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[–]ballsballsballsbal 2214 points2215 points2216 points  (583 children)
The fuck is this racist thumbnail shit?
[–]ostermei 468 points469 points470 points  (75 children)
Every week, readers submit their questions about Mexican-American people and culture, including their customs, labor issues, and illegal immigration. Arellano usually responds to two queries a week in a politically incorrect manner often starting with the words "Dear Gabacho."
TL;DR: It's the columnist's schtick.
[–]dipper94 [score hidden]  (1 child)
Is the guy Mexican though? Not as racist if he's doing it in jest/for satire's sake.
[–]Proportional_Switch 930 points931 points932 points  (35 children)
[–]BlueHighwindz 422 points423 points424 points  (29 children)
[–]RedditIsDumb4You 154 points155 points156 points  (26 children)
El gato el gato el gato no es bueno
[–]oceanatlas [score hidden]  (0 children)
cilantro es cantante, cilantro es muy famoso, cilantro es el hombre con el queso del diablo
[–]karma_trained 17 points18 points19 points  (0 children)
New cilantro album is fire
[–]krat0s77 49 points50 points51 points  (21 children)
Tu no eres bueno
[–]Mr-Hyde- 71 points72 points73 points  (18 children)
donde esta la biblioteca?
[–]vansc14 79 points80 points81 points  (6 children)
Help, my Reddit is all in spanish
[–]ritzhi_ 38 points39 points40 points  (4 children)
Solo tienes que meterte a ''preferencias'' y busca la opcion de idiomas.
[–]Sir_Boldrat 10 points11 points12 points  (1 child)
Si, pero mi gusta Espanol
and that's the best I can do 16 years after high school Spanish.
¿Donde esta los servicios?
[–]Sean-Benn_Must-die [score hidden]  (0 children)
You forgot the ultimate spanish power, laughing with a "j", jajajaja
[–]antyone [score hidden]  (0 children)
I dont speak spanish, but I still understand lol
[–]gonzalozar 18 points19 points20 points  (1 child)
Bad hombres
[–]Garrosh 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
Malos men.
[–]cero2k 14 points15 points16 points  (3 children)
Me Llamo T-Bone La Araña Discoteca
[–]AstroHaze 5 points6 points7 points  (2 children)
Discoteca, muñeca, La biblioteca es en bigote grande, perro, manteca.
[–]BoredAtWork_420 [score hidden]  (1 child)
Manteca, bigote, gigante, pequeño, cabeza es nieve, cerveza es bueno.
[–]cool_acid [score hidden]  (0 children)
Buenos días, me gusta papas frías, los bigotes de la cabra Es Cameron Diaz.
[–]traffick 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
The beginning and end of what you really learn from Duolingo.
[–]hilohi53 [score hidden]  (0 children)
Hahahah yes Brendan Fraser. Haven't seen bedazzled in quite a while I think I'm due for a rewatch
[–]Nulono [score hidden]  (0 children)
¿Puedo ir al baño, por favor?
[–]SDBJJ [score hidden]  (0 children)
Me llamo t-bone la arana discoteca
[–]soulteepee [score hidden]  (0 children)
[–]nombre_usuario 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
"tú no eres bueno" but TBH not many native speakers would mark that accent either
[–]krat0s77 [score hidden]  (0 children)
Dejate de joder con las tildes :)
[–]ThaRealGaryOak [score hidden]  (0 children)
[–]TheTallGuy0 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
¿Donde estas mis zapatos de payaso?
[–]himmelkrieg 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
[–]rbarc 10 points11 points12 points  (0 children)
Tu mamá es muy gorda
[–]shazam99301 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
ándele! ándele!
[–]ryandg [score hidden]  (0 children)
[–]BEANandCHEE 183 points184 points185 points  (0 children)
It's from Ask A Mexican which is a hillarious newspaper column.
[–]enmunate28 60 points61 points62 points  (1 child)
That's the logo of "ask a Mexican" he does a column in Orange County where readers can ask a Mexican any sorts of questions.
[–]DMTryp 18 points19 points20 points  (0 children)
it's a nationally syndicated column. we have it in the Dallas Observer too
[–]zester90 339 points340 points341 points  (67 children)
I can't be the only one who found this hilarious instead. A cartoonish Hispanic man with a cheeky grin is pretty much the perfect thumbnail for this headline.
[–]Phhhhuh 33 points34 points35 points  (3 children)
I agree. Is it stereotypical? Definitely. Racist? I'm not so sure about that. It's not the same thing, as surprising as that is to some.
[–]MoarTurkeyMrChandler 14 points15 points16 points  (2 children)
Yes, this is exactly it. The only way I could be offended by this is if he had a sign saying "deport me Im a wetback" or something more specific. Like if it were mocking a social issue.
[–]Phhhhuh [score hidden]  (0 children)
Yeah, I see nothing exactly negative in the picture. He's got a gold tooth, is it mocking Mexican dental hygiene...?
[–]Trips_Nicely [score hidden]  (0 children)
If it's just being cheeky and for comedic effect rather than manipulating people's prejudiced perceptions in order to achieve some kind of political message, then I don't find anything wrong with it.
With that said, racial stereotypes, whether they are inherently racist or not, are inherently lazy by default and doesn't really require any effort as far as comedy is concerned. The only criticism I can justifiably give in that respect is to be a bit more creative.
[–]MoarTurkeyMrChandler 164 points165 points166 points  (28 children)
I'm Hispanic and far from offended. Move along.
[–]Furrealyo 72 points73 points74 points  (11 children)
Props to Hispanics for having a sense of humor. Just got back from a week in Mexico City and was amazed at just how consistently lovely the Mexican people were.
Now, if I could just stop the peeing from my butt. :(
[–]Der_Jaegar 22 points23 points24 points  (4 children)
Machism or diarrhea?
[–]Furrealyo 27 points28 points29 points  (2 children)
Montezuma never heard that revenge was a dish best served cold.
[–]grackychan [score hidden]  (0 children)
No it's served steamy and runny just how I like it
[–]Bloody_Smashing [score hidden]  (0 children)
Because diarrhea is typically hot.
[–]NeapolitanSix [score hidden]  (0 children)
The theories of Ernst Mach?
[–]samuraiche 15 points16 points17 points  (4 children)
Well honestly its not like all people in any given culture collectively have or don't have a sense of humor. I mean I'm hispanic and I clearly don't have one.
[–]MoarTurkeyMrChandler 1 point2 points3 points  (3 children)
Are you a Mexican native or live in another country? I ask because I have noticed the latter being more sensitive than the former...in my experience at least.
[–]samuraiche [score hidden]  (2 children)
Actually my dad is Puerto Rican and I was born in the States. I mean I've had mexican stereotypes applied to me before but its whatever, my response was just meant to be sort of lighthearted.
And if I had to guess, I would think that those living in Mexico are less sensitive about it because when you're a Mexican national, laughing at stereotypes is having a laugh at yourself or your country, just like Americans can laugh at the fat burger eating cowboy hat wearing caricatures.
But when you're a minority in another country its more just other people laughing at you. Like being an American in France and never hearing the end of it. Like you might find it amusing at first but then you hear it all the time and it gets old fast.
[–]MoarTurkeyMrChandler [score hidden]  (1 child)
I see, it was wrong of me to assume, sorry. I guess it is because we were talking about Mexico but idk. You are right, though.
[–]samuraiche [score hidden]  (0 children)
Nah you don't gotta apologize, it's not big deal, different perspectives and all that
[–]roflzzzzinator [score hidden]  (0 children)
Hhahaha the food in Mexico City really fucks everybody up, no matter where they're from
[–]GopherAtl 21 points22 points23 points  (5 children)
Are you sure? If you think about it a little more, can you work up a little outrage? It's terribly inconvenient when the people we're protecting from racial insensitivity aren't cooperative and appreciative. Makes it harder to paint ourselves as white saviors.
[–]MoarTurkeyMrChandler 11 points12 points13 points  (4 children)
Ok, I will try.. ahem THE NERVE!!
[–]GopherAtl 7 points8 points9 points  (3 children)
Thanks. Your contribution is appreciated. You can go out for, I dunno, tacos or something now, we'll take it from here!
[–]myfault [score hidden]  (2 children)
What do you want to say with that? That I can't eat hamburgers or that kind of food? I will eat tacos, but not because you said so. I was already doing it.
[–]GopherAtl [score hidden]  (1 child)
Yeesh. I don't have time to soothe your ego here, buddy, I'm very busy protecting you from stereotypes and discrimination. So go eat your tacos and let me do my job!
[–]SmacRoc 6 points7 points8 points  (0 children)
These days it seems the person offended is never targeted by the object hat offends them. They're being offended for someone else.
[–]heidismiles [score hidden]  (1 child)
So nice of you to speak for everyone
[–]MoarTurkeyMrChandler [score hidden]  (0 children)
I am curious why you are, though...pregunto genuinamente.
[–]ExceIsior [score hidden]  (0 children)
But OP is offended on your behalf. Haw dare you.
[–]alexmikli [score hidden]  (0 children)
Also it's made by a Mexican who just wanted to have some fun.
[–]Ponchorello7 [score hidden]  (0 children)
Because you speak for all of us?
[–]roflzzzzinator [score hidden]  (0 children)
"Shut up beaner, let me be offended on your behalf. You're too stupid to know when you're being made fun of so I have to act for you"
puro sinaloa perros
[–]Garrosh 10 points11 points12 points  (0 children)
Spanish here: I find it funny too.
[–]ExceIsior [score hidden]  (0 children)
Yeah, OP is just a massively over sensitive white keyboard warrior.
[–]Pastelitomaracucho 184 points185 points186 points  (8 children)
[–]Yreptil 15 points16 points17 points  (7 children)
[–]nombre_usuario 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
[–]Garrosh 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)


[–]zebraslap 196 points197 points198 points  (14 children)
Found the white guy
[–]knifeparty209 42 points43 points44 points  (4 children)
That's a bingo!
[–]I_poop_in_10_seconds 35 points36 points37 points  (3 children)
You mean gringo
[–]Summer_Friend [score hidden]  (0 children)
No, you just say gringo
[–]Herp_McDerp [score hidden]  (0 children)
If there ever was a perfect assist, that was it
[–]Zamkavedeko 3 points4 points5 points  (4 children)
Do not assume gender shitlord.
[–]All_the_Dank 9 points10 points11 points  (3 children)
do not assume ill intent, asshat.
[–]Imnewbenice 4 points5 points6 points  (1 child)
Do not assume headwear, wingnut
[–]All_the_Dank 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
do not assume shape of nuts, fuckface
[–]coffca [score hidden]  (0 children)
Probably, as a mexican I've watched enough Speedy Gonzalez to not be triggered about american's stereotype of ourselves.
[–]calamity_joe 126 points127 points128 points  (25 children)
I'm Mexican and I don't give a fuck
[–]Rograden 37 points38 points39 points  (9 children)
Thank you!
It's like these people have 0 sense of humor at all
On the scale of racism this is a minor 2
[–]ChildishCoutinho 50 points51 points52 points  (8 children)
Many times it's White people who are outraged by this sort of thing
[–]SpacemanLess 38 points39 points40 points  (1 child)
Just like Speedy Gonzalez, some Americans wanted him gone because they saw him as a "racist" character. When Warner Bros. discontinued him Mexicans and Hispanics were clammering for him to be returned.
[–]HeihachiHayashida [score hidden]  (0 children)
Most of Speedys friends where the clichéd lazy mexican stereotype
[–]antihexe 21 points22 points23 points  (2 children)
Fucking gringos constantly ruining everything. reeeee
[–]myfault [score hidden]  (0 children)
Well, the USA is the country of constant drama, what were you expecting?
[–]rmphys [score hidden]  (0 children)
Don't you mean "Rèèèèèèèèè"
[–]SaddamJose [score hidden]  (0 children)
Exactly, banal things instead of serious issues
[–]Satur_Nine [score hidden]  (1 child)
Isn't it preferable when white people are super aware of racism instead of them being constantly oblivious to it?
[–]ChildishCoutinho [score hidden]  (0 children)
I just find it amusing how people can decide what another group of people should be offended by. How hard is it to just wait and see how the affected party respond before denouncing shit you obviously don't understand?
[–]Smgt90 6 points7 points8 points  (1 child)
Another Mexican here, I don't give a fuck either. It's funny, move on.
[–]Harukiller14 0 points1 point2 points  (5 children)
Yeah Mexicans don't usually take racist stuff as seriously as other races for some reason.
[–]Sisaac 15 points16 points17 points  (4 children)
Because mexicans have a higher threshold for getting offended. Often they'll call each other out by their physical flaws. Even among friends they'll call their fat friend an equivalent of "the fatty", or if the friend who has a receding hairline is getting uppity, you bring him down a notch or two by reminding him of the fact he'll be a cueball soon.
It's a mix of not taking themselves so seriously, and having lived among mean jokes all the time. Of course, it has effects on many other things, and serious stuff like bullying or psychological harassment gets minimized because of this culture.
[–]daaleato 5 points6 points7 points  (1 child)
Ay mi gorda calva que bien explica
[–]Sisaac 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
Leí esto con acento regio y me cagué de risa.
[–]myfault [score hidden]  (0 children)
Yeah, bullying starts at home, we think it's needed to build a character.
[–]roflzzzzinator [score hidden]  (0 children)
"Shut up beaner, let me be offended on your behalf. You're too stupid to know when you're being made fun of so I have to act for you"
puro sinaloa perros
[–]SuperiorExcess 162 points163 points164 points  (25 children)
Leave it to Reddit to accuse a Mexican of being racist towards Mexicans. The outrage culture is ridiculous.
[–]soulstonedomg 18 points19 points20 points  (0 children)
Recreational outrage. America's new fad.
[–]ByteCurious 65 points66 points67 points  (2 children)
But we have the privilege, so we have to be outraged on their behalf!!!11
[–]roflzzzzinator [score hidden]  (0 children)
"Shut up beaner, let me be offended on your behalf. You're too stupid to know when you're being made fun of so I have to act for you"
puro sinaloa perros
[–]antihexe 36 points37 points38 points  (6 children)
The worst part of it is that it's satire. It's a left-wing writer in a left-wing newspaper writing a left-wing nationally syndicated column lampooning racists.
These dumb-asses are offended for literally no reason. Infuriating.
[–]Skyy-High [score hidden]  (0 children)
Wait, wait, this image is supposed to satirize racists, right? Which means it has to remind the viewer of racist images. Which means that the image is, in a vacuum, racist. The fact that additional context changes the meaning doesn't change the meaning of the original image presented devoid of context. If I go around spray painting swastikas, I don't get to claim that the offended viewers are missing the context that I intentionally spray painted them sloppily to make fun of dumb Nazis. Or that I'm really a very expressive Hindu.
It's fine to be offended by a racist image. Call a spade a spade. It lead to the lot of us learning about the source and context of the image.
[–]Vanetia 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
To be fair, being something doesn't mean you can't also be prejudiced against it. Look at the GOP and gay rights issues.
[–]MrConfucius -4 points-3 points-2 points  (6 children)
I get the point you're saying, but I'm also going to let you know that you can still be racist to your own race.
[–]strangeinmostcircles 8 points9 points10 points  (3 children)
Right, but noone will give a shit. Generally.
[–]katarh [score hidden]  (1 child)
I got called out for calling someone "white trash." They were like, "that's racist." And I'm like, "but I'm white." And they reply, "It's still racist." So I went, "Fine. They're just trash."
Then they accused me of being classist instead.
[–]MrConfucius [score hidden]  (0 children)
Damn man, sounds like you were dealing with someone who just didn't like you
[–]roflzzzzinator [score hidden]  (0 children)
"Shut up beaner, let me be offended on your behalf. You're too stupid to know when you're being made fun of so I have to act for you"
puro sinaloa perros
[–]TheSpanishDerp 44 points45 points46 points  (3 children)
Being raised in a Mexican family, we wouldnt really care. If anything, we would laugh our asses off and then cry to mariachi music afterwards.
[–]mexicanninja23 20 points21 points22 points  (2 children)
[–]Alfio18 [score hidden]  (1 child)
[–]seedjalim [score hidden]  (0 children)
[–]astra118 30 points31 points32 points  (0 children)
get a sense of humor
[–]X0AN 19 points20 points21 points  (0 children)
How quick we are the jump on the racist bandwagon, how about doing your research first.
[–]bobbyhill626 60 points61 points62 points  (18 children)
Cartoons are racist!
[–]bantam83 42 points43 points44 points  (14 children)
This is why Trump won
[–]Notophishthalmus 31 points32 points33 points  (1 child)
That damn frog...
[–]Summer_Friend [score hidden]  (0 children)
Don't blame pepe, his power can be harnessed by anyone strong enough to wield it
[–]ABoyandhisFrog 4 points5 points6 points  (10 children)
It really is. Trump didn't win because the Right suddenly came up with convincing arguments, Trump won because the Left was become insufferable.
[–][deleted]  (9 children)
    [–]ABoyandhisFrog 13 points14 points15 points  (4 children)
    A good portion of them who would rather sit around fingering each other's buttholes than actually engage in logical arguments.
    PRO-TIP: I'm not a Trump supporter. I voted for Hillary. But most liberals make it really, really, really hard and cringe-inducing to support her. Honestly they're their own worst enemies, but they're too smug and stupid to realize it.
    [–]delithug 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
    All of them.
    [–]Eye-Licker -1 points0 points1 point  (2 children)
    just the extremist retards that are such a small minority that their own majority panders to them. but i'm sure there's just like, 12.
    [–][deleted]  (1 child)
      [–]frausting -5 points-4 points-3 points  (0 children)
      Is that seriously enough to base the vote for our next president over: sticking it to liberals because you're too sensitive to see the word "racist" and think about it for even a second?
      If that is why Trump was elected, then we are in a very bad place.
      [–]Dormeh 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
      Reminds me when white people were upset over Speedy Gonzales but they got shut down because, well hell no.
      [–]Furrealyo 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
      If this was Islamist, people would be getting their heads chopped off.
      [–]SFXBTPD [score hidden]  (0 children)
      I don't think I've ever seen a cartoon advocating for an Islamic government now that I think of it
      [–]braised_diaper_shit 61 points62 points63 points  (80 children)
      Stereotypes aren't inherently racist.
      [–]eqisow -18 points-17 points-16 points  (77 children)
      Uhh, racial ones are.
      [–]braised_diaper_shit 49 points50 points51 points  (58 children)
      Racism implies the perception of a race as inferior in some way, a negative perception. Racial stereotypes can be positive, negative or neutral.
      [–]eetandern comment score below threshold-7 points-6 points-5 points  (0 children)
      Somebody call Merriam Webster 'cause we've got some corrections to make!
      [–]eqisow comment score below threshold-18 points-17 points-16 points  (56 children)
      No, positive stereotypes are still racism. "Asians are good at math" is outright racism.
      For one, you're generalizing and putting labels on people you don't even know. It doesn't make people who aren't good at math feel good when you assume they are because of their race.
      Secondly, positive stereotypes are implicit negative stereotypes. "Asians are good at math" implicitly means other races are less good at math, which is hogwash.
      It's all racism and it's not "better" just because you're saying things you thing are "nice".
      [–]trznx 17 points18 points19 points  (28 children)
      Wow some people are trying really hard to be offended and feel superior at the same time
      [–]eqisow -4 points-3 points-2 points  (27 children)
      I'm not offended I'm just telling people what racism literally is, because they apparently have no clue and think "nice racism" isn't racism.
      [–]MindintoMatter 8 points9 points10 points  (17 children)
      Where are you getting your definition? When arguments like this happen it always makes me look the word up.
      Racism: a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
      [–]Vanetia -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
      a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement
      It's right in your own quote.
      And before you do it: yes I kept reading. It says "usually;" not "always"
      [–]eqisow -5 points-4 points-3 points  (15 children)
      Racism is discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity. Today, the use of the term "racism" does not easily fall under a single definition.
      "Nice racism" is still discrimination.
      [–]All_the_Dank 5 points6 points7 points  (11 children)
      if everything is racist then nothing is
      [–]MindintoMatter 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
      Where is this from?
      [–]trznx [score hidden]  (0 children)
      By this logic compliments are discrimination to other non-complimented people. Do you realize how this sounds?
      "Asians are good at math" implicitly means other races are less good at math, which is hogwash.
      What's with this attitude of seeing shit side in every statement? If I say to a girl she has beautiful hair it doesn't mean her friends or all the other girls around have ugly hair.
      [–]antihexe 12 points13 points14 points  (8 children)
      I really think you don't know what racism is.
      Discrimination != prejudice != racism != stereotypes. They often hang out together in seedy back alleys, but they aren't the same thing. When you mix them up you make things worse.
      [–]Vanetia 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
      Racism is prejudice but not all prejudice is racism.
      Just because not all fruit are apples doesn't mean apples aren't fruit.
      [–]eqisow -4 points-3 points-2 points  (6 children)
      Racism is discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity. Today, the use of the term "racism" does not easily fall under a single definition
      So, yes, discrimination = prejudice = racism.
      [–]Dux_Ignobilis [score hidden]  (5 children)
      Using your own definition, you're wrong. "Descrimination AND Prejudice" it's not either or.
      A prejudice on its own isn't discriminatory and making light hearted jokes that are obviously jokes given the context isn't racism.
      Being discriminatory because of a racial prejudice is racism. If there's no discrimination then there isn't racism.
      It's like people don't understand humor anymore and literally want to limit comedy to anything that's unoffensive.
      [–]VWftw 1 point2 points3 points  (11 children)
      Can there be neutral stereotypes?
      [–]WeProbablyDisagree 3 points4 points5 points  (1 child)
      "Girls like the color pink" is pretty neutral.
      I mean, if you really want to take offense to it, you probably could, but that's more on you that the statement itself.
      [–]VWftw 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      I agree!
      [–]eqisow 3 points4 points5 points  (8 children)
      I'm not sure it's really possible for a stereotype to be neutral.
      [–]madsock [score hidden]  (3 children)
      Germans love sauerkraut.
      I don't see how you could call that anything but a neutral stereotype.
      [–]eqisow [score hidden]  (2 children)
      That's a weird one, like depicting black people with fried chicken and watermelon.
      I mean, it's just good food, right?
      [–]madsock [score hidden]  (1 child)
      Yes, it's great food. But I highly doubt that all Germans love sauerkraut even though the stereotype would suggest otherwise. My point was that there is nothing inherently positive or negative about saying that all Germans love sauerkraut.
      [–]VWftw 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
      positive stereotypes are implicit negative stereotypes
      You've already dismissed any group identity perceived as positive to be negative, and you've just stated you're uncertain if there is a possibility for neutrality.
      Then either stereotypes aren't inherently racist, or you are.
      [–]eqisow -3 points-2 points-1 points  (0 children)
      I'm not sure what you're trying to say.
      What I'm trying to say is, stereotypes are bad, pretty much by definition.
      [–]kangarooninjadonuts 11 points12 points13 points  (2 children)
      Half Mexican, great grandparents immigrated here from Mexico, couldn't possibly give less of a shit. I think that some people just like to have something to be offended over.
      [–]X0AN 4 points5 points6 points  (1 child)
      Fucking m'ladies telling us we should be offended by postive comments made about our people. You can make positive comments about my race all day long! It's only the negative ones that we are offended by. You need to live in the real world and not the internet world where everyone is 'offended' by everything.
      [–]Vanetia -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
      You can make positive comments about my race all day long! It's only the negative ones that we are offended by.
      Ehhhh. It's still hurtful. I've had plenty of Asian friends really REALLY hate the stereotype that they're all good at math. Because some of them really struggle and it makes them feel "less Asian" or "broken."
      Plus I can see it being really annoying. Like when your family finds out you "know computers" because you learned how to pull up a DOS prompt, and now you're the "computer guy" and everyone calls you for every stupid issue, virus, pop up, bullshit they get. And when you're like "Dude I don't know" they're like "But I thought you were good with computers!"
      [–]eqisow -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
      The guy I was replying to, presumably.
      [–]Notophishthalmus 1 point2 points3 points  (8 children)
      Positive/neutral racial stereotypes are being racially insensitive or ignorant at best, not outright racist. Outright racism implies outright hate or the idea that their race is inherently inferior. This why white people get all uppity and overactive when they say/do something like that, they're getting thrown in with the KKK members and skinheads. There's a difference between being stupid and being hateful.
      [–]eqisow -2 points-1 points0 points  (6 children)
      Racism is discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity. Today, the use of the term "racism" does not easily fall under a single definition.
      Stereotypes are discrimination, therefore racist.
      [–]Notophishthalmus 0 points1 point2 points  (5 children)
      Which doesn't mean shit because
      Today, the use of the term does not fall under a single definition.
      Can we at least agree there's a difference between being stupid and being hateful?
      [–]eqisow 0 points1 point2 points  (4 children)
      Most words have multiple definitions - yes, racism is a spectrum and obviously there is a difference between ignorant stereotypes and people in hoods engaged in lynchings.
      I feel like that shouldn't need to be said...
      [–]Notophishthalmus 0 points1 point2 points  (3 children)
      I know, and it's not a huge issue either. I just think we need more nuanced approaches to racial issues, a lot of ignorant white people tend to just disengage in conversation bc they're afraid of being labeled with the hateful white people. Thus staying ignorant, ik it's up to them to be informed and change but I don't know how to get there, whatever we're doing now isn't working.
      I'm a white dude who grow up in a 99% white town, I've seen all sides of the spectrum.
      [–]Vanetia -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
      I'd still consider it racist if you're acting discriminatory out of ignorance instead of hate/fear. It's a little more forgivable (assuming that, when it's pointed out, the person corrects their behavior), but it's still racist.
      White people get pissy about being called racist because it's often in an argument that likes to pretend they are the only ones who are racist (ie: institutionalized racism vs everyday racism). Not so much because they link it to the KKK immediately.
      [–]nomad1c 6 points7 points8 points  (15 children)
      the mexican race?
      [–]ItsNotThatBig 3 points4 points5 points  (1 child)
      Known as "la raza" among Mexicans.
      [–]J4Seriously 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
      I'm like, first generation in America mexican and surrounded by Mexicans, everyone keeps mentioning 'la raza' but I've only ever heard about it from like, one rap song.
      edit; 'everyone' who talks about mexicans that isn't mexican rather
      [–]eqisow 7 points8 points9 points  (12 children)
      [–]nomad1c 2 points3 points4 points  (11 children)
      so you think this isn't targeting mexicans specifically, but Brazilians, Chileans, etc too?
      [–]ihadanamebutforgot 4 points5 points6 points  (3 children)
      There are a lot of people that would say there's no difference.
      [–]nomad1c 2 points3 points4 points  (2 children)
      [–]butyourenice7 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
      And we've come full circle.
      [–]eqisow -3 points-2 points-1 points  (6 children)
      Or it's targeting Mestizo-Mexicans. Why do people like to split hairs, like, "OH HO HO THAT'S NOT TECHNICALLY A RACE SO MY HATE IS FINE"
      Race is a made up concept anyway, so no, your hate isn't fine just because it's "technically a nationality" or some shit.
      [–]nomad1c 2 points3 points4 points  (5 children)
      so wait, this mexican guy with an avatar making fun of mexican stereotypes is now spreading hatred against all of the mestizo people?
      and don't blame me for your inability to use words correctly. or am i being racist against the "eqisow race" now?
      [–]eqisow -3 points-2 points-1 points  (4 children)
      It seems you don't think somebody can spread racism among their own group. Interesting.
      [–]nomad1c 0 points1 point2 points  (3 children)
      so just to confirm, you're saying you agree with this statement without hyperbole:
      this mexican guy with an avatar making fun of mexican stereotypes is now spreading hatred against all of the mestizo people
      [–]Sawses 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
      We really ought to come up with a single definition for racism and stick with it... Since anyone discussing racism is likely using a different definition from the person they're speaking with.
      [–]Phhhhuh -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
      Sometimes, yes.
      [–]squamesh -15 points-14 points-13 points  (2 children)
      Making broad assumptions about racial groups is the textbook definition of racism.
      [–]antihexe -4 points-3 points-2 points  (1 child)
      No, the textbook definition of racism is often prejudice + power.
      [–]Vanetia -3 points-2 points-1 points  (0 children)
      No, that is the definition of institutionalized racism.
      [–]lepera 30 points31 points32 points  (7 children)
      Can't believe someone finds this racist. So any cartoony depiction of a non WASP is racist? I'm a latin american living in latin america. No one here thinks the US has racism because of a cartoon. We think the US has racism because we see the non white people shot dead by police, the non white stoners in jail, etc.
      [–]Sawses 11 points12 points13 points  (5 children)
      If it helps, cops shoot white people too. They just get less excuse on average.
      [–]PositiveNed 5 points6 points7 points  (4 children)
      True ironically they actually kill more white people than any other race.
      [–]changmas [score hidden]  (3 children)
      there's also more white people in America than any other race
      [–]may0rchapstick [score hidden]  (0 children)
      You meant to say "non-Hispanic white".
      Mexicans are still white/Caucasian people........
      [–]discipleOfTea [score hidden]  (1 child)
      It holds up accounting for population size and it's easily explainable - they won't get hate crime accusations or media attention shooting white criminals so they have less reason to be carefull about it.
      [–]rmphys [score hidden]  (0 children)
      I'd actually really like to see your source on this claim, because that's the opposite of what I've read previously, but I'm always willing to re-evaluate information.
      [–]rjoseba [score hidden]  (0 children)
      I'm no mexican and find that depiction insulting.... I don't live in the US....
      [–]ByteCurious 34 points35 points36 points  (0 children)
      A Mexican guy draws another Mexican guy with a Mexican hat.
      Call the SJW police, a thoughtcrime has been committed!
      [–]Burly_Jim 7 points8 points9 points  (0 children)
      There's a burrito place downtown using this as its logo where I live.
      [–]StoicBanana 22 points23 points24 points  (3 children)
      This is the kind of thing that only really bothers sheltered, SJW "gringos". I'm latina on my mother's side and I don't think anyone I know would give a fuck about a cartoon character. Mexicans themselves have that type of caricature on all kinds of shit they sell.
