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top 200 commentsshow 500

[–]ionwesker [score hidden]  (31 children)

Wait, Is the yellow-scaled wingless dragonkin also and expansive ornate building or are they separate entities?

[–]CarnalKid [score hidden]  (14 children)

Yellow-scaled, wingless dragonkin ARE expansive, ornate buildings you fucking shitlord.

[–]Breathing_Mammal [score hidden]  (12 children)

*fucking bigot racist sexist homophobic fuckboi

[–]ScoopDat [score hidden]  (10 children)

DIE CIS SCUM!! 🔪🗡⚔️⛓🔧⛏🔨📌✂️📄📃🔫🗞📓📐

[–]jaxturbo3 [score hidden]  (9 children)

I don't know why, but the thumb tac is what gets me. I mean, all of those others, plausible murder weapons, but a thumb tac? The mental image of someone going crazy and trying to murder someone with a thumb tac makes me giggle.

[–]blbobobo [score hidden]  (6 children)

u/ScoopDat edit your comment to include a piece of paper, cause death by a thousand paper cuts seems very painful to me

Edit: very nice

[–]ScoopDat [score hidden]  (5 children)

Gotchu with dat papuh fam

[–]blbobobo [score hidden]  (4 children)

lol you added a fuckin triangle to it. We used those as ninja stars in elementary school, some dumbass threw one at a teacher so they got banned

[–]jaxturbo3 [score hidden]  (1 child)

Bare with me on this. It's the first day on the new job, excited to start and make a good first impression. Greeting new coworkers and one asks "what do you identify as?" So you say "oh I'm a straight ma..." and suddenly from across the room, a screech from a yellow-scaled wingless dragonkin wielding "Excalibur the cis slaying thumb tac and a triangle shield of social justice" charges you screaming "DIE CIS SCUM!" This is the only scenario I can picture where a thumb tac and a triangle become viable weapons. Welcome to google.

[–]blbobobo [score hidden]  (0 children)

What if there was a ranged class that threw triangles, and a melee class that used thumb-tacs. The last class would be a bunch of little demons who would make the teacher eat a Tide Pod or something

[–]ScoopDat [score hidden]  (1 child)

If I had the forethought of getting the instrumentation banned like that, I’d have been the hero of the class as the lessons would be impossible to teach.

[–]blbobobo [score hidden]  (0 children)

After the triangle incident, our teacher took away all the triangles except one, which she used in conjunction with a projector to teach the class. We did it again in middle school, where we would fling protractors at each other from across the room. She couldn’t take away the protractors, though, because we needed them for activities

[–]ScoopDat [score hidden]  (1 child)

[–]jaxturbo3 [score hidden]  (0 children)

This is the thing that haunts my nightmares.

[–]quatraine [score hidden]  (6 children)

Maybe it’s like a split personality type thing. Their parents didn’t buy them a Camry for their 16th birthday and it traumatized them so bad that their personality created different facets to deal with the abuse.

So now their coworkers have to tread lightly and figure out which personality they’re dealing with and respond accordingly.

[–]ObsessedAussie [score hidden]  (0 children)

"Oi skank youse a dragon or building today or what?"

[–]MawoDuffer [score hidden]  (3 children)

There’s actually a practice where people do create another person in their head on purpose. You have to create everything about this character in your mind.

Unfortunately the easiest personality to think of is a Mlp character and so of course they won’t be taken seriously.

It can also happen from real trauma but it can cause the original person to go unconscious for a time.

[–]Gilfmaster69 [score hidden]  (2 children)

Tulpa’s and tulpamancy if anyone is interested in reading further on it

[–]probablyhrenrai [score hidden]  (0 children)

And the easiest/most common thing is not an MLP character; most tulpas are a relatively normal-looking person of (for whatever reason) the opposite sex, and few are nonhuman, much less a cartoonishly-proportioned and winged(?) pony.

[–]CountyMcCounterson [score hidden]  (0 children)

Well they are a plural being so I guess they're both but separately at the same time.

[–]snaxonrax [score hidden]  (0 children)

I'm offended you would even ask this kind of question

[–]dayoldhansolo [score hidden]  (1 child)

I’m literally shaking right now you’re such a bigot

[–]LizardIsLove [score hidden]  (1 child)

HoW DaRe YoU to QuEsTiOn HiS sExUaLiTy!!1!!!

[–]6GorillionLies [score hidden]  (0 children)



[–]ThisNameIsFree [score hidden]  (0 children)

That's a good question, this is very poorly worded. I had the same question and I think they are two different people.

[–]LorenzoPgWants to be God [score hidden]  (67 children)

Good God. What the fuck.

[–]Nezzatic [score hidden]  (42 children)

Couldn't have said it better myself. The fact this is more than just accepted, but glamorized and given a platform at one of the largest companies in the world... is concerning to say the least.

[–]jay76 [score hidden]  (17 children)

Seems to be working out okay for them.

Until HR realise they don't have the skills to handle an inter-departmental dragon war.

[–]Niekisch☭Hitler/Stalin卐 did NOTHING wrong😄 [score hidden]  (12 children)

Until HR realise they don't have the skills to handle an inter-departmental dragon war.

Of course they don't, look at all the most iconic dragonslayers in history- St. George, John Lambton, Lancelot, Tristan, Beowulf, Siegfried, Bard the Bowman... all white males🤔 Google are ostracising the very people best suited to help them😲 It's only a matter of time until that yellow-scaled dragon starts eating the virgins and gathering circuit boards into a hoard; hopefully by then Google will come to regret having exiled the white males into the wilderness😔

[–]theRandomGuy37 [score hidden]  (3 children)

We need the dovakiin.

[–]lady_buttmunch [score hidden]  (2 children)

I am the dovakiin! Behold my mighty thuuuuuuum!!! I’m an adventurer but I don’t get up to the cloud district much and I think that’s where google must be

[–]CacophonousMaelstromNazi Commie [score hidden]  (0 children)

I don't get to the cloud district very often because my ping is 1374 on average.

[–]Draestyn [score hidden]  (2 children)

I started hating you for a couple days but I don't anymore

[–]TheDumbGames [score hidden]  (1 child)

Why would you hate such a gentle soul

[–]heard_enough_crap [score hidden]  (0 children)

computer boards do have have gold in them, and dragons collect gold, so your logic checks out

[–]humanmanguy [score hidden]  (0 children)

I noticed that people make an argument like that to defend diversity hires and ridiculous stuff like what is in the OP. Yet they always seem to support their argument by showing how a company that is pretty much too big to fail is making those hires and succeeding. I've yet to see a small business succeed because they hired a less qualified PoC/female over a more qualified white male specifically because of diversity.

[–]CrashedonMars [score hidden]  (0 children)

Google wasn't built by pissants like this. The slow degredation in their products and services over the last couple of years was though.

[–]TherapyFortheRapy [score hidden]  (0 children)

I'm torn.

On the one hand, Google's HR must be shit, because all of this happened in the one state where it's virtually slam-dunk illegal.

On the other, they haven't been sued for it until now, so they must be doing something amazing over there.

[–]BoppeBoye [score hidden]  (1 child)

Really makes me wonder... Maybe to ensure job security I should start saying I sexually identify as a robot.

Gonna be hard to work that naturally into conversation though. Maybe I'll just blurt it out in the middle of someone else's sentence.

[–]OdoyleStillRules [score hidden]  (0 children)

Hooli from Silicon Valley is looking less parody and more realistic fiction each day...

[–]I_Like_To_Eat_Snails [score hidden]  (0 children)

Part of the government agenda to foster an entire society of idiots and morons.

[–]nattypnutbuterpolice [score hidden]  (0 children)

Google accepted it and gave it a platform. Tucker Carlson is glamorizing it.

[–]YokedHipsterDouche [score hidden]  (3 children)

[–]the1who_ringsthebell [score hidden]  (1 child)

They took over the mindset of a lot of liberals. It was what started me to look at Trump as a candidate worth voting for. I couldn’t bring myself to normalize their thoughts.

Little did I know people would start flocking to their beliefs.

[–]uhuhuhu [score hidden]  (10 children)

Programming skills inversely correlate with mental health (e.g. rms or Terry Davis).

