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Discussion concerning Higurashi, Ciconia, Rose Guns Days, Higanbana, TRianThology, and all other 07th Expansion works.

07th Expansion archive:
Password: 07

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07th Links:
Umineko colored truths script:

Previous thread: >>46767166 →
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)20:26:34 No.46778980
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Cute thread
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)20:27:24 No.46778991
The cutest princess ever
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)20:27:53 No.46778994
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It's over.
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)20:30:38 No.46779025
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The threads are healing thanks to her radiance
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)20:32:56 No.46779050
>>46778959 (OP)
Satoko is so CUTE!
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)20:36:47 No.46779077
>ratoko spreading black death = healing
Weird guy
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)20:40:20 No.46779104
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Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)21:02:24 No.46779310
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Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)21:02:48 No.46779315
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Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto.
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Requiem aeternam
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine,
et lux perpetua luceat eis.
Requiescatant in pace.
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)21:05:17 No.46779339
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)21:06:51 No.46779352
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why did this retard delete my posts? did he decide to do his job now?
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)21:11:17 No.46779377
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Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)21:15:23 No.46779396
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same story different writers
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)21:18:43 No.46779414
Both men
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)21:24:19 No.46779448
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Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)21:24:38 No.46779451
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)21:39:22 No.46779537
>True love
So, did something happened in the Reiwa manga or you just like joking about your favorite ship? I remember you being quite optimistic last year, and I haven't paid much attention.
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)21:43:58 No.46779567
He mistranslated something then had a mental breakdown. Mrs.Kimiyoshi's manga hasn't moved at all.
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)21:48:28 No.46779597
Oh, what a surprise.
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)21:52:15 No.46779621
Dumb Satoko poster.
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)21:52:33 No.46779623
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It's going good but holy FUCK is it slow this past month and a half have been just about the kids reveiwing what they already learned and then figuring out whoever is doing the graffiti can't be someone from polaris. We Know Satoko and keiichi talked a lot after the hospital scene with Rika seeing how Satoko was the one to bring all the evidence of the vandalism after talking with Keiichi privatly when the club memebers met up again and how Keiichi comforted Satoko after Satoko told him about Sakiko being being the online slander.
Kill yourself lying retard
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)21:53:34 No.46779627
It's for the best Umineko is fucking garbage just focus only on Satoko
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)21:56:08 No.46779642
Feels bad anon, but you don't know if that spoiler is true (don't know what you're talking about) or if it was just a troll post.
Even so, umineko has a ton of good mysteries to enjoy in 100+ hours and a good narrative so even one spoiler isn't really that bad in the grand scheme. I think you should still read it anon, try not to let it bother you
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)21:57:37 No.46779648
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Mrs.Kimiyoshi was talking about bullying remember?
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)22:00:04 No.46779660
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why are people so afraid of spoilers these days? I deliberately spoiled myself scrolling these threads back in the day.
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)22:00:23 No.46779664
Archive image search to see the tardrage meltdown.
When Reiwa ends I'm sure it's going to be nuclear in here.
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)22:03:38 No.46779679
NTA but plot twists and revelations feel a lot nicer when you don't see them coming.
Also I'd understand not caring about spoilers with Higurashi because there is no big reveal, they basically just tell you "so there's this disease that makes people paranoid and the government is in on experimenting it". But Umineko is way different in its mystery
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)22:06:43 No.46779693
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>100+ hours
I've been playing umineko for 400+ hours and counting and I don't even like reading.
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)22:08:40 No.46779701
XYZ theory is a pretty big reveal. It takes an hour to lay out though, I can't see how you could spoil it in a simple phrase. But a lot of the fun of Higurashi is debating the difference between the supernatural and the physical explanations. I would care a lot more about the syndrome being spoiled than if someone just said who Yasu is, personally.
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)22:13:13 No.46779731
I miss when we got fake/out of context spoilers when episode 6 came out
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)22:13:51 No.46779736
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he's either gonna go dead silent once it becomes clear his crackship was just that and he can't fuck with anyone by pretending it's going to happen anymore, or he'll go full italianon and outright ignore reality in favor of just yelling his headcanons every chance he gets in hopes that someone'll believe him one day, one or the other depending on how legitimately invested he is in it or if he's been living the full 'haha i believe in it ironically' cope for the last few years
place your bets now
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)22:14:44 No.46779739
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These days? For instance Snape & Dumbldore has destroyed thousands of teens. You're just weird. I agree though.
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)22:19:22 No.46779765
In his darkest moment he will see the light of Rika and convert, and do good works the rest of his days. Proving everyone can be saved. The end.
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)22:22:03 No.46779777
Furude Rika is not a religion, anon.
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)22:25:57 No.46779795
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Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)22:26:22 No.46779798
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to me plot twists are nothing but overburdening encumbrances anyways. I look at the integrity of the stories.
>Dawn of the Golden Witch
>December 30, 2009
you gotta tell me how it felt to discuss umineko back then and how it feels now.
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)22:31:18 No.46779816
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Don't make me repeat myself.
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)22:38:30 No.46779842
Let me know when you're about to start a new show/vn/movie/vidya then so I can layout all the plot twists for you first, give you some real story integrity. You don't genuinely believe that.
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)23:06:01 No.46779961
Phase 2 might fix the gap you feel, if it ever releases, that is. Still, I would be very wary about it since Ryukishi has crealy changed and is no longer the same person as before.
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)23:13:15 No.46779996
Both alive
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)23:20:23 No.46780033
one is alive, the other is going for a swim
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)23:24:40 No.46780050
Didn't the witch choose to go meet SpongeBob?
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)23:26:48 No.46780056
She came back with a new wig, new outfit, a car and a mansion
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)23:48:45 No.46780188
What about the heavy gold bar that was tied to the dress, causing the witch to fall deeper and deeper into the cold blue abyss?
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)23:55:41 No.46780233
The heavy gold bar she used to knock Battler unconscious for transport to her inverse Kuwadorian?
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)00:08:21 No.46780305
Then what about Tohya? Who is he supposed to be if not Battler, some random hobo? Did they scam Ange at the end? Was he playing a very bad joke on Ange, who had cancer? That's pretty funny.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)00:14:19 No.46780327
>who is he
Battler Blanco, his half brother by Asumu who actually did survive the entire time.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)00:28:32 No.46780387
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I mean but of course, I knew that.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)00:55:34 No.46780484
People keep saying to read the VN, but that's all there, so I'm not sure what the fuck they were reading instead.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)01:16:38 No.46780567
>>46778959 (OP)
cute OP!
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)01:19:54 No.46780582
Rats are sacred in India so...
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)01:45:56 No.46780657
>you gotta tell me how it felt to discuss umineko back then and how it feels now.

