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Post your best pics of women, cucks welcome
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Just Lia reading the comments of all her little fans
>>931750029 #
Let's see more of her, I know other anons can post hotter pics
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>>931750050 #
It's not like she hasn't twerked on camera before or anything
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>>931750074 #
She has done more, right?
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>>931750129 #
Would you say this little shake was necessary?
>>931750147 #
Yes, to show her abilities, but what about rimming? Post your hottest rimming women
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>>931750240 #
Sturdy enough for fucking her
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>>931750262 #
It is Mia Malkova, if anything she's the one doing the fucking
>>931750312 #
I don't think she looks too aggressive, she'll be moaning and using cum as lipstick
>>931750354 #
anon here acting like he some big shot and not some gooner kek
>>931750415 #
There was no thread, so I made one
Keep posting more women please
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>>931749536 (OP) #
I know y'all post the same round of females.

I wanted to fuck Jada Stevens since I first started watching porn.
>>931751045 #
She looks hot, good luck
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>>931751677 #
One can dream, but it would be hot if she let a shota hump her big ass.
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>>931751792 #
>>931751783 #
I like her legs a bit more
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>>931751865 #
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>>931751878 #
Her legs are nice too, but with those heels she's a bit too tall.
>>931751923 #
I like the heels too, it would be nice to fuck her while she wears them
>>931751783 #
man making is a victimless crime.
Let's see some more women
This milf is perfect for shota IMO
(POV of a shota fucking her in missionary position)
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>>931751986 #
>>931752305 #
Agreed, but she should get herself into a position that is much more easier for someone much shorter.
>>931753520 #
I would love to feel her breasts in that position
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>>931753590 #
They aren't too big, but they are sure fun to play with!
>>931753659 #
I don't mind, as long as they're mine
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>>931753703 #
I'm more of an ass guy though.
>>931753752 #
Can she get more sluttier?
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>>931753975 #
She's already the sluttiest slut she can be.
>>931754108 #
Any other woman you like?
>>931751783 #
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>>931754254 #
I know I posted her before, but Virgo Peridot is definitely built for it.
>>931754386 #
That naughty smirk and fat butt definitely gives it away
>>931754386 #
Is she the naughtiest of them all or is there someone even worse than her?
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>>931754460 #
She definitely has the body type and the vibe for it.
>>931754508 #
I have other girls I've been thinking of.
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>>931754554 #
Do your worst
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>>931754616 #
Alexis Texas seems like she's into it too.
>>931754682 #
A known one, anything worse?
>>931754694 #
Not really.
>>931754723 #
I love when they bend while they wear heels
>>931754682 #
I'm sure she takes great pleasure in being the most popular fat butt on pornhub for the boys
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>>931754753 #
>>931754801 #
She sure does enjoy the fact that she might have made them bust their first nut.
>>931754902 #
I like her but I feel there are better looking women once she got a bit older, but I don't remember any examples
I bet Lisa Ann did some naughty things in her prime, she is the perfect shota bait, and she was tue first pornstar i knew about
>>931755040 #
I love how she moans
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>>931753520 #
I went to middle school with this dumb broad. her name is candice jackson.
>>931754902 #
Asking young neighbors if they know her work
>>931755223 #
Damn... Would mesmerize the shyness out a shota
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This latina bitch is perfect for shota, i would love to see her Big ass getting fucked in doggystyle position by a shota, raw, obviously
>>931755550 #
Bent over, twerking it slowly for the shota
>>931755588 #
Like this, rubbing her ass against his crotch, only the fabric of his shorts and underwear separating his cock from her ass, teasing him
>>931755057 #
Me too, i love her, like i said, she was My first experience in porn, i always have dreamed about me fucking her until i creampie her
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>>931755334 #
If they answer yes, then she'll ask them if they would like to try out what they see on video on her.
>>931755649 #
Mmm shota standing there just staring at that perfection
>>931755854 #
Silently nodding yes, in awe, she grabs their hand to lead them back
>>931755798 #
She was best looking in the first pic
>>931755874 #
He would be so hard looking at her, maybe she encourages him to grab her by her waist, or grabbing her ass chercks?
>>931751914 #
More women like this, not bimbos
>>931756037 #
Definitely grabbing her ponytail and tugging on it. The harder he pulls, she tells him, the more he likes it
goddamn right
>>931756137 #
Would explode all over her
>>931756247 #
As you should
>>931756122 #
He would be moving his hips against her ass too, i wonder how much could he resist before pulling down his shorts and underwear to try to penetrate her
