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/07/th Expansion Thread Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)17:07:28 No.46042560 Archived
Discussion concerning Higurashi, Umineko, Ciconia, Rose Guns Days, Higanbana, TRianThology, and all other 07th Expansion works.

07th Expansion archive:
Password: 07

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07th Links:
Umineko colored truths script:

Previous thread: >>46020165 →
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)17:19:51 No.46042642
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it's enough with yellows
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>>46042560 (OP)
Her husband will protect her!
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)17:41:39 No.46042752
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)17:54:21 No.46042844
detektrat the shitcord
Rika is better
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)19:06:50 No.46043422
Not like this, GayGay
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)19:07:12 No.46043427
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uh oh
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)19:12:21 No.46043489
Honestly? I laughed.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)19:20:09 No.46043588
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i honestly feel bad
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)19:59:21 No.46043882
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>>46042560 (OP)
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)20:02:53 No.46043898
Sotsugou good ending.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)20:05:44 No.46043911
Who are the hairiest WTC girls?
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)20:06:42 No.46043921
OG Beatrice
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)20:07:13 No.46043928
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For you Renabro
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)20:08:14 No.46043935
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Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)20:08:16 No.46043936
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Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)20:09:19 No.46043944
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Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)20:23:42 No.46044040
>only I AM allowed to hit Satoko
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i invoke the ancient art of making discussion with random questions, the question today is:
Who's your favourite witch?
mine's virgilia, she's a cute obaa-san who makes stupid fish jokes and i find that adorable
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)20:46:40 No.46044197
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Easily Beato.
I love her evil.
I love her moe.
I love her.
And I love her mom too
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)20:48:06 No.46044203
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Is there any other real answer?
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)20:56:32 No.46044258
Which witch would help me eradicate all of witch-kind?
Based, I love him too
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:01:49 No.46044297
He's so cute~
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:01:59 No.46044299
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kill yourself, american tranny
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:03:24 No.46044311
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Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:04:28 No.46044320
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only the superior `trice
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:10:17 No.46044345
Forgot how sex shannon and her schizoid delusions are.
Also, how do you say 'Beatrice' in your head?
I can't get over how funny they say it in the ps3 version.
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We don't use the T slur here sis
Transphobes have no place in /07/th
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:13:01 No.46044365
Based! I literally can't understand how someone can be transphobic after reading Umineko
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:14:57 No.46044378
This, so much this!!
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:15:41 No.46044383
Now you're seeing with love
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:18:00 No.46044402
I need Beatrice to bully me
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:19:59 No.46044418
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Beatriche. Idk, it wasnt funny to me, sounded normal.
I confess I read it as Beatriss at first
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:33:13 No.46044486
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well it's an italian name, so beatriche makes the most sense to me
BEATORIIIIIIIIIIIIIICHE if i'm feeling particularly kinzo-like in the morning
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:34:04 No.46044492
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As a fellow Shitokofag, I apologize for this american tranny shitposter.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:38:11 No.46044521
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>BEATORIIIIIIIIIIIIIICHE if i'm feeling particularly kinzo-like in the morning
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPIxN7byEEw [Embed] the prologue scene alone is already why the VN is superior to manga for me. In the manga it was nothing memorable
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:38:55 No.46044530
Why shitokoniggers (rat) lying about reverse shitposting/falselfags and doubling on cancer posts just so they can post their wench in the most inconvenient way and creating spam OPs like the rabid fans that theyre. It's all rats reverse baiting doing.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:39:35 No.46044538
Transvestites are not humans. They're hideous monsters and child molesters.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:40:26 No.46044547
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The witch of truth would be my favorite.
Erika's episodes in general were the peak of Umineko.
Just ignore him.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:40:49 No.46044551
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Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:40:52 No.46044553
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Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:41:12 No.46044554
Give it a fucking rest anon, you can't just call everyone you don't like the same person.
Or I mean you can, but you'll look retarded.
You look retarded.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:42:49 No.46044564
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>The witch of truth
oh, really?
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:44:26 No.46044574
Why shitokoniggers are rabid newbies? Way worse than new neco arc and azurlane, gacha tertiaries
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:45:09 No.46044578
You do realize that he's right about the satokofag/tranny shitposter though? It's the same person.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:45:23 No.46044581
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Lovely Bern
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But seriously is Beatrice a trans girl? I keep seeing this posted on /v/?
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:47:40 No.46044596
Rika the Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
Rika the convenient
Rika the convenience store
Rika the garage store
Rika the huge bottom end
Rika the log
Rika the negate
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:48:00 No.46044601
>falseflagging as the other anon
kill yourself, literal rat
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:48:15 No.46044604
Obviously not.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:48:16 No.46044605
Schizoposting about a schizoposter doesn't reduce the number of schizoposters.
