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all 61 comments

[–]JKMercury 370 points371 points  (15 children)

I'm not sure about the earlier books, but in the 4th when Ron gets insanely jealous Hermione says something like, "Next time hurry up and ask me yourself instead of getting jealous about it."

Which Ron says, "She completely missed the point (about why he was mad)".

Then Harry thinks to himself that he thought Hermione got the point more than Ron did.

So I think based on this Hermione very much understands why Ron is jealous and Harry gets it too. It's only Ron that refuses to admit what's really going on.

[–]Hattless 79 points80 points  (6 children)

I think you are right. Hermione tends to figure things out pretty quickly while Ron is often slow on the pick-up, or just stubborn. Even without these quotes, it makes sense to see it that way.

[–]drewmana 117 points118 points  (3 children)

Something something emotional depth of a teaspoon

[–]grepnork 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Ron really wouldn't be any fun if he had real emotional intelligence.

Ron's there to get the other two into bad scrapes, laugh at them, laugh at their insecurities, laugh at their plans, be incredibly weak and incredibly brave (sometimes both at the same time). But mostly laugh and be their tour guide to the world of magic - someone has to keep them grounded.

[–]imjacechillin 1 point2 points  (0 children)

"Emotional range of a teaspoon" - arguably one of Hermione's best quotes

[–]Battlescar84 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Oh man people are giving me weird looks because I'm laughing so hard

[–]RotmgCamel 4 points5 points  (2 children)

Is that in the book though? Or just the movie?

[–]lizduck 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Ugh, can we not downvote people for wanting to check a source? No one's calling you a liar, they just want evidence something is true before believing it.

Yes, it's in the book.

[–]JKMercury 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It's in the book right after Cedric stops Harry to tell him to take a bath with his egg. I actually haven't watched the movies past the third so I have no idea if it's in there or not.

[–]Unimprester 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Okay well I see it like this, Ron was mostly acting protecive and a little stupid throughout the books because of his overpowering confidence problem. He is extremely anxious and distracted, which makes his mind occupied and his emotional capacity very shallow. Even after 'the ministry' in OOTP he feels as if he failed. Then, they run off together and he doesnt even get to do anything, has to wear a horcrux, doesnt hear anything from his family and is generally not in a good place. Until the battle of hogwarts where suddenly, he appears very Sharp, and he finally gets into those good feelings, and kisses Hermione. I can imagine him FINALLY feeling like he's worth something, destroying horcruxes and getting the cutest girl. It completely relaxed him, his sense of humour shines, making Hermione more relaxed and together they have a fun and loving household

[–]gotohellstephanie 157 points158 points  (0 children)

I can definitely see that. Especially considering at this time, Ron hasn't really hinted at liking her like in DH. And for Hermione, I don't think she'd want to ruin any friendship she has with them, so she doesn't want to make a wrong move.

[–]InquisitorCOC 162 points163 points  (23 children)

Hermione wasn't that confident about herself either:

  • She had doubts about her look, and she definitely wasn't Emma Watson.
  • She knew her personalities were not that popular: argumentative, bossy, and nagging.
  • I think she also worried that if she got together with Ron or Harry, the other boy could be sidelined or turned into the third wheel. The consequence could be disastrous in their struggle against Voldemort.

[–]InquisitorCOC 73 points74 points  (10 children)

Furthermore, Harry's behaviors during Year 5 most likely convinced her that she would be better off with Ron, who worshipped her intellect (not turned off) and tolerated (or even enjoyed) her argumentative and nagging tendencies. So, beginning in Year 6, when she noticed that Harry was interested in Ginny, she immediately began shipping them.

[–]stefvhMod of /r/HarryandGinny 61 points62 points  (9 children)

Hermione actually started shipping H/G as early as GoF, when she indicated to Ginny that she should start relaxing around Harry; in order to become his friend and therefore have much more basis to a romantic relationship. Additionally, one of Hermione's amusing comments during OotP, Chapter 23, could indicate her partiality to the H/G ship:

"It’s you lot who won’t look at me!" said Harry angrily.

"Maybe you’re taking it in turns to look and keep missing each other," suggested Hermione, the corners of her mouth twitching.

