The UI of Movie Monad showing Sintel from the Blender Foundation.
When we last left off with Movie Monad, we had built a desktop video player using all web-based technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Electron). The twist was that all of the source code for the project was written in Haskell.
One of the limitations of our web-based approach was that the video file size could only be so large. If the file size was too large, it would crash the application. To avoid this, we put in a file size check and told the user if the video file was too large.
We could continue with the web-based approach and setup a back-end server to stream the video file to the HTML5 player and run the server and the Electron application side-by-side. Instead we will go with a non-web-based approach using GTK+, GStreamer, and the X11 windowing system. Note that if you use another windowing system, such as Wayland, Quartz, or WinAPI, this approach can be adapted to work with your particular GDK back-end. The adaptation part being the embedding of the GStreamer playbin video output into the Movie Monad window.
GDK is an important part of GTK+’s portability. Since low-level cross-platform functionality is already provided by GLib, all that is needed to make GTK+ run on other platforms is to port GDK to the underlying operating system’s graphics layer. Hence, the GDK ports to the Windows API and Quartz are what makes GTK+ applications run on Windows and macOS, respectively.
Who this is for
- Haskell programmers looking to make a GTK+ user interface (UI)
- Programmers interested in functional programming
- GUI builders
- Those looking for an alternative to GitHub’s Electron
- Video player aficionados
What we will cover
- Stack
- The haskell-gi bindings
- Cabal data directory and data files
- Glade
- GTK+
- GStreamer
- How to build Movie Monad
Project setup
Before we can begin, we will need our machine setup to develop Haskell programs and our project directory setup with its files and dependencies.
Haskell Platform
If your machine in not already setup to develop Haskell programs, you can obtain all that we will need by downloading and installing the Haskell Platform.
If you are setup to develop with Haskell but do not have Stack, make sure to get Stack installed before you begin. Note that if you used the Haskell Platform, you should already have Stack.
Before we can play a video in Movie Monad, we will need to gather some details about the file the user selected. We will be using ExifTool to gather these details. If you are using some Linux distribution, there is a good chance that you already have it (which exiftool
). ExifTool is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Project files
There are three ways you can obtain the project files.
wget https://github.com/lettier/movie-monad/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
mv movie-monad-master movie-monad
cd movie-monad/
You can download the ZIP and extract it.
git clone git@github.com:lettier/movie-monad.git
cd movie-monad/
You can Git clone it with SSH.
git clone https://github.com/lettier/movie-monad.git
cd movie-monad/
You can Git clone it with HTTPS.
haskell-gi is capable of generating Haskell bindings for libraries that use the GObject introspection middleware. At the time of this writing, certain bindings we will need are not available on Hackage. Thus we will use haskell-gi to generate these bindings for us. For now, let us install haskell-gi.
cd movie-monad/
stack setup
stack install haskell-gi
We will need a binding to the xlib library.
cd movie-monad/
haskell-gi -o lib/gi-xlib/xlib.overrides -O lib/gi-xlib xlib
We will need a binding to the GdkX11 library.
cd movie-monad/
haskell-gi -o lib/gi-gdkx11/GdkX11.overrides -O lib/gi-gdkx11 GdkX11-3.0
Go ahead now and install the project dependencies.
cd movie-monad/
stack install --dependencies-only
The code
We are now setup to implement Movie Monad. You can either delete the source files and recreate them or just follow along.
is used to find our Glade XML GUI file at runtime. While we are developing, we use a dummy module (movie-monad/src/dev/Paths_movie_monad.hs
) to find the movie-monad/src/data/gui.glade
file. After we build/install the project, the real Paths_movie_monad
module is auto generated. This auto generated module provides us with the getDataFileName
function. getDataFileName
prefixes its input with the absolute path to where the data-dir
) data-files
were copied or installed to.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Paths_movie_monad where
dataDir :: String
dataDir = "./src/"
getDataFileName :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
getDataFileName a = do
putStrLn "You are using a fake Paths_movie_monad."
