
My name is Greg Abbott and I work as a freelance illustrator and designer. I also enjoy making useful tools and scripts.


These links point to some personal code projects I've published.

GLON formats JSON-like data in a Markdown compatible list.

The project introduces a Markdown compatible open format for plain-text data based on a bullet point list. It also includes a two way JSON to GLON converter tool, documentation, and a live playground site.

Chute chains JS method and function calls in a pipeline style.

Written in vanilla JavaScript, Chute works as a lightweight helper function. Example:

// send the current data through one or more functions:
// call any methods the current data has at any time:
.anyMethodNameHere(arguments) // (.map, .reduce, .split…)
// send data through any global functions:
.anyGlobalFunctionNameHere() // (String, Number, Boolean…)
// send data through any nested global functions:
.any.nested.globalFn(arguments) // (JSON.parse, Object.keys…)
// Get the result:
Smoosh hides zip archives in image files.

Smoosh works offline as a single page static site. The tool combines a given image and zip archive (or a custom message) into a polyglot file. The produced file appears as either the image or the zip depending on whether its name ends with the original image extension or '.zip'.

Koad runs JavaScript code live as you write it.

This project features a simple to use and lightweight JavaScript playground that runs code live or manually. Written in vanilla JS with no dependencies, the tool works offline in a browser as a single page static site.

Armature makes composition guides for art and design work.

The project presents a simple tool to generate composition design guides based on classical art theory. It covers harmonic symmetry, dynamic symmetry, rabatment, and other baroque ideas. The tool packs everything involved into a single html file which can run offline in a web browser. It features a simple UI with built in presets to control a custom JavaScript library, and can save the generated armatures as ready to use lightweight SVG vector files, and PNG raster images.

TBook converts EPUBs to folders: one MD text file per chapter.

The project covers an open format and batch converter site.

PearTable converts tables and 2D tabular data between formats.

Made for plain-text tables, flat object lists, and key value pairs, the project covers a library of custom converters, and single page converter site. The tool handles simple JSON, ASCII, Markdown, CSV, TSV, and HTML data.

Monotext typesets copy as monospace plain text. (Pre-alpha)

The project includes a markup syntax, a JavaScript tool, and a live playground site, to produce Monotext. It defines Monotext as monospace plain text typeset in a specific style that follows the conventions of typesetting with a typewriter.

Perline formats text in a one sentence per line style.

The project includes a live two-way converter tool with a maximum line width option for further semantic wrapping.

Static Site Generator builds my portfolio site. (Demo video)

Written in vanilla JavaScript to run offline in a browser, this tool has a simple drag and drop user interface to turn a folder of files into a ready-to-upload interlinked HTML + CSS site.


If I can help code, design, or make something, for you or your project, please contact me about remote work at abbottgreg@proton.me. Timezone: England.


Some of my own code projects involve: