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Anonymous /07/th Expansion Thread 03/08/24(Fri)21:19:03 No. 46294299 Discussion concerning Higurashi, Umineko, Ciconia, Rose Guns Days, Higanbana, TRianThology, and all other 07th Expansion works. 07th Expansion archive:!Apo9jt_5n1kcbruVfFQLmtYesrY?e=q2ARE6 Password: 07 Old archive backup at: magnet: xt=urn:btih:311bb86e9f983a9393cca7d2190233c5b86a872c&dn=07th%20Expansion%20archive& 07th Links: Umineko colored truths script: Previous thread: >>46269715 → >>
I've seen mysteries you people wouldn't believe. >>
Satoko aka fbfag = MAPACHE "RI(...) 03/08/24(Fri)23:40:34 No. 46294835 Post ur best dbz Rikas >>
2hu anons and higurashi anons are like this >>
>>46295044 Keep befriending a nigger who cooms to ai art and shitoko breast, annoying fuck>>
shut up, jerking off to fat art touhoubro btw >>
>read and enjoyed umi >posting newground characters >a cancerous incarnation you're pathetic, battlernigger. go back wanking to your shitty slut, alcox>>
>>46294835 phew, thank god Akira Toriyama tanked Ryukishis misfortune with his fortune. what we would've done without him!>>
keep being a pajeet and a scum of life, you literal dirtface. a fucking piece of shit with a vendetta >>
Were they just bullshitting here? >>
>>46295943 AU where Battler solves the epitaph and reunites with Shannon-chan WHEN?>>
>>46296380 Jojibros... We cannot fight back against him...>>
>>46295681 so he really won't drop the premise, huh...>>
rhymes well with ratoko! everything rhymes well toko including shitoko! >>
now that I have finished wtc there is no reason to stay here, the mental illness trapped in here is off the charts. until phase 2 gets released: see you again, have a nice day >>
>>46297261 im stuck in here until i read umi and ciconia, pray for me..>>
>>46297465 That's why jojibros are in a perpetual state of losing.>>
>>46297784 rare pic, we almost don't get to see her without her rodent characteristics>>
>>46297816 There's lots of western art that looks fine. Surely you can tell people on this gen just cherry pick ugly art to bait>>
even shitokofans on twatter have self-awareness and calling her cunt >>
Jojibros, let's just be happy for them. >>
>>46297905 >relying to a poster who is fueling flames by namecalling and dissing on characters and increasing war waging between anons sure a genuine post>>
>>46297905 thats right, lets go back to our cord, sister>>
>>46297933 I never used the rikacord in my life. I prefer here.>>
>>46298004 why you're acting like a suicidal 13 year old emo kid with a Rika hate complex? ratokofan?>>
>>46298023 fuck off rika hater, i will not delete her>>
cant ratokocord fuck off from the face of earth? >>
>rikacord nice false accusation, retarded sperg>>
>>46297465 Shannon literally fell for the second guy who ever treated her like a lady. Maybe the first, because mini Battler was probably a mini brat, and she liked it. George has no other redeeming qualities except forced chivalry.>>
>>46298325 >George has no redeeming qualities Joji... I'm sorry... I failed you again...>>
>>46297465 i've only ever seen ironic jojifags here, and the only person i've seen who iwas close to being an actual jojifag was KUYA, and uh as you may be able to tell from her only posting toohoos and horses now that didn't exactly go well>>
New Mei stuff: Keiichi: Shion: >>
>>46298607 What in the goddamn? Native Amerimelon? On a tangent- I'd love to see art of Mion shooting guns and "it aint me"ing in a helicopter in the desert like the story describes. The LARPing they did that freaks Keiichi out.>>
>>46297465 Thanks for confirming that you are a 2022 newfaggot.>>
>>46298767 It's Shion, actually. The last event was about Natsumi ended up in a fantasy world with people divided in five elemental tribes, and with the way it ended it was clear they were continuing the story. It didn't really have a real ending at all, with them talking about uniting the tribes, and just ending with the wind/sky alliance confirmed and then a brief Rika cameo elsewhere. Sky -> Rena Wind -> Satoko Earth -> Shion Water -> Rika (appeared in the event, but not card, probably will be in the next event banner) Fire -> ??? (Nao, Kazuho, Miyuki, Chisame, Natsumi, Keiichi and Teppei are all out due to already appearing in different roles in the first event)>>
>>46299067 Reading the story, it's confirmed Mion is fire. So, yeah, next banner will be fire Mion and water Rika.>>