return (dataDir ++ "/" ++ a)
The dummy Paths_movie_monad
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-import-lists #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-implicit-prelude #-}
module Paths_movie_monad (
getBinDir, getLibDir, getDynLibDir, getDataDir, getLibexecDir,
getDataFileName, getSysconfDir
) where
import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
import Data.Version (Version(..))
import System.Environment (getEnv)
import Prelude
#if defined(VERSION_base)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,0,0)
catchIO :: IO a -> (Exception.IOException -> IO a) -> IO a
catchIO :: IO a -> (Exception.Exception -> IO a) -> IO a
catchIO :: IO a -> (Exception.IOException -> IO a) -> IO a
catchIO = Exception.catch
version :: Version
version = Version [0,0,0,0] []
bindir, libdir, dynlibdir, datadir, libexecdir, sysconfdir :: FilePath
bindir = "/home/<snip>/.stack-work/install/x86_64-linux-nopie/lts-9.1/8.0.2/bin"
libdir = "/home/<snip>/.stack-work/install/x86_64-linux-nopie/lts-9.1/8.0.2/lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-8.0.2/movie-monad-"
dynlibdir = "/home/<snip>/.stack-work/install/x86_64-linux-nopie/lts-9.1/8.0.2/lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-8.0.2"
datadir = "/home/<snip>/.stack-work/install/x86_64-linux-nopie/lts-9.1/8.0.2/share/x86_64-linux-ghc-8.0.2/movie-monad-"
libexecdir = "/home/<snip>/.stack-work/install/x86_64-linux-nopie/lts-9.1/8.0.2/libexec"
sysconfdir = "/home/<snip>/.stack-work/install/x86_64-linux-nopie/lts-9.1/8.0.2/etc"
getBinDir, getLibDir, getDynLibDir, getDataDir, getLibexecDir, getSysconfDir :: IO FilePath
getBinDir = catchIO (getEnv "movie_monad_bindir") (\_ -> return bindir)
getLibDir = catchIO (getEnv "movie_monad_libdir") (\_ -> return libdir)
getDynLibDir = catchIO (getEnv "movie_monad_dynlibdir") (\_ -> return dynlibdir)
getDataDir = catchIO (getEnv "movie_monad_datadir") (\_ -> return datadir)
getLibexecDir = catchIO (getEnv "movie_monad_libexecdir") (\_ -> return libexecdir)
getSysconfDir = catchIO (getEnv "movie_monad_sysconfdir") (\_ -> return sysconfdir)
getDataFileName :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
getDataFileName name = do
dir <- getDataDir
return (dir ++ "/" ++ name)
The auto generated Paths_movie_monad
is the entry point for Movie Monad. In this file we setup our window with its various widgets, we wire up GStreamer, and we teardown our window once the user exits.
We need to tell the compiler (GHC) that we want overloaded strings and lexically scoped type variables. OverloadedStrings
allows us to use string literals ("Literal"
) in places that demand String/[Char]
or Text
. ScopedTypeVariables
allows us to use a type signature in the parameter pattern of the lambda function passed to catch when calling ExifTool.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import Prelude
import Foreign.C.Types
import System.Process
import System.Exit
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Int
import Data.Text
import Data.String.Utils
import Data.GI.Base
import Data.GI.Base.Properties
import GI.GLib
import GI.GObject
import qualified GI.Gtk
import GI.Gst
import GI.GstVideo
import GI.GdkX11
import Paths_movie_monad
Since we are dealing with C bindings, we will need to work with types that exist in the C language. A large portion of the imports are the bindings generated by haskell-gi.
The GStreamer video bindings (gi-gstvideo
) have an IsVideoOverlay
type class (interface). The GStreamer bindings (gi-gst
) have an element type. In order to use playbin
(an element) with the function GI.GstVideo.videoOverlaySetWindowHandle
, we must declare GI.Gst.Element
a type instance of IsVideoOverlay
. On the C side, playbin
implements the VideoOverlay
newtype GstElement = GstElement GI.Gst.Element
instance GI.GstVideo.IsVideoOverlay GstElement
Note that we wrap GI.Gst.Element
in a newtype to avoid an orphaned instance since we are declaring the instance outside of the haskell-gi bindings.
is our largest function where we initialize all of the GUI widgets and define callback procedures based on certain events.
main :: IO ()
main = do
GI initialization
_ <- GI.Gst.init Nothing
_ <- GI.Gtk.init Nothing
Here we initialize GStreamer and GTK+.
