Update 0.3.27 is out!

* Added sun and moon for the dynamic sky

* Added laser splitter, which is another form of the Laser Emitter accessed with the cycle item hotkey

* Laser Emitters can now be pointed upwards or downwards

* Doors now stop lasers

* Held items are now visually influenced by the player's velocity

* Dropped items now take the player's velocity into account

* Rubber blocks reduce fall damage by 90%

* Lights now toggle with lasers

* Tamed interceptors now follow the player in creative

* Improved controller mapping and fixed the controller deadzone drift bug

* Server port can now be set in gameSettings.json

* Fixed bug where you get massive fall damage while wall sliding

* Fixed bug where you cannot break desynced blocks in multiplayer

* Fixed disappearing player bug in multiplayer

* Fixed lasers getting stuck visually on screen

* Fixed blocks with smaller bounds being unable to be placed in the same block as the player

* Fixed laser emitters dropping the block state depending on the direction

* Fixed laser gun crashing in null chunks


cosmic-reach-linux.zip 85 MB
Version 0.3.27 31 minutes ago
cosmic-reach-windows.zip 81 MB
Version 0.3.27 31 minutes ago
cosmic-reach-jar.zip 50 MB
Version 0.3.27 31 minutes ago
cosmic-reach-server.zip 12 MB
Version 0.3.27 31 minutes ago

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