>>46298773 I don't think they've added any cards since October, so that's a moot point already. I'm not sure if there's even anyone else but me ripping this stuff these days.>>
Why are angefags the only civilized waifufags >>
>>46299720 No idea. Maybe it's just because everyone rallied behind the original Angefag against the other two. You know, those two.>>
I recently finished the higurashi VN. I thought it was really good and I couldn't stop playing, the club activities at the beginning are really fun. Chapter 1 is the best because it's the one that scared me the most, unfortunately the other chapters didn't even come close to scaring me like the first chapter did and Rena is my favorite girl. I don't intend to read the other bonus chapters because apparently ryukishi didn't write it (I know it's a stupid reason but I just wanted the canon), I just played Hinamizawa Bus Stop after this. >>
>>46299960 >Rena is my favorite girl Based. The only other bonus chapter he *did* write is Saikoroshi, which acts as an epilogue to the Hinamizawa saga. But you don't need to read it. Better move onto Umineko, ryu07's actual Magnum Opus.>>
>>46299960 R07 wrote all pc bonus arcs. It's the console arcs that weren't by him. Although the only "serious" pc arcs after the original are Saikoroshi and Hinamizawa Bus Stop. Everything else is comedic focused, even Outbreak/Kamikashimashi that initially appear serious.>>
>>46299961 Ok those too. Angefags tend to be shionbros too anyway>>
>>46300006 >kami is actually officially translated on Steam I just can't bring myself to read that shit. It's the dumbest stuff put to notepad.>>
>>46299983 >rena >mion >favos >not single rika favo sure>actual ryu07's actual Magnum Opus only someone in here, /v/ and on twatter would say it.>>
>>46300017 Supreme taste often comes at the cost of being hated by those below yourself.>>
Oh no....... could it be....... that Rika-chama belongs in the trash can!? >>
>>46300169 What can I say, I like green haired tomboys with a secret girly side.>>
When she first did that face it really scared me but now is just funny >>
>>46299960 >Rena favorite Based, based. I really hope you'll enjoy Umineko as well if you plan on reading it, it doubles down on a lot of Higurashi's themes.>>
>>46299960 Saikoroshi is the only one you really should read, other stuff is up to you>>
>>46300356 her with that face telling me to go back to Tokyo caught me off guard>>
>>46300754 Almost missed her. Rika stealth status is too high.>>
>>46300770 Huh. Didn't realize this was from Gaou, seems pretty off compared to his usual fanart, but I guess it's because it's mainly a Frieren reference.>>
i don't worry i will survive even your other altered ego, ratokofan >>
True eternal love won! Mindbroken haters eternally seething at this cute and canon couple! >>
My heart and my Stars, She is my Satoko >>
>>46301207 The image that BTFO the troonppeisisters>>
In other news, Bercutesel >>
>>46301207 Their love broke you sister>>
Janny is furiously deleting? That's good. Best to just slice this mess like the Gordian knot. >>
She won. Satokei won. True love won. >>
Mods if you are gonna finally moderate the fucking thread please rangeban the Rikafag already. >>
Reminder that Satoko canonically gives birth to Keiichis children >>
>>46297940 >>46297926 I want to believe that Ikuko is Sayo, but that also means denying the magic in the story and that nothing in the witch world never actually happened>>
Okay if the mods are finally doing their job can they also get rid of the Umispam? >>
Okay if the mods are finally doing their job can they also get rid of the discord spam? >>
>>46301475 Someone get that scary man away from Jessica! His five o'clock shadow is about to show 0_0>>
>>46301455 honestly, i think people who want ikuko to be sayo just want their wish of sayo and battler being happy together to be fulfilled, but it just doesn't truly provide that tohya isn't battler, to say he is would be denying the identity that he's clearly meant to have as a person that was established throughout EP8, and to condemn sayo to being eternally AROUND another man using the body of her beloved but not being that man is not granting her a happy ending, it's just sentencing her to further torment even if you were to ignore all the things that don't add up in the ikuko-tohya story, if you were to say sayo was ikuko, it still provides nothing but a bitter tinge to the ending, nothing is truly improved it's just made worse for all it was bad enough that ryukishi's office workers refused to let tohya have his own love life, to sentence both him and sayo to a permanent, inadequate life where neither will be happy and both remain lost purely to satisfy a shipper's denial of all other relationships is even worse>>
>>46301497 I'm not a fan of the Sayo = Ikuko either, thought I always believed Tohya and Ange never getting into a romantic relationship enforced Umi's message.>>45689487 What do you think?>>
>>46301510 i definitely thinks it works in that way as well, but it's mainly that ryukishi had INTENDED on them being together but changed his mind because some women in the office complained that irritates me the most if it was on purpose from beginning to end that tohya remained alone in the aspect of romance then i'd be perfectly fine with it, as you say it provides its own message that romantic love isn't necessary to move forward sometimes and coincides with other examples like with kyrie and ange - it would be something i would actually like in a way however, once ryukishi said that it was meant to happen but he was peer-pressured out of it, the problem became much more evident; it could no longer be taken as a purposeful message but instead a coincidental one enforced by a man flip-flopping on his decisions based on outside factors instead, tohya now feels like a man burdened by his past not only in the watsonian perspective but also on the doylist one, he is unable to be his own man because others could not see him as his own man, and so he is permanently tied to battler and sayo on the whims of those within ryukishi's inner circle rather than because ryukishi wanted it to be so i think tohya being with ikuko would've provided its own message, of a man locked in the past even with something pulling him towards the present, and would make ange's actions more meaningful, presenting tohya with an opportunity to finally, properly take grasp of what he has, instead of as it is now where he is now free to just figure out what he wants to do now, almost half a century after he was 'born' as is, we are now left with something that makes tohya a rather pitiful entity indeed, alone with a woman he does not love, in a mansion and a body he can't help but feel trapped within, able to do nothing but write and write for decades on end until ange finds him, a story in itself to be sure but one that thanks to that knowledge is an extremely depressing one, enforced purely by those who could not 'see' even after the story tried again and again to make them 'see', which ryukishi should've ignored if he wished to follow his own advice but instead took on board and made tohya's life even more pitiful>>
>>46301607 She doesn't always have kitty whiskers you know. Why delete your post?>>
>>46301626 Best part about the entire Gou and Sotsu era was the amount of fan art he made of the series, let's hope we get some new content soon for WTC>>
>>46301564 I see, I suppose that's fair. It never bothered me much that the decison was made due to his staff telling him to because I always believed R07 wouldn't change his mind on something in his writing without meaning; he sacrificed his reputation in Japan to get Umineko out after all, and its a work made out of pure passion. You can only speculate on it so it's kind of a moot point but I believe he at least properly thought it over instead of just making the decision on a whim because his staff said so. Your outlook on Tohya's life sounds cynical but you are kind of correct, it's pretty sad. Though the fact that his life is pitiful I believe is the point, and it has some christian subtext. Umineko's ending can be seen as tragic or happy and it depends purely on your view, but it will always be a tragedy at its core. Ange will never truly reunite with her family and Tohya will never be able to become the person he once was, but they are able to build happines ontop of that despite these things. Tohya's life I'm sure still had moments of happiness where he shared his writings with Ikuko, it's just that a piece of his soul was always stuck in purgatory until he finally reached the golden land at the end (heaven) through finally reuniting with Ange (Yukari) and atoning. Their sibling bond is what finally gives them both closure and allows Battler to escape purgatory and reach heaven. Battler goes through hell, just to eventually come to the conclusion that love is stronger than the truth and I believe that's always been powerful in its own right.>>
>>46301564 Based on what R07 said, he'd marry them just because they're a man and woman living together though. There wasn't even a ceremony. It's not like there was an actual loving relationship he dropped.>There was a line about Battler and Ikuko that they didn't marry. What kind of a relationship do you think they have? >R07: They're a pair of doubters, right? (laughs). In a very early plot, they were supposed to have joined the register. When I showed off the draft, which read, "We were too busy to have the ceremony, but we were registered as a couple the year before last," some of the female staff members said, "I'm shocked! We have to protect Battler!" (laughs). After seeing their reactions, I stopped talking about their relationship. I simply wrote about it because I felt that they had been together for a long time and were finally registered together (laughs). I thought that a man and a woman who have been living together for that long should at least get registered as a matter of course. After receiving a fierce protest, I realized that men and women think differently. >>
>>46301714 Really, it's more that R07 was looking at their marriage as pure convenience, while the female staff members saw it as more meaningful than that and so opposed it. That also explains why he was willing to drop it. He wasn't dropping some core aspect of their conclusion, just a legal paper.>>
>>46301714 see, the thing is whenever i see that quote all i really see is the>some of the female staff members said, "I'm shocked! We have to protect Battler!" they're not thinking of him as tohya, they're thinking of battler, and quite frankly i just can't understand why ryukishi would take onboard the opinions of those who'd think of him as being just battler at the end of all that>>
>>46301725 I don't think it was that serious. It was probably said as a joke with more serious reasoning behind it. You are underestimating his staff if you don't think they had at least a basic understanding of what was going on in the story they'd been writing with him for several years.>>
>>46301497 I once meme'd about it for a joke about Sayo cucking Ange, but it makes zero sense thematically. I think I pulled all the evidence out my ass because it was legitimately the most ridiculous theory I could think of that I could come up with some bullshit to support.>>
>>46301725 I really think he just didn't give much emotional value to the marriage, which is why he was willing to drop it after the staff opposed it. I think you can see the same thing with Higurashi Reiwa (R07 not giving enough emotional weight to marriage), but there he actually went through marrying the characters with a bunch of randoms since it was necessary for the next generation set up he wanted, seemingly unable top see how that'd just hurt the appeal of the story.>>
okay, but what if I want to torment Sayo :) >>
>>46302535 ratka dyed her hair to look like her role model, Satoko, cute.>>
the evolution of rat - a 2024 scientific study by /07/th >>
Yoko Taro and Nier reincarnation keep stealing from r07 and Ciconia >>
>>46305050 still he couldn't steal how to make lovable characters>>
Good morning! I love Satoko. >>
i thought about having sex with JK Rika. >>
I just want to fuck Lucifer. >>
I just want to be Battler >>
>>46305433 I didn't say I want to fuck Lucy, although that is also included in Battler's daily duties>>
>>46305273 Me too man... I want to fuck JS and JK at the same time>>
>>46304323 Renowned Havard Scientist here. I can confirm, this is true.>>
>>46307327 cute rodent on the right? what this specie is called?>>
sperg won hard by subverting the rat meme agaisnt rika >>
>>46307878 and ratkaschizo has been quiet ever since>>
>>46308173 Why does Battler look like a lesbian sometimes?And why does Yasu find that hotter than anything? >>
>>46308220 >And why does Yasu find that hotter than anything Does she?>>
>>46307878 His powerlevel is just too strong... how the fuck can Ratkaschizo ever compete?>>
>>46308238 I mean, she did write a massive muder-mystery drama full of bluebeaned angst in order to get him to notice her again. Some would say she's got some issues she needs to work out regarding him.>>
>>46308261 But what does it have to do with her finding Battler looking like a lesbian hot?>>
