Daily Kos

Cheers and Jeers: Wednesday

Wed Oct 04, 2006 at 05:03:31 AM PDT


CHEERS to Chicago. The 2007 YearlyKos convention will be held in the Winn-Dixie City (Motto: He pulls a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of your men to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. THAT'S the Chicago way.) starting August 2nd and climaxing on August 5---my birthday---with a star-studded gala hosted by Desmond Tutu and the cast of Days of Our Lives.

Reaction has been lukewarm:

"Woo Hoo!"
"They know hot dogs"
"Great city, great choice"
"Happy Dance!!!"
"Brilliant on all counts. Great call."
"Chi-town in Early August? I might just be there."
"Is Mark Warner renting out the Sears Tower?"
"It's ten months until Chicago. We've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses. Hit it."

I hope we can arrange a trip to Lincoln's tomb in Springfield...y'know, to give him an update on what his party's been up to lately.  I'm sure he'd be thrilled.  

Cheers and Jeers starts packing in There's Moreville... [Swoosh!!] RIGHTNOW! [Gong!!]

  • ::
Cheers and Jeers for Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Note: Ask your doctor if C&J is right for you.  Because if it is, you have 6 weeks to live.


By the Numbers:
Days `til the midterm elections: 34
Days `til Borat: 30
Bush's current approval rating: 39%
(Source: NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll)
Number of letters in "nice bump": 8
Number of people from Muslim countries who became permanent U.S. residents last year: 96,000
(Source: New York Times via The Week)
Number of workers who believe their company performance reviews make them a better employee: 3-in-10
(Source: Watson Wyatt survey via The Week)


Mid-week Rapture Index: 156 (including 3 moral standards and 2 occults)  Soul Protection Factor 15 is recommended if you'll be walking among the heathen today.  And be sure to get yourself checked out if you discover any odd-shaped moles on your body---it could be the onset of secular depravity.


Your Puppy Pic of the Day:  No rest for the weary


CHEER... NO, JEER... NO, CHEE... NO, JEE... to the October surprise.  Yes, we're thrilled that a stake appears to have been driven through the GOP's chance of keeping the House (and Senate?).  But the circumstances under which it's happening are frightening.  Leave it to the Republicans to steal our glee at their meltdown.

JEERS to cheap scapegoating.  The Republicans, true to form, are playing the gay card to blunt the Foleygate scandal.  There are two lines of "reasoning" in play that collide like freight trains on a gorge-crossing trestle: 1) We couldn't expose Foley because it would be interpreted as gay-bashing, which we don't do anymore (compassionate conservativism and all that).  2) Gays are pedophilic and/or predatory monsters by nature and therefore should be quarantined at Gitmo because they're filthy, stinky sinner beasts.  Argument 2, of course, is quickly becoming the dominant argument.  Hate just feels so right to this crowd.

P.S. For the record, all you right-wing knuckledraggers who read C&J in droves:

The empirical research does not show that gay or bisexual men are any more likely than heterosexual men to molest children. This is not to argue that homosexual and bisexual men never molest children. But there is no scientific basis for asserting that they are more likely than heterosexual men to do so.

Now, more likely to have fashion sense and rhythm?  Guilty and guilty.

CHEERS to the bloggers among us.  Sometimes ya just gotta navel-gaze.  So kudos to Americablog, Talking Points Memo, Glenn Greenwald, and our own band of Kossack gumshoes (plus all the blogs I've missed---sorry) for taking the anal probe of truth into the deepest recesses of the Republican bunghole of sleaze and corruption.  Sorry...you still eating breakfast?

CHEERS to Josh Marshall.  For summing up the next five weeks thus and so...

Is it me or is all hell breaking loose in this country's politics? We're in the last month of an election cycle and there are maybe four or five stories, each of which could totally dominate the national political news on their own. And each is flaming out of control at once. You've got the Foley debacle. The revelations in the Woodward book. The revelations in the NIE that almost seem like old news now. A major part of the pre-9/11 story that somehow never saw the light of day and may bring down Condi Rice. And did I mention the election?

I dunno...I'm still trying to figure out if you used "flaming out of control" as a double entendre.  If so, well played, sir!

JEERS to Bush's Waterloo.  I hate to break the party atmosphere, but let's see what's happening in Iraq: Ugh...17 U.S. soldiers killed since Saturday and bombs, bombs, bombs.  Meanwhile, in the real war on terror, President Bush said---for the millionth time---that "we're on the hunt" for bin Laden and "I'm just tellin' ya we're dismantling Al-Qaeda one person at a time."  See, that's the problem right there, 42½---thanks to you, al Qaeda is proliferating twenty at a time.  Hey, I'm just tellin' ya...