>>931756309 #
Her body is devoted to shotas though
>>931756331 #
Using all of her holes for a slow and very enjoyable fucking session
>>931756331 #
Well...you can watch, then
>>931756477 #
To be Jess’s horny younger brother
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>>931755893 #
And then they get in bed and he desperately starts humping her ass.
>>931756602 #
Getting caught spying on her...
>>931756656 #
Acts all bitchy and annoyed about it, but secretly loves turning him on
>>931756706 #
Yeah, she's a constant tease
>>931756724 #
She loves to see her brother’s bulge grow when he’s around her
>>931756724 #
Would love her friend as a maid too
Cosplayers are built for shota cock
>>931756760 #
Daring her friends to sneak up behind him and pull his pants down
>>931756799 #
All of them laughing while playfully flicking and tugging on his hard dick
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kruthika needs to teach, how would she?
>>931756799 #
>>931756818 #
Jess herself asking him why he’s so hard while bringing her face level with his cock
>>931756818 #
So embarrassing for him that he's blushing all over
>>931756790 #
I'll use her for two weeks straight
>>931756845 #
So embarrassed but can’t stop himself from throbbing in front of his sisters face
>>931756844 #
>>931756868 #
Held in place by her friends
>>931756900 #
Feeling her breath on him would be enough to make him start leaking
>>931756825 #
Demand a white boy to take his dick out for her
>>931756917 #
And that in turn would make them laugh even more, seeing himleak on the floor
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>>931756948 #
would the white boy oblige?
>>931756984 #
Immediately. Especially when she lights up at the sight of shotas cock
>>931756865 #
Raw and creampie i assume
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>>931757018 #
whore would get her clothes off instantly
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>>931757061 #
Would lift her dress up and sit on it
>>931757046 #
Yes, shell fill her belly with my seed too
>>931757113 #
Fucking her after the game
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>>931757116 #
she'd spread her amazing thighs, and try and pull her cheeks apart to fit him inside
>>931757118 #
I love her body man, so erotic, and i would go to a park and let some shotas play with her in a secluded place
>>931757139 #
Getting her even sweatier
>>931757168 #
Just me, the restroom stalls, shell invite me to her house and give me her number
>>931757171 #
I'll fuck her during the shower too
>>931757258 #
Someones horny for her, lol
>>931757286 #
Nice body after all but her outfits are a bit ugly
>>931757313 #
Well that's your opinion
>>931757375 #
I meant this one, >>931757171 #
the red one is fine
>>931757473 #
>>931757577 #
Would love to mark her like a cow with a hot iron on her lower belly
>>931757615 #
Dude, what
>>931757681 #
So that she knows she belongs to me
>>931757764 #
She's mine tho
>>931757799 #
Too bad, I marked her, but give me a hotter one and you can keep her
>>931757826 #
I won't
>>931757884 #
Hmmm, you can't?
>>931757898 #
No, sir...
>>931757914 #
You'll clean her after I use her
>>931757933 #
Excuse me?
>>931757957 #
Read it again, and post her with her friends
>>931758019 #
Uhm, ok
>>931758069 #
Two for me, none for you
>>931758072 #
You're kinda mean
>>931758099 #
You love it, now clean them while they kiss me
>>931758130 #
What if I say no?
>>931758158 #
We both know you won't
>>931758185 #
>>931758205 #
Love using their underwear as a way to create friction inside them and feel their scent on them while I sleep
Post the nastiest women you can think of
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>>931758709 #
Les clothes please
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>>931758787 #
Cute, what's the nastiest she can be?
>>931750240 #
Fuck yes
>>931758787 #
Shota feeders
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>>931756964 #
nice seeing jane here
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Her son's black bully couldn't help himself
I wish I was a shota again so I could fuck all these women.
>>931761818 #
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cuck here
>>931762122 #
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>>931762150 #
>>931762198 #
Shotas would love this slut
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Saving her family from debt by agreeing to have a child with her boss' son
does anyone kosmi? i always think these threads should be chat+stream
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>>931759684 #
Started in porn, and found her true passion was in making boys flustered so she switched to streaming and youtube~
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>>931763529 #
She loves it when they fluster a lot and send her cute little messages
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>>931763617 #
She giggles and acts sweetly cause she does find the messagess cute and knows the boys are pouring their hearts out for her. Well, it's not the only thing they've poured out for her. But why not make the crush they have on her bigger?
>>931763715 #
They would struggle to send her messages without saying they are jerking off to her.
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>>931763740 #
And she knows they are, she prides in being every boys' dream girl. She just doesn't mention outright to not make it awkward.
>Just make sure to tend to your control sticks babes
That's her code way of telling them not to jerk themselves dry
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Freshman college crush
>>931763886 #
They would understand the codes soon enough and use them in their messages to show they are thinking about her in a certain way.