Back then it was super fun because everyone had a pet theory and would shitpost and dunk on people who disagreed. The chasing of the mystery was more fun than the mystery
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)01:52:13 No.46780669
You can really see why Mr.Kimiyoshi rushed to stick his child in her.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)01:55:13 No.46780675
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meant for >>46780387
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)01:59:07 No.46780693
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Sakiko and Rena's 100% (chapter DEVOTED to saying he's) not gay son were both weirdly important, but it's going to be someone from Polaris. It's probably Inori's mother.

Coward Way man isn't going to make it any of the OG cast, their spouses, or their kids. It's an outsider that has gone beneath notice, but can have an ebin tragic reveal for someone in the new cast. Enter the mother of the cute innocent "love interest," who is suddenly revealed to be the REAL abusive parent!
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)02:02:10 No.46780703
it is honestly hilarious how random that shit with rena's kid is
like it initially seems like they're yaoibaiting him with keitarou, then it randomly swerves around and several pages of a chapter are dedicated to stressing how NOT gay he is please don't call him gay he's NOT stop it!!!!
i really don't get the intention there
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)02:06:02 No.46780718
A complete lack of any artistic vision that relies entirely on week-to-week twitter posts. It's an extreme version of how Ryukishi wrote Umineko. That was a 6 month turnaround, but now the plot can be adjusted in a week. Maybe even a few days.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)02:40:40 No.46780859
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Kei is/was really talented. Has she done anything independent?
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)04:02:50 No.46781095
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Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)05:06:09 No.46781314
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Fuck off witch
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)05:46:23 No.46781479
Lmaoo SatoKei really broke this Rikatranny
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)06:00:52 No.46781541
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Yasu is a natural lvl 50 thief. Lunon will never forget this.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)06:03:01 No.46781553
Holy newfag, the official name is SatoTroonppei or SatoPpei, not SatoTranny
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)06:09:02 No.46781582
>this rotating dilator... it fits! thank you satoko, you are the best niece a valid aunt could ask for!
>aunt troonppei
Proof that SatoTroonppei can be cute
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)06:11:02 No.46781589
SatoTroonppei, SatoTroon and Satoppei are all acceptable really
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)06:16:46 No.46781602
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Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)06:24:09 No.46781625
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Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)06:24:16 No.46781627
Still undebunked
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)06:25:36 No.46781632
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Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)06:26:49 No.46781635
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Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)06:54:38 No.46781735
>>46778959 (OP)
You're completely retarded and zoomer fuck why the fuck youre obsessed with making threads in here
Oomf calling niggershitoko
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)07:01:22 No.46781755
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>>46778959 (OP)
You're completely brilliant and oldfag god why the fuck youre preoccupied with making threads in here
Zomg calling aryangoldtoko
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)07:02:30 No.46781758
Get out of that skirt, Ratka! Satoko's anus is not for you!
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)07:04:14 No.46781761
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Place your bets, anons
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)07:04:42 No.46781763
The shiny Ratka looks stronger
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)07:15:02 No.46781785
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)07:16:04 No.46781791
Ratoko spammer cant say ratoko
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)07:39:23 No.46781847
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What a cute Rika thread
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)07:40:50 No.46781852
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What's a Rikatoko?
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)07:42:01 No.46781855
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)07:48:15 No.46781875
Autistic friend
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)07:48:52 No.46781878
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It's like a teaparty
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)07:51:55 No.46781887
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What did she mean by this?
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)08:12:43 No.46781943
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Original Sperg art for non-trannies
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)08:13:50 No.46781945
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More of the above.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)08:22:44 No.46781963
07th Expansion hasn't had anything good after Umineko ep8 in 2010.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)08:30:35 No.46781989
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don't forget the ep9
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)08:56:24 No.46782061
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And then xe replied saying *shitokei so winning!!11* lmao
The amount delusional cope he consumes daily staggers. Now he enjoyd being a cuck. Complete losery
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)08:56:33 No.46782062
dont be such a nigger Ricoal
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)08:57:25 No.46782066
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)09:08:27 No.46782101
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It looks like Mrs.Kimiyoshi's #1 fan has given up on his sunken ship
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)09:30:06 No.46782168
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Say her name.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)09:30:48 No.46782169
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Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)09:31:10 No.46782171
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Skibidi do do doo yes yes skibidi doo doo meep meep
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)09:32:14 No.46782176
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Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)09:33:36 No.46782182
POV: you are Akasaka
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)09:36:12 No.46782192
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hinamizawa has fallen
billions must drink rat piss
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)09:43:51 No.46782213
You lost
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)09:45:26 No.46782216
Ratka did a skibidi toiler in the classroom
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)09:46:39 No.46782221
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I have a simple question. If you are all from the same trooncord, why the fuck are you using /07/th as your battle field for your shitoko vs shitka war?
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)10:24:49 No.46782386
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Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)10:31:00 No.46782429
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)10:32:41 No.46782438
Lying faggot
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)11:02:17 No.46782600
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Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)12:13:59 No.46783063
I love her sexy rodent gaze
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)12:19:59 No.46783151
why didn't they have her draw the whole manga?
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)12:23:42 No.46783210
Ugh, why is that horrid troon touching that poor boy?
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)12:26:18 No.46783253
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Sweet, beautiful Ange
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)13:15:58 No.46783951
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She'd die.The manga is crazy big, even with the entire panels of text. Kei is my favorite artist for the series, but Akitaka also did a great job on 5.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)13:39:47 No.46784168
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don't care about your trashy fanfiction, go buy an ad
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)14:30:37 No.46784679
dlanor avatar, btw
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)14:35:49 No.46784711
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Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)14:50:49 No.46784827
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Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)14:52:25 No.46784840
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the 07th expansion account replied to it so it's canon
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)15:33:02 No.46785238
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Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)16:41:22 No.46785791
He already pulled this shit with Tatariakashi (TWICE! Both anime and then manga versions kept posting his theory about how everything would be about Keiichi in the end), he will just move on and say that Reiwa is shit.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)16:43:52 No.46785805
Post more Bern.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)16:44:46 No.46785810
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Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)16:49:29 No.46785840


I remember seeing more chapters translated, but couldn't find it just now.