Building our GUI widgets
gladeFile <- getDataFileName "data/gui.glade"
builder <- GI.Gtk.builderNewFromFile (pack gladeFile)
window <- builderGetObject GI.Gtk.Window builder "window"
fileChooserButton <- builderGetObject GI.Gtk.FileChooserButton builder "file-chooser-button"
drawingArea <- builderGetObject GI.Gtk.Widget builder "drawing-area"
seekScale <- builderGetObject GI.Gtk.Scale builder "seek-scale"
onOffSwitch <- builderGetObject GI.Gtk.Switch builder "on-off-switch"
volumeButton <- builderGetObject GI.Gtk.VolumeButton builder "volume-button"
desiredVideoWidthComboBox <- builderGetObject GI.Gtk.ComboBoxText builder "desired-video-width-combo-box"
errorMessageDialog <- builderGetObject GI.Gtk.MessageDialog builder "error-message-dialog"
aboutButton <- builderGetObject GI.Gtk.Button builder "about-button"
aboutDialog <- builderGetObject GI.Gtk.AboutDialog builder "about-dialog"
As described earlier, we obtain the absolute path to the data/gui.glade
file which is a XML file describing all of our GUI widgets. Next we create a builder from the file and acquire each of our GUI widgets. If we didn’t use Glade, we would have had to build all of these widgets manually which can become rather verbose and tedious.
playbin <- fromJust <$> GI.Gst.elementFactoryMake "playbin" (Just "MultimediaPlayer")
Here we create a GStreamer pipeline called playbin
. This pipeline is setup to handle a wide variety of needs and saves us the time of having to build our own pipeline. We give this element the name MultimediaPlayer
Embedding the GStreamer output
Two bring together GTK+ and GStreamer, we need a way to tell GStreamer where to render the video to. If we do not tell GStreamer where to render to, it will create its own window since we are using playbin
_ <- GI.Gtk.onWidgetRealize drawingArea $ do
gdkWindow <- fromJust <$> GI.Gtk.widgetGetWindow drawingArea
x11Window <- GI.Gtk.unsafeCastTo GI.GdkX11.X11Window gdkWindow
xid <- GI.GdkX11.x11WindowGetXid x11Window
let xid' = fromIntegral xid :: CUIntPtr
GI.GstVideo.videoOverlaySetWindowHandle (GstElement playbin) xid'
Here you see the callback setup for when our drawingArea
widget is ready. The drawingArea
is where we want GStreamer to render to. We obtain the parent GDK window for the drawing area widget. Next we get the window handle or XID
of the X11 window powering our GTK+ window. The CUIntPtr
line is converting the ID from CULong
to CUIntPtr
which videoOverlaySetWindowHandle
expects. Once we have the correct type, we inform GStreamer that it can render the output of playbin
to our window with the handle xid'
Note that here is where you would adapt Movie Monad to work with your windowing system if you are using something other than the X windowing system.
Choosing the file
_ <- GI.Gtk.onFileChooserButtonFileSet fileChooserButton $ do
_ <- GI.Gst.elementSetState playbin GI.Gst.StateNull
filename <- fromJust <$> GI.Gtk.fileChooserGetFilename fileChooserButton
let uri = "file://" ++ filename
volume <- GI.Gtk.scaleButtonGetValue volumeButton
Data.GI.Base.Properties.setObjectPropertyDouble playbin "volume" volume
Data.GI.Base.Properties.setObjectPropertyString playbin "uri" (Just $ pack uri)
desiredVideoWidth <- getDesiredVideoWidth desiredVideoWidthComboBox
(success, width, height) <- getWindowSize desiredVideoWidth filename
if success
then do
_ <- GI.Gst.elementSetState playbin GI.Gst.StatePlaying
GI.Gtk.switchSetActive onOffSwitch True
setWindowSize width height fileChooserButton drawingArea window
else do
_ <- GI.Gst.elementSetState playbin GI.Gst.StatePaused
GI.Gtk.switchSetActive onOffSwitch False
resetWindowSize desiredVideoWidth fileChooserButton drawingArea window
_ <- GI.Gtk.onDialogResponse errorMessageDialog (\ _ -> GI.Gtk.widgetHide errorMessageDialog)
void $ GI.Gtk.dialogRun errorMessageDialog
To kick off a video playing session, the user must be able to pick a video file. When they do pick a file, we must perform some critical steps to ensure everything goes smoothly.
- Gather the file name from the file chooser widget
- Tell
what file it must play - Set the
volume to the volume widget level - Determine the appropriate window width and height based on the desired video width selection and the video size
- If getting the window size was a success
- Start playing the video
- Set the toggle play/pause button to the on state
- Resize the window to fit the relative size of the video
- Else if getting the window size was a failure
- Tell
to pause - Set the toggle switch to the off position
- Reset the window size
- Display a small dialog box informing the user of an error occurring
- Tell
Play and pause
_ <- GI.Gtk.onSwitchStateSet onOffSwitch $ \ switchOn -> do
if switchOn
then void $ GI.Gst.elementSetState playbin GI.Gst.StatePlaying
else void $ GI.Gst.elementSetState playbin GI.Gst.StatePaused
return switchOn
Rather straight forward. If the toggle switch is on, we set the playbin
element’s state to playing. Otherwise, we set the playbin
element’s state to paused.
Setting the volume
_ <- GI.Gtk.onScaleButtonValueChanged volumeButton $
\ volume -> void $ Data.GI.Base.Properties.setObjectPropertyDouble playbin "volume" volume
Whenever the volume widget level changes, we forward this level on to GStreamer so that it can adjust the video volume.
seekScaleHandlerId <- GI.Gtk.onRangeValueChanged seekScale $ do
(couldQueryDuration, duration) <- GI.Gst.elementQueryDuration playbin GI.Gst.FormatTime
when couldQueryDuration $ do
percentage' <- GI.Gtk.rangeGetValue seekScale
let percentage = percentage' / 100.0
let position = fromIntegral (round ((fromIntegral duration :: Double) * percentage) :: Int) :: Int64
void $ GI.Gst.elementSeekSimple playbin GI.Gst.FormatTime [ GI.Gst.SeekFlagsFlush ] position
Movie Monad comes with a seek scale where as you drag the slider forwards or backwards, you move forwards or backwards through the video’s frames.
The scale of the seek slider is from zero to 100 and represents the percentage of video time passed. Advancing the slider to say 50, will move the video to the time marker that is half way between start and finish. We could set the slider’s scale to be from zero to however long the video is but this method allows us to generalize better.
Note that for this callback, we keep around the signal ID (seekScaleHandlerId
) since we will need it later.
Seek Scale update
_ <- GI.GLib.timeoutAddSeconds GI.GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT 1 $ do
(couldQueryDuration, duration) <- GI.Gst.elementQueryDuration playbin GI.Gst.FormatTime
(couldQueryPosition, position) <- GI.Gst.elementQueryPosition playbin GI.Gst.FormatTime
let percentage =
if couldQueryDuration && couldQueryPosition && duration > 0
then 100.0 * (fromIntegral position / fromIntegral duration :: Double)
else 0.0
GI.GObject.signalHandlerBlock seekScale seekScaleHandlerId
GI.Gtk.rangeSetValue seekScale percentage
GI.GObject.signalHandlerUnblock seekScale seekScaleHandlerId
return True
To keep the seek scale in sync with the video’s progress, we must play messenger between GTK+ and GStreamer. Every second, we query the video’s current position and update the seek scale to match. By doing this, the user will know how far along they are and if they go to slide the seeker, it will be in the correct state.
As to not trigger the callback we setup earlier, we disable the onRangeValueChanged
signal handler while we update the seek scale. The onRangeValueChanged
callback should only run if the user changes the seek slider.