>I wish you played this game with my control sticks. you would ace the level way quicker
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>>931763939 #
And she finds it hilarious how they catch on and embraces it. Acting innocent and even engaging in small discussions with the chat too.

>I think I prefer my control sticks smaller. What about you? Do you prefer a clunky old Atari stick or something smaller and child-friendly like a Nintendo control stick?
>>931764067 #
As her chat is full of younger viewers , they would all go Nintendo with some even asking what an Atari is.

>I only know Nintendo , Miss Mia. You can play on mine. it is a special one decorated with Monster Hunter on the back.
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>>931764135 #
She'll just be laughing and giggling cause they're so young, but that's also cute as well! And she can't help but be cheeky about it either

>Got anything with Zelda? Or even Smash Bros? They really should make a game called Smash Sisters, right? I'm sure all the little bros would play it
>>931764310 #
He would fluster as she reads this comments and giggles. He made his crush smile.

> I got Zelda and smash Bros. I would play any game you would also play. What do you think of Smash hunter as a new game?
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>>931764374 #
She's genuinely just vibing, talking with her chat about all things geeky while being a little dirty. Some boys think she looks even better now than when she did porn just because she looks even more casual

>Yeah I'm down to play it, I mean gotta keep an open mind right? Worst thing that'll happen is I won't like it. But I'll probably find a way to have fun eventually
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>>931764432 #
100% agreed
>>931764516 #
Who doesn't like a casual shota hunter? They would be vibing with her as trying to understand everything she says and finding out what kind of dirty stuff she says.

>If you want , you can always come play with me , Mia. I heard this is a co-op game and not a single player
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>>931764538 #
She likes them just too much to ignore her own needs
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>>931764609 #
And she knows just how to get them hard whether it be cosplay or simply showing off her curvy body
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>>931764683 #
It is very easy for her. Just post her body and the comments from shotas fill her comment box
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>>931764569 #
And she's never up front about it, she's clever and always uses words with double-meaning too. So when someone tries to be cheeky and call her out for being dirty, she'll just deflect and say there are children watching!

>Aww you're so sweet. Thank you! I usually play co-op off-stream though. If that's not an issue with you? Don't want people to have performance anxiety while in stream, you know?
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>>931764778 #
How many looks do you think she gets in public? Does she look back?
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>>931764829 #
She gets a lot of looks in public.
She doesn't look back that often. She is very smart to only look back at a few
>>931764806 #
She has to be clever and keep her profile up if she wants to keep getting their money and cum.

>Oh yeah. I understand what you are saying. Would you play the game with me off stream then?
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>>931764860 #
She doesn't look back, but I think she makes sure to let the boys know she's caught them. Maybe a little brush of the arm as she passes by them... Or maybe she just acts casual and unbothered, inviting more looks
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>>931764948 #
They would try to make sure she notices them looking the next time they do it as they want her to react to it. I would lie if I say getting my arm brushed by her , wouldn't make me go wild as a shota
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>>931764910 #
She knows she can live comfortably, so she doesn't even ask for donations. Just that they hang out whenever she streams to build a stronger community. She's got another source of income anyway.

>Of course! Just be sure to DM me a picture of your username and discord so I know it's you. We gotta be fair and honest after all
>>931765083 #
She would have a donation button below her stream just to keep the chat from asking why there isn't one. She would have her favorites who join her streams every time she is live.