I feel like it suffers from weak set up, like we're reading the rushed adaptation of something that doesn't exist.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)17:41:09 No.46786082
>>46778959 (OP)
kill all shitokoniggers
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)17:42:59 No.46786096
Small penis Paizuri with big tittied bern
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)18:21:55 No.46786308
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New Mei stuff:
Adventurer Nao:

Also, an archive of all scripts currently in the game:
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)18:23:01 No.46786321
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Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)18:24:03 No.46786330
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It's been a while since we had some decent loli material.
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>>46778959 (OP)
What was going through Ryukishi's mind when he wrote GOU and SOTSU?
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)19:18:05 No.46786652
That's Bernkastel, you retard.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)19:18:48 No.46786657
but the poster is a fan
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)19:19:19 No.46786662
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)19:19:45 No.46786668
Based on what?
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)19:19:53 No.46786670
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Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)19:21:01 No.46786681
the artist is a wanklord
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)19:22:03 No.46786692
Sexually frustrated lolis
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)19:22:08 No.46786693
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Rika is better
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)19:25:34 No.46786715
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Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)19:28:20 No.46786730
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i wouldn't worry about it anon, he's in his weird "if an artist has ever drawn a yellow hair they're POISONED and their art can never be posted on /07/th again or i'll cry about it!!!" mood he gets in sometimes (presumably when he's bored and he's got nothing better to fire up his tardrage over)
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)19:28:38 No.46786731
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This place really went to shit since 2019/2020. I'm glad I've moved on and only check it out once in a blue moon, twice a year max.
I'm kinda out of touch with what's happening, but know that I'm rooting for you guys to win the fight against the spammers.

I think someone else wrote the Gou/Sotsu episodes; Ryukishi just provided the overall outline. Still, he decided to keep milking the franchise to death, so he is fully responsible for what happened.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)19:32:47 No.46786757
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oh yeah? try me. I plan to read the murders in the rue morgue. care to give your honest (((opinions))) on that?
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)19:33:02 No.46786758
>Every post I don't like is spam
You can fuck off again retard
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)19:35:25 No.46786779
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this site is kinda just an overdone joke
i agree with the other dude that you're probably a dipshit who thinks that anything he doesn't like is spam, but legitimate spam is an unstoppable problem without constant overbearing moderation
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)19:36:09 No.46786785
anon this thread is one of two that are actually moderated, care to take a wild guess why?
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)19:43:28 No.46786823
>you gotta tell me how it felt to discuss umineko back then and how it feels now.
It was better than when you and your fellow secondary newfags from /a/ and /v/ discovered our obscure little thread via Umineko memes and the new Higurashi anime.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)19:48:11 No.46786856
Nobody cares lil bro
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)19:50:18 No.46786871
you know i think he still hasn't realized he's the only one who does this whole 'greentexted exaggerated strawman' thing and that's how we all know he's still around
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)20:02:29 No.46786938
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Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)20:11:59 No.46786999
Did you know that when anonymous people on the internet post "wwww" or "lol", they aren't actually laughing? It's what the Master would call <Sarcasm!> They're just pretending to be amused. I don't know why anyone would go to the effort to pretend to laugh, but it's a very interesting phenomenon, isn't it?
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)20:17:17 No.46787022
>Am I hated enough or have I been forgotten?
>I wonder how many idiots there will be who will praise this vomit of mine and who will look for connections to my other long since flushed shit?
>I can't wait for the fanboys' expressions when they find out that my perfect sequel is motivated by the antagonist's unwillingness to study.
>Will anyone notice that I'm a lazy turd if I take stories I've already written once, edit a few sentences in them, and pass them off as brand new arcs because I'm a lazy turd?
>Let's see if anyone can tell that I've literally inserted myself into the story like a divine being so I can laugh at it all not only behind the screen, but on the screen at the same time.
>If I can't become a respected author, I'll at least make sure everyone remembers me in a different way for different reasons.
>So, after two days of hard work, done and sent to Passione. I'll go over it some more because I don't have any money to spend anyway and I like to marvel at the perfection of my own creations. Hmm, I have a feeling it may be lacking something to perfection... What could it be? ... ... ... I've got it now, the whole thing is missing a squealing vtuber and kids, lots of kids. But I don't want to change it now anyway, so maybe next time as a future project when I reap the glory and acclaim for this sequel... remake... or whatever it is.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)20:31:49 No.46787089
I'd say you're kinda proving my point by putting out bait this obvious
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)20:53:14 No.46787221
Are you telling me that I'm the only one who screams in a high-pitched voice "lol" and "lmao" when reading a funny post?
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)21:00:26 No.46787252
I think you might be, yes.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)21:27:40 No.46787395
I too make exaggerated greentext strawmans, usually to dunk on Yasu.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)21:27:52 No.46787397
Now type that without crying.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)21:36:40 No.46787449
The greentexts we're talking about tend to be ad hominem towards other posters
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)22:21:10 No.46787681
Who are you quoting?
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)22:25:11 No.46787712
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Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)22:32:45 No.46787743
I hate him. He's the first person in my life I can genuinely say I HATE with a passion, I wish it was him who died of that fucking cancer aids instead of BT I hope the fat fuck hangs himself or blows his brains out when he vists america in June
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)22:34:37 No.46787750
Oh is he going to any conventions?
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)22:35:07 No.46787756
Just make a seperate gen for 07th hating at this point
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)22:36:41 No.46787762
He'll be in California with Beatrice's VA for a few days at convention hosting a panel
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)22:40:12 No.46787780
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Thanks for letting me know.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)22:41:14 No.46787784
Where does is mention Sayaka Ohara? Nobody cares about that ancient hack Ryukishi, but people would line up for hours to have Ohara even look them in the eye while doing the Beatrice voice.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)22:42:12 No.46787791
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What are the odds you think some deranged fan is going to kill him there
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)22:44:12 No.46787802
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It was posted in a different tweet before that one
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)22:46:20 No.46787811
i'd take her doing her milf voice personally
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)22:47:31 No.46787815
High I hope
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)22:50:28 No.46787825
Federal agents are outside your house. The foil won't work anymore.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)22:57:44 No.46787859
>Posted over a week ago
Why is this the first time I'm hearing this? Holy shit these threads suck so much now
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)23:12:02 No.46787920
Well at least you got to see two loli posters call each other rats!
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)23:16:01 No.46787939
He didn't say any of that, you cock-munching faggot.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)23:29:49 No.46787978
>He didn't say any of that
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)23:38:56 No.46788010
Here's your source. Now fuck off.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)23:44:31 No.46788039
It's very obvious he thought about the conflict/message first and the actual story -after- that.