CHEERS to family ties.  George Allen could take a lesson from a fellow Republican on how to celebrate one's heritage.  While Allen tries to hide his Jewish blood, James Baker embraces the African-Americans in his family:

TIME: You recently learned that your family has a large African-American wing.
Baker: I was very emotionally touched to discover that. I went to speak at the installation of a historical marker at my great-grandfather's grave--he's buried near Sam Houston--and this guy walks up to me and says, "Sir, my name is James Baker." You've got to go a long way back---to great-great-grandfather---to have a common ancestor, but it was really interesting. These are really wonderful people. We went to a big reunion and had a wonderful time. And we're going again.

I disagree with the man on many things...but that ain't one of 'em.

JEERS to the hapless toad.  Senate silver spoon polisher Bill "Frist" Emmdee issued strong words about the resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan:  Eh, if you can't beat `em, join `em.  Enjoy your retirement, sir---you're finished.

CHEERS to snappy predictions.  Last Sunday on the McLaughlin Group:

John McLaughlin: Will the Democrats win the House in six weeks?
Pat Buchanan: Yes.
Eleanor Clift: Yes.
Tony Blankley: Right now the Republicans are not losing the net 15. That could change.
Martin Walker: Yes, and they could take the Senate, too.
McLaughlin: Yes, but they will not take the Senate.

Blankley's paper, the Washington Times, called for the House Speaker's resignation yesterday.  Consider the "net 15" changed.


GONG!  GONG!!  BuddaBuddaBuddaBudda...  GONG!!!

This is an urgent news update that will shock you even if you're still asleep!

A new report says ads for shitty junk food are being targeted at preschoolers.  Holy Mother of God we had no idea!

Film and Twinkies at 11.  Now back to Cheers and Jeers...

GONG!  GONG!!  BuddaBuddaBuddaBudda...  GONG!!!


CHEERS to that other campaign issue we're winning on.  The conventional wisdom of last week---that falling gas prices are making voters feel less rebellious---seems quaint in the wake of all the scandals of this week.  Still, this New York Times article shows why it might never have been a winner for Republicans, anyway:

"It's hard on the middle class, on people like us," Jean Smith, 59, a schoolteacher in Kennett Square, Pa., said this week. She said high energy costs were a burden on her family, which has $15,000 in debt, one son in college and another in the military. She and her husband, also a high-school teacher, earn a combined income of about $75,000 a year.

"Our gasoline and heating oil bills have doubled in the past 10 years," she said, "but our salaries certainly haven't."

And USA Today echoes the sentiments this morning in an editorial aptly titled Joyless Indicators.  Advantage: Democrats.  Again.

JEERS to life the way it never was.  On this date in 1957, `Leave It to Beaver' premiered on ABC.  June did housework in pearls, frilly dresses, and high heels.  And I thought I was the only one.

CHEERS to getting pucked.  Hey everybody, the NHL hockey season starts tonight!  I'm so giddy I just know I'll be punching strangers in the mouth all day.

CHEERS to South Park.  Stan, Cartman and Tim Russert Timmah! return tonight to kick off the boundary-pushing show's tenth season.  Memo to North Korea: c'mon guys...hold off on your nukes `til 10:30.  M'kay?  M'kay.


EXTRA!  C&J takes a trip in the wayback machine...

Remember the night of October 1, 2004, when John Kerry cleaned George Bush's clock?  Let the Cs and Js below serve as a reminder that there were moments in the '04 campaign when we scared the knuckledraggers half to death.  Kind of like we are today.

CHEERS to John Kerry.  Polished, poised, presidential...without perspiring.  And he finally delivered the perfect flip-flop defense:  "My mistake is how I talked about the war.  But the president made a mistake in invading Iraq.  Which is worse?"

CHEERS to George W. Bush.  Defensive, distracted, didn't wanna be there...the Democrats' wet dream.  Rapid blinking and fidgeting reveal excessive nervousness (a great quality to have in a C-In-C, yes?).  And let the record reflect that he sighed more than Gore in '00.  

P.S.  C&J was right yesterday in predicting Bush's demeanor the day after.  Big baby.

P.P.S. "Mexed Missage."  That was funny.

JEERS to Bush the mime.  Did you notice the half dozen times the Preznit reached for---and attempted to drink from---a glass with no water in it?  It summed up his presidency perfectly: stay the course even when you keep coming up empty.

JEERS to "Hard work."  George Bush said it 12 times during Thursday's debate as if he'd never heard the term before.  String `em together and it's enough to make you either laugh or cry  (watch the edited video here).  Y'know, there's an easy way to settle this, sir: Show us your calluses.


Floor's open...What are you cheering and jeering about today?


Today's Shameless IM Exchange:

Maf54: can I have a good kiss goodnight
BiPM:  :-*
BiPM:  <kiss>
Maf54: I miss you
BiPM: ya me too
Maf54: we are still voting
Maf54: you miss me too
BiPM: voting? U mean filming?
Maf54: filming?
Maf54: You're a page, right?
BiPM: You're Brad Pitt, right?
[Maf54 has logged off]
BiPM: asshole
[BiPM has logged off]

April, 2003



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