And he calls people the rat all the time, it's fucking annoying.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:48:52 No.46044610
I mean the story makes it pretty obvious Yasu was born male with the the man from 19 years ago and Lion
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:49:02 No.46044612
>Rika the convenience store
what could you possibly mean by this?
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:49:32 No.46044615
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no, 100% no, only dumb faggots believe this
her birth gender is purposefully in a cat box where it could be one or the other, but no matter what she is NOT trans in the sense of what they define it as because it wasn't a knowing choice on her end
so in short, no
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But seriously why would he protect Satoko? He literally raped her in countless worlds.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:50:41 No.46044623
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This kills the german cuckold
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:51:04 No.46044631
>seriously replying to a rat post
why do people still do this?
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:51:07 No.46044633
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Love can be borne out of rough sexual encounters. Stockholm Syndrome.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:52:30 No.46044638
what is this score? her looks?
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:53:08 No.46044644
OG Teppei ≠ GouSotsu Teppei
He never raped her in any of the new loops, and Higurashi is all about forgiveness. Their love can be built on his genuine desire to be better and care for his niece.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:53:11 No.46044645
Rika the bone crushing rear
Rika the soft sponge
Rika the mount fuji
Rika the nut crusher
Rika the never missed hip day
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:53:24 No.46044650
Look I'll end this here. Beatrice is a woman since she was created not born as she was chosen to be portrayed as a girl same with Sayo the personality Yasu chose, so Yasu see's herself as female more than male but there's a large amount of evidence that her birth sex was male but nothing concrete. She was most likely born male but she chooses to live as a woman and that's the only thing that matters.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:53:31 No.46044652
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because why not, it's not like i'm counting down the very seconds i have left to live, seriously responding to something that could be a bait every now and then isn't exactly going to make me sweat
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:55:14 No.46044663
Why this nigger so obsessed with replying to his own shitoko posts like this
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:55:51 No.46044668
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I am trans btw and love SEXTOKO
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:56:01 No.46044671
Nobody seriously believes Satoko was raped don't worry anon
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:56:02 No.46044672
Everything in the story points towards Beatrice being a biological woman. American trannies came up with an alternate theory that she's actually trans by bringing up cope arguments (like a misinterpreted twitter post by ryu07), but it's not supported by the VN itself.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:56:15 No.46044676
Rika and rika
Rika and rika
Rika and rika
Rika and rika
Rika and rika
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:57:04 No.46044680
yeah, pretty sure it's from those early ai image analysis things before it steamrolled into the shit we have now
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:57:24 No.46044684
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Powerful and brave.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:57:28 No.46044686
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Reply to Rika posts to make RIKA POSTS ALIVE AGAIN
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:57:54 No.46044691
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I wonder what is 10 then
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:58:38 No.46044693
The satocord approves this post.
We HATE umichuds btw.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:59:24 No.46044698
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She is the ideal personality of Yasu (a canon transwoman)
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)21:59:31 No.46044699
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Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:01:33 No.46044709
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You gotta forgive. If Takano is forgiven for murdering hundreds of people, it's only fair that Teppei receives another chance as well. And how better to atone than to take responsibility and marry Satoko after taking her first time over and over again?
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:02:27 No.46044717
is this from Saku? which story?
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:02:54 No.46044720
Rika the the the never attracts cancerous fanbase

You jealous of Rika's high class unpretentious demeanor. Youre the opposite of stoic, Rika the high class
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:03:49 No.46044728
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...even though actually Shannon is Yasu`s vision of what a perfect woman is like
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:04:01 No.46044730
It's amazing how one person managed to completely and utterly ruin the image of satokofags beyond recovery by making people associate her fans with tranny and ntr shitposting.
Sometimes I wonder if he actually hates her and this was deliberate.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:05:09 No.46044742
>expecting rat to have read Umineko
He's a deengurashi-only newfaggot.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:06:13 No.46044747
It's amazing how one person managed to completely and utterly destroy these threads with his cuck spam about his NTR Satoko fetish and his tranny delusions. Rangeban on Germany when?
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:06:17 No.46044748
Rika the small package
Rika the most what i looked at
Rika the thats what i want so thats what i get
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:07:37 No.46044752
All the same retard btw
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:07:58 No.46044754
dubs and America gets rangebanned
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:08:15 No.46044756
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Jesus christ I wouldn't be suprised if he's behind the racebait posts too
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:08:17 No.46044757
Huh? Satoko doesn't have a romantic interest, she's impossible to be NTR'd.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:08:22 No.46044759
xe also shits up the /vn/ general with the same spam every day
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:09:34 No.46044768
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>constant tranny/pol/ shitposting
He's the racebaiting nigger too, isn't he?
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:09:34 No.46044769
Based. Fuck obnoxious umirats.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:09:42 No.46044770
>1 off
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:10:48 No.46044774
Yes, he bragged about it on the 'cord before.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:10:53 No.46044775
Another reason for me not to join the discord. Fucking NTR tards
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:11:29 No.46044779
well yeah, who did you think forcefed that shit to /qa/ in the first place?