[–]Archyes [score hidden]  (1 child)

Terry Davis AKA " If you see a glow in the dark CIA Niggah ,drive him over!"

[–]DEVOTIO_ [score hidden]  (0 children)


But no joke the man is a genius. A batshit insane genius.

[–]HATA111 [score hidden]  (0 children)

The attack helicopter story sounds like a poe now.

[–]patapatapatapata [score hidden]  (0 children)

Yeah. My jaw dropped irl and I can't even think of a shitpost. This is too much man.

[–]throwaway325243543[S] 298 points299 points  (77 children)

[–]jerdub1993[🍰] [score hidden]  (7 children)

For anyone who doesn't feel like sifting through the Twitter posts, I compiled them into an Imgur album:

[–]lameusername99 [score hidden]  (0 children)

You are a legend, thanks dude

[–]Gruzman [score hidden]  (1 child)

That whole company needs to be turned upside down, genuinely believing in even 5% of what's written in that album should qualify you for a mental institute.

[–]Plyphon [score hidden]  (0 children)

Google makes great products but that has made me lose a fair bit of respect towards them being a professional institution.

Whether you see those opinions/stances as right or wrong is almost irrelevant - most/all of that shit is down right unprofessional. Not how I would expect people to conduct themselves at one of the worlds most influential organisations.

I’m all for positive inclusion and diversity, but diversity through exclusion and demonisation is not my bag, dragonkin.

[–]NostroLukken [score hidden]  (1 child)

Bless your soul.

I'm legit speechless after reading all of that.

[–]the1who_ringsthebell [score hidden]  (0 children)

These attitude was getting spread throughout the left leading up tot he election, and definitely plays a role in Trumps victory.

[–]DocBranhattan [score hidden]  (0 children)

The hero we all deserve

[–]Niekisch☭Hitler/Stalin卐 did NOTHING wrong😄 [score hidden]  (53 children)

Google employees are determined to be living sterotypes, apparently.

[–]InADayOrSo [score hidden]  (21 children)

I missed out on in opportunity to intern for Google once.

I don’t know if I should be happy that I was spared this cancer or sad that one of these losers was picked over me.

[–]Helpfulcloning [score hidden]  (2 children)

Tbh google isn’t a nice work enviornment (although most big tech companies aren’t). I would much rather intern at a mid level company that won’t expect 80+ hours a week.

[–]Skeet_fighter [score hidden]  (16 children)

If you're a straight white male you had no chance anyway.

[–]InADayOrSo [score hidden]  (8 children)


Sometimes I wonder if that’s what really happened.

[–]Avlinehum [score hidden]  (7 children)

Just keep telling yourself it's what happened instead of taking any responsibility - it's all the rage!

[–]InADayOrSo [score hidden]  (0 children)

Lol, I’m glad I don’t work there. The reason why I said that is because of the way my recruitment process went.

[–]inshane_in_the_brain [score hidden]  (3 children)

Fucking relax. It's a joke, go back to to either twoxchromosomes or bpt please.

[–]Electromeatloaf [score hidden]  (0 children)

So google employs BAMN terrorists

[–]CountSheep [score hidden]  (2 children)

From what I’ve read and seen it sounds like Apple is one of the more “normal” tech companies.

I guess it helps that they’re from the 70s and not 90s or later like most of these companies.

[–]lameusername99 [score hidden]  (1 child)

Define "normal" in this context

[–]CountSheep [score hidden]  (0 children)

Don’t have slides, sleeping pods, weird stereotypical things going on. They’re more like Intel or IBM than Google.

[–]shemp33 [score hidden]  (0 children)

We have zero tolerance for intolerance

WUT? Isn't that being intolerant right there? How can you be intolerant for intolerance?

[–]C4H8N8O8 [score hidden]  (0 children)

The one about nazis applies more to them than to actual neonazis .

[–]GiraffeOfTheEndWorld [score hidden]  (0 children)

Antifa?? Fucking antifa??

[–]bulk2win [score hidden]  (7 children)

Holy shit, how an employee has not gone postal in that office yet is beyond me.

[–]heard_enough_crap [score hidden]  (0 children)

because the dragons would breathe fire on them, silly.

[–]DocBranhattan [score hidden]  (0 children)

Oh, I'm sure someone there sexually identifies as a Post Office.

[–]quatraine [score hidden]  (4 children)

All the workers are happy because they can be their true selves.

[–]r1ceagain [score hidden]  (31 children)

It's definitely a document worth reading IMO. For example they have meetings where head of HR name and shame Google departments for having less than 50% women and praise the ones with more than 50%.

[–]ObsessedAussie [score hidden]  (28 children)

Dayum that sexist af

[–]ninjakiller218 [score hidden]  (27 children)

Especially when you consider what most programming classes look like...

[–]bjs2 [score hidden]  (16 children)

Yeah there were an average of 2-3 women out of 30+ in the programming classes I took in college.

[–]JumpingCactusi have assburgers [score hidden]  (0 children)

Can confirm, taking programming right now

[–]ClusterSchmucks [score hidden]  (9 children)

My class in college had one female. She wasn't a bad programmer, but she certainly wasn't very good. Always in the bottom half of the class in grades, and she had some serious attendance problems (pretty much always missed at least one day a week, and would often miss several days in a row). When it came time for us to get internships, she was immediately given the best one, the one everyone applied for, even after bombing the interview. She was cool, and I've got nothing against her, but it was so fucking obvious when the lone female in each of the two classes were the first to get jobs.

Another fun fact: when filming the school's new commercial, the crew had us pull up some of our work, and then hired some hotties from the art classes to sit in our seats and pretend they were programming. Real middle finger to us.

[–]SomeoneOnThelnternet [score hidden]  (6 children)

Reminds me of how some minorities get jobs literally just because of the color of their skin.

This shit is how you stall civilization's rise. By putting incompetent people in positions that can advance humanity.

So while places like Asia and Eastern Europe will keep advancing, the west is killing itself trying to be politically correct.

[–]ninjakiller218 [score hidden]  (0 children)

But once this process has happened men still get the blame for the "wage gap". Obviously with stay at home mums who live off their husbands there is a wage gap. Obviously with social studies classes filled with women and programming classes filled with men there is a wage gap. Don't even get me started on dangerous jobs...

[–]ClusterSchmucks [score hidden]  (4 children)

I'm gonna be laughing from the afterlife when the US breeds out all the whites, then all the other races just die off because they don't know how to farm, fish, or run a government.

Well, the Asians can handle themselves, but I doubt they'll be as friendly to the Africans and Hispanics as the Caucasians were.

[–]ChurchOfAbortionism [score hidden]  (0 children)

How else are they supposed to make equal wages? Work more hours? Negotiate pay-raises? Go to college? Balance family life with work life? Don't be sexist. We need to give them unfair advantages so they can be equal.

[–]probablyhrenrai [score hidden]  (0 children)

The whole thing is here.

It seems to me that he's just asking for (A) a workplace free of political and ideological biases (at least biases endorsed by the company itself), and (B) a workplace that doesn't discriminate based on sex, race, or any other legally protected class (as is the law for US-based companies).

I'd truly like to hear the arguments against his memo; it seems to have rustled a great many jimmies.

[–]nillut [score hidden]  (3 children)

This can't be real. I can sort of understand that people are prepared to bend the definitions when it pertains to sex/gender, but a person with multiple personalities who thinks he's a dragon and a house? This guy belongs in a padded cell.

[–]TellanIdiot [score hidden]  (0 children)

Check out tumblr, otherkin are a very real group of mentally ill.

[–]Mattress_Mack [score hidden]  (0 children)

Excuse you, did you assume his architecture? Where does it say this being identifies as a house?

[–]cammyb64 [score hidden]  (14 children)

This is either serious mental illness or some top-notch trolling

[–]kadirmarangoz [score hidden]  (8 children)

From personal experience I can tell you that there seems to be an inverse correlation between programming skills and mental health

[–]InsertWitt [score hidden]  (5 children)

Am a programmer, do want to kill myself 24/7, can confirm

[–]DEVOTIO_ [score hidden]  (2 children)

The field attracts lots of unambitious and mediocre males because their boomer parents had them watch TV in all their free time instead of showing them affection and letting them explore their interests and themselves. And when they turn 18 and are told they need to go to college to get a job, they pick/are pressured into IT because those same boomer parents say "HUH HE SAVED THE FILE? HOWD HE DO THAT! MY SON'S GOOD WITH COMPUTAHS" and then they are told they are gonna get a six figure salary in a totally oversaturated field where the supply of labor far outweighs the demand.

I feel bad for millennials.

[–]InsertWitt [score hidden]  (1 child)

stop that it hurts

Edit: enough with this depression meme crap for a minute, I'm going into computer science because it's a field I truly enjoy, and I know I'm good at. Sure, there are some people that fit your description, but in reality I'm happy, and programming is a passion.

[–]Trophonix [score hidden]  (1 child)

Providing my message is capable of reaching you from the bottom of my pit of despair, I'd like to add my confirmation.

[–]KinOfMany [score hidden]  (1 child)

It's cute that you think they're programmers.

[–]dmorga [score hidden]  (0 children)

I'm honestly not sure I shouldn't dye my hair, put on some makeup, and try to get a job shitposting against white men all day while making six figures. Like sure I'd give up my dignity, but it'd probably be worth it.

[–]catlikeswater [score hidden]  (13 children)

I am a lamp

[–]nahpungnome[🍰] [score hidden]  (6 children)

I'm a bulb...let's do this.

[–]er_red [score hidden]  (4 children)

That's not how i remember that scene from Ghostbusters...

[–]turb0g33k [score hidden]  (1 child)

I love lamp

[–]RIP_CORD [score hidden]  (0 children)

Brick, are you just looking at things in the office and identifying as them?

[–]SmallGayLizard [score hidden]  (1 child)


Man, I dunno if you wanna be a furry IRL or some shit but why sexually?

The "being a building" thing is beyond me, however.

[–]meat_popscile [score hidden]  (0 children)

If you're identifying as an "ornate building" you're talking about the size of your spire. I have a Masters in sexual innuendos.

[–]scrumchumdidumdum [score hidden]  (0 children)

But is the dragon a good employee or just one of those diversity hires Damore deplores?

[–]CamelCash007 [score hidden]  (0 children)

This is what happens when you humor mental disorders.

[–]BumblingBlunderbuss [score hidden]  (0 children)

Source, for those wondering

On Page 26 - "Google furnishes a large number of internal mailing lists catering to employees with alternative lifestyles, including furries, polygamy, transgenderism, and plurality, for the purpose of discussing sexual topics. The only lifestyle that seems not to be openly discussed on Google's internal forums is traditional heterosexual monogamy."

[–]TheNosferatu [score hidden]  (0 children)

"Living as a plural being" isn't that called schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder or something?

[–]SpysixFreedom Fighter [score hidden]  (1 child)

You'd have thought all those Tumblr otherkin were never going to be seen in rl, nevermind getting jobs.

Yet here we are.

Holy fuck.

[–]StaticMushroom [score hidden]  (33 children)

Insert Tucker Carlson face here

[–]kafkaBro [score hidden]  (32 children)

I want to read this whole thing with Tucker Carlson face

[–]hive_worker [score hidden]  (1 child)

I'm a software engineer. I used to see working at google as the ultimate pinnacle of career success and something I wanted to achieve one day. I see it as the exact opposite now. Google is the last place I'd want to work.

[–]WolfStarSunKing [score hidden]  (10 children)

a wingless dragon???? sounds like we need to set up a charity to raise awareness of the plight of the wingless dragons. I'm only glad they work for Google where as long as you toe the line you can say anything you like without fear of people laughing in your dragon face.

[–]Im_Not_Named [score hidden]  (9 children)

Isn’t that just called a Wyrm?

[–]heard_enough_crap [score hidden]  (1 child)

years ago, these kind of people would have been identified by medical people and treated for delusional behaviour, now google is enabling delusional behaviour.

PS I identify as Larry Page. Give me access to my bank accounts.

[–]Landotavius [score hidden]  (4 children)

Forget unfuckable. That person became unfireable.

[–]inshane_in_the_brain [score hidden]  (1 child)

What fucking judge would allow thay shit defense? Please show me a case where someone identified as some non binary fucking inanimate objects and got away with something, I'll wait...

The flip side is, of they ARE found guilty and the judge somehow still acknowledges the fucker of their gender fluidity, what prison do they go to? Their own special attack helicopter prison? Where's the antique baroque doorknobs prison?

[–]Triggeredsaurus_Rex [score hidden]  (0 children)

Being confused on who you are is a real psychological issue. When you start thinking of yourself as multiple beings, including inanimate objects that’s a sign that they need help.

In this society we have:

“Hey, I feel kinda down”

Puts them on a regiment of drugs

“Hey I don’t feel human anymore and believe myself to be a building”.

Applauds for how brave they are

[–]Triggeredsaurus_Rex [score hidden]  (2 children)

I am starting to feel how some Romans were feeling near the end. So this is how we go? Just batshit crazy.

[–]DEVOTIO_ [score hidden]  (0 children)

You try in vain to save your dying society.

[–]IAmMemeatonAutism Level 9/50 [score hidden]  (0 children)

Welp, better start learning how to play the fiddle. If we start now we should be halfway decent when this shit burns to the ground.

[–]99mce [score hidden]  (0 children)

I underwrote a contract for Google’s mental health RFP in 2009. It involved staffing therapists at the location for googlers to be able to talk to when in need. Looks like nothing can fucking help them.

[–]user1688 [score hidden]  (2 children)

Well then fuck it, I identify as a billionaire.

[–]AssShapedBasketballI loved the emoji movie😂 [score hidden]  (1 child)

being a billionaire

Top plebian. I identify as a trillionaire. Not giving me money is discrimination and a jailable offense.

[–]thebart [score hidden]  (15 children)

I'm from Denmark, Europe. I'm seriously curious. What is this shit about inventing all sorts of genders? What went wrong, America?

[–]Shark_Eating_Bacon [score hidden]  (1 child)

Basically the most politically active people tend to be the extremists. These people are also the loudest and get their opinions voiced the most. And both sides of the spectrum have their hand in this. The far left are the ones who, well, validate environments like the one shown at Google. What about the far right? They are the ones who helped get Trump elected president.

The majority of people in the U.S. are sensible, rational people who fall somewhere more in the middle. Unfortunately, this same majority are politically apathetic. As I said earlier, it’s the extremists who are the most politically active, so their views are heard a disproportionate amount relative to the rest of the population. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that these people are well informed. It’s not a pretty picture, and one with no simple solution.

[–]Miss_Sangwitch [score hidden]  (0 children)

A generation of kids who grew up being told "you can be anything you want to be". Now they're adults and want to be dragons and ornate buildings.

[–]3sheetz [score hidden]  (0 children)

We are at a point in history where even just .001% of the population can have a voice.

[–]the1who_ringsthebell [score hidden]  (0 children)

Liberals try to be all inclusive, so when SJW mindset got bigger the things we all thought were retarded began to be accepted as a thing. Basically SJW hijacked liberal and progressive movements to the point they are inseparable now. I started seeing what was going on pretty late. Mainly when Bernie started playing identity politics, and when he tried touting the wage gap as a thing. 2 things I had argued SJWs against on this site for a few years at that point.

Things are just getting worse for them. And it will be interesting how people view things like google and twitter which are already accused of censoring things to fit a left leaning agenda. Will people realize it? Probably not. Will people do anything about it? Hopefully, because having hear issues be partisan issues is ridiculous.

[–]KorianHUN [score hidden]  (1 child)

The people doing this are usually upper class white people. They rarely do any work and are bored but think life is like movies and they invent all this shit so they can feel oppressed and "fight" the evil nazies like... lower class workers, scientists and Trump.

[–]mainfingertopwise [score hidden]  (0 children)

I think it boils down to some weird need for attention, nothing more.

[–]howsaysoftehholeyMeme Level 2/10 [score hidden]  (7 children)

The sentence that the footnote comes from isn't much better. Google apparently caters to furries and BDSM.

[–]R1shal [score hidden]  (6 children)

That paragraph is really poorly written. They mention Google supporting all these weird sexual fetishes/alternative lifestyles, then concludes saying "b-b-but Google never talked about heterosexual polygamy!" Like really? That was your take away?

[–]200_IQ_Negroid [score hidden]  (4 children)

Monogamy was mentioned in that paragraph, not polygamy, don't bring Mormons into this.

[–]MoiNameisMax [score hidden]  (0 children)

Google: Don't be evil. Be batshit fucking insane!

[–]shemp33 [score hidden]  (2 children)

I love this :

"If Google cares about diversity and inclusion..."

...fires the guy who as a diverse / unpopular opinion

can they not see the double speak here?

[–]PipeSmokingGoat [score hidden]  (2 children)

What is it going to take before people finally have enough of this bullshit and put a stop to it?

[–]mainfingertopwise [score hidden]  (0 children)

Seems like we're in the stage where most people have never encountered this in real life, and the ones who have are looking around, bewildered.

[–]thekingofpie [score hidden]  (1 child)

sister with a masters in electrical engineering highest honors from uc davis applied for an entry level position at google and was denied. somewhere in google a delusional sjw is walking around spewing shit while somehow my sister wasn’t adequate. 🤔🤔🤔

[–]billigesbuch [score hidden]  (0 children)

I don’t understand people who claim to identify as some wild predator, then just try to live a normal life. It’s mind boggling. If you were trying to argue that you are part dragon, should you be going around trying to eat people?

Reminds me of the “I am a wolf” guy.

[–]bb4269 [score hidden]  (1 child)

This sort of shit is what delegitimizes trans people and the LGBT community as a whole. I can almost gaurantee this person considers themselves part of the LGBT community. And it does not look good for them when crazy shit like this happens. What happened to all the sane gay and trans people lol

[–]zth [score hidden]  (0 children)

at what point can you say they're lying about their identity if you don't do that with other identity issues?

[–]dd1zzle [score hidden]  (10 children)

I had a friend worked for Google in ATX. She said that it was a terrible company to work for. Everyone is contract, no benefits, and group think mentality. It got real annoying to work there according to her.

[–]aFreshMelon [score hidden]  (7 children)

Google has great benefits for employees, it’s fairly consistently topping most liked employers.

That said I’m not a fan of their very consuming work culture, but they definitely offer stuff for it.

[–]zgh5002 [score hidden]  (5 children)

Google ATX is very different from Google MTV. Austin is 90% contract workers who are beyond abused and discarded regularly. No benefits, no paid time off, no chance to advance. The company breeds a culture that encourages full time employees to harass contractors. One of the first things that will happen is a badge check. You have the wrong color badge, you’re a subhuman.

[–]Miss_Sangwitch [score hidden]  (0 children)

That's basically how Amazon operates and how they treat their (mostly contract) employees yet people praise Amazon so highly. I worked at Google a few yrs back in Seattle and while the majority were contractors, everyone was treated pretty well but HR was a complete shitshow. Some guy was sending me pics of his dick over company email for the better part of a year and no one would do anything abut it.

[–]TheMoonManRises [score hidden]  (0 children)

That's how Apple is in Austin as well

[–]TomatoPoodle [score hidden]  (0 children)

This is more or less the same story I heard from a guy I know that used to work for Google (HR department, main campus) as a contractor.

They've really caught up to the rest of American companies - anything not considered a core competency is filled by contract workers, on endless 6month tracks. A handful get taken on board full time, most hang around for a few years hoping to become permanent.

The free food and shit is a pretty legit fucking benefit though. You could eat all three squares there, and top it off at one of their juice bars around campus. You could, in theory, probably never have to buy food or cook again if you were careful.

[–]Ellis4Life [score hidden]  (0 children)

That awkward moment when you have a company facing 2 lawsuits at the same time for sexism at the workplace from both genders. What a time to be alive.

[–]blaqstarr [score hidden]  (0 children)


[–]boardidiot [score hidden]  (0 children)

“It’s not mental problems.”


[–]7DMATH7 [score hidden]  (0 children)

I guess having to browse every webpage on the internet screws up your sanity.

[–]PerfektNova [score hidden]  (0 children)

Ahh the classic cringe covering cringe.

[–]boringuser1 [score hidden]  (0 children)

Looking at the excerpts, there's a serious, legitimate case here. Really endemic anti-white, anti-male, anti-traditional bias at Google going up to HR. Trump should sic the DOJ on it, if he was worth his weight in self-tanner.

[–]Gtyyler [score hidden]  (0 children)

Kintypes in 2018. Might as well put down attack helicopter.

[–]the_neko [score hidden]  (0 children)

This is why we can't have nice things...

[–]Sc0tty2hotty [score hidden]  (0 children)

It certainly is amusing when people working for Google talk about the privilege of others while ignoring their own. You work for one of the biggest tech companies around in one of the most expensive communities in the world to live in but it's everyone else who is privileged? The guy living in a trailer in Kentucky is more privileged because he's white and you're asian/whatever, despite the fact that you can afford to pay $3,500 rent and drive a tesla?

[–]DrVagax [score hidden]  (7 children)

Can someone give me a ELI5 on why they are being sued in the first place?

[–]TheEliteFifth [score hidden]  (0 children)

James Damore, a software engineer at the head of the lawsuit, got fired from Google after an internal memo got released to the public. In the memo, he basically wrote that men and women tend to be oriented towards different goals and methods of achieving those goals and that Google, as a company, should attempt to find better ways to include women in the tech industry that appeal to those differences rather than just shoving them into a field that's composure typically appeals to men. Google fired him because they claimed he was promoting harmful gender stereotypes. Damore is suing because he interpreted that as the company discriminating against him solely based on his conservative political ideas.

[–]doyle871 [score hidden]  (0 children)

Sacked a guy who said their equality rules might not make for the best working atmosphere.

[–]albus_scirocco [score hidden]  (0 children)

At Google, they call this: "Tuesday".

[–]T_H_A_L_O_S [score hidden]  (1 child)

That's it, I'm uninstalling chrome and switching from google to yahoo.

[–]fernhead [score hidden]  (0 children)

Was it a mandatory meeting? If not then who gives a fuck?

[–]OneEyeDrifter [score hidden]  (2 children)

This is why people use the word libtard. I'm not even a republican but this shit is ridiculous. Go to Africa or any third world country where people are starving and dying and explain that you identify as an ornate building. I'm sure theyd be very receptive. God I hope this is only a phase. Gay? Fine. Trans? Fine. Yellow-scale wingless dragonkin? Go fuck yourself you deluded asshole.

[–]rubbercheeks [score hidden]  (0 children)

I miss the normal faggots that just want dick but are like everyone else.

[–]teaparty88 [score hidden]  (9 children)

In a few years this will absolutely be as accepted and protected. It was only a few years ago that the media was still laughing at trans people.

[–]Natchili [score hidden]  (0 children)

2018 the year when it's more controversial to have a traditional relationship with classic gender roles is more controversial.

[–]AngryPB [score hidden]  (2 children)

Insert Who Killed Captain Alex "What the fu" Line

[–]cartmanselection [score hidden]  (2 children)

Can you even be a wingless dragon?

[–]caspercunningham [score hidden]  (1 child)

I think? Aren't there like, Komoto Dragons or whatever the hell that are technically dragons?

[–]ButteryBelch [score hidden]  (0 children)

Mmm ya that's just my sort of kink

[–]uzikaduzi [score hidden]  (0 children)

as someone who falls right of center, Trucker Carlson and the way he runs his show is more annoying than at least the next 5 political news personalities combined

[–]bryanrobh [score hidden]  (0 children)

No way this mental patient expects to be taken seriously

[–]Spaceman-spliff87 [score hidden]  (0 children)

This.....this is satire right? Guys? No grown up actually plays make believe like this at work in a Fortune 500 company right??

[–]theHyperCasual [score hidden]  (0 children)

How are these morons getting hired at Google in the first place? Oh yeah, they're deliberately hiring "victims" to meet some diversity quota

[–]Bikertron [score hidden]  (0 children)

I'm so glad I passed on a role there

[–]CountyMcCounterson [score hidden]  (2 children)

Wait so you can unironically declare yourself a building and all the lefties will be forced to pretend you are one? Wow I need to start doing this.

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[–]ionwesker [score hidden]  (31 children)

Wait, Is the yellow-scaled wingless dragonkin also and expansive ornate building or are they separate entities?

[–]CarnalKid [score hidden]  (14 children)

Yellow-scaled, wingless dragonkin ARE expansive, ornate buildings you fucking shitlord.

[–]Breathing_Mammal [score hidden]  (12 children)

*fucking bigot racist sexist homophobic fuckboi

[–]ScoopDat [score hidden]  (10 children)

DIE CIS SCUM!! 🔪🗡⚔️⛓🔧⛏🔨📌✂️📄📃🔫🗞📓📐

[–]jaxturbo3 [score hidden]  (9 children)

I don't know why, but the thumb tac is what gets me. I mean, all of those others, plausible murder weapons, but a thumb tac? The mental image of someone going crazy and trying to murder someone with a thumb tac makes me giggle.

[–]blbobobo [score hidden]  (6 children)

u/ScoopDat edit your comment to include a piece of paper, cause death by a thousand paper cuts seems very painful to me

Edit: very nice

[–]ScoopDat [score hidden]  (5 children)

Gotchu with dat papuh fam

[–]blbobobo [score hidden]  (4 children)

lol you added a fuckin triangle to it. We used those as ninja stars in elementary school, some dumbass threw one at a teacher so they got banned

[–]jaxturbo3 [score hidden]  (1 child)

Bare with me on this. It's the first day on the new job, excited to start and make a good first impression. Greeting new coworkers and one asks "what do you identify as?" So you say "oh I'm a straight ma..." and suddenly from across the room, a screech from a yellow-scaled wingless dragonkin wielding "Excalibur the cis slaying thumb tac and a triangle shield of social justice" charges you screaming "DIE CIS SCUM!" This is the only scenario I can picture where a thumb tac and a triangle become viable weapons. Welcome to google.

[–]blbobobo [score hidden]  (0 children)

What if there was a ranged class that threw triangles, and a melee class that used thumb-tacs. The last class would be a bunch of little demons who would make the teacher eat a Tide Pod or something

[–]ScoopDat [score hidden]  (1 child)

If I had the forethought of getting the instrumentation banned like that, I’d have been the hero of the class as the lessons would be impossible to teach.

[–]blbobobo [score hidden]  (0 children)

After the triangle incident, our teacher took away all the triangles except one, which she used in conjunction with a projector to teach the class. We did it again in middle school, where we would fling protractors at each other from across the room. She couldn’t take away the protractors, though, because we needed them for activities

[–]ScoopDat [score hidden]  (1 child)

[–]jaxturbo3 [score hidden]  (0 children)

This is the thing that haunts my nightmares.

[–]quatraine [score hidden]  (6 children)

Maybe it’s like a split personality type thing. Their parents didn’t buy them a Camry for their 16th birthday and it traumatized them so bad that their personality created different facets to deal with the abuse.

So now their coworkers have to tread lightly and figure out which personality they’re dealing with and respond accordingly.

[–]ObsessedAussie [score hidden]  (0 children)

"Oi skank youse a dragon or building today or what?"

[–]MawoDuffer [score hidden]  (3 children)

There’s actually a practice where people do create another person in their head on purpose. You have to create everything about this character in your mind.

Unfortunately the easiest personality to think of is a Mlp character and so of course they won’t be taken seriously.

It can also happen from real trauma but it can cause the original person to go unconscious for a time.

[–]Gilfmaster69 [score hidden]  (2 children)

Tulpa’s and tulpamancy if anyone is interested in reading further on it

[–]probablyhrenrai [score hidden]  (0 children)

And the easiest/most common thing is not an MLP character; most tulpas are a relatively normal-looking person of (for whatever reason) the opposite sex, and few are nonhuman, much less a cartoonishly-proportioned and winged(?) pony.

[–]CountyMcCounterson [score hidden]  (0 children)

Well they are a plural being so I guess they're both but separately at the same time.

[–]snaxonrax [score hidden]  (0 children)

I'm offended you would even ask this kind of question

[–]dayoldhansolo [score hidden]  (1 child)

I’m literally shaking right now you’re such a bigot

[–]LizardIsLove [score hidden]  (1 child)

HoW DaRe YoU to QuEsTiOn HiS sExUaLiTy!!1!!!

[–]6GorillionLies [score hidden]  (0 children)



[–]ThisNameIsFree [score hidden]  (0 children)

That's a good question, this is very poorly worded. I had the same question and I think they are two different people.

[–]LorenzoPgWants to be God [score hidden]  (67 children)

Good God. What the fuck.

[–]Nezzatic [score hidden]  (42 children)

Couldn't have said it better myself. The fact this is more than just accepted, but glamorized and given a platform at one of the largest companies in the world... is concerning to say the least.

[–]jay76 [score hidden]  (17 children)

Seems to be working out okay for them.

Until HR realise they don't have the skills to handle an inter-departmental dragon war.

[–]Niekisch☭Hitler/Stalin卐 did NOTHING wrong😄 [score hidden]  (12 children)

Until HR realise they don't have the skills to handle an inter-departmental dragon war.

Of course they don't, look at all the most iconic dragonslayers in history- St. George, John Lambton, Lancelot, Tristan, Beowulf, Siegfried, Bard the Bowman... all white males🤔 Google are ostracising the very people best suited to help them😲 It's only a matter of time until that yellow-scaled dragon starts eating the virgins and gathering circuit boards into a hoard; hopefully by then Google will come to regret having exiled the white males into the wilderness😔

[–]theRandomGuy37 [score hidden]  (3 children)

We need the dovakiin.

[–]lady_buttmunch [score hidden]  (2 children)

I am the dovakiin! Behold my mighty thuuuuuuum!!! I’m an adventurer but I don’t get up to the cloud district much and I think that’s where google must be

[–]CacophonousMaelstromNazi Commie [score hidden]  (0 children)

I don't get to the cloud district very often because my ping is 1374 on average.

[–]Draestyn [score hidden]  (2 children)

I started hating you for a couple days but I don't anymore

[–]TheDumbGames [score hidden]  (1 child)

Why would you hate such a gentle soul

[–]heard_enough_crap [score hidden]  (0 children)

computer boards do have have gold in them, and dragons collect gold, so your logic checks out

[–]humanmanguy [score hidden]  (0 children)

I noticed that people make an argument like that to defend diversity hires and ridiculous stuff like what is in the OP. Yet they always seem to support their argument by showing how a company that is pretty much too big to fail is making those hires and succeeding. I've yet to see a small business succeed because they hired a less qualified PoC/female over a more qualified white male specifically because of diversity.

[–]CrashedonMars [score hidden]  (0 children)

Google wasn't built by pissants like this. The slow degredation in their products and services over the last couple of years was though.

[–]TherapyFortheRapy [score hidden]  (0 children)

I'm torn.

On the one hand, Google's HR must be shit, because all of this happened in the one state where it's virtually slam-dunk illegal.

On the other, they haven't been sued for it until now, so they must be doing something amazing over there.

[–]BoppeBoye [score hidden]  (1 child)

Really makes me wonder... Maybe to ensure job security I should start saying I sexually identify as a robot.

Gonna be hard to work that naturally into conversation though. Maybe I'll just blurt it out in the middle of someone else's sentence.

[–]OdoyleStillRules [score hidden]  (0 children)

Hooli from Silicon Valley is looking less parody and more realistic fiction each day...

[–]I_Like_To_Eat_Snails [score hidden]  (0 children)

Part of the government agenda to foster an entire society of idiots and morons.

[–]nattypnutbuterpolice [score hidden]  (0 children)

Google accepted it and gave it a platform. Tucker Carlson is glamorizing it.

[–]YokedHipsterDouche [score hidden]  (3 children)

[–]the1who_ringsthebell [score hidden]  (1 child)

They took over the mindset of a lot of liberals. It was what started me to look at Trump as a candidate worth voting for. I couldn’t bring myself to normalize their thoughts.

Little did I know people would start flocking to their beliefs.

[–]uhuhuhu [score hidden]  (10 children)

Programming skills inversely correlate with mental health (e.g. rms or Terry Davis).