>Yes Mia. I'll do that for you. Should I also add you on any other platforms like Steam?
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>>931765013 #
Maybe they'll take a creepshot of her, purposely keeping the noise or the flash so she has to approach them. Deep down she kind of likes it. Who knows, maybe she'll even go as far as to brush her hand against another body part if she catches them in the act?
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>>931765152 #
She tried explaining at first she doesn't need one, but they all just wanted to try and help her so she instead put the donation button as a pat emote cause it was cuter. She's a tease, a minx, but also knows how to be cute and adorable

>Let's talk first on Discord okay? Just make sure what kind of games have in common before playing them. Besides, if I'm playing with someone I want to know them better.
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>>931765213 #
Indeed. Deep down she would love it. I have a feeling she would brush and grab a different body part if she catches them in the act. I can see her telling them she owns them and decides what they can do and can't do.
>>931765301 #
Whenever someone tries to donate something , a bot posts a message saying 'username' tried to donate but gets a pat instead.

>Okay miss , here is my disc. I made you my profile pic as I like you so much
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>>931765308 #
She'll probably tell them its important to get consent before doing certain things. Giving a gentle squeeze just to emphasize her point. They take a creepshot? Well, she'll just cop a feel.
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>>931765406 #
They would be too stunned to say no so they just say yes Shifty. She is slowly growing her little army of shotas gooners one by one
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Nice luxury hotel just to make love to her little brother's bullies all weekend
She may come home fully pregnant
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>>931765385 #
And she can never help but giggle whenever that notification appears. It's just wholesome fun with her fanbase.

>Awww you're too sweet, you really like me if you have me on your profile picture
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>>931765697 #
And deep down she just loves getting to feel that underaged bulge in her hand... How it twitches and throbs, how it just feels so natural too...
>>931766501 #
She would stop commenting on it after awhile but giggle for sure. It is a sign the guy is new in her stream.

>I really like you , Mia. You make my controller stick ready for use
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>>931766581 #
She just enjoys getting to play wholesome pranks on her viewers, nothing wrong with that!

>Is it a calibrated control stick? Cause I've played with others that aren't, and let me tell you those are the absolute worst.
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>>931766604 #
Nothing like a thiccc girl to ride all the boys, right?
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>>931766537 #
She would say something about the size when she feels it. Telling him if it feels big or small in her hand. Tease him about maybe lettng him visit her in her hotelroom
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>>931766683 #
>>931766667 #
The viewers would love it too. There would be so many inside jokes in her community.

>It is. I can always calibrate it again to your preferences if you want.
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>>931766686 #
And she always says something about the bulge feeling small, just to really drive it home she's touching a little boy without consent... But he's the one who took her picture without consent anyway!

Deep down though, she loves the feeling and her grip is surprisingly gentle for trying to seem so aggressive. She's not trying or planning to hurt him. Just wants to make sure he understands what he did
>>931766109 #
I mean, her littler brothers bully is rich, and her family is poor. If she doesnt want to see her brother brutalized, her dad lose his job, and her family evicted, she needs to just stop resisting and let the little pervert live his dream of using her as his fleshlight and sex doll
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>>931766807 #
Ofcourse. She needs to gentle dom these little boy with their little bulges. They need to understand she will do what she wants with them after they misbehaved and took a photo without her consent.
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>>931766735 #
She'll probably just censor the word 'pornstar' to pretty girl to keep it PG for the Twitch guidelines. So the chat just always says she's their favorite pretty girl and she can't help but snicker cutely.

>Oh I can't ask that of you. When I borrow a controller I just try to get used to it. I promise!
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>>931766706 #
>>931766723 #
Thiccc girl supremacy
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>>931766706 #
>>931766917 #
>>931766892 #
Or autoban whoever says the porn word to look like she have a good chat and willing to keep it PG. She would also have a notepad link posted by automod every 5 mins where she writes down every alternative word to use. cum becomes Sprite etc

>You will have no problem getting used to mine. The sensitive a little high but you get used to it quickly
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>>931766863 #
She'll somehow make their bulges harder than they were, make them feel bad about not getting their consent, while also making them feel so so good in the process... Coaching them, teaching them, yet deep down she loves nothing more than those little bulges and little bodies near her.
>>931766723 #
>>931766917 #
>>931766979 #
>>931766963 #
Fuck it I'm not interacting if you're just gonna be spamming a picture and not talking
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>>931766976 #
She would teach them and coach them how to treat a woman like her respectfully while still keeping her hands on their bulges. She would love it when some shota asks for consent to take another photo of her. She will even pose for him
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>>931766968 #
Oh she wants that community to look wholesome, just because she genuinely doesn't want people all she thinks about is sex. She can be wholesome too! In fact, she loves mixing lewd and wholesome. Sprite, yogurt, even soap are all code for cum. And she'll even give her chat candid little conversations about what she really likes when being intimate.

