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[–]Loki-L68 731 points732 points733 points  (21 children)
That incident got a lot of people really upset in Europe. Many people felt like the US military was covering up the guilt of their people.
The marines wanted to play at being top gun and dive their plane beneath the cable of the cable car. They took a camera along to film their stunt. They missed and killed 20 people and then tried to cover their guilt up by destroying evidence and then the US decided to try them in an US military court and find them not guilty.
They tried to blame it on inaccurate maps and all sorts of things. It is a wonder they didn't try to blame it on the cable car for being in their way.
[–]IShillForSocialism -29 points-28 points-27 points  (20 children)
Actually, people hate America for it's freedoms
[–]Niet_de_AIVD 13 points14 points15 points  (19 children)
Its freedom to massacre civilians?
The US may not be able to defeat ISIS but cable carts, schools and civilian airlines are easy enough. American pride right there.
[–]Tailblue2 [score hidden]  (18 children)
Why exactly is it Americas job to defeat ISIS anyway? Why dont we leave it to the netherlands? ISIS is a lot closer to europe than America, its gonna be your problem a lot faster than it will be Americas.
[–]ACoderGirl [score hidden]  (9 children)
For one thing, the US played a role in the rise of ISIS.
[..] That doesn’t mean the US created Isis, of course, though some of its Gulf allies certainly played a role in it – as the US vice-president, Joe Biden, acknowledged last year. But there was no al-Qaida in Iraq until the US and Britain invaded. And the US has certainly exploited the existence of Isis against other forces in the region as part of a wider drive to maintain western control.
Not to mention how the collateral damage from US attacks creates resentment against the US.
[–]Tailblue2 comment score below threshold[score hidden]  (8 children)
So because they played a role, they should be in charge of "taking out ISIS".
And then what? What about the fall out of that? I suppose you can blame America again for killing all the ISIS insurgents instead of politely asking them to stop committing terrorist acts.
My point is, its rich to hear "america created ISIS" from low level european shithole countries that nobody has cared about since the 1800s. Pretty sure the dutch, belgium, england, france had a role in creating ISIS when they, you know, COLONIZED THE ENTIRE AFRICAN CONTINENT. Huh, thats so weird how Europeans are really good at identifying American interventionism, but conveniently forget that they enslaved an entire continent because they thought blacks were lower human beings who needed to be civilized. Hmm...I wonder if theres any "resentment" from that :thinking:
[–]Niet_de_AIVD [score hidden]  (1 child)
You know the examples you're giving are so fucking old and outdated that the USA didnt even exist back then.
Are we also going to go back to the age of cavemen and debate about how Ug should not have killed Onk?
Or further back? How T-rexes should have become vegetarians?
European colonialism happened generations ago.
US terror is happening as we speak.
[–]Tailblue2 [score hidden]  (0 children)
Ahhh of course, it just doesnt count because it happened a while ago. Hundreds of years of colonization has had no effect on the modern day world. Jesus christ, no wonder Europe is going to shit, youre all uneducated and delusional.
I understand cognitive dissonance is a really strong force, but damn dude, did you go to college? There are entire degrees dedicated to studying the effects of colonialism on the world. Why do teachers still force kids to read "Heart of Darkness"? Do you even know what the book is? Have you read it? Because its still important today to realize that a major reason why Africa is such a shithole, is that they were colonized by shitheads and ruled for a long time. Just because it happened a while back, doesnt mean there arent after effects to this today you dumbass.
Youre so fucking pathetic honestly, sitting at your computer whining about America ruining the world, yet you have the gall to say "uh- uh it doesnt count" when presented with the unpleasant idea that your country might not be so squeaky clean. Surprise, blind delusional partiotism isnt just an American thing :)
[–]-FlyingDutchman- [score hidden]  (4 children)
ow level european shithole countries
You're the one who's living in a shithole.
[–]Tailblue2 [score hidden]  (3 children)
HAHAH. I see I rustled the feathers of my dutch friend here. Its ok lil dutch baby, your country is shit and everyone knows it. Sad part is, the smartest and brightest of you are probably the recent immigrants, thank god they will be taking over from you incompetent sods.
[–]-FlyingDutchman- [score hidden]  (2 children)
Just ignore the statistics provided haha. /r/ShitAmericansSay is going to have a field day with you.
[–]Tailblue2 [score hidden]  (1 child)
This your sub? LOOL. Heres a hint, you care about Americans, they dont care about you. How does that make you feel? Unwanted? Unimportant? Dont worry, once the immigrant do your job better than you and for lower wages, your shithole country might produce something of value. But it will be from Syrians and muslims, not any stupid dutch LOL
[–]empire3001 [score hidden]  (0 children)
Maybe want to ease up on the blame train there buddy.. I don't believe America (as well as Europe or any other nation) has the best track record in the past. However do keep in mind the time frame a tad. The colonization period has long passed before the Gulf wars started, which many believe gave rise to the taliban.
In any case, blaming a nation for who started what part of the conflict doesn't really matter. However, it's not like America is the only nation fighting Isis, nor should it be.
Edit: words
[–]-FlyingDutchman- [score hidden]  (2 children)
Classic American mentality of causing problems and not giving a shit about the consequences. Americans like you are universally hated in Europe.
[–]Tailblue2 [score hidden]  (1 child)
Classic dutch mentality of voicing an opinion and thinking anyone cares what the fucking dutch think LOL. Even Europe forgets you exist half the time.
[–]IShillForSocialism [score hidden]  (0 children)
I'm European and no, the Dutch are generally well-liked in Europe and seen as tall, handsome and polite whereas Americans are seen as fat, loud, annoying and ignorant.
[–]Tailblue2 [score hidden]  (3 children)
Hows that cognitive dissonance treating you chap? Or maybe England was entitlted to all those lands? Surely there isnt any resentment to being colonized for hundreds of years ;)
[–]IShillForSocialism [score hidden]  (2 children)
Yep, British imperialism is equally disgusting, not sure why you'd think I would support it? Not everyone is blinded by nationalism mate.
But you said "Why exactly is it Americas job to defeat ISIS anyway?", and it's because America is responsible for ISIS.
[–]Tailblue2 [score hidden]  (1 child)
Britain also invaded Afghanistan. So youre just as responsible. Not to mention, America never literally invaded and took over Iran or Iraq like England did. Hmm, sure it happened a while ago, but I guess they all just forgot about that time white men came and ruled over them. Must be all in the past, water under the bridge ;)
[–]IShillForSocialism [score hidden]  (0 children)
Yeah, we have similar corporate interests and America has had us by the balls since WW2. Would be very bad consequences diplomatically if Tony Blair were to refuse to go to war. (Which he didn't do, because he's a spineless cunt)
And no, actually look up operation cyclone. $630 million a year to Jihadist groups in the middle east, how can you not see how that would contribute towards the rise of Jihadist groups?
I'm not denying that British imperialism has had an impact on middle eastern relations (why would I?), but on the topic of ISIS the responsibility largely lies with America due to the deliberate de-stabilisation of the ME and massive funding of Jihadi groups, which occurred far more recently.
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