Changing the video size
_ <- GI.Gtk.onComboBoxChanged desiredVideoWidthComboBox $ do
filename' <- GI.Gtk.fileChooserGetFilename fileChooserButton
let filename = fromMaybe "" filename'
desiredVideoWidth <- getDesiredVideoWidth desiredVideoWidthComboBox
(success, width, height) <- getWindowSize desiredVideoWidth filename
if success
then setWindowSize width height fileChooserButton drawingArea window
else resetWindowSize desiredVideoWidth fileChooserButton drawingArea window
This widget lets the user select the desired width of the video. The height of the window will be set based on the aspect ratio of the video and the user’s width selection.
_ <- GI.Gtk.onWidgetButtonReleaseEvent aboutButton $ \ _ -> do
_ <- GI.Gtk.onDialogResponse aboutDialog (\ _ -> GI.Gtk.widgetHide aboutDialog)
void $ GI.Gtk.dialogRun aboutDialog
return True
The last widget we will cover is the about dialog window. Here we wire up the about dialog window to the about button shown on the main window.
_ <- GI.Gtk.onWidgetDestroy window $ do
_ <- GI.Gst.elementSetState playbin GI.Gst.StateNull
_ <- GI.Gst.objectUnref playbin
When the user destroys the window, destroy the playbin
pipeline and quit the main GTK loop.
GI.Gtk.widgetShowAll window
At long last we show or render the main window and fire up the main GTK+ loop. This loop will block until mainQuit
is called.
The entire Main.hs file
Below is the movie-monad/src/Main.hs
file. The other portions not covered are various utility functions that dry up main
Movie Monad
(C) 2017 David lettier
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import Prelude
import Foreign.C.Types
import System.Process
import System.Exit
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Int
import Data.Text
import Data.String.Utils
import Data.GI.Base
import Data.GI.Base.Properties
import GI.GLib
import GI.GObject
import qualified GI.Gtk
import GI.Gst
import GI.GstVideo
import GI.GdkX11
import Paths_movie_monad
-- Declare Element a type instance of IsVideoOverlay via a newtype wrapper
-- Our GStreamer element is playbin
-- Playbin implements the GStreamer VideoOverlay interface
newtype GstElement = GstElement GI.Gst.Element
instance GI.GstVideo.IsVideoOverlay GstElement
main :: IO ()
main = do
_ <- GI.Gst.init Nothing
_ <- GI.Gtk.init Nothing
gladeFile <- getDataFileName "data/gui.glade"
builder <- GI.Gtk.builderNewFromFile (pack gladeFile)
window <- builderGetObject GI.Gtk.Window builder "window"
fileChooserButton <- builderGetObject GI.Gtk.FileChooserButton builder "file-chooser-button"
drawingArea <- builderGetObject GI.Gtk.Widget builder "drawing-area"
seekScale <- builderGetObject GI.Gtk.Scale builder "seek-scale"
onOffSwitch <- builderGetObject GI.Gtk.Switch builder "on-off-switch"
volumeButton <- builderGetObject GI.Gtk.VolumeButton builder "volume-button"
desiredVideoWidthComboBox <- builderGetObject GI.Gtk.ComboBoxText builder "desired-video-width-combo-box"
errorMessageDialog <- builderGetObject GI.Gtk.MessageDialog builder "error-message-dialog"
aboutButton <- builderGetObject GI.Gtk.Button builder "about-button"
aboutDialog <- builderGetObject GI.Gtk.AboutDialog builder "about-dialog"
playbin <- fromJust <$> GI.Gst.elementFactoryMake "playbin" (Just "MultimediaPlayer")
_ <- GI.Gtk.onWidgetRealize drawingArea $ do
gdkWindow <- fromJust <$> GI.Gtk.widgetGetWindow drawingArea
x11Window <- GI.Gtk.unsafeCastTo GI.GdkX11.X11Window gdkWindow
xid <- GI.GdkX11.x11WindowGetXid x11Window
let xid' = fromIntegral xid :: CUIntPtr
GI.GstVideo.videoOverlaySetWindowHandle (GstElement playbin) xid'