[–]Archyes [score hidden]  (1 child)

Terry Davis AKA " If you see a glow in the dark CIA Niggah ,drive him over!"

[–]DEVOTIO_ [score hidden]  (0 children)


But no joke the man is a genius. A batshit insane genius.

[–]HATA111 [score hidden]  (0 children)

The attack helicopter story sounds like a poe now.

[–]patapatapatapata [score hidden]  (0 children)

Yeah. My jaw dropped irl and I can't even think of a shitpost. This is too much man.

[–]throwaway325243543[S] 298 points299 points  (77 children)

[–]jerdub1993[🍰] [score hidden]  (7 children)

For anyone who doesn't feel like sifting through the Twitter posts, I compiled them into an Imgur album:

[–]lameusername99 [score hidden]  (0 children)

You are a legend, thanks dude

[–]Gruzman [score hidden]  (1 child)

That whole company needs to be turned upside down, genuinely believing in even 5% of what's written in that album should qualify you for a mental institute.

[–]Plyphon [score hidden]  (0 children)

Google makes great products but that has made me lose a fair bit of respect towards them being a professional institution.

Whether you see those opinions/stances as right or wrong is almost irrelevant - most/all of that shit is down right unprofessional. Not how I would expect people to conduct themselves at one of the worlds most influential organisations.

I’m all for positive inclusion and diversity, but diversity through exclusion and demonisation is not my bag, dragonkin.

[–]NostroLukken [score hidden]  (1 child)

Bless your soul.

I'm legit speechless after reading all of that.

[–]the1who_ringsthebell [score hidden]  (0 children)

These attitude was getting spread throughout the left leading up tot he election, and definitely plays a role in Trumps victory.

[–]DocBranhattan [score hidden]  (0 children)

The hero we all deserve

[–]Niekisch☭Hitler/Stalin卐 did NOTHING wrong😄 [score hidden]  (53 children)

Google employees are determined to be living sterotypes, apparently.

[–]InADayOrSo [score hidden]  (21 children)

I missed out on in opportunity to intern for Google once.

I don’t know if I should be happy that I was spared this cancer or sad that one of these losers was picked over me.

[–]Helpfulcloning [score hidden]  (2 children)

Tbh google isn’t a nice work enviornment (although most big tech companies aren’t). I would much rather intern at a mid level company that won’t expect 80+ hours a week.

[–]Skeet_fighter [score hidden]  (16 children)

If you're a straight white male you had no chance anyway.

[–]InADayOrSo [score hidden]  (8 children)


Sometimes I wonder if that’s what really happened.

[–]Avlinehum [score hidden]  (7 children)

Just keep telling yourself it's what happened instead of taking any responsibility - it's all the rage!

[–]InADayOrSo [score hidden]  (0 children)

Lol, I’m glad I don’t work there. The reason why I said that is because of the way my recruitment process went.

[–]inshane_in_the_brain [score hidden]  (3 children)

Fucking relax. It's a joke, go back to to either twoxchromosomes or bpt please.

[–]Electromeatloaf [score hidden]  (0 children)

So google employs BAMN terrorists

[–]CountSheep [score hidden]  (2 children)

From what I’ve read and seen it sounds like Apple is one of the more “normal” tech companies.

I guess it helps that they’re from the 70s and not 90s or later like most of these companies.

[–]lameusername99 [score hidden]  (1 child)

Define "normal" in this context

[–]CountSheep [score hidden]  (0 children)

Don’t have slides, sleeping pods, weird stereotypical things going on. They’re more like Intel or IBM than Google.

[–]shemp33 [score hidden]  (0 children)

We have zero tolerance for intolerance

WUT? Isn't that being intolerant right there? How can you be intolerant for intolerance?

[–]C4H8N8O8 [score hidden]  (0 children)

The one about nazis applies more to them than to actual neonazis .

[–]GiraffeOfTheEndWorld [score hidden]  (0 children)

Antifa?? Fucking antifa??

[–]bulk2win [score hidden]  (7 children)

Holy shit, how an employee has not gone postal in that office yet is beyond me.

[–]heard_enough_crap [score hidden]  (0 children)

because the dragons would breathe fire on them, silly.

[–]DocBranhattan [score hidden]  (0 children)

Oh, I'm sure someone there sexually identifies as a Post Office.

[–]quatraine [score hidden]  (4 children)

All the workers are happy because they can be their true selves.

[–]r1ceagain [score hidden]  (31 children)

It's definitely a document worth reading IMO. For example they have meetings where head of HR name and shame Google departments for having less than 50% women and praise the ones with more than 50%.

[–]ObsessedAussie [score hidden]  (28 children)

Dayum that sexist af

[–]ninjakiller218 [score hidden]  (27 children)

Especially when you consider what most programming classes look like...

[–]bjs2 [score hidden]  (16 children)

Yeah there were an average of 2-3 women out of 30+ in the programming classes I took in college.

[–]JumpingCactusi have assburgers [score hidden]  (0 children)

Can confirm, taking programming right now

[–]ClusterSchmucks [score hidden]  (9 children)

My class in college had one female. She wasn't a bad programmer, but she certainly wasn't very good. Always in the bottom half of the class in grades, and she had some serious attendance problems (pretty much always missed at least one day a week, and would often miss several days in a row). When it came time for us to get internships, she was immediately given the best one, the one everyone applied for, even after bombing the interview. She was cool, and I've got nothing against her, but it was so fucking obvious when the lone female in each of the two classes were the first to get jobs.

Another fun fact: when filming the school's new commercial, the crew had us pull up some of our work, and then hired some hotties from the art classes to sit in our seats and pretend they were programming. Real middle finger to us.

[–]SomeoneOnThelnternet [score hidden]  (6 children)

Reminds me of how some minorities get jobs literally just because of the color of their skin.

This shit is how you stall civilization's rise. By putting incompetent people in positions that can advance humanity.

So while places like Asia and Eastern Europe will keep advancing, the west is killing itself trying to be politically correct.

[–]ninjakiller218 [score hidden]  (0 children)

But once this process has happened men still get the blame for the "wage gap". Obviously with stay at home mums who live off their husbands there is a wage gap. Obviously with social studies classes filled with women and programming classes filled with men there is a wage gap. Don't even get me started on dangerous jobs...

[–]ClusterSchmucks [score hidden]  (4 children)

I'm gonna be laughing from the afterlife when the US breeds out all the whites, then all the other races just die off because they don't know how to farm, fish, or run a government.

Well, the Asians can handle themselves, but I doubt they'll be as friendly to the Africans and Hispanics as the Caucasians were.

[–]ChurchOfAbortionism [score hidden]  (0 children)

How else are they supposed to make equal wages? Work more hours? Negotiate pay-raises? Go to college? Balance family life with work life? Don't be sexist. We need to give them unfair advantages so they can be equal.

[–]probablyhrenrai [score hidden]  (0 children)

The whole thing is here.

It seems to me that he's just asking for (A) a workplace free of political and ideological biases (at least biases endorsed by the company itself), and (B) a workplace that doesn't discriminate based on sex, race, or any other legally protected class (as is the law for US-based companies).

I'd truly like to hear the arguments against his memo; it seems to have rustled a great many jimmies.

[–]nillut [score hidden]  (3 children)

This can't be real. I can sort of understand that people are prepared to bend the definitions when it pertains to sex/gender, but a person with multiple personalities who thinks he's a dragon and a house? This guy belongs in a padded cell.

[–]TellanIdiot [score hidden]  (0 children)

Check out tumblr, otherkin are a very real group of mentally ill.

[–]Mattress_Mack [score hidden]  (0 children)

Excuse you, did you assume his architecture? Where does it say this being identifies as a house?

[–]cammyb64 [score hidden]  (14 children)

This is either serious mental illness or some top-notch trolling

[–]kadirmarangoz [score hidden]  (8 children)

From personal experience I can tell you that there seems to be an inverse correlation between programming skills and mental health

[–]InsertWitt [score hidden]  (5 children)

Am a programmer, do want to kill myself 24/7, can confirm

[–]DEVOTIO_ [score hidden]  (2 children)

The field attracts lots of unambitious and mediocre males because their boomer parents had them watch TV in all their free time instead of showing them affection and letting them explore their interests and themselves. And when they turn 18 and are told they need to go to college to get a job, they pick/are pressured into IT because those same boomer parents say "HUH HE SAVED THE FILE? HOWD HE DO THAT! MY SON'S GOOD WITH COMPUTAHS" and then they are told they are gonna get a six figure salary in a totally oversaturated field where the supply of labor far outweighs the demand.

