Serverless Architectures
15 June 2016
Serverless is a hot topic in the software architecture world. We’re already seeing books, open
source frameworks, plenty of vendor products, and even a conference
dedicated to the subject. But what is Serverless and why is (or isn’t it) worth
considering? Through this evolving publication I hope
to enlighten you a little on these questions.
To start we'll look at the ‘what’ of Serverless where I try to remain as neutral as I can about the benefits and drawbacks of the approach - we'll look at those topics later.
What is Serverless?
Like many trends in software there’s no one clear view of what ‘Serverless’ is, and that isn't helped by it really coming to mean two different but overlapping areas:
- Serverless was first used to describe applications that significantly or fully depend on 3rd party applications / services (‘in the cloud’) to manage server-side logic and state. These are typically ‘rich client’ applications (think single page web apps, or mobile apps) that use the vast ecosystem of cloud accessible databases (like Parse, Firebase), authentication services (Auth0, AWS Cognito), etc. These types of services have been previously described as ‘(Mobile) Backend as a Service’, and I’ll be using ‘BaaS’ as a shorthand in the rest of this article.
- Serverless can also mean applications where some amount of server-side logic is still written by the application developer but unlike traditional architectures is run in stateless compute containers that are event-triggered, ephemeral (may only last for one invocation), and fully managed by a 3rd party. (Thanks to ThoughtWorks for their definition in their most recent Tech Radar.) One way to think of this is ‘Functions as a service / FaaS’ . AWS Lambda is one of the most popular implementations of FaaS at present, but there are others. I’ll be using ‘FaaS’ as a shorthand for this meaning of Serverless throughout the rest of this article.
Mostly I’m going to talk about the second of these areas because it is the one that is newer, has significant differences to how we typically think about technical architecture, and has been driving a lot of the hype around Serverless.
However these concepts are related and, in fact, converging. A good example is Auth0 - they started initially with BaaS ‘Authentication as a Service’, but with Auth0 Webtask they are entering the FaaS space.
Furthermore in many cases when developing a ‘BaaS shaped’ application, especially when developing a ‘rich’ web-based app as opposed to a mobile app, you’ll likely still need some amount of custom server side functionality. FaaS functions may be a good solution for this, especially if they are integrated to some extent with the BaaS services you’re using. Examples of such functionality include data validation (protecting against imposter clients) and compute-intensive processing (e.g. image or video manipulation.)
A couple of examples
UI-driven applications
Let’s think about a traditional 3-tier client-oriented system with server-side logic. A good example is a typical ecommerce app (dare I say an online pet store?)
Traditionally the architecture will look something like this, and let’s say it’s implemented in Java on the server side, with a HTML / Javascript component as the client:
With this architecture the client can be relatively unintelligent, with much of the logic in the system - authentication, page navigation, searching, transactions - implemented by the server application.
With a Serverless architecture this may end up looking more like this:
This is a massively simplified view, but even with this there are a number of significant changes that have happened here. Please note this is not a recommendation of an architectural migration, I’m merely using this as a tool to expose some Serverless concepts!
- We’ve deleted the authentication logic in the original application and have replaced it with a third party BaaS service.
- Using another example of BaaS, we’ve allowed the client direct access to a subset of our database (for product listings), which itself is fully 3rd party hosted (e.g. AWS Dynamo.) We likely have a different security profile for the client accessing the database in this way from any server resources that may access the database.
- These previous two points imply a very important third - some logic that was in the Pet Store server is now within the client, e.g. keeping track of a user session, understanding the UX structure of the application (e.g. page navigation), reading from a database and translating that into a usable view, etc. The client is in fact well on its way to becoming a Single Page Application.
- Some UX related functionality we may want to keep in the server, e.g. if it’s compute intensive or requires access to significant amounts of data. An example here is ‘search’. For the search feature instead of having an always-running server we can implement a FaaS function that responds to http requests via an API Gateway (described later.) We can have both the client, and the server function, read from the same database for product data.
- Finally we may replace our ‘purchase’ functionality with another FaaS function, choosing to keep it on the the server-side for security reasons, rather than re-implement it in the client. It too is fronted by API Gateway.
Since the original server was implemented in Java, and AWS Lambda (our FaaS vendor of choice in this instance) supports functions implemented in Java, we can port the search code from the Pet Store server to the Pet Store Search function without a complete re-write.
Message-driven applications
A different example is a backend data-processing service. Say you’re writing a user-centric application that needs to quickly respond to UI requests, but secondarily you want to capture all the different types of activity that are occurring. Let’s think about an online ad system - when a user clicks on an advertisement you want to very quickly redirect them to the target of the ad, but at the same time you need to collect the fact that the click has happened so that you can charge the advertiser.
Traditionally, the architecture may look like this. The ‘Ad Server’ synchronously responds to the user - we don’t care about that interaction for the sake of this example - but it also posts a message to a channel that can be asynchronously processed by a ‘click processor’ application that updates a database, e.g. to decrement the advertiser’s budget.
In the Serverless world this looks like:
There’s a much smaller difference to the architecture here compared to our first example. We’ve replaced a long lived consumer application with a FaaS function that runs within the event driven context the vendor provides us. Note that the vendor supplies both the Message Broker and the FaaS environment - the two systems are closely tied to each other.
The FaaS environment may also process several clicks in parallel by instantiating multiple copies of the function code - depending on how we’d written the original process this may be a new concept we need to consider.
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Thanks to the following for their input into this article: Obie Fernandez, Martin Fowler, Paul Hammant, Badri Janakiraman, Kief Morris, Nat Pryce, Ben Rady.
Thanks to members of my former team at Intent Media for tackling this new technology with appropriately sceptical enthusiasm: John Chapin, Pete Gieser, Sebastián Rojas and Philippe René.
Finally thanks to all the people who've put thoughts out there already on this subject, especially those whose content I link to.