_ <- GI.Gtk.onFileChooserButtonFileSet fileChooserButton $ do
_ <- GI.Gst.elementSetState playbin GI.Gst.StateNull
filename <- fromJust <$> GI.Gtk.fileChooserGetFilename fileChooserButton
let uri = "file://" ++ filename
volume <- GI.Gtk.scaleButtonGetValue volumeButton
Data.GI.Base.Properties.setObjectPropertyDouble playbin "volume" volume
Data.GI.Base.Properties.setObjectPropertyString playbin "uri" (Just $ pack uri)
desiredVideoWidth <- getDesiredVideoWidth desiredVideoWidthComboBox
(success, width, height) <- getWindowSize desiredVideoWidth filename
if success
then do
_ <- GI.Gst.elementSetState playbin GI.Gst.StatePlaying
GI.Gtk.switchSetActive onOffSwitch True
setWindowSize width height fileChooserButton drawingArea window
else do
_ <- GI.Gst.elementSetState playbin GI.Gst.StatePaused
GI.Gtk.switchSetActive onOffSwitch False
resetWindowSize desiredVideoWidth fileChooserButton drawingArea window
_ <- GI.Gtk.onDialogResponse errorMessageDialog (\ _ -> GI.Gtk.widgetHide errorMessageDialog)
void $ GI.Gtk.dialogRun errorMessageDialog
_ <- GI.Gtk.onSwitchStateSet onOffSwitch $ \ switchOn -> do
if switchOn
then void $ GI.Gst.elementSetState playbin GI.Gst.StatePlaying
else void $ GI.Gst.elementSetState playbin GI.Gst.StatePaused
return switchOn
_ <- GI.Gtk.onScaleButtonValueChanged volumeButton $
\ volume -> void $ Data.GI.Base.Properties.setObjectPropertyDouble playbin "volume" volume
seekScaleHandlerId <- GI.Gtk.onRangeValueChanged seekScale $ do
(couldQueryDuration, duration) <- GI.Gst.elementQueryDuration playbin GI.Gst.FormatTime
when couldQueryDuration $ do
percentage' <- GI.Gtk.rangeGetValue seekScale
let percentage = percentage' / 100.0
let position = fromIntegral (round ((fromIntegral duration :: Double) * percentage) :: Int) :: Int64
void $ GI.Gst.elementSeekSimple playbin GI.Gst.FormatTime [ GI.Gst.SeekFlagsFlush ] position
_ <- GI.GLib.timeoutAddSeconds GI.GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT 1 $ do
(couldQueryDuration, duration) <- GI.Gst.elementQueryDuration playbin GI.Gst.FormatTime
(couldQueryPosition, position) <- GI.Gst.elementQueryPosition playbin GI.Gst.FormatTime
let percentage =
if couldQueryDuration && couldQueryPosition && duration > 0
then 100.0 * (fromIntegral position / fromIntegral duration :: Double)
else 0.0
GI.GObject.signalHandlerBlock seekScale seekScaleHandlerId
GI.Gtk.rangeSetValue seekScale percentage
GI.GObject.signalHandlerUnblock seekScale seekScaleHandlerId
return True
_ <- GI.Gtk.onComboBoxChanged desiredVideoWidthComboBox $ do
filename' <- GI.Gtk.fileChooserGetFilename fileChooserButton
let filename = fromMaybe "" filename'
desiredVideoWidth <- getDesiredVideoWidth desiredVideoWidthComboBox
(success, width, height) <- getWindowSize desiredVideoWidth filename
if success
then setWindowSize width height fileChooserButton drawingArea window
else resetWindowSize desiredVideoWidth fileChooserButton drawingArea window
_ <- GI.Gtk.onWidgetButtonReleaseEvent aboutButton $ \ _ -> do
_ <- GI.Gtk.onDialogResponse aboutDialog (\ _ -> GI.Gtk.widgetHide aboutDialog)
void $ GI.Gtk.dialogRun aboutDialog
return True
_ <- GI.Gtk.onWidgetDestroy window $ do
_ <- GI.Gst.elementSetState playbin GI.Gst.StateNull
_ <- GI.Gst.objectUnref playbin
GI.Gtk.widgetShowAll window
builderGetObject ::
(GI.GObject.GObject b, GI.Gtk.IsBuilder a) =>
(Data.GI.Base.ManagedPtr b -> b) ->
a ->
Prelude.String ->
IO b
builderGetObject objectTypeClass builder objectId =
fromJust <$> GI.Gtk.builderGetObject builder (pack objectId) >>=
GI.Gtk.unsafeCastTo objectTypeClass
