Rudy 🐦🔥

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Rudy 🐦🔥
So here's the story from A to Z, you wanna get with me, better support the LGB.
ScotlandJoined July 2021

Rudy 🐦‍🔥’s posts

Homosexuals (by that I mean people who are exclusively sexually attracted to the same biological sex - and yes, I'm embarrassed I even have to explain that or word it in that way because "sex" ought to be sufficient): Do you take issue with people referring to you as "qu*er"?
When you make a selection it cannot be changed
2,803 votes2 hours left
Pamela Anderson is 56 years old. Do you know what the average man looks like at 56? Have you ever seen any woman in her 50s without makeup? It's just astonishing to me how little these lads actually know about the real world. How they claim to crave natural beauty yet are
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This USED To Be The HOTTEST Woman in the WORLD…
"Queer" was never joyous. It wasn't joyous when my fellow gay men were being beaten to death by homophobes screaming the word at them. And it isn't joyous now when it is used by men who beat women up and the corporations that support them.
After Brexit, I had to apply to receive settled status in the UK as I moved here from Portugal at age 12 and I still have a Portuguese passport. As part of the application which, if successful, would allow me to stay in the country, I had to declare that I do not support any
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Why are people discussing whether or not a man is a woman in a f*cking court of law? Do you know how embarrassing this is? How much of an arsehole people will remember you as in years to come? MEN CANNOT BE WOMEN. STOP THIS SH*TE.
I want every young gay boy and lesbian girl who is currently "transitioning" to know that when you're older and you realise what was done to you, your gay elders such as myself will be here to support you. I know you hate us now. But you will always be one of us and that is why
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Oh look, it's the completely well adjusted and not at all disturbed bloke platformed as a "mother" feeding an infant man tit gunk because the biological validation of an adult trumps the needs of a child. I can't believe I'm having to say this in 2023 but in case you
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Mika Minio-Paluello
Replying to @mikaminio
In the end, I only breastfed my child for a few weeks. I then had to stop because I had a cancer relapse and didn't want to poison my child. Here's me on the bus to hospital for the 1st chemo round, feeding my child for the last time
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Freda Wallace is a man. India Willoughby is a man. Eddie Izzard is a man. Dylan Mulvaney is a man. Sam Smith is a man. Jeffrey Marsh is a man. Munroe Bergdorf is a man. Jonathan Van Ness is a man. Lia Thomas is a man. Rachel Levine is a man. Marci Bowers is a man.
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What strikes me most about the Eurovision situation in particular is how Bambie and those who support her have completely failed to see the obvious - that in all their "anti-establishment rebellion", the majority of votes for their side came from executives. The people voted the
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James Dreyfus
After watching the behaviour of this 31 year old straight woman, over the last few days, it strikes me that many of these so-called ‘non-binaries’, who call themselves ‘que*rs’, & think they’re inventing the wheel, are just a petulant, entitled, narcissistic, deeply troubled
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0:02 / 0:40
This flag does not represent gay men of colour like me. This flag represents racism. This flag represents misogyny. This flag represents lesbian erasure. This flag represents child mutilation. This flag represents violence. This flag represents indoctrination. Fuck this flag 🖕🏼
Gay and bisexual people, by and large, were never asking for our rights to be put above those of women, children, the religious, heterosexuals, white people, the police, the rich or anybody else. And we certainly didn't ask for special privileges. That's the difference between
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One thing women my age always say to me when we discuss the trans bathroom issue is something I rarely see online: Many women, especially young women, use public bathrooms at clubs and restaurants as social spaces. It's not just about the more important issues like safety,
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This is what the gender cult has done to our society. An autistic girl, put through mental and physical pain and distress by multiple police officers simply for guessing that one of the officers may have been a lesbian. Do you know how often people guess that I'm gay? I am gay.
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Dear "trans" youth, We don't hate you. We never did. We did it all and do it all because we once were you. We know how it feels. When the popular, straight lads would walk past me in school and physically spit on me and call me a f****t and a n****r, I too knew I was different.
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There are people in Turkey who've just lost their entire family. There are women in Iran being raped & killed for showing their hair. There are still gay purges happening in Chechnya. There are literal concentration camps in North Korea. But playing Hogwarts Legacy = Genocide
I love how this black woman single handedly ended woke racism on "What Would You Do?" by standing up for her white sister. 😍 This is how it's done! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
From one man to another, I don't think it's appropriate for you, a man, to be telling women that tying their rights to their biology is the problem. It's actually a rather boring and played out misogynist tactic which landed women in the position they currently find themselves in
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Grace Lavery
Replying to @graceelavery
Feminists should stand up against the gender critical perspective, whose *only* political goal is to tie women’s rights to an idealized biological norm. That is fascism. There is no other word for it. And the fact that the movement claims to speak as and for “women” is dangerous.
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As men, we are generally, largely unaware of many of the issues women face in health care. I first started thinking about this a few years ago when my man, who writes and directs a lot of pro-women stage plays (in part as a tribute to his beloved mother whom he adored) had a show
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"Non-binary" is nothing more than sexism masquerading as liberation from gender stereotypes. I can understand how, to a teenager or younger adult, it can feel liberating to think that you've freed yourself from societal norms by being able to dress or act in any way you like but
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So, video evidence = "baseless rumour" now, yeah? If you were in this video, would you have felt under threat? The world is slowly waking up to the damage you are doing to women, children and the LGB whom you have betrayed and they don't like what they see.
Auckland Pride 🏳️‍⚧️
Replying to @AucklandPride
We also reject that there was any further physical threat from our community towards Parker. This is a baseless rumour that is being perpetrated by those who feel defeated by the events of today. We urge the media not to repeat these allegations without evidence.
Never forget the time Lady C casually and with the utmost ease, read the absolute FUCK out of Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby's fake double-act bullshit all the while equally reading Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. 💅🏼 Notice how Phil shits himself as she's about to call
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Dear , I'd like to submit a formal complaint about your inconsiderate behaviour. The fact that you had the audacity to pick a day when I am hangin' oot ma arse to make me cry like an infant at the sight of you following me is an outrage. Your Slytherin child, Rudy
It's insane to me how gender flat earthers like Knox here will tell you that you're reducing people to their genitalia when they themselves reduce men to ties and women to dresses in the most blatant display of regressive sexism imaginable. I can count on one hand the amount of
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First man in history to wear a tie.