      [–]send_me_ur_dog 10 points11 points12 points  (0 children)
      Being sheltered, in my experience, seems to go hand in hand with taking offense at innocuous things. A lot of people don't realize that in order to be offended by something like this cartoon, you have to have a lot of free time and not a lot going on in your life. Ironically, this usually is not the case for most ethnic and/or immigrant minorities in the US.
      [–]Triocha_Se 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
      Yeah I was gonna say this doesn't look like anything too far fetched from some brands and labelings I've seen in Mexican grocery stores. Also, if this was an image of some fat redneck American I wouldn't get offended, and I think a majority of the people probably feel that way.
      [–]Awexlash [score hidden]  (0 children)
      I, personally, don't like the thumbnail being on the front page of Reddit without immediate context. I actually read the dude's column once in a while but this is a different situation. I especially don't like that if I have a problem with it people who have been to Mexico once or have a couple Mexican friends think they can speak about my culture and consider me an outlier because "Mexicans have a good sense of humor." Honestly I'm way more upset with the latter than the former.
      Not that that describes you, but I feel like it should be said.
      Edit: I understand that this can be a heated subject for some people but I don't understand why I'm being downvoted, this is my honest opinion and I tried my best to elaborate on it.
      [–]Broam_Chumpsky 7 points8 points9 points  (0 children)
      Did you read the article?
      [–]wickedsteve 16 points17 points18 points  (0 children)
      Someone celebrates his heritage and that makes him racist? I think you are the racist.
      [–]tperelli 11 points12 points13 points  (10 children)
      How is it racist lol the author is literally Mexican
      [–]noxvon 0 points1 point2 points  (8 children)
      the same way this is
      i'm spanish and that thumbnail stook out like a sore thumb
      [–]traffick 11 points12 points13 points  (2 children)
      Yeah, but if you were chicano you wouldn't care.
      [–]HateWhinyBitches [score hidden]  (0 children)
      I speak spanish, and I'm not offended nor surprised, but I do think it's stupid to tie everything spanish related to mexico and mexican stereotypes.
      [–]J4Seriously 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
      I'm Chicano, I sorta care. It wasn't intended to offend though, so I won't get offended.
      [–]Disconnectie 0 points1 point2 points  (2 children)
      Spain =/= Mexico.
      [–]noxvon -3 points-2 points-1 points  (1 child)
      I know this, different countries. what're you trying to get at?
      [–]Disconnectie 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
      You seemed to be equating the two.
      [–]p0tent1al [score hidden]  (0 children)
      learn the difference between racism and stereotyping. Not EVERYONE thinks what you think is racist, is racist. You don't speak for all spanish people, nor all black people.
      [–]Satsumomo [score hidden]  (0 children)
      Hold your horses, your example is not equal at all.
      Your example was specifically created to mock black people, specially in a racist way. It's already a recognizable image for this purpose only.
      The thumbnail in this article, it's most people's first time ever seeing it, and it was created by Mexicans for their own article to help better understand Mexican culture.
      Big difference.
      As a Mexican, this doesn't offend us at all, heck, if you've ever been to Mexico you'd find that all of our tourist spots sell souvenirs depicting Mexicans like this. Getting offended by a dumb cartoon only gives more power to the cartoon, there's bigger stuff to worry about.
      [–]SienaBlaze 3 points4 points5 points  (10 children)
      I'm 100% Latina and the thumbnail freakin rocks!
      Get outta here with that crappola...
      [–]Bleblebob 6 points7 points8 points  (9 children)
      100% Latino and I think it's racist bullshit. Being of the group doesn't give you the power to absolve all potential racism.
      [–]alexmikli [score hidden]  (1 child)
      Same goes to you.
      It's a satirical thumbnail by a Mexican. It's for fun, he did not mean to offend, and really, it's just a Mexican guy with a grin and a sombrero. I feel like there are a lot of people in Mexico that have looked like that and grinned before
      [–]Bleblebob [score hidden]  (0 children)
      The same doesn't go to me. I'm pointing out how I think it's racist. I'm not saying that it is racist. On top of that I'm only commenting to show how just because your Latin doesn't mean you have the master opinion in the matter and you can't claim it's either way.
      [–]SienaBlaze [score hidden]  (4 children)
      Looks like we're going to have to agree to disagree friend.
      I just don't take it (or myself) that seriously. In my opinion, it doesn't warrant popping a brain cell or two over. I'll save my energies and get angry at shit that really matters.
      [–]Awexlash [score hidden]  (1 child)
      I wish I had a video game style HUD so I could tell when my anger meter was running low IRL.
      [–]SienaBlaze [score hidden]  (0 children)
      LOL....how does one effectively replenish their anger meter?
      [–]Bleblebob [score hidden]  (1 child)
      Yeah I'm not arguing whether or not it's racist. I'm just saying just because someone in the group says it's not racist doesn't mean everyone should assume it's not racist
      [–]SienaBlaze [score hidden]  (0 children)
      Sure, I can definitely see your point of view.
      [–]johnnyrd [score hidden]  (0 children)
      How is it racist? Like whats so fuckin bad about a grinning dude with a sombrero? Im costa rican and have a sombrero like the fuck.
      [–]ABoyandhisFrog 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
      T R I G G E R E D
      [–]ElSp00ky 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
      Nah it's the best thumbnail ever
      (I'm Mexican)
      [–]robskul 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
      It's hilarious!
      [–]BaldorX 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      Fuck off crybaby
      [–]infinitude 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
      Sensitive little shit
      [–]Victor_714 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
      im mexican and i didnt notice it was racist until you mentioned it was. please stop being mad for me. thank you.
      [–]SlowWing comment score below threshold-11 points-10 points-9 points  (42 children)
      how is it racist? drawing people is racism now?
      [–]ProllyJustWantsKarma 11 points12 points13 points  (41 children)
      Yeah believe it or not drawing racial caricatures is and always has been racist
      [–]2112xanadu 11 points12 points13 points  (12 children)
      The word "caricature" means "comically exaggerated depiction". Given that every person is of one race or another, you're basically saying all caricature is racist.
      [–]ProllyJustWantsKarma 1 point2 points3 points  (2 children)
      Except you know full well that's not what that means, but if you want to be obtuse I can't stop you
      [–]Drazzul -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
      There are a surprising number of bad-faith arguments being made here ("Drawing people is racism now?" - what kind of ridiculous word twisting is this).
      We will most likely get downvoted because it looks like people are getting defensive, but for what it's worth you are correct.
      [–]2112xanadu -3 points-2 points-1 points  (0 children)
      What what means? The word? It's the definition.
      [–]MangoMiasma -3 points-2 points-1 points  (6 children)
      If only you could draw a caricature of someone without relying on racist steretypes. If only...
      [–]2112xanadu 4 points5 points6 points  (5 children)
      What's racist? That he's wearing a sombrero? Is drawing a picture of a frat bro wearing a baseball cap racist, too?
      [–]MangoMiasma -1 points0 points1 point  (4 children)
      Sombrero, thick mustache, gold tooth... definitely no racial stereotyping, you're right.
      [–]2112xanadu 1 point2 points3 points  (3 children)
      Lots of people have mustaches and gold teeth. My dad, for example, who is very much not Mexican. Seems like you're the one jumping to racial conclusions.
      [–]MangoMiasma -1 points0 points1 point  (2 children)
      This is some weak ass trolling. Or you really were born yesterday. Leaning towards the former though.
      [–]2112xanadu 3 points4 points5 points  (1 child)
      Not really too concerned if you believe me or not, Mr. Redditor-for-2-months.
      [–]Sneakysteve -2 points-1 points0 points  (1 child)
      Are you being deliberately dense, or are you really that willfully ignorant?
      If you can't see why this isn't racist and this is, you're hopeless.