getVideoInfo :: Prelude.String -> Prelude.String -> IO (Bool, Prelude.String)
getVideoInfo flag filename = do
(code, out, _) <- catch (
[flag, "-s", "-S", filename]
) (\ (_ :: Control.Exception.IOException) -> return (ExitFailure 1, "", ""))
return (code == System.Exit.ExitSuccess, out)
isVideo :: Prelude.String -> IO Bool
isVideo filename = do
(success, out) <- getVideoInfo "-MIMEType" filename
return (success && isInfixOf "video" (pack out))
getWindowSize :: Int -> Prelude.String -> IO (Bool, Int32, Int32)
getWindowSize desiredVideoWidth filename = do
let defaultWidth = 800
let defaultHeight = 600
video <- isVideo filename
if video
then do
(success, out) <- getVideoInfo "-ImageSize" filename
if success && isInfixOf "x" (pack out)
then do
let (width''':height''':_) =
Data.String.Utils.split "x" $ Data.String.Utils.strip out
let width'' = read width''' :: Int
let height'' = read height''' :: Int
let ratio = fromIntegral height'' / fromIntegral width'' :: Double
let width' = fromIntegral desiredVideoWidth :: Double
let height' = width' * ratio
let width = fromIntegral (round width' :: Int) :: Int32
let height = fromIntegral (round height' :: Int) :: Int32
return (True, width, height)
else return (False, defaultHeight, defaultWidth)
else return (False, defaultHeight, defaultWidth)
getDesiredVideoWidth :: GI.Gtk.ComboBoxText -> IO Int
getDesiredVideoWidth = fmap (\ x -> read (Data.Text.unpack x) :: Int) . GI.Gtk.comboBoxTextGetActiveText
setWindowSize ::
Int32 ->
Int32 ->
GI.Gtk.FileChooserButton ->
GI.Gtk.Widget ->
GI.Gtk.Window ->
IO ()
setWindowSize width height fileChooserButton drawingArea window = do
GI.Gtk.setWidgetWidthRequest fileChooserButton width
GI.Gtk.setWidgetWidthRequest drawingArea width
GI.Gtk.setWidgetHeightRequest drawingArea height
GI.Gtk.setWidgetWidthRequest window width
GI.Gtk.setWidgetHeightRequest window height
GI.Gtk.windowResize window width (if height <= 0 then 1 else height)
resetWindowSize ::
(Integral a) =>
a ->
GI.Gtk.FileChooserButton ->
GI.Gtk.Widget ->
GI.Gtk.Window ->
IO ()
resetWindowSize width' fileChooserButton drawingArea window = do
let width = fromIntegral width' :: Int32
setWindowSize width 0 fileChooserButton drawingArea window
Building Movie Monad
Now that we have setup our build environment and have all of the source code in place, we can build Movie Monad and run the executable/binary.
cd movie-monad/
stack clean
stack build --pedantic
stack install
movie-monad # Or if you prefer `stack exec -- movie-monad`
If all is in order, Movie Monad should run.
Revisiting the Movie Monad project, we remade the application using the software libraries GTK+ and GStreamer. By using GTK+ and GStreamer, the application remains as portable as the Electron version. Movie Monad can now handle large video files and comes with all of the standard controls one would expect.
Another benefit to the GTK+ approach is the smaller footprint. Comparing the resident size in memory on start up, the GTK+ version only requires ~50 MB while the Electron version requires ~300 MB (a 500% increase).
In the end, the GTK+ approach came with fewer limitations and required less engineering. To offer the same functionality, the Electron approach would require a tedious client server architecture. However, thanks to the excellent haskell-gi bindings, we were able to avoid the web-based approach altogether.
If you would like to see another GTK+ application built with Haskell, be sure to checkout Gifcurry. Gifcurry allows you take video files and produce GIFs optionally overlaid with text.