>Aww, I like high sensitivity actually. I don't know, there's just something about being gentle with a control stick you know? I like to treat it with care instead of just beating it over and over again.
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>>931767020 #
She's more than happy to pose for him and even take a picture with him if he asks for consent. In fact, she'll even ask if he wants her hand somewhere too, just to prove a point that asking for consent is important. Thoughs he still likes the occassional lack of consent at times, just because it's a little thrilling and surprising.
>>931767080 #
Oh yeah. Those little conversations would be the bright spots in her streams. They are curious to know more about her when she is intimate. Some would only be around for that and less the gameplay.

>I'm glad to hear that , Mia. I love to be gentle with it too. Would you let me put my controller stick in your loading dock? It has been having battery problems lately
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>>931766832 #
of course, every horny bully knows how to manipulate nerdy older girls. It always starts with "just a pic of you with your legs spread" Of course, if it keeps her family safe....
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>>931767145 #
She likes to make her fans happy. Giving him more love when he asks for consent. She would touch him wherever he wants but also informs him about what happens if he doesn't. One of the punishments is bending him over her knee and slapping his ass hard
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>>931767204 #
The fact she manages to be cute while being so candid only makes the crushes of those little boys grow cause she only gets prettier and prettier the more they see her.

>Hmm... Maybe. Only if they're compatible. That's kinda what I'm looking at the moment. Compatibility and having fun with said compatibility
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>>931767352 #
She'll spank his ass hard if he doesn't. But if he does ask for consent, she'll even ask if he wants her tongue in there. And with big eyes like those... It would be a crime not to take a picture of her getting busy. But again, they need to ask for her consent. Who knows, just by asking they might get her to do more and more. She has shown she does like the attention.
>>931767361 #
Their crushes for her growing while their cocks too. Struggling more and more with NG comments but keeping themselves from saying anything bad. Whenever they stop talking for a bit , she knows they are playing with their controller sticks.

>I think it is compatible but we will have to see. If it doesn't , I'm sorry for giving you any bad ideas , mommy... I mean Mia
>>931767080 #
>Sprite, yogurt, even soap are all code for cum.
Little does she know she's wiring all of her fans to pair the other meaning for those words...
>>931751792 #
>>931751865 #
>>931751914 #
Kim Possible??
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>>931767432 #
Oh definitely. I think when asking consent , they can even ask for letting them slap her ass and she would let them. They would be going more and more daring with their consent questions.
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>>931767298 #
Of course every good bully knows how to escalate. Soon its "show me your underwear". Shes a good girl though, so she will insist she stops after this one.
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>>931767447 #
And she'll tease long-time chatters if she ever notices they were talking and were quiet. It's all just a cute little game, she knows she can get them busy much quicker if she wanted to. But she also just wants to chill and lay back sometimes, play video games and get a good laugh.

>Hey no harm done little bro. You can call me mommy, but I think we all know I'm more of a big sister type.

>>931767459 #
Oh she's very aware of that. And she gets a cute laugh whenever her chatters admit to popping a random stiffy over those words.

>Guys you can to control your urges. Not everyone is chill like me.
>>931767776 #
Oh yeah. Whenever she notices her long time chatters going quick , she would wait some seconds before giving the cam a teasing shot like bending over to grab something up from the floor so they see her cleavage.

>I love playing with my big sister. I can't believe we talk off stream.
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>>931767539 #
She'll humor it just because the boys asked politely, but the way her toes curl at the gentle kneading of her ass cheeks, or even at the moment of impact... She likes it. Really, as long as its a boy she'll keep an open mind and like it. Doesn't matter if its her spanking their cute little butts, or her bending over their laps, or even her tongue inside them...
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>>931767844 #
Oh yeah. Every normal to little kinky stuff is all okay for Shifty when asking for consent. It would be harder for her to agree to them asking to tie her down or blindfold her
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>>931767831 #
Sometimes she'll stream with just an oversized button shirt on. It's baggy so she's not showing much, but it just gives an air the little boys find irresistible. Nobody dares to say it, but they know she's probably only got panties underneath. Still doesn't change the fact they'll melt hearing her talk in that candid and playful manner.