I feel bad for millennials.

[–]InsertWitt [score hidden]  (1 child)

stop that it hurts

Edit: enough with this depression meme crap for a minute, I'm going into computer science because it's a field I truly enjoy, and I know I'm good at. Sure, there are some people that fit your description, but in reality I'm happy, and programming is a passion.

[–]Trophonix [score hidden]  (1 child)

Providing my message is capable of reaching you from the bottom of my pit of despair, I'd like to add my confirmation.

[–]KinOfMany [score hidden]  (1 child)

It's cute that you think they're programmers.

[–]dmorga [score hidden]  (0 children)

I'm honestly not sure I shouldn't dye my hair, put on some makeup, and try to get a job shitposting against white men all day while making six figures. Like sure I'd give up my dignity, but it'd probably be worth it.

[–]catlikeswater [score hidden]  (13 children)

I am a lamp

[–]nahpungnome[🍰] [score hidden]  (6 children)

I'm a bulb...let's do this.

[–]er_red [score hidden]  (4 children)

That's not how i remember that scene from Ghostbusters...

[–]turb0g33k [score hidden]  (1 child)

I love lamp

[–]RIP_CORD [score hidden]  (0 children)

Brick, are you just looking at things in the office and identifying as them?

[–]SmallGayLizard [score hidden]  (1 child)


Man, I dunno if you wanna be a furry IRL or some shit but why sexually?

The "being a building" thing is beyond me, however.

[–]meat_popscile [score hidden]  (0 children)

If you're identifying as an "ornate building" you're talking about the size of your spire. I have a Masters in sexual innuendos.

[–]scrumchumdidumdum [score hidden]  (0 children)

But is the dragon a good employee or just one of those diversity hires Damore deplores?

[–]CamelCash007 [score hidden]  (0 children)

This is what happens when you humor mental disorders.

[–]BumblingBlunderbuss [score hidden]  (0 children)

Source, for those wondering

On Page 26 - "Google furnishes a large number of internal mailing lists catering to employees with alternative lifestyles, including furries, polygamy, transgenderism, and plurality, for the purpose of discussing sexual topics. The only lifestyle that seems not to be openly discussed on Google's internal forums is traditional heterosexual monogamy."

[–]TheNosferatu [score hidden]  (0 children)

"Living as a plural being" isn't that called schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder or something?

[–]SpysixFreedom Fighter [score hidden]  (1 child)

You'd have thought all those Tumblr otherkin were never going to be seen in rl, nevermind getting jobs.

Yet here we are.

Holy fuck.

[–]StaticMushroom [score hidden]  (33 children)

Insert Tucker Carlson face here

[–]kafkaBro [score hidden]  (32 children)

I want to read this whole thing with Tucker Carlson face

[–]hive_worker [score hidden]  (1 child)

I'm a software engineer. I used to see working at google as the ultimate pinnacle of career success and something I wanted to achieve one day. I see it as the exact opposite now. Google is the last place I'd want to work.

[–]WolfStarSunKing [score hidden]  (10 children)

a wingless dragon???? sounds like we need to set up a charity to raise awareness of the plight of the wingless dragons. I'm only glad they work for Google where as long as you toe the line you can say anything you like without fear of people laughing in your dragon face.

[–]Im_Not_Named [score hidden]  (9 children)

Isn’t that just called a Wyrm?

[–]heard_enough_crap [score hidden]  (1 child)

years ago, these kind of people would have been identified by medical people and treated for delusional behaviour, now google is enabling delusional behaviour.

PS I identify as Larry Page. Give me access to my bank accounts.

[–]Landotavius [score hidden]  (4 children)

Forget unfuckable. That person became unfireable.

[–]inshane_in_the_brain [score hidden]  (1 child)

What fucking judge would allow thay shit defense? Please show me a case where someone identified as some non binary fucking inanimate objects and got away with something, I'll wait...

The flip side is, of they ARE found guilty and the judge somehow still acknowledges the fucker of their gender fluidity, what prison do they go to? Their own special attack helicopter prison? Where's the antique baroque doorknobs prison?

[–]Triggeredsaurus_Rex [score hidden]  (0 children)

Being confused on who you are is a real psychological issue. When you start thinking of yourself as multiple beings, including inanimate objects that’s a sign that they need help.

In this society we have:

“Hey, I feel kinda down”

Puts them on a regiment of drugs

“Hey I don’t feel human anymore and believe myself to be a building”.

Applauds for how brave they are

[–]Triggeredsaurus_Rex [score hidden]  (2 children)

I am starting to feel how some Romans were feeling near the end. So this is how we go? Just batshit crazy.

[–]DEVOTIO_ [score hidden]  (0 children)

You try in vain to save your dying society.

[–]IAmMemeatonAutism Level 9/50 [score hidden]  (0 children)

Welp, better start learning how to play the fiddle. If we start now we should be halfway decent when this shit burns to the ground.

[–]99mce [score hidden]  (0 children)

I underwrote a contract for Google’s mental health RFP in 2009. It involved staffing therapists at the location for googlers to be able to talk to when in need. Looks like nothing can fucking help them.

[–]user1688 [score hidden]  (2 children)

Well then fuck it, I identify as a billionaire.

[–]AssShapedBasketballI loved the emoji movie😂 [score hidden]  (1 child)

being a billionaire

Top plebian. I identify as a trillionaire. Not giving me money is discrimination and a jailable offense.

[–]thebart [score hidden]  (15 children)

I'm from Denmark, Europe. I'm seriously curious. What is this shit about inventing all sorts of genders? What went wrong, America?

[–]Shark_Eating_Bacon [score hidden]  (1 child)

Basically the most politically active people tend to be the extremists. These people are also the loudest and get their opinions voiced the most. And both sides of the spectrum have their hand in this. The far left are the ones who, well, validate environments like the one shown at Google. What about the far right? They are the ones who helped get Trump elected president.

The majority of people in the U.S. are sensible, rational people who fall somewhere more in the middle. Unfortunately, this same majority are politically apathetic. As I said earlier, it’s the extremists who are the most politically active, so their views are heard a disproportionate amount relative to the rest of the population. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that these people are well informed. It’s not a pretty picture, and one with no simple solution.

[–]Miss_Sangwitch [score hidden]  (0 children)

A generation of kids who grew up being told "you can be anything you want to be". Now they're adults and want to be dragons and ornate buildings.

[–]3sheetz [score hidden]  (0 children)

We are at a point in history where even just .001% of the population can have a voice.

[–]the1who_ringsthebell [score hidden]  (0 children)

Liberals try to be all inclusive, so when SJW mindset got bigger the things we all thought were retarded began to be accepted as a thing. Basically SJW hijacked liberal and progressive movements to the point they are inseparable now. I started seeing what was going on pretty late. Mainly when Bernie started playing identity politics, and when he tried touting the wage gap as a thing. 2 things I had argued SJWs against on this site for a few years at that point.

Things are just getting worse for them. And it will be interesting how people view things like google and twitter which are already accused of censoring things to fit a left leaning agenda. Will people realize it? Probably not. Will people do anything about it? Hopefully, because having hear issues be partisan issues is ridiculous.

[–]KorianHUN [score hidden]  (1 child)

The people doing this are usually upper class white people. They rarely do any work and are bored but think life is like movies and they invent all this shit so they can feel oppressed and "fight" the evil nazies like... lower class workers, scientists and Trump.

[–]mainfingertopwise [score hidden]  (0 children)

I think it boils down to some weird need for attention, nothing more.

[–]howsaysoftehholeyMeme Level 2/10 [score hidden]  (7 children)

The sentence that the footnote comes from isn't much better. Google apparently caters to furries and BDSM.

[–]R1shal [score hidden]  (6 children)

That paragraph is really poorly written. They mention Google supporting all these weird sexual fetishes/alternative lifestyles, then concludes saying "b-b-but Google never talked about heterosexual polygamy!" Like really? That was your take away?