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:11:32 No.46044780
xis shitcord was spamming this thread like a week ago with racebait shit
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:11:50 No.46044784
He constantly posts NTR porn in the trash channel and talks about Satoko getting raped by blacks and wolves all the time, yeah it's him.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:11:53 No.46044785
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Sometimes i was thinking if i could ever get Rika the most hottest revealing garments on her petite and childlike body
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:12:02 No.46044786
Holy fucking based, fuck shitokorat and his tranny obsession.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:13:40 No.46044799
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How low can one man fall?
Shitokofag mass rangeban when?
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:14:17 No.46044804
Anyway kill yourselves shitcord rat and umi and that detekt nigger obsesseds my Rika are for highest quality posters. Rika op next
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:21:43 No.46044847
From five devices?
Stop being such a schizo.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:23:01 No.46044855
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Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:29:19 No.46044894
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What the hell!? This is some really damning evidence even more so since this was deleted on the spot and the other posts were left up...
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:31:40 No.46044906
you're literally him rat troon
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:32:55 No.46044913
rat the umi hater
detekt, his husband, the race faggot lover
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:33:57 No.46044921
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and Rikafag the fabulous(me)
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:34:14 No.46044924
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Thank you for the ray of hope
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:38:12 No.46044950
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you're welcome, one of the cord members
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:40:33 No.46044963
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That's slander, but I forgive you.
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:41:15 No.46044968
Wouldn't be surprised if you took this photo yourself, freak
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:42:19 No.46044978
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i know that im me
and i definitely know that i never ventured inside a lgbtQ grooming server
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:44:36 No.46044991
hopefully sooner than you think
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:45:42 No.46045000
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Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:47:25 No.46045012
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:48:14 No.46045015
We need to rangeban the right person >>46044835
not the innocent Satoko friend
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)22:52:10 No.46045027
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>the innocent Satoko friend
nice one rat
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)23:19:23 No.46045204
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I will walk on Sayo changing clothes, make her blush and force her to confess her hideous crimes
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)23:28:14 No.46045247
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)00:33:13 No.46045685
explain this
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)00:45:49 No.46045723
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)00:52:21 No.46045760
explain why you were in the... ahem, "Discord Fappy Talky" thread first
none of those words are in the bible
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)00:59:43 No.46045800
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>>46042560 (OP)
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)01:01:28 No.46045808
To masturbate with other people, are you stupid?
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)01:05:11 No.46045825
so basically you're asking us to explain what YOU were up to, even though you clearly know the answer yourself given you were doing it yourself
so here's my question for you: if you're already in your... "Discord Fappy Talky" thread (eugh) with this other anon, why exactly are you asking US about it? just go talk to him there instead of asking everyone else who have no idea what you're talking about here, you fuckin weirdo
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)01:23:57 No.46045958
I'm beginning to think these threads might be low quality.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)01:24:50 No.46045965
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I.. I'm sorry.. I just wanted to make you all laugh.. thought it was funny.. I'm sorry.. I'll never post again.. It's fine.. I don't really care that much... I'll be leaving now.. sorry for ruining everything...
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)03:43:08 No.46046875
When phase 2 finally comes out, do you think it will turn out that people had solved Ciconia from phase 1, or will the mystery still be alive?
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)04:17:14 No.46047032
The mystery will stay alive because it will never come out
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)05:28:06 No.46047409
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These posts were made by the same german cuckold BTW
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)05:29:34 No.46047419
You are still a schizo
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)05:39:45 No.46047474
You are still a psychicgod
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)06:03:11 No.46047617
kizuna invite please nanodesu
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)06:45:19 No.46047834
pls pass the 'cord link, that server looks more fun than these rikaschizorat-infested threads
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)06:52:49 No.46047863
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Here you go anon!
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)06:55:03 No.46047873
thanks anon much appreciated
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)08:03:25 No.46048086
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God bless us, everyone!
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)08:07:02 No.46048110
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)08:37:25 No.46048230
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)08:38:00 No.46048232
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Nice falseflags, rat
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)08:39:23 No.46048240
Kill yourself rat
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)08:53:50 No.46048299
>playing Mahjong with a Yakuza princess
I fold.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)09:21:17 No.46048414
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Don't go so easy.
Even a slave may topple the emperor.
And then she has to do your punishment game.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)09:59:47 No.46048597
Shit toxic spergy server
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)10:35:21 No.46048783
>If Takano is forgiven for murdering hundreds of people
That was some wishful bullshit, all because Ryukishi in the afterword said that boohoo it's not fair that mass murderers have to suffer consequences for their actions and everyone should live happily ever after. He sure as hell pulled a 180 on that for Umineko regarding Kyrie and Rudolf, same with how he changed his mind regarding giving away answers to a mystery (an opinion he then changed yet again for the manga and later Saku).
