“I’m sure you’re not going to write it,” Trump told reporters covering the meeting, according to a transcript posted by NBC’s Ali Vitali. “To me that’s— they’re letting people pour into the country so they can go vote.”
Trump was responding to a statement from Art Del Cueto, the vice president of the National Border Patrol Council, a union representing border patrol agents that has endorsed Trump, according to the Los Angeles Times.
Cueto said that “they’re checking the records, they’re noticing that they have criminal records but they’re setting them aside because at this point, they’re saying immigration is so tied up with trying to get people that are on the waiting list — hurry up and get them, their immigration status corrected, make them citizens," according to Vitali.
Trump asked why that was the case, and Del Cueto answered, “So they can go ahead and vote in this election.”
After Trump repeated the allegation to reporters, Del Cueto continued, “Want to hurry up and fast track them so they go ahead and be able to vote for—." The transcript cuts off there.
“And these are professionals,” Trump responds. “These are the people that want to do it. You hear a thing like that, it’s a disgrace. I’ll tell you. Well it’ll be a lot different if I get elected.”
Read the full transcript of the exchange below:
Trump really made sure he was on record with this quote about undoc'd immigrants this morning (h/t @ergold) pic.twitter.com/03uk67pBwx
— Ali Vitali (@alivitali) October 7, 2016