Thus, it is no wonder Hermione says this to Harry in Chapter 17: "not that she doesn't like you, of course". She says this "kindly" to Harry, as if she is under the impression that Harry needs to be reassured that Ginny's feelings for him still run in the positive.

[–]InquisitorCOC 42 points43 points  (8 children)

Ginny taking other boyfriends was also HER SUGGESTION, and Ginny was the only one who knew she had kissed Krum.

But I'm surprised Ginny would name her daughter Lily Luna instead of Lily Hermione.

[–]stefvhMod of /r/HarryandGinny 59 points60 points  (0 children)

Yeah - it's rather funny how it's only Ginny that gets hated on by certain fandom factions for acting on Hermione's advice.

I think Ginny knew Luna for longer, given that they were in the same year. She probably wanted to rope Luna into the "One Big Happy Weasley Family", given that Hermione was already in.

[–]ciocinanciAuntie Disestablishmentarianism 12 points13 points  (6 children)

But I'm surprised Ginny would name her daughter Lily Luna instead of Lily Hermione.

Speaking as someone whose sister has a unique/rare first name, I can tell you she'd never want it inflicted on someone else, and certainly not in her honor.

[–]TheSixthVisitor 18 points19 points  (2 children)

And yet they ended up with a kid called "Albus Severus Potter."

[–]ciocinanciAuntie Disestablishmentarianism 10 points11 points  (1 child)

Neither of whom were alive to object.

[–]TheSixthVisitor 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I sincerely hope somebody around Harry objected to his naming sense for poor Albus.

[–]Waterknight94Ravenclaw 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Ginny doesn't care what other people say about weird names. She has a weird name herself and told everyone off for making fun of her owl's name.

Also somehow in the real world apparently Fred and George are considered weird names. People always thought I was making it up when I told them that my two best friends were named Fred and George growing up.

[–]ykickamoocow111[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Ron's owl lol.

[–]InquisitorCOC 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Well, "Hermione" should become a relatively common/popular name in Magical Britain after the War.

[–]BrickMacklin 33 points34 points  (11 children)

Harry was for a time afraid of becoming the third wheel.

[–]ladygrey_[All was well] 113 points114 points  (10 children)

I always found it funny that Harry was perceptive to the Ron/Hermione thing way before either of them vocalized it, yet in his own interactions with girls he had the emotional intelligence and perception skills of a kitchen table

[–]RearEchelonFir, Dragon Heartstring, 13", Hard 39 points40 points  (2 children)

of a teaspoon

[–]ladygrey_[All was well] 23 points24 points  (1 child)

That's Ron ;)

[–]PikaV2002Master Legilimens 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Tablespoon then?

[–]BrickMacklin 22 points23 points  (5 children)

As a guy that feels very realistic.

[–]sherlock1456 0 points1 point  (4 children)

Maybe it's because I was raised primarily by a woman but I've never had this issue :P

[–]BrickMacklin 1 point2 points  (3 children)

I was raised only be a mother and had only two sisters to grow up with. Very few male figures in my life. This was still my experience.

[–]Waterknight94Ravenclaw 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Same here. I can pick up pretty easy when a girl is interested in someone else, but unless she straight up tells me she is interested in me or someone else tells me I won't really know. Every girlfriend I have had except for one approached me first. The one that didn't... well that is a special case.

[–]sherlock1456 0 points1 point  (1 child)

Weird... Did you also have primarily female friends in middle/high school?

[–]BrickMacklin 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It varied. I didn't do well socially then. Now however I have primarily more female friends than I do male but that because I work with more women. I don't have a problem approaching/making conversation with just about anyone.

[–]stylz168 6 points7 points  (0 children)

the emotional intelligence and perception skills of a kitchen table!

[–]Turbowuff 27 points28 points  (0 children)

Very good observations! I agree with everything you've said. Rejection sucks, but in my head it would almost be worse if someone said "you're like a sibling to me" than "sorry I don't feel the same way" you know?

[–]The_Realest_Adam 31 points32 points  (2 children)

Did Hermione worry that

Yes, probably. She's also probably read the book on it

[–]AeternumFlame 14 points15 points  (1 child)

[–]song_pondAnoinette Fittleworth 6 points7 points  (0 children)

That look is so perfect.