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)10:46:54 No.46048825
Ryukishi made a conscious decision to step away from coherent storytelling when he made Hanyuu a purely heroic character.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)12:13:28 No.46049345
>all because Ryukishi in the afterword said that boohoo it's not fair that mass murderers have to suffer consequences for their actions
That's not what he said. He proposed the idea that every human should have the opportunity for self improvement and atonement, and used Takano's backstory to depict how she was driven off the path of righteousness by her circumstances.
The concept that humans aren't born evil isn't exactly new, and he never used it to pardon anyone's crimes. Accepting your past sins and learning from them is one of the core themes in Higurashi, not anything shoehorned into Matsuribayashi in particular.
>He sure as hell pulled a 180 on that for Umineko regarding Kyrie and Rudolf,
Not at all. Just as Takano, both of them are portrayed without judgement by the narration. They're neither condemned, nor forgiven, at any point in the story.
How did you come to that conclusion?
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)12:33:11 No.46049475
Did you take both vns at face value? The whole point with Takano is seeing where someone came from before judging them for what they eventually became. Kyrie and Rudolf might seem like they're born evil to you but the narration doesn't judge them for a reason, Kyrie has a vague background but just because you didn't get details on it doesn't mean Kyrie didn't likely suffer a lot with her family's treatment of her and with how Kasumi acts. One example, look at Kyrie speaking of her hatred for Ange to Eva. You can take it at face value and think "Oh, so Kyrie hated Ange, what a bitch" but I always found that way of taking it at surface value silly because why would you take the character who manipulates people for the entire vn at face value. Instead, it's really likely she said that in order to make Eva mad in Ange's stead sl it was more likely for Eva to feel and care for Ange. Kyrie did love Ange to an extent but simply doesn't think it's worth living without Rudolf. Thinking deeper into how these characters may think and feel is important to understand why they say and do the things they do, even if some are just be terrible people, which most Ushiromiya's are due to how fucked up most of their lives have been.

And holding back the answers to the mystery/multiple truths isn't the single whole message in Umineko. The only reason it got changed in the manga was due to backlash, but he did so without sacrificing any themes or messages if you pay attention; the only thing that was sacrificed was the active aspect of the vn
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)13:35:36 No.46049998
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There can be only one rat and that is Erika.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)13:38:15 No.46050030
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that makes bern the giant rat that makes all of the rules
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)13:40:42 No.46050052
Based SperGOD
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)13:50:07 No.46050131
>The concept that humans aren't born evil
Of the other hand, the concept that humans are born stupid is a think that Hackysi07 wasn't brave enough to put into the table.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)14:03:20 No.46050226
Kylie probably realized by Jessica that her gun didn't have any real bullets in it. Her last speech is super unhinged, but it's slightly more understandable if you see it as her knowing that Eva is going to kill her. She wants someone to be left behind to love Ange (didn't work lol).
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)14:12:27 No.46050296
Yeah that's what I meant basically, I forgot to mention the part where Kyrie knew her gun was empty lol. Shit like this is all over Umi and that's why it's so fun to think about for me personally.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)14:30:21 No.46050466
Rika the beatmaster
Rika the atatatata
Rika the hayai
Rika the nothing personal
Rika the teleports behind nothing peronal bitch
Rika the owner
Rika the owning
Rika the dark matter
Rika the deep(womb)
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)14:31:25 No.46050477
Rika the forgot pic related
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)14:36:47 No.46050525
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Rika sips wine
And i am golden
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)14:39:53 No.46050547
Do people really play the VNs and not use the original art? The original art actually has SOVL
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)15:15:49 No.46050865
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)15:44:33 No.46051063
Im blue
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)15:49:28 No.46051094
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I'm red
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)16:03:25 No.46051213
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)16:06:13 No.46051238
do you think rika ever bullied ange?
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)16:18:33 No.46051362
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Maria if she was autistic
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)16:26:38 No.46051421
Good morning. I just woke up.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)16:26:45 No.46051423
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)16:27:44 No.46051434
good morning, sirs.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)16:27:46 No.46051437
Die, fuckboy bitch
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)16:27:55 No.46051439
Afternoon* dammit.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)16:28:49 No.46051445
Die 2
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)16:29:54 No.46051457
The original artstyle is genuinely very charming. It makes me feel at peace, like a mother's embrace.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)16:30:10 No.46051459
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I refuse to
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)16:34:32 No.46051501
I remember when i spent a few days on a farm. The chickens were fascinating. Rika wasn't there, unfortunately, but it was still interesting.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)16:45:30 No.46051589
But that's just Maria?
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)16:55:10 No.46051654
Reminder Jessica thought this was unironically badass.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)16:56:31 No.46051664
Beato fantasy 1: being Battlers perfect woman.
Beato fantasy 2: just being Battler.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)17:01:42 No.46051702
"She was right."
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)17:02:14 No.46051707
So do I.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)17:04:43 No.46051727
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)17:09:49 No.46051763
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holy shit the kanon horny brigade is here
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)17:10:39 No.46051769
Back when I read Umineko for the first time I burst out laughing when I saw Kanon in this getup
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)17:11:28 No.46051773
It's so silly in an endearing way. I'd hug Kanon, if i could.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)17:12:14 No.46051778
i thought them extinct
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)17:13:31 No.46051783
I'm being swarmed...
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)17:18:10 No.46051808
Shut up kanon introduce me to your sexy personality
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)17:20:40 No.46051822
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Nice bust, Slutnnon.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)17:26:06 No.46051859
battler NO
you don't want to do this
just trust me man it's not something you want to follow through with
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)17:28:17 No.46051871
au contraire mon ami, if he followed through with it all problems would be solved
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)17:31:32 No.46051894
It's like a pastrami sandwich down there, it's not worth it.
You can tell all the folks down in hell why you didn't, they'll understand and forgive you. You have nothing to gain from this.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)17:55:30 No.46052047
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kanon IS the sexy personality
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)17:59:05 No.46052071
/gaypee/ strong as ever I see.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:02:22 No.46052093
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:06:06 No.46052126
How far are you?
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:07:46 No.46052137
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The good ending
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:10:07 No.46052160
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sayo in this sort of situation is WAY hotter than beato
there i said it
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:10:21 No.46052163
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I should play Golden Fantasia...
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:11:46 No.46052172
>sayo [...] is WAY hotter than beato
If only because she is sex incarnate, yes.
Beatoriche is still pretty hot
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:14:06 No.46052184
Drilling down and exposing the truth is inherently intimate. Beato is a cute mask, but I think the truth behind it makes both sides twice as cute.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:14:22 No.46052187
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It's pretty fun. it also made me hate Jessica
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Did turning Beatrice in a tragic character make her better for you? I remember hating Sayo and completely rejecting her existence when I read umi for the first time, but on the reread I ended up liking her quite a lot
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:28:06 No.46052265
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:29:24 No.46052283
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JessiKinzotrice is the real truth, Kinzo repeats his mistake with Jessica and turns her into Beatrice with magic using her isolation and loneliness(since her only friends are imaginary Shannon and Kanon) to prey on her. Eventually the strain of their illicit relationship is too much to conceal and Natsuhi finds out. In exchange for her silence, Kinzo "dies" and becomes "Battler", leaving the inheritance to Jessica. This works for a year, but then the love triangle between Jessica's imaginary friend Shannon, George, Beatrice, and "Battler" causes a blowout during the family conference. "Battler", deciding he has to stake everything, sets the bomb on and pledges to Jessica that he'll either convince the family to accept their relationship or explode the whole island. This does not go well. In the end, only Jessica, "Battler", and Eva survive. Eva is allowed to take the money and headship in exchange for her silence about the events that occurred on the island, and goes to adopt Ange after her parents died. She also sends the real Battler, who had stayed home to take care of Ange while she had diarrhea, out of the country to avoid conflict with the Sumaderas trying to use him to steal the inheritance. "Battler" and Jessica use some of Kinzo's hidden connections and funds to start a new life as Tohya and Ikuko. 12 years later, Battler, having become a mercenary to infiltrate the country in search of his sister, is brought in by Eva to smuggle Ange out of the country after her death.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:30:17 No.46052288
Who is the Rosa girl?
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:32:09 No.46052299
It took me a full five seconds to realise that Lucifer was not just a random one that was correct
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:34:31 No.46052317
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i went into the story expecting beato to have hidden depths behind the cackling, so i didn't mind all that much when the reasoning was revealed, but i think the reader's reaction is often a telling sign of their own preconceptions of what they wanted beato to be
the ones most disappointed were the ones who wanted her to forever be a strong, dominant force who matched wits with battler through the entire story, while the ones who were most accepting likely never believed in the witch's lies in the first place, they were the ones most receptive to the shift to a 'love story' because in some way they anticipated it in the first place
did it make her better though... i'd say it made her more complex, and on the whole i'm a bigger fan of characters with logical reasons behind everything beyond "their goals being beyond your understanding" or whatever, so i think it was a good move even if the reasoning does make her feel almost TOO realistic in some ways (cough cough holding a grudge over a 12 year old making a promise and not keeping it)
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:34:41 No.46052318
I still prefer her being just evil
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:39:23 No.46052355
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:43:35 No.46052382
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you're as stupid newfag who doesn't watch anime nor old ones at all, she's more of a Rika than shitza. a hint, it's about time traveling as well
fbcuck hello
im starting to believe uminewfags are all from shitokocord
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:46:10 No.46052397
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why don't mods ban you?
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:46:28 No.46052402
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:46:38 No.46052403
She's a very difficult character because almost everything in her heart is both wrong and justified. There are heavy pieces missing, but it still makes sense.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:47:20 No.46052406
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:47:53 No.46052411
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because im right and you're from fucking shitokocord, noobs. i am not a normalfag shitter like you're, retarded shitokocorders
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:49:07 No.46052422
The fuck how?
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:49:49 No.46052430
Neither is the retard who shoves carrots up his ass and then eats them, yet here we are.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:50:02 No.46052432
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:50:38 No.46052434
certified shitokocord literal newfags
nice theory and assumption, projector shitocorduser
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:51:37 No.46052439
Are you going to say something that isn't comprised of buzzwords or are we going to have to go through the ritual again??
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:52:00 No.46052444
Because she kept endlessly btfoing me
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:52:46 No.46052450
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meidos have one of two moods
>/07/th? what's that? i'm going back to the vtuber thread
>time to purge EVERYTHING off-topic in /07/th
but they never aim at specific culprits (despite every schizo insisting they're getting singled out), and they never perma or rangeban, which is why we've been stuck with several pests one after the other
i'll tell you now, if mods refused to rangeban italianon despite him making threads nigh-unreadable to the point a fucking filterlist specifically for him got made, then some rikafag with a victim complex isn't gonna be a blip on their radar
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:52:47 No.46052451
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angry newfag, admit it you're a newfag and barely watched 30 anime in his pathetic life lol
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:55:00 No.46052463
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:55:14 No.46052466
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newfag, rikangefag(not really) they should ban you for being a fucking disgusting hypercritical self-replier. there's no valid reason to ban me because i never fucking posted anything bad, you did post porn though, including 3dpd. stupid fucking sperg
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:56:27 No.46052476
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:58:40 No.46052498
Rikagod here
this anime was shit anyway
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:59:01 No.46052504
>holding a grudge over a 12 year old making a promise and not keeping it
I never understood why some people find it unrealistic. If they learned reasons why some people commit murders irl, these motivations would probably seem unrealistic for them too.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)18:59:52 No.46052514
psychopath poster
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:01:25 No.46052527
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:02:35 No.46052538
Notice however that he doesn't rant about his schizoid delusions, and instead ignores the faggot with a stick up his ass.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:03:12 No.46052546
psycho. you know today i beat the shit out of my finger and then it got swollen and then blue
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:03:53 No.46052554
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:03:56 No.46052556
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could you share your word filter for rika schizo?
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:06:13 No.46052579
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Rikagod is not rat at least and from shitokocord like, will you ever stop giving me attention? jesus have mercy upon me, soo other rogue posters will start accusing for samefagging and self replying like you do
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:07:39 No.46052590
Just read his posts They're like a puzzle. Pick out what stands out.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:08:34 No.46052594
why lolcow fanboys love replying me or even mention other ecelebs? they do understand lurkers will come here and starting thinking im or you were samefagging?
here's one
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:08:34 No.46052596
English motherfucker, do you plan on learning it?
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:09:36 No.46052603
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y do u wgen care yuu stupid snub
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:11:31 No.46052618
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why angefag loves meta? i thought he was better than this
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:14:00 No.46052639
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soulful picture
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:16:22 No.46052654
>this kills the witch
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:16:44 No.46052658
either angefag replies and mentions the troublemakers. he's the worst and just like us.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:18:39 No.46052673
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:21:01 No.46052694
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Sayo is really in acquired taste
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:21:08 No.46052695
You're one of the troublemakers, ange-san
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:22:01 No.46052700
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:22:02 No.46052701
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:22:10 No.46052704
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Rika is too good for this thread
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:23:16 No.46052714
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You should create a thread just for Rika then
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:24:31 No.46052726
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>a shitokocord actually replied to me
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:27:03 No.46052743
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:27:31 No.46052750
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Why do you think everyone is from shitcord, you literal schizo?
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:29:25 No.46052764
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Because i am neo
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:30:00 No.46052767
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if that guy was actually rational enough to do that, then we wouldn't be dealing with his spergouts in the first place
he comes up with different excuses every time someone brings it up, but the core answer remains that he just doesn't want to leave for some reason or another and so long as he's here he'll keep having his paranoid meltdowns every chance he gets
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:31:08 No.46052778
so explain the rat shitposts, do you think they're me, what about your shitpsts and lies? and shitflings?
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:32:15 No.46052785
Explain why you're still here first
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:33:37 No.46052791
Please stop feeding the seagulls!
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:33:52 No.46052794
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i will say it again, you're a literal hivemind and this single fact proves that you're shitcord, stop lying
>Explain why you're still here first
because why rat is here? because he allowed to? because he's a known shitposter with a privilege and pass? why do think you can single me out like this? because im not part of your hivemind of rats and feces?
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:36:24 No.46052811
Yes. Everyone in this thread but you is just me and my many IP's.
Everything has been a gaslight to try and hide the truth from you. You got me there.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:39:13 No.46052822
alright, umifriend he keeps replying , he will never learn or i will never? he took it personally, i think he will start believing that they're but a single person. maybe my powers are dangerous because i am this dense
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:44:10 No.46052859
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sorry, friend, i hope you have a nice day annnyyywaaay Zetsuen no Tempest is a crap anime, don't watch it unless you desperate for time travels shows, i feel like even higurashi(my beloved Rika's homeland) was better than this
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:48:14 No.46052876
Eva is a good mom
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:51:00 No.46052885
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eva needed a new man in her life to move past her old troubles and fulfill her potential as a great mom to ange and new future children
i volunteer myself as tribute
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:51:14 No.46052886
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eva is a good dom
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)19:57:48 No.46052919
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)20:30:43 No.46053112
isn't this nigga from /vn/ on /vg/
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)20:31:41 No.46053119
>because why rat is here? because he allowed to? because he's a known shitposter with a privilege and pass? why do think you can single me out like this? because im not part of your hivemind of rats and feces?

>he will never learn or i will never? he took it personally, i think he will start believing that they're but a single person. maybe my powers are dangerous because i am this dense

>sorry, friend, i hope you have a nice day annnyyywaaay Zetsuen no Tempest is a crap anime

Sorry but this is too much. I can't stop laughing. These are always the best schizo posts I've seen on the site. No other schizo comes up with these strange, genuinely emotional but uniquely fucked up comments like he does.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)20:33:29 No.46053131
I read higurashi with the console art but any rereads+the other installments I used the original
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)20:35:54 No.46053147
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)20:41:47 No.46053180
My favorite interpretation of umineko is that magic (the real kind in real life, not ange's schizo bullshit) is real and you are a mentally retarded goat if you even doubt that for a second
t.not maria
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)20:44:16 No.46053195
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)20:44:50 No.46053199
>not ange's schizo bullshit
what's the difference between really?
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)20:46:11 No.46053206
well yeah, how else would you explain everyone having a nice chat after just getting blown the fuck up
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)20:47:33 No.46053218
ye you may know xer as the ntrmasa/flowers/animespammer
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)20:48:53 No.46053228
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New Mei stuff:

Script for previous Keiichi card:
Script for previous Rika card:
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)20:49:17 No.46053232
NDE as Battler bleeds out from whatever?
Metaphorical meetup in the queues to be judged?
Who knows what he was on when he wrote the first chapter.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)20:49:56 No.46053237
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)20:51:00 No.46053243
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)20:52:04 No.46053254
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)20:53:06 No.46053267
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)20:54:08 No.46053277
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)20:54:18 No.46053279
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)20:55:10 No.46053288
True Infection Onset JK Satoko coming up.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)20:56:12 No.46053302
Featuring the chandelier again.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)20:57:14 No.46053312
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Also, new Takano.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)21:14:03 No.46053440
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Why should I read this kusoge again?
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)21:15:42 No.46053454
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You shouldn't, it filters brainlets.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)21:20:45 No.46053500
Why hasn't America been rangebanned yet?
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)21:23:28 No.46053521
Fake. Eva is clearly being dominated here. I can't believe she fell so low..
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)21:23:49 No.46053524
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It's better than your average VN and basically a must-read for any otaku who appreciates mystery fiction and philosophical literature.
Being one of the top rated visual novels should be reason enough for anyone who doesn't want to stand out as a newfag here.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)21:23:58 No.46053527
Sorry meant to say Germany
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)21:25:04 No.46053532
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>any otaku who appreciates mystery fiction and philosophical literature
That overlap is marginally small in current 4shit, I'm afraid.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)21:25:41 No.46053536
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>daily rat meltdown
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)21:27:40 No.46053549

I wonder if this one gets red eyes, it was odd how the standard Infection high school Satoko was just another Hinamizawa Syndrome card.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)21:29:09 No.46053559
You're missing the script for the current event with the Keiichi and Rika cards.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)21:30:24 No.46053566
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Don't count on it.
There doesn't seem to be great interest in doing witch stuff.
Forgot about that one.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)21:32:38 No.46053578
I will beat you to death
In line
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)21:37:06 No.46053606
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)21:47:16 No.46053655
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)21:50:04 No.46053671
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it is happening in the golden land
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Praise Higu, mock Umi. This is the path.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)21:57:19 No.46053720
non-flat sayo is a heresy either way
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)21:58:49 No.46053736
rat, you will never be a woman. Cope, seethe, dilate, etc, etc.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)21:59:09 No.46053741
I don't fucking know, why do you do anything?
Think for your fucking self, god damn.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)22:00:08 No.46053746
wtf umibros is this true???
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)22:07:19 No.46053799
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She looks cute here.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)22:09:45 No.46053816
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)22:10:42 No.46053819
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cute butt
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)22:11:33 No.46053829
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What if I like Umi but reject both magic and trick and live by the ONE TRUTH?
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)22:37:47 No.46054002
which one?
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)22:46:42 No.46054080
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)22:46:57 No.46054084
The one that's true.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)23:17:39 No.46054332
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>>46042560 (OP)
I read the VN like many of you here wanted, read the first chapter. And holy shit it just goes on for too fucking long, there’s something called pacing and it’s just fucking terrible in the VN. I watched the anime’s instead, it was so much better and loved it.
I can see why autists like the VN so much, because it goes every single minute detail which stimulates the spergy lizard brain of theirs.
God I fucking hate autists and their bullshittery. If only I had watched the anime from the beginning, it’s just so much better in every way. Fuck you VNfags to hell
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)23:22:07 No.46054369
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Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)23:32:25 No.46054453
retarded autist, wake up there's a new fortnite update
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)23:35:25 No.46054466
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Kids these days don't even touch books.
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)00:54:00 No.46055039
Couldn't even go for the middle-ground and read the manga
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)01:28:12 No.46055260
I read the manga, it’s good. But anime is better
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)01:54:11 No.46055408
I read Higanbana.
When I looked it up on Gelbooru, there was even more submissions than Ciconia (~250 vs. ~75).
This surprised me.
When I looked deeper, however, I discovered that the majority of entries were of Kusonoki Midori.
I enjoyed her story and the Black Tea Bastard, but this is a crazy over-representation.
Furthermore, the culprit does not seem to be an overzealous comissioner, but a single passionate artist.
I suppose this fact is rather touching.
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)03:22:49 No.46055947
I wish Mion wasn't almost entire hidden behind Rena. I want to see her dress.
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I have spent more time reading / rereading Ciconia than HiguUmi combined. This doesn't even include the 200 hours of Biblical study I've also done just to understand it better.
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)04:14:56 No.46056177
>Ciconiascholars are real
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)04:22:07 No.46056201
Bernfag, it's time to let go. You've already solved it. Reading it again won't reveal further truths. You found the answer already so just rest. Stop torturing yourself. Phase 2 is never happening.
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)04:24:42 No.46056221
The only thing I solved was the Meow meta-narrative. I haven't solved the gameboard.
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)04:24:50 No.46056223
>haven't played it in a week
you're slacking...
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)04:27:00 No.46056233
The gameboard doesn't matter. The world is fake and everything is being looped. The gameboard might not even be consistent like it is in Higurashi or Umineko. It literally doesn't matter.
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)04:32:55 No.46056251
The Meow meta-narrative is only a tiny part of the story. The real meat of the story lies with Vier and Seshat. Those are the parts that need to be solved in order to fully grasp the answer. The Meow vs Miyao shit basically doesn't even matter compared to that. It's just a result of the larger story.
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)04:40:48 No.46056286
Why does it matter? You don't need every single detail once you already have the outline. Jestress' Logic Error is trying to avoid a prophecy. You said it yourself, that her SSS ability was probably prophecy right? Then her trying to fight against it wouldn't make any sense. She destined to lose and trying to avoid it is meaningless. That's the story. You don't need other information.
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)04:43:03 No.46056294
Loveless post. This is like saying Higurashi's events don't matter because Rika exists.
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)04:45:17 No.46056307
All of Higurashi became meaningless when the looper stuff came into view. Infinite fragments means infinite possibilities. It doesn't matter what the characters say or do because the story is ultimately not about them, it's about Rika.
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)04:46:54 No.46056313
KYS yourself this instant.
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)04:48:46 No.46056327
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)04:51:58 No.46056349
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>It doesn't matter what the characters say or do because the story is ultimately not about them, it's about Rika.
So true rikafriend
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)04:53:52 No.46056358
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>stop thinking, we already know that a witch committed the crimes
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)05:02:26 No.46056415
This is one of the worst posts I've read all week.
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)06:26:11 No.46056754
I'm jealous, I thought I was passionate about Umi but you take it to another level. I've only recently started reading the divine comedy to try and gain a better understanding
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)06:57:53 No.46056860
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I was joking, please don't bully me but you said you were laughing i hope it was a positive one.
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)07:00:41 No.46056866
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jealous ratcords
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)07:27:28 No.46056965
>none of these people actually read umi
>all of these people got their info from twitter trannies
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)08:06:17 No.46057083
That's the average /v/tard for you.
Most of those posts were made by the same guy who created the image btw.
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)09:09:14 No.46057277
Not let me started on how unrealistic the "Mexican" post that praises the golden age of Spain is...
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)09:32:18 No.46057362
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Yes it was positive
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)09:46:54 No.46057418
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yay much obliged
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)20:20:52 No.46061338
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She has a sprite, at least.
Anonymous 02/09/24(Fri)23:45:59 No.46062710
I would love to know some of your thoughts, I rarely see a ciconia spergout

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