・Image data, the display automatically updates every five minutes. (If you move, please reload the page)
・The computer or application that stops ? Measurement, and may cause delay in updating the missing images and raw data.
・Suginami-ku, Tokyo geiger radiation dose due to counter, still shows nothing of the facts without processing.
・Using instruments: GM-10 Black Cat Systems, Inc. in the United States geiger-counter.
・Measurement condition and location
State of the measurement
Nishiogikita Suginami Ward, Tokyo
Total linear distance of 229km geodetic Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
Latitude: 35 ° 42 '18 ", longitude: 139 ° 36' 31", height: 48m, 75cm above ground, around the.
Placed in a window facing east first floor wooden mortar housing (indoor)
※ Since the interior of the glass bay window, may come in lower than the outdoor data
The vertical axis Geiger counts per minute (CPM), and to the CPM, multiplied by 0.00833, when it becomes μSv/hour.
15CPM is 0.125μSv/hour
16CPM is 0.13328μSv/hour
17CPM is 0.1411μSv/hour
Risk more than 30CPM
Measurement, alpha radiation, beta radiation, gamma radiation is the sum of. In addition, alpha radiation is shielded by a plastic bag which surrounds the windows and the instrument are high.
Natural radiation (background) is not considered.
"MEAN" refers to the average.
・Operation in trouble with
Application error, due to Windows Update, update delays can occur, and reset the display.
Also, in case of power outage could stop the update without notice.
For occasional work, may slow to respond to trouble. Please forgive any of us.
The working environment, XP (PenM) is the old computer (2011/8/26 20:30).
○ Institute for Natural
I was allowed to publish data and other helpful information.
○ radiation measurements around the world
There is a service provided on Google maps the data measured by a Geiger counter manufactured by BCS.
The value displayed is, "Mean", rather than instantaneous values ??is like (which seems a relatively large amount of change).
○ Radiation Map Tracker
Can confirm the above data in real time as the iPhone, payware provided by BCS (2011/4/2)
○ MEXT website.
Has published on the front page of the national radiation monitoring data.
・Meteorological data
○ rainfall information
Real-time rainfall (courtesy TEPCO)
Wind information (provided by JMA)
○ Notes on rainfall
Such as nuclear accidents, regardless of the effects of the natural radiation, there seems to be a rise in temporary measure radiation. (Courtesy of Miyagi)
Contact under construction
FAQ Under Construction
Listed in the site content is not a hobby. Legitimacy of the validity is no guarantee.
Also, not responsible for any damages caused by using such information.
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