>>46308304 Weeeeell... Maybe it's advertising working unexpectedly well is all.>>
>>46308569 >>46308551 You're not you when you're hungry. Have a melon to cool off!>>
>>46308594 why do you care? can you shut up and mind your own crazed busniess>>
>>46308823 It would make snapping her choker much easier while getting head so it's not all bad>>
Their love won. Love and justice will always prevail >>
>>46309101 K1 would never settle down for used goods.>>
Do you think Yasu has ever used a dilator before? >>
>>46309317 Most likely yes, which would only add more conflict to her mental state and her gender issue as to why other girls don't dilate like her>>
>>46309263 Me too. She and Ange would have gotten on very well I think. A shame there's practically no art of them both aside from whole cast shots.>>
Okay wait a second are all of Yasu personalities trans or is Beatrice a biological female thanks to magic? >>
>>46309332 Lion is such a wasted potential. All she gets to say to Sayo is basically "yes, I'm you" and that's all.>>
>>46309332 i think ange's love rivalry with the more demure sayo over battler would've been adorable to witness, sure seeing the two competing in EP9 is funny but just imagine ange's intensity versus sayo's reserved yet calculating nature>>
>>46309340 It's the former since she will never be a woman, the only one that isn't a tranny is his Kanon persona>>
>>46309364 But what if I want to see the bitch fight?>>
>>46309358 I forgot you are the retard who thinks Lion is a tranny too, even though her whole deal is that she is (almost) normal>>
>>46309355 I think it's another one of those times when she's important to the plot, but only really insofar as her existence is required to highlight other things, and she's never developed beyond that (Just like something else of her's lol). It's why episode 7 is a low point for me really. That and it's a bit of a monologue with no real mystery of it's own to solve. Willard also seems like he needed half an episode's worth of backstory or foreshadowing, and some more development after he rescues lion so it's not as out of the blue that he does, because we don't really know all that much about him. If you were to ask my personal opinion, Episodes 7 & 8 should've been combined together and had an intermediate episode between 6 & 7, with maybe a small intermission between the two stories in this new extra-long episode 8. 7 is just such a non-sequiter thematically. It's sort of trying to be an epilogue, but there's still a whole episode after it that builds upon the information revealed in it but doesn't really follow on thematically. I'm maybe not articulating my point very well, but I hope enough of it came accross that it's not that I don't like 7 & 8, it's that they change gears totally for 7 then we forget about Willard and Lion existing for 8 to focus on Ange, begging the question why Ryukishi even bothered with them like that if he wasn't going to fully commit to the new characters that are at the centre of the entire episode. I'm going to stop for real now because I still can't explain all my issues with it without sounding like I'm complaining a lot, which I am but it's from a good place I swear.>>
>>46309401 you're* and look at her manshoulders, it's obvious.>>
>>46309421 Will was supposed to be in episode 8 under Bern as antagonist, but R07 threw away that idea since ep08 was already too long, which is why you just have Lambda bringing them back and then they don't do much of anything. Their narrative was kind of cut in the middle and thrown away.>>
>>46309421 To me, Lion's purpose in the narrative is to be Sayo's imagined ideal of what she could've been had it not been for the cliff, which is why Lion's so comically perfect and doesn't really get much development beyond EP7. Willard and Lion is like Battler and Sayo, had things been "perfect" so for me, it makes sense that they don't get much after EP7, they're just a fantasy of Sayo's. EP7 is the chapter where the whole truth is revealed for most of those that were paying attention, like how in classic mystery novels the truth is revealed near the end of the book. However, EP7 is subtle about it and still makes you think, and EP8 still comes after it because Umineko is much more than just it's mystery and Ange's conclusion is what the entire VN builds up to. Lion and will are metaphorically necessary I feel but I don't really mind them serving that purpose and not getting much else beyond that. I do get what you mean though, EP7 and EP8 are extremely different from the other 6 chapters, and EP8 especially drops a lot of nuance in comparison to 7. Even if I really love EP8, it's hard for me to deny when people consider it one of the weaker chapters despite still being great, unless it's for the wrong reasons like feeling ''attacked'' by the goats and such, or feeling like nothing mattered. It kind of depends on you though and how much Ange's story matters to you in comparison to say, Battler's. Though I do really love EP7's tea party and how it follows into EP8's halloween party. When Bern shows Ange Kyrie and Rudolf murdering everyone, she dares her to believe it. And then, in EP8, Battlers shows her the halloween party and dares her to believe the opposite, making her eventually realise that what she chooses to believe about the incident matters more than what really happened. The conclusion she (And the reader) draws reveals more about you and her than the truth itself, her love for her family lets her move forward and the only way for her to know anything about the truth by demonstrating said love.>>
>>46309603 >like Battler and Sayo, had things been "perfect" Imagine>>
>>46309421 EP7 is mostly about putting the mystery itself to bed by solving it, a job Battler can't do properly because he's a Game Master now and already knows the solution. Someone divorced from the situation was needed, thus the Van Dyne expy to match the Knox expy. Lion's around to have some part of actual Sayo running around doing shit instead of just having plain old Shannon and Kanon I expect, along with providing a Watson to Will's Holmes. The issue is that once their purpose is fulfilled (in solving the mystery), Ryukishi had no idea what to do with them, which led to the initial idea of them being villains only to get thrown out and eventually settling on them just kinda... being there. He couldn't exactly leave them out entirely after making a whole Episode following their perspective, and Lion's too important as an ideal version of Sayo to not show up at all, but what have they got to do with Ange's story, the crux of EP8? I think that struggle to think of a proper answer to that question is why they end up being practically 'forgotten' in the end, because when you're no longer focused on solving the mystery all you've got is a non-magical Sayo and a cooler version of Battler, and neither are all that important when you've got the actual Battler and Beatrice as part of the main cast. I think EP7 served its purpose well, and Will and Lion served theirs, but honestly I think Ryukishi might've been better off not having them appear in the main story, as their presence just ends up highlighting the missed opportunities involving them. Maybe having an actual tea party with them as the focus instead of just having Bern and Lambda reading letters and then fucking off could've worked, giving them the focus they need to work well along with the opportunity to give them proper interactions with the main cast that isn't hinged around Ange thanks to EP8's nature.>>
>>46306851 I've seen what they do with this popsicle later...>>
Getting a commission and I need cool umi quotes to fill about this much text >>
>>46310522 <Die the Death>! <Sentence to Death>!! <The Great Equalizer is Death>!!>>
what's the status on the TRianThology translation? >>
>>46301497 >ikuko to be sayo Never even knew this was a thing, makes no sense.>>
>>46312525 Ikuko's background is vague enough, and she lacks characters tied to her, that people can dismiss everything about her backstory as a lie, and the design as just unreliable narration. I think the main motivation behind it is that it allows Umineko to be a closed story, with everyone being related to its core, rather than Ikuko being an outsider that met Battler by chance as intended. Of course, it makes little thematic sense with Ikuko's overall role throughout the story, Beatrice/Sayo's suicide or even the real world production facts we know (the staff opposing a Tohya x Ikuko marriage because they saw it as a betrayal of Battler x Beatrice).>> [Embed ] >>
as loong as Rika gives me sweet cooms. >>
Who's got the bigger dick, Battler or Beato? >>
>>46314765 I was about to answer Battler, but considering he takes steroids, Beato for sure.>>
>>46315385 Have a drink Ange, have a smoke. It will make you cooler.>>
where did the poster count go? >>
>>46316002 Lucky, she'd have had to change it when she left if that was what she thought it was.>>
>>46300006 >>46300387 Ok I read Saikoroshi and it just made me want to read more... too bad this was the last serious work of higurashi he wrote (I especially liked when Rika hit Sakoto, I wonder if she was with Hinamizawa syndrome or just autism)>>
>>46316225 I recommend Miotsukushi if you really want more. It's arguably better than Matsuribayashi>>
>>46315265 Troonppei got her genitals reassigned though>>
>>46316234 I still gotta read that myself man...>>46316225 Kira is pure fanservice but the last episode is really good and heartfelt.>>
>>46316380 Did Kyrie come from Hinamizawa by any chance?>>
>>46316234 >Miotsukushi Did ryukishi write this? on the 07mod installer screen I can't find it so I think it's in "Console Arcs">>
>>46316432 No, but it was supervised by him. It was written by someone he entrusted while R07 was writing Masturibayashi and was added as a console arc after it was finished (you can patch Himatsubushi with 07th mod to add the console arcs). I'd personally recommend moving on to Umineko after Saikoroshi since I believe Umineko is his best complete work but if you're clammering for more Higu content, it's very much worth reading.>>
>>46316680 Ange getting clam jammed by Beato and going full yandere on her beloved>>
>>46316432 He didn't write it but I agree with the other anon that you should read it, it's more or less the same ending as the original but ties up loose ends better imo. Make sure to read the original miotsukushi and not the kizuna one though because the latter added a dogshit unnecessary plot twist that retroactively ruins the whole thing>>
>>46317192 >In Kizuna, Hanyū is trapped in Rika´s body and the backstory of Hanyū (the arc of Kotohogushi-hen) is not canon. So this is one of the many cases of why Hackysi07 still didn´t establize a fundamental lore on the 07th universe besides "but muh mistery" excuse?>>
>>46317376 No, it's just a shit plot twist for a non canon arc.>>
This is literally heaven for me >>
>>46317636 That's good, but what about being lodged between Mion's thighs?>>
>>46317679 Lucky for you I have an image for that as well! Sorry about the living situation though.>>
>>46317723 I gotta say that maid outfit don't go well with redheads>>
>>46317428 >>46317376 The OG Miotsukushi has an explanation for Hanyuu not helping Rika solve the mystery, but that explanation clashes with Matsuribayashi's take on Hanyuu. The "dumb" twist added by Omote is there in order to make Hanyuu's character fit Matsuribayashi (since at that point you choose between the two endings during connecting fragments, rather than Miotsukushi just replacing Matsuribayashi) changing the smallest number of scenes they could (since they make Hanyuu act identical to Rika all the time before the switch is discovered and even still mostly the same afterwards, so only a couple of scenes end up rewritten). Funnily enough, although they changed the script very little in spite of adding a big twist, they actually rerecorded pretty much all of "Rika's" lines, with Yukari Tamurai doing a different voice for "serious" Rika to hint at it not being the real Rika, but the actual script wasn't touched.>>
Where the FUCK were you when Satokei was finally... FINALLY confirmed as Canon by Satoko her fucking self. I won. True love won. Satokei won. They won. I FUCKING WON. >>
>>46318437 "You're father Sakiko... is Keiichi Maebara" The words that broke the internet>>
why say something so easily disproven? are you just hoping the words will say what you want them to say? >>
>>46318437 >The lone feather on the ground We're about to see her tragic backstory and the events leading up to her getting with Keiichi...>>
>>46318437 She's just revealing to Sakiko that her and Satoshi were ostracized by the entire village, since she caught Sakiko posting youtube videos slandering Polaris and hating them just because they were an eyesore to her. Then after hearing the backstory next chapter Sakiko probably will feel bad about it and have her character development finished. Man, I still can't believe they made Satoko marry into the Kimiyoshi and then just join the same system that made her own life hell. Like obviously she will be fixing her mistake here regarding hiding her past from Sakiko, but it's just baffling the system itself wasn't considered problematic, and it's only coming up here because it touches on her past personally.>>
