read my before you follow, before you follow me

we’re nyx squad!! the tag ill use when talkin about us meme loving fuck is #nyxsquad tag~

unless you see one of the .txt  tags, you’re probably talkin to bakura! we mostly hang out on twitter anyways though so ? 

this is written mostly by bakura but since most of us wrote shit on our twpf im like, copy and pasting some of it. yee

I’m letting the rest of us edit this with proper bios, if we shift. Just because. -R



Bakura or Kura

He/him, they/them

Snakekin [Leucustic Ball Python], Pokekin [Rotom], Minecraftkin [Ghast Prince(?)], Fictionkin [Agent New York (RvB)]

Canon: Yugioh Duel Monsters (Manga) [Yami Bakura]

hiya im main shift, im gay, thiefship is canon, i never shut up about marik or carolina and i really love fruit, my immortal, the illuminati and snakes 

im bitter and angry a lot and irony is my last name bc im kin with a land of lava and fire but i’m also yami bakura.

ps: only call me york [or noon yarn dont ask] if youre rvb fictkin thanks





Canon: no

I’m an Incubus, and lately been getting shift/front/whatever because Bakura’s a shithead who sleeps a lot. I use a lot of ableist language, don’t really care what you think, and I assure you I’m always a bit bitter and pissed off. (So is Bakura, though.)

Also, I find NSFW humor in everything. Feheheh. If you don’t like that, I suggest not talking to me. 



They/them, Stell/stells/stellself

a literal star, fictionkin [GLaDOS], [Hiroshi (Nira Oni)]

hello. i’m the core of nyx squad. i’m mostly emotionless, but i assure you - i care, no matter how i may come off. i don’t hate anyone, and i will listen to you if you need support. even if i do not understand emotions very well, i’ll try and help you feel better.

i am a star, though not from this galaxy. i love the night sky, and all my siblings in it. i’m usually on skype and twitter. 


Uylesses or Satanick


Voidkin, Fictionkin [Satanick (The Grey Garden)]

Canon: Pokemon! Adventures Manga

uylesses is really rude and uses a lot of ableist language but for the most part just likes stirring up trouble. they’re an E4 [in training, possibly] ghost type trainer that originated from johto and apparently was training under agatha but presumably died. theyre also satanick 

like rence they dont use the blog much so u rly only gotta worry if you have us on skype or twitter. they love to use shit that makes you upset to piss you off though so like, dont tell 





kuus a cutie tbh!! shes very happy and upbeat and gets really upset if u mention being sad around her. we think shes angelkin but we’re not sure and she doesnt remember much about what she is. she likes the name amane though 




Canon: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!

shishi~ i miss shaaaarky. i’m bel, and i like roses, puella magi madoka magica, l4d2, horror games, and cats. |3 

i won’t talk to you if you ship XS, b26, or me/rasiel, unless i know baku likes you. D|


Lugia/Primal Dialga


Canon: Pokemon [XD gale of darkness/the movie for lugia and pmd sky for dialga]

they dont shift but they commentate sometimes when theyre awake : 3




Canon: Pokemon Red

missingno only shifts/wakes up sometimes if bakura’s depersonalization is getting way out of hand. it types really awkwardly and repeats shit a lot, uses excess punctuation, doesnt really know how to spell and will give its name as :) M.



They/them, It/its

Canon: Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea

they also dont shift, but they like to comment on stuff. you can usually just ask whoevers in shift if theyre awake to talk to them




Canon: The Grey Garden

hell mostly reblog cats tbh. hes a bit quiet and doesnt get much humor and probably wont talk unless you talk to him


Junko Enoshima


Canon: Dangan Ronpa

no ((she doesnt ever get front and she is super destructive. we dont talk about junko))


Dave Strider

anything, currently he/him

Canon: Homestuck

TG: hey

TG: im dave

TG: my gender is the sickest tunes you can find

TG: and i put TG: in front of my sentences because it makes me feel at home



 don’t caaaaaaare. i don’t have a geeeeeender.

hahaaaaaa. hiiiiii. i’m nooooooothing worthwhiiiiiile, but apppaaaaaarently i exiiiiiist. 

i liiiiiiiiiike guuuuuuuuumi. and gliiiiiiiitchy art. i hoooooooope you’re scaaaaaared. 

i’m woooooooooorthless.