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Tezos is a new decentralized blockchain that governs itself by establishing a true digital commonwealth. It facilitates formal verification, a technique which mathematically proves the correctness of the code governing transactions and boosts the security of the most sensitive or financially weighted smart contracts.

created by 1DrK44np3gMKuvcGeFVva community for
all 10 comments

[–]Anton_Ternavsky 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Johann Gevers is 100% professional rogue.

All his so-called "commercial projects" have failed and the money of investors flowed into his pocket.

Who can say, there is at least one exception to this rule?

The fate of the Tezos Fund is also under threat!

This scoundrel, who does not have any success in his track record (he needs investor money, not success), already aimed at the Fund's money!

Gevers once engaged in auditing, he perfectly understands the whole procedure and cunning for audit's bypass.

[–]elkmoosebison 6 points7 points  (0 children)

the archive of is some scary shit.. nobody like this should be handling money.

Over a period of more than twenty-five years, I experimented with many different concepts for a free society. Each of these models had its merits, but fell short of being the complete solution I was looking for. There was still a key ingredient missing. Finally, on August 27, 2004, I had a stunning insight that tied together all the other pieces of the puzzle. It was so elegantly simple that for some months I wondered if I was overlooking something. Gradually, however, through further research and discussions with some of the brightest minds working in this field, my confidence grew that this represented a real solution. The idea has evolved, developed, grown, and matured to where it is now ready for a wider audience. It is called The Freedom Universal. I founded the Institute for Freedom to advance this important work.

[–]ZHZ000 7 points8 points  (2 children)

Under no circumstance should we deliver the Tezos Protocol to a Tezos Foundation ruled by Herr Gevers.

We, the Community and DLS, must together break the contract with the Foundation and abandon the treasury, and launch the chain on our own. Later, we can reclaim the treasury through a legal fight.

The moment DLS puts the IP of Tezos in Herr Gever's hands, our fate is sealed.

Do not underestimate evil when it comes near you. This man long ago should have been in jail, and walk in the world as a convict.

The Swiss are playing a dangerous game shielding him, and they will come to pay an unbearable price. Engage the Swiss establishment on social media, and ask them disturbing questions.

[–]MountainMunchkin 3 points4 points  (1 child)

Ask MME some questions? They´ve been Johann´s lawyers for years. If someone should have known, they should have known.

[–]yjespy 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Who at MME is the best contact person? I agree, they had to have known some of this.... Does Johann have a special connection there with somebody?

[–]yjespy 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Does anybody have access to search for court records in South Africa, Europe and the U.S. to look into Gevers' past there? There are bound to be things that come up.

[–]Moneytrigz 2 points3 points  (0 children)

WTF did the breitmans not know this? foolish mistake and situation. till now VERY dissapointed with marketing & spending of this massive amount of funds. hopefully we can turn this around quickly

[–]brendamn 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Well someone put him in charge of the foundation

[–]MountainMunchkin 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Johann successfully manipulated the Swiss establishment. Some very highly regarded figures recommended him and vouched for him. It is a monumental embarrassment for Switzerland, and it is also possible that one or two people among them knew but chose to collude?

I suspect the preference of the Swiss establishment would be to sweep this under the carpet and just make it go away. I don´t think that this will be possible, mostly because Johann has nothing else in his life, and will fight tooth and nail to the bitter end.

π Rendered by PID 62774 on app-378 at 2017-12-26 20:42:14.023502+00:00 running a84abeb country code: JP.

this post was submitted on
19 points (100% upvoted)


6,145 readers

122 users here now

Tezos is a new decentralized blockchain that governs itself by establishing a true digital commonwealth. It facilitates formal verification, a technique which mathematically proves the correctness of the code governing transactions and boosts the security of the most sensitive or financially weighted smart contracts.

created by 1DrK44np3gMKuvcGeFVva community for
all 10 comments

[–]Anton_Ternavsky 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Johann Gevers is 100% professional rogue.

All his so-called "commercial projects" have failed and the money of investors flowed into his pocket.

Who can say, there is at least one exception to this rule?

The fate of the Tezos Fund is also under threat!

This scoundrel, who does not have any success in his track record (he needs investor money, not success), already aimed at the Fund's money!

Gevers once engaged in auditing, he perfectly understands the whole procedure and cunning for audit's bypass.

[–]elkmoosebison 6 points7 points  (0 children)

the archive of is some scary shit.. nobody like this should be handling money.

Over a period of more than twenty-five years, I experimented with many different concepts for a free society. Each of these models had its merits, but fell short of being the complete solution I was looking for. There was still a key ingredient missing. Finally, on August 27, 2004, I had a stunning insight that tied together all the other pieces of the puzzle. It was so elegantly simple that for some months I wondered if I was overlooking something. Gradually, however, through further research and discussions with some of the brightest minds working in this field, my confidence grew that this represented a real solution. The idea has evolved, developed, grown, and matured to where it is now ready for a wider audience. It is called The Freedom Universal. I founded the Institute for Freedom to advance this important work.

[–]ZHZ000 7 points8 points  (2 children)

Under no circumstance should we deliver the Tezos Protocol to a Tezos Foundation ruled by Herr Gevers.

We, the Community and DLS, must together break the contract with the Foundation and abandon the treasury, and launch the chain on our own. Later, we can reclaim the treasury through a legal fight.

The moment DLS puts the IP of Tezos in Herr Gever's hands, our fate is sealed.

Do not underestimate evil when it comes near you. This man long ago should have been in jail, and walk in the world as a convict.

The Swiss are playing a dangerous game shielding him, and they will come to pay an unbearable price. Engage the Swiss establishment on social media, and ask them disturbing questions.

[–]MountainMunchkin 3 points4 points  (1 child)

Ask MME some questions? They´ve been Johann´s lawyers for years. If someone should have known, they should have known.

[–]yjespy 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Who at MME is the best contact person? I agree, they had to have known some of this.... Does Johann have a special connection there with somebody?

[–]yjespy 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Does anybody have access to search for court records in South Africa, Europe and the U.S. to look into Gevers' past there? There are bound to be things that come up.

[–]Moneytrigz 2 points3 points  (0 children)

WTF did the breitmans not know this? foolish mistake and situation. till now VERY dissapointed with marketing & spending of this massive amount of funds. hopefully we can turn this around quickly

[–]brendamn 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Well someone put him in charge of the foundation

[–]MountainMunchkin 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Johann successfully manipulated the Swiss establishment. Some very highly regarded figures recommended him and vouched for him. It is a monumental embarrassment for Switzerland, and it is also possible that one or two people among them knew but chose to collude?

I suspect the preference of the Swiss establishment would be to sweep this under the carpet and just make it go away. I don´t think that this will be possible, mostly because Johann has nothing else in his life, and will fight tooth and nail to the bitter end.

π Rendered by PID 39338 on app-59 at 2017-12-26 20:42:08.184591+00:00 running a84abeb country code: JP.