      [–]2112xanadu 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      Your assumptions about which exaggerated facial features are non-racist versus which ones are is rooted in the underlying premise that certain facial features are inferior (and therefore should not have attention drawn to them in caricature). I realize that you think your heart is in the right place by defending what you see as weaker targets, but I would argue that this line of thinking in fact enforces the idea of racial superiority/inferiority. In a truly equal world, everything is equally on the table for caricature and satire.
      [–]enmunate28 8 points9 points10 points  (24 children)
      It was a Mexican who drew it. Can he be racist against his own self?
      [–]Ikimasen 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
      How could Stepin Fetchit be a racist portrayal? He was a black guy!
      [–]enmunate28 -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
      I don't get the reference. If you feel this strongly, the creator of the cartoon is the editor of the OC weekly, you can email him and let him know how you feel.
      He actually responded to such criticism in this article
      [–]letshaveateaparty 5 points6 points7 points  (10 children)
      That does happen though. I've met you plenty of folks who are extremely racist towards others in their ethnicity.
      [–]enmunate28 7 points8 points9 points  (5 children)
      I imagine if your read "ask a Mexican" you would realize that Arellano is not a self loathing Mexican.
      [–]letshaveateaparty -2 points-1 points0 points  (4 children)
      I wasn't really speaking about this person in particular.
      [–]enmunate28 3 points4 points5 points  (3 children)
      This whole conversation is about the editor of the OC weekly and his "ask a Mexican" column.
      We are dealing with specifics, not generalitys.
      [–]rileyrulesu 4 points5 points6 points  (3 children)
      Right, so this guy is a mexican uncle tom because he drew a logo you thought might offend someone even though it clearly doesn't.
      [–]fuck_your_request 3 points4 points5 points  (10 children)
      Are there Mexican Trump supporters? Are there Uncle Toms?
      [–]ByteCurious 13 points14 points15 points  (4 children)
      Uncle Tom
      TIL there's a slur against black people who don't behave like thugs and get along with whites and Asians.
      Honestly, when you learn about America in school, they tell you it's a 'melting pot' of different cultures.
      Then you come on the internet and any 'melting' at all is decried as 'cultural appropriation' or someone being an 'Uncle Tom'.
      Kind of disappointing.
      [–]enmunate28 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      What does that have to do with the price of tea in china?
      [–]freedomna 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      Tío (Uncle) Juans
      [–]alexmikli [score hidden]  (0 children)
      Yes, actually, I know a few. They are generally the "fuck illegal immigrants, my family had to do a lot of hard work to get here" folks.
      [–]Sawses 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
      But is it a bad thing?
      [–]FabulousMrFox 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
      This is not a racist caricature, this is a caricature of a cultural/ national stereotype.
      There is nothing wrong with stereotypes inherently, its only "racist" or "somethingist" if you use the stereotypes to discriminate against people.
      [–]yellowtides [score hidden]  (0 children)
      [–]beanerbucksthrow1 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
      fuck off with your SJW bullshit
      [–]i_dont_give_a_care -20 points-19 points-18 points  (9 children)
      Came to the comments to see some sensitive little girl complain about that. Of course it's the top comment.
      [–]adam_demamps_wingman -17 points-16 points-15 points  (8 children)
      The federal age of consent in Mexico is 12 years old.
      Men who laugh at sensitive little girls love it there.
      [–]killem_all 9 points10 points11 points  (1 child)
      Except it is not. It's 16 years old.
      Source: live in Mexico
      [–]adam_demamps_wingman -3 points-2 points-1 points  (0 children)
      Whoever, without the purpose of copulating, executes a sexual act on a person under the age of twelve..., He will be sentenced to two to five years in prison.
      Articulo 261
      I said federal law. Some other levels of government in Mexico have different ages of consent.
      [–]RedditIsDumb4You comment score below threshold-28 points-27 points-26 points  (5 children)
      That is so incredibly fucked up. No wonder it's considered inhumane to send back illegal immigrants. Its more moral to give Jews back to Nazi Germany than make Mexicans live in Mexico where its legal to fuck children.
      [–]Gaspoov 2 points3 points4 points  (4 children)
      Consent is the key word. 16 year old people are capable of deciding if they want to fuck older people if they want. I don't know why you think that being systematically killed like the Jews in the Nazi regime is worse than adolescents choosing who to fuck.
      [–]RedditIsDumb4You -5 points-4 points-3 points  (3 children)
      Wow someone is defending raping children. Now I've seen everything.
      [–]Gaspoov 2 points3 points4 points  (2 children)
      Lol. Again, consent is the key word. I'm 18 right now, and two years ago if I wanted to fuck a 18 or 19 years old woman I couldn't do it legally. Nobody is defending rape.
      [–]RedditIsDumb4You -4 points-3 points-2 points  (1 child)
      Children can't consent tho rapist
      [–]Gaspoov 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      Children are a lot more vulnerable, yes, but adolescents over 16 can surely know if they want to fuck the other person. It has risks, yes, but anybody in a position of power can manipulate their subordinates into a position where non consensual sex happens, the age doesn't matter much.
      [–]Horzzo -17 points-16 points-15 points  (0 children)
      You think a sombrero is racist? That's like saying an American wearing a USA flag hat is being racist. Settle down and grow some thicker skin.
      [–]Sawses -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
      I don't know, but I was hoping someone would make a funny comment about it. I guess I will have to be (mildly dis)satisfied with yours.
      [–]DJRES 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      Ahahaha there it is. Didnt think id have to come down this far!
      [–]VitaBricks -21 points-20 points-19 points  (42 children)
      How is the thumbnail racist?
      [–]nursejoe74 33 points34 points35 points  (4 children)
      The same way this is.
      [–]overtmind 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
      Incorrect, chicken is not fried and watermelon is missing
      [–]pilluwed 0 points1 point2 points  (2 children)
      Oh my god. What's this from?
      [–]Notophishthalmus 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
      Disney maybe?
      [–]Red_Dawn_2012 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
      Looks like Looney Tunes animation to me.
      [–]no-ez 18 points19 points20 points  (8 children)
      Seriously! Ever fucking watch mexican tv? Telemundo? Air Azteca? Univision? Full of characters like this! CONSTANT! And titties, or "chi-chi's" if you will.
      TIL: Mexicans are racists against Mexicans.
      [–]overtmind 17 points18 points19 points  (7 children)
      Maybe it has fuck-all to do with racism and mexicans just like to have fun with characters!?!?!
      [–]JulioCesarSalad 8 points9 points10 points  (6 children)
      As Mexican, dude, you underestimate how racist the country is
      [–]overtmind 1 point2 points3 points  (5 children)
      I just don't classify making fun of one's own stereotype "racism"
      [–]JulioCesarSalad 8 points9 points10 points  (3 children)
      Which is why you underestimate Mexican racism and don't understand it
      [–]Red_Dawn_2012 1 point2 points3 points  (2 children)
      Not the guy you were replying to, but could you explain? I'm genuinely interested and I haven't heard about this before.
      [–]antihexe 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
      He's full of shit.
      source: I grew up in Mexico (Guadalajara, Ciudad Juárez.)
      [–]Red_Dawn_2012 [score hidden]  (0 children)
      Well, this is a rollercoaster.
      [–]Awexlash [score hidden]  (0 children)
      Even if it weren't, and if in context it were taking the power away from the stereotype, having this be an image on the front page of Reddit with the post title it has is not great...
      [–]etwan_401 17 points18 points19 points  (9 children)
      The thumbnail is deeeefinitely a little racist.
      [–]JsyDot 4 points5 points6 points  (8 children)
      Please explain how it is racist. My Mexican girlfriend doesn't understand how it is racist either.
      It's literally just a Mexican guy wearing a Mexican hat. Wtf about that is racist?
      [–]RedditIsDumb4You -4 points-3 points-2 points  (1 child)
      Its just a buck toothed Asian gook being a chinky slope. What's racist about that! /s
      [–]JsyDot 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      But anon, I never said that :)
      Edit: the word I was looking for is false equivalency.
      [–]fuck_your_request -2 points-1 points0 points  (2 children)
      Imagine instead of being Mexican, he was white instead. So instead of wearing a sombrero, it's a tooth missing, sleazy looking white guy with a trucker hat and a meth pipe.
      [–]JsyDot 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
      I'm totally on board with presenting yourself as a white stereotype as well, I don't care either way. The meth pipe part is where it would become pejorative, so your comparison isn't very good. It would be a fair comparison if the Mexican in the picture had a bunch of stolen green cards.
      [–]Notophishthalmus -1 points0 points1 point  (2 children)
      It's all about context. It's a Mexican using it in a humorous, if a white person puts a big red X over his head and a caption that says "Build the wall!" it would probably be a bit racist.
      [–]JsyDot -1 points0 points1 point  (1 child)
      Exactly, but there is no red x and build the wall in this picture, so it's definitely not racist. I dint understand why so many people seem to think so.
      [–]Notophishthalmus 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
      Oh I agree with you, just saying I thought it was a bit racist when I only saw the thumbnail, after I learned more I realized it was nothing.
      [–]daysofchristmaspast comment score below threshold-23 points-22 points-21 points  (17 children)
      Please explain to me how it's not I'd love to hear your justification
      [–]tough-tornado-roger 22 points23 points24 points  (15 children)
      because most people don't fall over themselves on how every stereotype or drawing is racist.
      are you mexican, or just bravely taking offense of behalf of them? speedy gonzales is still very popular in latin america, after all. known mexicans that dealt with actual racism, but never met any that cry about this stuff.
      [–]Sir_Spaniard 19 points20 points21 points  (1 child)
      Am Cuban/Spanish, it looks like a clown to me. Showed it to my Mexican aunt, she broke down laughing. I'm dying right now :)
      [–]tough-tornado-roger 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
      Ha ha, not surprised. Am South American by descent, have known Mexicans throughout my life. Most of them are super easygoing.
      [–]le_mexicano 16 points17 points18 points  (5 children)
      I am mexican and I dont think its racist.
      [–]SoggyBarSoap 18 points19 points20 points  (4 children)
      I'm a white college student, and I find it extremely offensive.
      [–]snoogans122 12 points13 points14 points  (1 child)
      Spot on impression of Reddit.
      [–]ProllyJustWantsKarma -2 points-1 points0 points  (0 children)
      I think a better impression of reddit would probably be "I'm a white college student and racism doesn't exist because I don't have to deal with it"
      [–]adam_demamps_wingman 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
      I thought I had matured until I tried to watch a video about 3 British men with Tourette's going on a fishing holiday in Scotland.
      I try to be a grown-up but there are days when the 4-year-old me breaks into my internal dialogue with a noisome fart followed by a giggling fit.
      [–]SoggyBarSoap 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      Um, what?
      [–]HPKEAZAR 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
      I thought the picture was hilarious tbh
      [–]daysofchristmaspast 1 point2 points3 points  (4 children)
      There's "getting offended for other people" and then there's "hey this is a blatant racist stereotypical caricature." If you think this is anything like Speedy Gonzales then you need to get your brain checked.
      Am I not allowed to think that this is racist either?
      [–]Korbalt 12 points13 points14 points  (2 children)
      It is racist, but mexicans take this things as a joke, because it is, so calm down and learn the difference between a joke and something aimed to hurt and discriminate people
      [–]PopularPlatypus -1 points0 points1 point  (1 child)
      The conversation here is not "is it offending me", the conversation revolved around "is it racist". Also "Mexicans take this thing as a joke" is like saying "black people are ok with white people saying nigger" because you heard a few black people say it was ok
      [–]Korbalt 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      And I said yes, it IS racist, but its a joke, and because Im not black I cant tell you if that statement about black people is true, but as a Mexican surrounded by a shit ton of mexicans because I live in Mexico, I CAN tell you, we take that as a joke, because in this case, it is
      [–]nomad1c 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
      is this british character from the Simpsons racist?
      [–]hrakkari 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      Most people taking here. You minorities might wanna sit up and listen.
      [–]JsyDot 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
      Because it's a Mexican wearing a Mexican hat. Get over yourself, there's nothing racist about that.
      Seriously, what the fuck about that is racist?
      [–]A_Soft_Narwhal -5 points-4 points-3 points  (0 children)
      How is that even remotely racist?
      [–]thedrinkmonster 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      Relax man, Mexican people can take jokes without being triggered.
      [–]Ralathar44 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      Simply because something has something to do with a race does not make it racist.
      [–]linkmanap123 [score hidden]  (0 children)
      I'm white and I don't find this racist
      [–]GBR974 [score hidden]  (0 children)
      Holy shit dude click the link
      [–]BaggySpandex [score hidden]  (0 children)
      I'll patiently wait for you to explain why a caricature is racist.
      [–]idpeeinherbutt [score hidden]  (0 children)
      You clearly aren't familiar with the work of Gustavo Arellano.
      [–]thepizzadeliveryguy [score hidden]  (0 children)
      Oh that? That was so you could comment on it to reap in karma.
      You're welcome.
      [–]ExceIsior [score hidden]  (0 children)
      And let me take a wild guess: You're white.
      [–]eqisow -12 points-11 points-10 points  (44 children)
      You notice that but not the misogyny in the headline and built into the language?
      [–]ByteCurious 7 points8 points9 points  (23 children)
      Can you just fuck off back to Tumblr?
      Seriously, it's a harmless, light-hearted dad-joke.
      [–]eqisow comment score below threshold-8 points-7 points-6 points  (22 children)
      No it's outright misogyny literally embedded in the language. Everything misogynist is "just a joke" with you people.
      [–]ByteCurious 2 points3 points4 points  (10 children)
      What's misogynist about that?
      If anything, it shows the misandry baked into the institution of marriage. Men give up a host of financial rights when they get married and they're usually stuck in it for life, so the handcuff metaphor makes a whole lot of sense.
      [–]eqisow 1 point2 points3 points  (6 children)
      What's misogynist about referring to wives as handcuffs? Are you fucking serious?
      Men give up a host of financial rights when they get married and they're usually stuck in it for life, so the handcuff metaphor makes a whole lot of sense.
      Oh I see, you're a misogynist.
      [–]ByteCurious 4 points5 points6 points  (1 child)
      Oh I see, you're a misogynist.
      Well, can't argue against that cutting edge rhetoric.
      [–]eqisow 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      I didn't need to make an argument; you made it for me.
      [–]Spacyy 0 points1 point2 points  (3 children)
      "Esposo" is the male version. The binding ain't a one way street. Both are in it together. Marriage is not fuckin' misogynistic.
      [–]eqisow [score hidden]  (2 children)
      But handcuffs are called esposa not espospo, the female version. Marriage is not misogynistic, but the language is.
      [–]Spacyy [score hidden]  (1 child)
      Latin language are gendered. Get over it. Handcuffs is a female word. as is wife.
      A chair is "Una silla"
      You gonna find a way to make that misogynistic too ?
      [–]eqisow [score hidden]  (0 children)
      Handcuffs is a female word.
      Exactly my point, thank you.
      Just because you can find a neutral example of a gendered word doesn't mean all gendering is suddenly neutral. That's some batshit logic.
      [–]guldfiskn222 2 points3 points4 points  (2 children)
      give up a host of financial rights
      stuck in it for life
      Heard of divorce? It's pretty common. Nobody's stuck in it for life, buddy.