>>46318504 And just like that satoko stock tanks HARD! You just can't trust this girl.>>
Satoko my angel deliver us to salvation I have faith in you >>
>>46318437 Inori's mother is the villain. I just made it up, and it sounds right.>>
>>46298578 How do you extract the game files? Can you share any tutorials or tools?>>
>>46318437 >WON That's an interesting way of saying "I enjoy being embarrassed.">>
>>46318724 if it's the photographer dude ryukishi is a complete hack>>
>>46319661 It will be a big plothole if that happens, but the longer this arc goes on without that guy showing up, the more likely it seems like him being the villain is. He was in the Polaris festival with Keitaro in Hoshi, Keitaro called Rika before even returning home and the assassin got to her in the Shishibone hospital right after that call.>>
>>46319661 >>46319716 For a bit I thought it might be Inori herself, but she's too young to be the culprit. Old Kishi may have done it, but not anymore. Neither will any returning Higu cast member or their kid be the culprit. Ryukishi is too chickenshit to allow something like that. It must be a new character with a filmsy backstory told at the last second. Inori's mother is the perfect candidate.>>
>>46319855 >For a bit I thought it might be Inori herself, but she's too young to be the culprit. Old Kishi may have done it, but not anymore. Neither will any returning Higu cast member or their kid be the culprit. Ryukishi is too chickenshit to allow something like that. I mean, we just got Satoko in Gou/Sotsu. As long as no one dies in the cycle everything is fair game and will be forgiven. I don't think any club members/children would be culprits more due to the themes the story has going. I feel like the culprit has to buy in the whole "coexisting is impossible" narrative otherwise his motivations would be completely unrelated to everything we've seen so far, and they clearly aren't getting an arc just for their backstory.>>
>>46320363 Not necessarily. Takano and Yasu didn't get their backstories until the very very ends.>>
>>46318437 >>46318446 >>46318454 why the fuck sperg shilling reiwa that way? he's the only psychopath creating random delusional imagery for new discussions about it. been doing that since 2 years ago. last time he shilled his meguri>>
>>46319716 >>46319721 >>46319729 >>46319855 >>46320363 >>46321202 The culprits are obviously Keiichi and Kisaku Keiichi and Satoko planned to kill Kisaku and use Marutake to deliver messages to Satoko and to keep an eye on his son Keitarou which explains why he showed up at the Polaris village when Keitarou did. Keiichi has something much larger going on especially after we learned that the Polaris village is also infected with their own parasite, why would Keiichi choose to relocate this village of people into Hiniwazama when he could've brought in any other group of people to the village instead that would integrate more with the villagers? He's obviously conducting research on making another Bioweapon like the Tokyo group was which explains why Kisaku assistant tore out his throat like Tomitake did something only possible in an extreme L5 state and who else would have access to something like that beside Irie and a keiichi who has learned about the Tokyo group and their experiments. And with the mention of this Sirus character who was apart of the Polaris group who encouraged them to give in to their delusions and urge for justice and mentions having friends in higher places giving him the resources they need to carry our their revenge it's obvious Keiichi knows more then what's going on. And Kisaku murdered Rika that much should be obvious.>>
>>46321202 >Not necessarily. Takano and Yasu didn't get their backstories until the very very ends. Yasu got ep7 for her backstory and Takano's backstory takes over the first half of Matsuribayashi. We're already way into the final arc. The villain won't get nearly as much screentime just for their past. It probably will be just a couple of updates at most, which is why I really doubt it could be another Takano who had a backstory mostly unrelated to the plot.Delete Post: [ File Only] Style: Yotsuba Yotsuba B Futaba Burichan Tomorrow Photon
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