I had a revelation today. This is a FACT: All societies today are inherently evil.
Evil is understood in this context to be action to the detriment of others, harmful actions and attitudes. Evil only exists in social context. You cannot be evil to nothing or no one. Evil is action taken against others and is therefore a social phenomenon.
Evil is technically the lack of moral reasoning either intentional or otherwise. An evil person does not consider the perspective of others when making decisions or reasoning; they only consider themselves and in the present.
All human beings have the potential to reason at Universal Ethics.
Moral reasoning derives from empathy, and empathy and subsequently moral reasoning develop only in a natural setting.
But mankind has removed himself from a natural setting, and in the process, removed himself from the natural processes that create empathy and moral reasoning. The responsibility for moral reasoning and empathy then must fall upon society. But society does not even understand these concepts, not sufficiently; and society certainly does not act upon this understanding.
Rather than replace the natural process of learning empathy and moral reasoning with a societal process; societies, because they are formed without a complete understanding of mankind, instead attempt to replace moral reasoning with codified ethics: laws, rules, regulations. But that old saying is far more true than we realize in this case: laws are made to be broken. You simply cannot codify morality.
So, because societies have no mechanism by which to teach empathy and thus moral reasoning, the people within them are inherently evil and thus all societies which fail to provide for means of learning empathy and moral reasoning, are themselves inherently evil.
And this is why I want no part of any society today. They are all each and every one, inherently evil. And as I learned empathy and subsequently moral reasoning (because I was ostracized socially), I am not evil. I therefore do not belong within society.
Further, I am a good person. You who read this are evil. Period.
Stay the fuck away from me, or wake up to the reality that you are inherently evil and accept that I am, in that regard, your better.