[–]200_IQ_Negroid [score hidden]  (4 children)

Monogamy was mentioned in that paragraph, not polygamy, don't bring Mormons into this.

[–]MoiNameisMax [score hidden]  (0 children)

Google: Don't be evil. Be batshit fucking insane!

[–]shemp33 [score hidden]  (2 children)

I love this :

"If Google cares about diversity and inclusion..."

...fires the guy who as a diverse / unpopular opinion

can they not see the double speak here?

[–]PipeSmokingGoat [score hidden]  (2 children)

What is it going to take before people finally have enough of this bullshit and put a stop to it?

[–]mainfingertopwise [score hidden]  (0 children)

Seems like we're in the stage where most people have never encountered this in real life, and the ones who have are looking around, bewildered.

[–]thekingofpie [score hidden]  (1 child)

sister with a masters in electrical engineering highest honors from uc davis applied for an entry level position at google and was denied. somewhere in google a delusional sjw is walking around spewing shit while somehow my sister wasn’t adequate. 🤔🤔🤔

[–]billigesbuch [score hidden]  (0 children)

I don’t understand people who claim to identify as some wild predator, then just try to live a normal life. It’s mind boggling. If you were trying to argue that you are part dragon, should you be going around trying to eat people?

Reminds me of the “I am a wolf” guy.

[–]bb4269 [score hidden]  (1 child)

This sort of shit is what delegitimizes trans people and the LGBT community as a whole. I can almost gaurantee this person considers themselves part of the LGBT community. And it does not look good for them when crazy shit like this happens. What happened to all the sane gay and trans people lol

[–]zth [score hidden]  (0 children)

at what point can you say they're lying about their identity if you don't do that with other identity issues?

[–]dd1zzle [score hidden]  (10 children)

I had a friend worked for Google in ATX. She said that it was a terrible company to work for. Everyone is contract, no benefits, and group think mentality. It got real annoying to work there according to her.

[–]aFreshMelon [score hidden]  (7 children)

Google has great benefits for employees, it’s fairly consistently topping most liked employers.

That said I’m not a fan of their very consuming work culture, but they definitely offer stuff for it.

[–]zgh5002 [score hidden]  (5 children)

Google ATX is very different from Google MTV. Austin is 90% contract workers who are beyond abused and discarded regularly. No benefits, no paid time off, no chance to advance. The company breeds a culture that encourages full time employees to harass contractors. One of the first things that will happen is a badge check. You have the wrong color badge, you’re a subhuman.

[–]Miss_Sangwitch [score hidden]  (0 children)

That's basically how Amazon operates and how they treat their (mostly contract) employees yet people praise Amazon so highly. I worked at Google a few yrs back in Seattle and while the majority were contractors, everyone was treated pretty well but HR was a complete shitshow. Some guy was sending me pics of his dick over company email for the better part of a year and no one would do anything abut it.

[–]TheMoonManRises [score hidden]  (0 children)

That's how Apple is in Austin as well

[–]TomatoPoodle [score hidden]  (0 children)

This is more or less the same story I heard from a guy I know that used to work for Google (HR department, main campus) as a contractor.

They've really caught up to the rest of American companies - anything not considered a core competency is filled by contract workers, on endless 6month tracks. A handful get taken on board full time, most hang around for a few years hoping to become permanent.

The free food and shit is a pretty legit fucking benefit though. You could eat all three squares there, and top it off at one of their juice bars around campus. You could, in theory, probably never have to buy food or cook again if you were careful.

[–]Ellis4Life [score hidden]  (0 children)

That awkward moment when you have a company facing 2 lawsuits at the same time for sexism at the workplace from both genders. What a time to be alive.

[–]blaqstarr [score hidden]  (0 children)


[–]boardidiot [score hidden]  (0 children)

“It’s not mental problems.”


[–]7DMATH7 [score hidden]  (0 children)

I guess having to browse every webpage on the internet screws up your sanity.

[–]PerfektNova [score hidden]  (0 children)

Ahh the classic cringe covering cringe.

[–]boringuser1 [score hidden]  (0 children)

Looking at the excerpts, there's a serious, legitimate case here. Really endemic anti-white, anti-male, anti-traditional bias at Google going up to HR. Trump should sic the DOJ on it, if he was worth his weight in self-tanner.

[–]Gtyyler [score hidden]  (0 children)

Kintypes in 2018. Might as well put down attack helicopter.

[–]the_neko [score hidden]  (0 children)

This is why we can't have nice things...

[–]Sc0tty2hotty [score hidden]  (0 children)

It certainly is amusing when people working for Google talk about the privilege of others while ignoring their own. You work for one of the biggest tech companies around in one of the most expensive communities in the world to live in but it's everyone else who is privileged? The guy living in a trailer in Kentucky is more privileged because he's white and you're asian/whatever, despite the fact that you can afford to pay $3,500 rent and drive a tesla?

[–]DrVagax [score hidden]  (7 children)

Can someone give me a ELI5 on why they are being sued in the first place?

[–]TheEliteFifth [score hidden]  (0 children)

James Damore, a software engineer at the head of the lawsuit, got fired from Google after an internal memo got released to the public. In the memo, he basically wrote that men and women tend to be oriented towards different goals and methods of achieving those goals and that Google, as a company, should attempt to find better ways to include women in the tech industry that appeal to those differences rather than just shoving them into a field that's composure typically appeals to men. Google fired him because they claimed he was promoting harmful gender stereotypes. Damore is suing because he interpreted that as the company discriminating against him solely based on his conservative political ideas.

[–]doyle871 [score hidden]  (0 children)

Sacked a guy who said their equality rules might not make for the best working atmosphere.

[–]albus_scirocco [score hidden]  (0 children)

At Google, they call this: "Tuesday".

[–]T_H_A_L_O_S [score hidden]  (1 child)

That's it, I'm uninstalling chrome and switching from google to yahoo.

[–]fernhead [score hidden]  (0 children)

Was it a mandatory meeting? If not then who gives a fuck?

[–]OneEyeDrifter [score hidden]  (2 children)

This is why people use the word libtard. I'm not even a republican but this shit is ridiculous. Go to Africa or any third world country where people are starving and dying and explain that you identify as an ornate building. I'm sure theyd be very receptive. God I hope this is only a phase. Gay? Fine. Trans? Fine. Yellow-scale wingless dragonkin? Go fuck yourself you deluded asshole.

[–]rubbercheeks [score hidden]  (0 children)

I miss the normal faggots that just want dick but are like everyone else.

[–]teaparty88 [score hidden]  (9 children)

In a few years this will absolutely be as accepted and protected. It was only a few years ago that the media was still laughing at trans people.

[–]Natchili [score hidden]  (0 children)

2018 the year when it's more controversial to have a traditional relationship with classic gender roles is more controversial.

[–]AngryPB [score hidden]  (2 children)

Insert Who Killed Captain Alex "What the fu" Line

[–]cartmanselection [score hidden]  (2 children)

Can you even be a wingless dragon?

[–]caspercunningham [score hidden]  (1 child)

I think? Aren't there like, Komoto Dragons or whatever the hell that are technically dragons?

[–]ButteryBelch [score hidden]  (0 children)

Mmm ya that's just my sort of kink

[–]uzikaduzi [score hidden]  (0 children)

as someone who falls right of center, Trucker Carlson and the way he runs his show is more annoying than at least the next 5 political news personalities combined

[–]bryanrobh [score hidden]  (0 children)

No way this mental patient expects to be taken seriously

[–]Spaceman-spliff87 [score hidden]  (0 children)

This.....this is satire right? Guys? No grown up actually plays make believe like this at work in a Fortune 500 company right??

[–]theHyperCasual [score hidden]  (0 children)

How are these morons getting hired at Google in the first place? Oh yeah, they're deliberately hiring "victims" to meet some diversity quota

[–]Bikertron [score hidden]  (0 children)

I'm so glad I passed on a role there

[–]CountyMcCounterson [score hidden]  (2 children)

Wait so you can unironically declare yourself a building and all the lefties will be forced to pretend you are one? Wow I need to start doing this.

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