[–]janethefox 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I'm just struck by the word "chunter." What version of the book is this?

I might be wrong, but I think my version said "mutter" instead? I guess I couuuuuuld check, but...

[–]Lolo424 9 points10 points  (0 children)

They bickered like a married couple all along. It was all a matter of time. In teenage relationships, they always try and make the other jealous to reaffirm their spot.

[–]rosenyc26 13 points14 points  (1 child)

Ron also was very obsessed with Hermione's ability to get to all of her classes in Prisoner of Azkaban. He was constantly asking her and Harry how she possibly managed to fit all of her courses into her schedule when several occurred at the same time. I think that this is when he truly begins to take notice of her especially compared to Harry, who feels he doesn't have the time to be bothered worrying about Hermione's schedule. Ron also seemed to be more effected by her becoming petrified in the chamber of secrets than Harry does.

[–]imjacechillin 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Plus at the time Harry was already enchanted by a certain Ravenclaw Seeker.

[–]DPSOnlyEagleclaw 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I figured that it would have been clear enough for her to see he liked her from all the awkward moments they had, but now I realize that we see all those awkward moments from the point of view of Harry and it is very much a possibility that most of that happened without Hermione noticing.

[–]Sazz_LaRoachElfMaster 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Ha, ironic. Keep in mind, hermione does not have the same information that we as readers do. So all the implications about Ron+Ginny would not be part of her reality, as these were directed at us, the readers. However hermione is pretty clever, so its possible she would have picked up on the tension at some point. If she did, i guess she would not be worried that ron viewed her as a sister so much as hopeful. Either way, great question OP, ive always felt that this complex ( and maybe slightly uncomfortable) part of the series gets glossed over or simply ignored by many HP fans.

[–]HippieSoulPunxRavenclaw 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I don't think she specifically worried he viewed her as a sister, but even being close friends is a reason to not want to ask someone out or confess your feelings to them. I think they were both just young and unsure of how to go about figuring out their feelings, then deciding when/how/if at all to express them. Plus they argue a lot, so I think neither of them felt like the other would feel the same way.

[–]appelflappentap 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Hermione was the typical overachieving bookworm, which isn't the type of girl that's very popular with guys (I know because I was one myself). She must have been scared to get rejected by a guy she liked, but if she were to get rejected by Ron it could ruin her friendship with both Ron and Harry, because things would become too awkward. And considering they have been friends since the very first day, it would make sense that Ron would see her more as a sister (like Harry does).

[–]hdrdareThe Dark Lord will RETURN!! 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I don't think she was afraid of viewing him as a sister but a lot of other things were at play that defined their school years and them not coming together at any point.

The biggest one of them is the fact that Hermione and Ron were two very different people and I know that in literature at large it is implied that opposites always attract but in real life that is as far from the truth as possible. Opposite do always have instant connection with each other that stems from their differences but it never leads to attraction. Attraction always stems from some similarity that the two people see between themselves that becomes the building block of the relationship. Something to build over. And Ron and Hermione never had that during the time they were in school. They thought differently. Viewed the world differently and had major personality differences which led to them certainly having maybe a crush on each other but never liking.

Which is why even thought they had many chances to take that one crucial step, none of the two did because they were not entirely convinced. Their hearts had not grown for each other. They only developed strong feelings for each other in DH and that is because in DH they were separated from the school. Thus, now they were spending time together where they were developing feelings for each other that were much larger than a crush. They were not attending classes or playing quidditch but just getting to know each other. It was the isolation from the outside world that brought them closer. Had they finished like normal teenager I dont think they ever would have come together.

[–]Amrick 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I always thought it was a gradual thing. In the beginning - the first year, they both disliked her intensely for being bossy, naggy, and a know-it-all. After the troll incident, they got to know her and saw so much of her than surface-level her. She's incredibly smart, has a good sense of ethics and morals (house elves), loyal to the core, and honest. She's a good person despite her flaws. During 4th year, they seemed to have hit puberty and dressed up (her hair was less frizzy, didn't her teeth also get fixed at this point?) so Ron probably saw her as a "girl" at this point.

I think she gradually grew to like Ron just as he gradually grew to like her. I think it happened slowly, over time, and she picked up on it a bit more than he did.