>What can I say? I like having a community. You're all my little brothers, and I'm happy to give you all big sister advice
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>>931767913 #
Exactly. Tying her down and blindfolds require a level of trust that goes beyond consent. She's not going to do that with random people. But copping a feel, lip service, or even a quickie? If the boy asks for it and she likes the look... She'll definitely treat it like its no big deal.
>>931768019 #
Oh yeah. They would hang onto her lips too much to say anything about it. Just happy to see her stream.

>So if I have problems with girls I can go to you , big sister Mia?
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>>931768072 #
That is true. She needs trust to go further than all those small things. She wouldn't even give out her number to any of them unless she feels like they could be trustworthy and they have to ask for it.
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Would love to see my gf rub her fat Latina ass over a hung white shota cock. I’d love to see his reaction to it.

What would he do? Would he be shy? Or would he be brave enough to grab and massage her big ass as it twerks on his dick?
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This bitch liked me when I was a shota
>>931768474 #
I'm guessing she's around your age and a childhood crush.
>>931768234 #
If he's old enough to have sexual feelings for her, then I'm sure he would want to pound her fat ass. But she needs to seduce him a bit.
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>>931768619 #
Maybe if she approached him wearing panties with a top on, he would be interested. I wouldn’t want her to scare him off.
>>931768687 #
She can wear them inside the house, but when outdoor around parents she has to be discreet.
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>>931768752 #
Maybe if she wore jeans around the parents to just get him thinking about it at first
>>931768778 #
That's more modest and at the same time enough to get him interested.

Perfect for when you're hosting a barbecue with the neighbors.
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>>931768831 #
Then maybe one day we can invite them out to our pool so they can go for a swim with her while she wears a revealing bathing suit
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>>931768112 #
Precisely. Besides, it's just a pretty girl being cute and unwinding by playing some video games. Nothing to lewd there, right?

>Absolutely. Don't matter how small the problem is, happy to help you out little bro
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>>931768203 #
Absolutely. She's not asking for their number, that'd be too weird right? But she's more than happy to give any boy her number if he asks for it. Although, she does like asking their ages when they ask her number. It's only fair they answer her question too right?
>>931768959 #
By that time she'll be friends with him and he'll be more comfortable to being around her and tell her how he feels.
>>931768972 #
Mia is definitely a pretty girl being cute and not lewd at all.

> Even if the problem is lewd , Mia?
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>>931769053 #
Maybe the could even play Marco Polo in the pool and she could grab his shota cock
>>931769023 #
She has answered all their questions so it is only normal they do the same when she asks them questions. She would not give out her numbers to boys she doesn't feel okay with.

IMG limit
>>931769058 #
Just a wholesome lady through and through.

>Hey you're all growing boys, no need to be embarrassed about them.

Img limit, could continue on another thread or disc?
>>931769138 #
Exactly, plus, she likes saving the number with their name. Sometimes boys have the same name, she has to differentiate the contact somehow.

Got disc or something?
>>931769194 #
What is your disc?
>>931769224 #
Dirty Ricky and Latino Ricky are just some examples.

what is yours?
>>931769260 #
Oh I was thinking Ricky 12 and Ricky 10 for instance. Might add a little note if they share the same age tho

>>931769234 #
>>931769288 #
I'm sure there would be guys with the same name and age. Dirty ricky would help if that was the case
>>931769317 #
I honestly see her not remembering many names unless she really was hooked on someone. Those are the ones she puts hearts in their names for
>>931769392 #
Oh definitely. She would probably delete the non heart emoji numbers after a bit
>>931769298 #
sorry , I can't get into my disc
>>931769643 #
She most definitely does. Lets a month go by and if she changes her mind she'll keep them and add a heart. Otherwise she'll just delete the number
>>931769120 #
He would definitely know what's going on and take it further from there.
>>931772128 → #
>>931772128 → #

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