      Also, if guys are so sad about losing their freedom, why are they getting married in the first place? I hear a lot of complaining from older guys who think their wife is the devil; why'd you ask her to marry you then?
      [–]ByteCurious 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
      Heard of divorce? It's pretty common. Nobody's stuck in it for life, buddy.
      Yeah, but if you made more money than your wife, you end up paying alimony for the rest of your life.
      [–]guldfiskn222 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
      Isn't that a risk you take when you get married? Just don't get married.
      Also, pretty sure that's not a thing where I live, I've only heard of alimony on American shows. And "the rest of your life" seems really dramatic, would make more sense for it to only be a certain number of months or whatever, or maybe only be for certain cases (for example, if the wife was a stay at home wife, she may need support to begin with and then get a job; if the wife has a job that can support her = no alimony).
      [–]Furrealyo 1 point2 points3 points  (5 children)
      "You people"?!?!?!
      [–]eqisow -1 points0 points1 point  (4 children)
      I assumed he was a misogynist, because he called misogyny a joke, so "you people" would be referring to misogynists.
      [–]Furrealyo 1 point2 points3 points  (3 children)
      When your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. EVERYTHING can't be "SEE!?!?! MISOGYNY!!!!". You come off as boy-cries-wolf...which by the way, fits your definition of "misandry literally embedded in the language". Who can we men sue/picket?
      [–]eqisow -1 points0 points1 point  (2 children)
      Not everything, just things that obviously are misogynist. I can't believe people are sitting here arguing that calling wives handcuffs isn't.
      [–]Furrealyo [score hidden]  (1 child)
      Speaking for myself, I'm just tired of the sheer volume of "misogyny!" complaints. At this point there are soooo many the entire message comes across as shrill.
      Passing over someone for a promotion specifically because she is a woman? Agreed, misogyny. Let's fix it.
      A good-natured jibe at wives from THEIR husbands? Geez, let it go.
      [–]eqisow [score hidden]  (0 children)
      When misogyny so casual and embedded that people don't notice or get upset when it's pointed out, it really impacts the way people grow up and think. Language, to a significant degree, shapes how we think, so misogyny embedded in the language is especially concerning to me.
      [–]alexmikli [score hidden]  (1 child)
      Everyone in this goddamn thread is wrong. The word for "Spouse", esposas, does not mean "Handcuffs." It comes from the Latin word "sponsus" which means "To bind". Basically, a spouse(and not just a wife) is in a binding marriage, and a person handcuffed is bound by the wrists.
      [–]eqisow [score hidden]  (0 children)
      But handcuffs takes the feminine. It's hard not to be sexist when you start gendering inanimate objects.
      [–]pattonelee -2 points-1 points0 points  (0 children)
      If you think that's bad, just one male in a group of a million females changes their collective pronoun to the male third person plural! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
      [–]IG_882811 -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
      Because misogyny IS a fucking joke.
      [–]BIG_FLAPPY_CUNT -3 points-2 points-1 points  (3 children)
      .....misogyny... sure.
      [–]eqisow -5 points-4 points-3 points  (2 children)
      You think women came up with the term? This is a literal example of cultural patriarchy.
      [–]Spacyy [score hidden]  (1 child)
      Damn you are thick.
      [–]eqisow [score hidden]  (0 children)
      Constructive comment.
      [–]BIG_FLAPPY_CUNT 0 points1 point2 points  (14 children)
      Commenting again because what you said deserves two. Jesus, "built into the language." Whiny little people like you are the reason the nuclear codes belong to a 70 year old demented retard gambler.
      [–]eqisow -2 points-1 points0 points  (13 children)
      Really? Because it sounds like the people who complain about people who point out misogyny are the ones who voted Trump. Almost like they're misogynists... should I stop pointing out misogyny so the misogynists won't be triggered and elect a moron?
      [–]Cumia_Box 1 point2 points3 points  (8 children)
      Calm down. Sometimes the world can be a little rough. Most adults eventually get used to it and realize that not every little thing is the end of the world.
      [–]eqisow -2 points-1 points0 points  (7 children)
      I'm calm, and the only one talking about the end of the world is you.
      Although now that you mention it... Trump is President.
      [–]Cumia_Box [score hidden]  (6 children)
      You're acting like humans are on the brink of destruction because of "muhsoginy".
      [–]eqisow [score hidden]  (5 children)
      No, we're on the brink of destruction because we're run by a ridiculous patriarchy, but I guess that's only somewhat related to misogyny.
      [–]alexmikli [score hidden]  (2 children)
      Oh fuck off, the patriarchy is slowly but surely dying. We don't have Kings, Theocracies, or male led households as the majority was of living anymore. It's getting better.
      [–]eqisow [score hidden]  (1 child)
      Fair, but it seems we're in the midst of a bit of a backlash at the moment and unfortunately that backlash has elected a a leader that denies climate change and favors fossil fuels, literally risking our destruction.
      [–]Cumia_Box [score hidden]  (1 child)
      We do not live in a patriarchy. Women are almost completely equal.
      [–]eqisow [score hidden]  (0 children)
      [–]BIG_FLAPPY_CUNT 0 points1 point2 points  (3 children)
      No, you should complain about things that matter instead of a language developed accidentally over 2000 years and spoken by people in a different country. Not only is your perspective on language absolute trash, because clearly you can't understand how words lose their literal meaning and adopt circumstantial meaning (for example, you use the word "woman," meaning, originally, "wife-man." By using that word, are you implying that all women are wives, or should be wives? Is that the only thing that distinguishes a man from a woman?) but you also, for some reason, think that this shit matters AT ALL and it does not.
      [–]eqisow -1 points0 points1 point  (2 children)
      You act like I go around bitching about Spanish words all the time. It's the topic of the TIL, and I'm commenting on it. Just like you are. You condemn me for caring enough to comment, while you clearly care enough to do the same.
      Anyway, your example is quite different. We don't refer to women as wives, because the words have actually changed. If you wanted to make a comparison it would be like if we still called women and wives the same thing. Really though, the obvious English comparison is the idiom "ball and chain" which... yes, is also misogynist.
      [–]BIG_FLAPPY_CUNT 2 points3 points4 points  (1 child)
      It's not even misogynist! Stop calling it that! Have you ever been married, or seen a marriage, or thought about the legal concept of marriage for even 15 seconds? It is binding. It is very much like a ball and chain or a pair of hand cuffs. Emotionally and especially legally. Misogyny means a hatred of women. What about any of this is woman hating? Maybe marriage hating.
      [–]eqisow [score hidden]  (0 children)
      Women don't tend to refer to men as the "ball and chain" and if they do they're re-appropriating a phrase that wasn't meant for them.
      It's not about marriage, it's about marriage to women. This TIL is literally about calling women handcuffs, not the marriage, the women. Do you think people like being in handcuffs?
      Men using this language view marriage as binding or restrictive in the sense that the wife "restrains" their natural tendencies or desires, what about any of it isn't woman hating?
      "Liking" women doesn't mean you're not a misogynist -- just look at Trump, who goes on about how he "loves" women. Misogynists don't just sit around going, "Grr I hate women."
      [–]Fartkin [score hidden]  (0 children)
      You notice that but not the misogyny
      oh no someone is getting unreasonably offended for something not involving women better correct that
      [–]ViciousDiarrhea -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
      El burro es grande
      El burro es grande
      El burro es grande
      That's a really big donkey
      [–]Lidiored -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
      [–]Rogue2 -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
      Lol looks like you offended all the people tired of offensiveness.
      [–]FirstmateJibbs -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
      [–]JakalDX -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
      You probably think Speedy Gonzalez is racist.
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