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all 61 comments

[–]JKMercury 370 points371 points  (15 children)

I'm not sure about the earlier books, but in the 4th when Ron gets insanely jealous Hermione says something like, "Next time hurry up and ask me yourself instead of getting jealous about it."

Which Ron says, "She completely missed the point (about why he was mad)".

Then Harry thinks to himself that he thought Hermione got the point more than Ron did.

So I think based on this Hermione very much understands why Ron is jealous and Harry gets it too. It's only Ron that refuses to admit what's really going on.

[–]Hattless 79 points80 points  (6 children)

I think you are right. Hermione tends to figure things out pretty quickly while Ron is often slow on the pick-up, or just stubborn. Even without these quotes, it makes sense to see it that way.

[–]drewmana 117 points118 points  (3 children)

Something something emotional depth of a teaspoon

[–]grepnork 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Ron really wouldn't be any fun if he had real emotional intelligence.

Ron's there to get the other two into bad scrapes, laugh at them, laugh at their insecurities, laugh at their plans, be incredibly weak and incredibly brave (sometimes both at the same time). But mostly laugh and be their tour guide to the world of magic - someone has to keep them grounded.

[–]imjacechillin 1 point2 points  (0 children)

"Emotional range of a teaspoon" - arguably one of Hermione's best quotes

[–]Battlescar84 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Oh man people are giving me weird looks because I'm laughing so hard

[–]RotmgCamel 4 points5 points  (2 children)

Is that in the book though? Or just the movie?

[–]lizduck 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Ugh, can we not downvote people for wanting to check a source? No one's calling you a liar, they just want evidence something is true before believing it.

Yes, it's in the book.

[–]JKMercury 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It's in the book right after Cedric stops Harry to tell him to take a bath with his egg. I actually haven't watched the movies past the third so I have no idea if it's in there or not.

[–]Unimprester 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Okay well I see it like this, Ron was mostly acting protecive and a little stupid throughout the books because of his overpowering confidence problem. He is extremely anxious and distracted, which makes his mind occupied and his emotional capacity very shallow. Even after 'the ministry' in OOTP he feels as if he failed. Then, they run off together and he doesnt even get to do anything, has to wear a horcrux, doesnt hear anything from his family and is generally not in a good place. Until the battle of hogwarts where suddenly, he appears very Sharp, and he finally gets into those good feelings, and kisses Hermione. I can imagine him FINALLY feeling like he's worth something, destroying horcruxes and getting the cutest girl. It completely relaxed him, his sense of humour shines, making Hermione more relaxed and together they have a fun and loving household

[–]gotohellstephanie 157 points158 points  (0 children)

I can definitely see that. Especially considering at this time, Ron hasn't really hinted at liking her like in DH. And for Hermione, I don't think she'd want to ruin any friendship she has with them, so she doesn't want to make a wrong move.

[–]InquisitorCOC 162 points163 points  (23 children)

Hermione wasn't that confident about herself either:

  • She had doubts about her look, and she definitely wasn't Emma Watson.
  • She knew her personalities were not that popular: argumentative, bossy, and nagging.
  • I think she also worried that if she got together with Ron or Harry, the other boy could be sidelined or turned into the third wheel. The consequence could be disastrous in their struggle against Voldemort.

[–]InquisitorCOC 73 points74 points  (10 children)

Furthermore, Harry's behaviors during Year 5 most likely convinced her that she would be better off with Ron, who worshipped her intellect (not turned off) and tolerated (or even enjoyed) her argumentative and nagging tendencies. So, beginning in Year 6, when she noticed that Harry was interested in Ginny, she immediately began shipping them.

[–]stefvhMod of /r/HarryandGinny 61 points62 points  (9 children)

Hermione actually started shipping H/G as early as GoF, when she indicated to Ginny that she should start relaxing around Harry; in order to become his friend and therefore have much more basis to a romantic relationship. Additionally, one of Hermione's amusing comments during OotP, Chapter 23, could indicate her partiality to the H/G ship:

"It’s you lot who won’t look at me!" said Harry angrily.

"Maybe you’re taking it in turns to look and keep missing each other," suggested Hermione, the corners of her mouth twitching.

