Murder Mystery v1.0 is Now Live

New Maps, New Modes + much more

Explore tons of new content in the Murder Mystery full release

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Hypixel Zombies is now Live

Play it now in the PTL

Team up with 3 friends in this cooperative wave survival experience. Can you survive the night?

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Bed Wars v1.0 is Live!

Play the full release of Bed Wars

New Lobby, 10 new maps, Cosmetics, Stats Tracking, Achievements, Challenges + more

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Minecraft 1.12 Supported

Login using 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 or 1.12!

Play together with friends on Hypixel using Minecraft versions 1.8 and above.

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by OrangeMarshall at 1:42 PM
(1,237 Views / 74 Likes)

We just released a small patch for Turbo Kart Racers in the Classic Games Lobby, fixing several bugs. I'll update the original post with links to these individual threads.

Thanks to everyone who has helped collect these bugs by reporting them in the bugs section so we can fix them :). Read on for the full list of bugs fixed.

by Minikloon at 1:40 PM
(10,238 Views / 81 Likes)

Hey all! It's been a long time coming, but we just launched Crafted Mystery Box #3 containing 7 new, exclusive Legendary Cosmetics. You can craft it right now in the Mystery Vault for 1000 dust - or less with the VIP and MVP discounts. As with previous Crafted boxes the only way you can unlock these 7 items is by crafting and opening the specific box.

The video above showcases all the available cosmetics, and we look forward to watching you play. The hype train is real!


by OrangeMarshall at 6:01 AM
(2,229 Views / 96 Likes)

We just released a small patch for Arena Brawl in the Classic Games Lobby, fixing several bugs. I'll update the original post with links to these individual threads.

Thanks to everyone who has helped collect these bugs by reporting them in the bugs section so we can fix them :). Read on for the full list of bugs fixed.

by OrangeMarshall at 3:27 AM
(2,132 Views / 89 Likes)

We just released a small patch for Paintball in the Classic Games Lobby, a few bugs. I'll update the original post with links to these individual threads.

Thanks to everyone who has helped collect these bugs by reporting them in the bugs section so we can fix them :). Read on for the full list of changes.

by Dctr at 12:15 AM
(6,195 Views / 227 Likes)
Hello, Skywars Community. Over the past couple months, we've spent a lot of time looking at the Ranked Skywars experience and the modes competitive integrity. We've made the following changes:

1) Removed kit upgrades and gave all players maxed kits (Full refund coming next week).

2) All perks now unlocked and maxed for everyone, combo perk removed (Full refund coming next week).
  • A competitive format should not force players into buying an expensive kit/perk in order to have a good shot at winning. This change will even the playing field for all players, and allow the meta to progress based on strong kits and their counters.
3) Loot balancing - Each island now guaranteed the same gear. This means no more inequalities where some islands get better healing/speed potions/projectiles than others.
  • This will ensure all players begin fighting on an equal playing field uninfluenced by randomness.
4) Assist system implemented - on kill perks will also be given if a player has dealt more than 50% of the damage to a player who has been killed.
  • This change should help counter the "cleanup" fighting style many players utilize.
5) Loot refills in outer islands changed to default island loot instead of mid loot.
  • Playing the outer islands has become a very tedious strategy at higher ratings. This will make it so that players wont be rewarded as heavily for staying on their spawn islands late into the game.
6) Mobs removed from chests
  • Mobs rewarded players based on luck rather than skill, for a competitive game mode this did not work.

These changes were based on previous proposal threads which can be found here and here.

We appreciate your patience and support as we continue to improve the ranked system and please continue to leave your feedback in the replies below. Best of luck in season 19!