and smart. She accepts she's ugly and it can't insult her or hurt her. We shouldn't judge their worth as a person based on appearance. I was fucking ugly for a long time, too. Not everyone is "perfect". If everyone is, then no one is.

    [–]DarkReign2011 4 points5 points  (3 children)

    I dunno about that... Typical male insecurity about things like size aside, I have good reason to be insecure about my own. When I was an infant I received a botched circumcision. Performance issues aside, it also left a very lopsided and ugly shape. Not really anything I can do about it and I've learned to live with it, appearance-wise. It's definitely not beautiful, though.

    [–]BarefootWulfgar 5 points6 points  (2 children)

    There are things you can do about it but it will take effort. I was also circumcised very tight without my consent as an infant.

    [–]DarkReign2011 1 point2 points  (1 child)

    I don't know if I'd want to restore foreskin, though. I prefer being cut. The issues not that I'm too tight. I'm actually lopsided. One side is cut and the other still has a large portion of skin. I could probably get the rest cut properly and get it balanced out, but I'm pretty terrified of doctors and even moreso of taking a knife near the goods.

    [–]BarefootWulfgar 1 point2 points  (0 children)

    So you were cut as an adult then? I never knew what it was like to be uncut.

    Edit: Just reread your first post, you were cut as an infant. So there is no way to know if you prefer being cut or not.

    Well you could balance the skin out by just restoring the side that is cut low. Either way it's worth looking since your not happy with the results of a botched cut.

    [–]ElectraJane 6 points7 points  (3 children)

    I don't believe this. I have a preference. Just like a man has a preference. They are all different, and some better than others.

    [–]fantastic-dan 10 points11 points  (0 children)

    Nobody is saying you can't have a preference, just don't be a shithead when you express it.

    [–]RainingGlitter28 0 points1 point  (0 children)

    Am woman. I agree entirely with this post!!

    [–]dudezilla1989 -3 points-2 points  (0 children)

    karma bait post

    [–][deleted]  (2 children)


      [–]MyVoreThrowaway[M] 1 point2 points  (1 child)

      You say self-love and confidence are important, yet you define guys who have been circumcised as mutilated, and imply that they are not able to enjoy sex that feels "natural" and "right." This for us falls into body shaming, and while holding the opinion that you would not circumcise your kids is obviously fine, we don't facilitate calling circumcised guys mutilated.

      [–]shiftynightworker 0 points1 point  (0 children)

      Now sing it to the tune of Every Sperm Is Sacred from Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life

      [–]Ankeneering 0 points1 point  (2 children)

      I for one, have struggled with shame. Now, thanks to diet and excercise I am proud of my tanned, athletic penis.

      [–]JDogish 0 points1 point  (1 child)

      The way you said that makes it seem like your penis is in really great shape!

      [–]Ameen2103 0 points1 point  (0 children)

      Yeah they’re not gonna believe you

      [–]smartyr228 0 points1 point  (0 children)

      Thanks. Still hate mine tho.

      [–]CH1CK3NW1N95 0 points1 point  (0 children)

      I needed that today, thanks a bunch

      [–]johnyann 0 points1 point  (1 child)

      Think having a two toned dick stopped two toned Malone?

      Nope. Skanked his way into the anals of porn history.

      [–]musichave 1 point2 points  (0 children)

      Thought you meant Kevin Malone from the office and I thought I missed something the nine times I’ve seen the series

      [–]MustGetALife 0 points1 point  (0 children)

      Why on earth are you having to apologise? Lol.

      Controversial? Harmful? Insensitive?

      Holy shit, some snowflakes can be offended over absolute fuck all and need to grow the fuck up.

      I liked your post. Well said.

      [–]DWright_5 0 points1 point  (0 children)

      I think OP had great intentions with her post. But now that I’ve read the entire thread, the term “zero-sum game” occurs to me.

      [–]Saphron_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

      Amen! Every dick is a pretty dick. No one should feel ashamed of how their genitalia looks.

      [–]ABunchOfRadishSpirit 0 points1 point  (0 children)

      You just made this asian guy's day even more brighter 😄

      [–]EricTheRoman 0 points1 point  (0 children)

      Dont apologise, youre right. Thankyou for saying that ❤️

      There will be some with deep hurts, but you made me smile and plenty of others!

      [–]Redowadoer 0 points1 point  (1 child)

      Show them your middle fingers up.

      I can show them something else up. ;)

      [–]musichave 0 points1 point  (0 children)

      Ask first

      [–]MonopolyButWthDads 0 points1 point  (0 children)

      Man my SO makes fun of my balls all the time, and how much she thinks penises are gross. This feels nice to read, I just want to sleep naked

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