Thus, it is no wonder Hermione says this to Harry in Chapter 17: "not that she doesn't like you, of course". She says this "kindly" to Harry, as if she is under the impression that Harry needs to be reassured that Ginny's feelings for him still run in the positive.

[–]InquisitorCOC 42 points43 points  (8 children)

Ginny taking other boyfriends was also HER SUGGESTION, and Ginny was the only one who knew she had kissed Krum.

But I'm surprised Ginny would name her daughter Lily Luna instead of Lily Hermione.

[–]stefvhMod of /r/HarryandGinny 59 points60 points  (0 children)

Yeah - it's rather funny how it's only Ginny that gets hated on by certain fandom factions for acting on Hermione's advice.

I think Ginny knew Luna for longer, given that they were in the same year. She probably wanted to rope Luna into the "One Big Happy Weasley Family", given that Hermione was already in.

[–]ciocinanciAuntie Disestablishmentarianism 12 points13 points  (6 children)

But I'm surprised Ginny would name her daughter Lily Luna instead of Lily Hermione.

Speaking as someone whose sister has a unique/rare first name, I can tell you she'd never want it inflicted on someone else, and certainly not in her honor.

[–]TheSixthVisitor 18 points19 points  (2 children)

And yet they ended up with a kid called "Albus Severus Potter."

[–]ciocinanciAuntie Disestablishmentarianism 10 points11 points  (1 child)

Neither of whom were alive to object.

[–]TheSixthVisitor 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I sincerely hope somebody around Harry objected to his naming sense for poor Albus.

[–]Waterknight94Ravenclaw 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Ginny doesn't care what other people say about weird names. She has a weird name herself and told everyone off for making fun of her owl's name.

Also somehow in the real world apparently Fred and George are considered weird names. People always thought I was making it up when I told them that my two best friends were named Fred and George growing up.

[–]ykickamoocow111[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Ron's owl lol.

[–]InquisitorCOC 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Well, "Hermione" should become a relatively common/popular name in Magical Britain after the War.

[–]BrickMacklin 33 points34 points  (11 children)

Harry was for a time afraid of becoming the third wheel.

[–]ladygrey_[All was well] 113 points114 points  (10 children)

I always found it funny that Harry was perceptive to the Ron/Hermione thing way before either of them vocalized it, yet in his own interactions with girls he had the emotional intelligence and perception skills of a kitchen table

[–]RearEchelonFir, Dragon Heartstring, 13", Hard 39 points40 points  (2 children)

of a teaspoon

[–]ladygrey_[All was well] 23 points24 points  (1 child)

That's Ron ;)

[–]PikaV2002Master Legilimens 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Tablespoon then?

[–]BrickMacklin 22 points23 points  (5 children)

As a guy that feels very realistic.

[–]sherlock1456 0 points1 point  (4 children)

Maybe it's because I was raised primarily by a woman but I've never had this issue :P

[–]BrickMacklin 1 point2 points  (3 children)

I was raised only be a mother and had only two sisters to grow up with. Very few male figures in my life. This was still my experience.

[–]Waterknight94Ravenclaw 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Same here. I can pick up pretty easy when a girl is interested in someone else, but unless she straight up tells me she is interested in me or someone else tells me I won't really know. Every girlfriend I have had except for one approached me first. The one that didn't... well that is a special case.

[–]sherlock1456 0 points1 point  (1 child)

Weird... Did you also have primarily female friends in middle/high school?

[–]BrickMacklin 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It varied. I didn't do well socially then. Now however I have primarily more female friends than I do male but that because I work with more women. I don't have a problem approaching/making conversation with just about anyone.

[–]stylz168 6 points7 points  (0 children)

the emotional intelligence and perception skills of a kitchen table!

[–]Turbowuff 27 points28 points  (0 children)

Very good observations! I agree with everything you've said. Rejection sucks, but in my head it would almost be worse if someone said "you're like a sibling to me" than "sorry I don't feel the same way" you know?

[–]The_Realest_Adam 31 points32 points  (2 children)

Did Hermione worry that

Yes, probably. She's also probably read the book on it

[–]AeternumFlame 14 points15 points  (1 child)

[–]song_pondAnoinette Fittleworth 6 points7 points  (0 children)

That look is so perfect.

[–]janethefox 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I'm just struck by the word "chunter." What version of the book is this?

I might be wrong, but I think my version said "mutter" instead? I guess I couuuuuuld check, but...

[–]Lolo424 9 points10 points  (0 children)

They bickered like a married couple all along. It was all a matter of time. In teenage relationships, they always try and make the other jealous to reaffirm their spot.

[–]rosenyc26 13 points14 points  (1 child)

Ron also was very obsessed with Hermione's ability to get to all of her classes in Prisoner of Azkaban. He was constantly asking her and Harry how she possibly managed to fit all of her courses into her schedule when several occurred at the same time. I think that this is when he truly begins to take notice of her especially compared to Harry, who feels he doesn't have the time to be bothered worrying about Hermione's schedule. Ron also seemed to be more effected by her becoming petrified in the chamber of secrets than Harry does.

[–]imjacechillin 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Plus at the time Harry was already enchanted by a certain Ravenclaw Seeker.

[–]DPSOnlyEagleclaw 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I figured that it would have been clear enough for her to see he liked her from all the awkward moments they had, but now I realize that we see all those awkward moments from the point of view of Harry and it is very much a possibility that most of that happened without Hermione noticing.

[–]Sazz_LaRoachElfMaster 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Ha, ironic. Keep in mind, hermione does not have the same information that we as readers do. So all the implications about Ron+Ginny would not be part of her reality, as these were directed at us, the readers. However hermione is pretty clever, so its possible she would have picked up on the tension at some point. If she did, i guess she would not be worried that ron viewed her as a sister so much as hopeful. Either way, great question OP, ive always felt that this complex ( and maybe slightly uncomfortable) part of the series gets glossed over or simply ignored by many HP fans.

[–]HippieSoulPunxRavenclaw 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I don't think she specifically worried he viewed her as a sister, but even being close friends is a reason to not want to ask someone out or confess your feelings to them. I think they were both just young and unsure of how to go about figuring out their feelings, then deciding when/how/if at all to express them. Plus they argue a lot, so I think neither of them felt like the other would feel the same way.

[–]appelflappentap 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Hermione was the typical overachieving bookworm, which isn't the type of girl that's very popular with guys (I know because I was one myself). She must have been scared to get rejected by a guy she liked, but if she were to get rejected by Ron it could ruin her friendship with both Ron and Harry, because things would become too awkward. And considering they have been friends since the very first day, it would make sense that Ron would see her more as a sister (like Harry does).

[–]hdrdareThe Dark Lord will RETURN!! 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I don't think she was afraid of viewing him as a sister but a lot of other things were at play that defined their school years and them not coming together at any point.

The biggest one of them is the fact that Hermione and Ron were two very different people and I know that in literature at large it is implied that opposites always attract but in real life that is as far from the truth as possible. Opposite do always have instant connection with each other that stems from their differences but it never leads to attraction. Attraction always stems from some similarity that the two people see between themselves that becomes the building block of the relationship. Something to build over. And Ron and Hermione never had that during the time they were in school. They thought differently. Viewed the world differently and had major personality differences which led to them certainly having maybe a crush on each other but never liking.

Which is why even thought they had many chances to take that one crucial step, none of the two did because they were not entirely convinced. Their hearts had not grown for each other. They only developed strong feelings for each other in DH and that is because in DH they were separated from the school. Thus, now they were spending time together where they were developing feelings for each other that were much larger than a crush. They were not attending classes or playing quidditch but just getting to know each other. It was the isolation from the outside world that brought them closer. Had they finished like normal teenager I dont think they ever would have come together.

[–]Amrick 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I always thought it was a gradual thing. In the beginning - the first year, they both disliked her intensely for being bossy, naggy, and a know-it-all. After the troll incident, they got to know her and saw so much of her than surface-level her. She's incredibly smart, has a good sense of ethics and morals (house elves), loyal to the core, and honest. She's a good person despite her flaws. During 4th year, they seemed to have hit puberty and dressed up (her hair was less frizzy, didn't her teeth also get fixed at this point?) so Ron probably saw her as a "girl" at this point.

I think she gradually grew to like Ron just as he gradually grew to like her. I think it happened slowly, over time, and she picked up on it a bit more than he did.

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