He also clearly seemed to think most of the (anime) audience would enjoy senseless violence and tragedies, which is why he wouldn't need to think of a role for the other club members. They'd have their "fanservice" through that. That also explains why he didn't expect people to remain antagonizing Satoko at the end of the show. He didn't think people would react badly to the tragedies. They were supposed to be the "fun" part of the series (insert Eua laughing).

Then months later he writes the Hou+ cast party, now realizing people hated the tragedies, but from another standpoint, just trying to get people to ignore everything in the story before the final loop, trying to argue none of it counts, even though that would mean ignoring 95% of the story.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)23:58:19 No.46788091
Rika is an idiot who runs her bicycle into traffic. Why not a looper series where Satoko tries to save the dumbass meeper from her own arrogance? Why make Satoko a murderer instead of a hapless hero? Rika could get herself killed in an unimaginable number of ways with her confident incompetence. Her falling down the stairs in Reiwa is just the beginning.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)23:59:23 No.46788102
>Her falling down the stairs in Reiwa is just the beginning.
What? When did she?
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)00:00:09 No.46788104
it's why she's stuck in the hospital the entire story, remember?
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)00:01:10 No.46788110
You mean in Rei?
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)00:02:01 No.46788117
no he meant in reiwa in that case, rei was the 'runs her bicycle into traffic'
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)00:04:59 No.46788128
Like I said, I think he thought about theme of the story before anything else - Friends with different goals trying to force them on each other, and refusing to let go, needing to learn that they don't need to stay together their entire life and each one can go after their own goals separately without their bonds ending.

He clearly half-assed the actual "how to get there" part since he didn't write a full script even for the St.Lucia stuff and conclusion though, so left a lot of things really sudden or vague even on what should have been the center of the plot. Because the priority was clearly the message above anything else.
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)00:05:08 No.46788130
Gou and Sotsu are over-hated. Some parts are silly, but they don't ruin anything because the overall story and message are fine.
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)00:11:28 No.46788159
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>Gou and Sotsu are over-hated. Some parts are silly, but they don't ruin anything because the overall story and message are fine.
I mean, they ruin stuff when you think about how many characters died or went insane due to such trite motivation. And everyone being unable to notice or stop Satoko then becomes just frustrating since the narrative doesn't even want to acknowledge all the pain she left behind in so many lives.

It's just misguided on a basic level. If you aren't meant to care about Rena getting mind broken and almost everyone she knows dying WHY should you care about Satoko's comparatively minor school issues?

And then you have the issue of Rika still left mindbroken at the end wanting to leave Hinamizawa, her original dreams and personality lost. While Satoko walks out of her loops as a "learning experience", carrying seemingly no weight at all from them.
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)00:17:10 No.46788197
Satoko rolling around in the dirt to pretend to be abused while Death Note music plays will always have a place in my heart.
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)00:24:34 No.46788229
>Gou and Sotsu are over-hated.
Nice b8 m8 almost took it there for a second, no one ACTUALLY believes this right? If anything they're underhated
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)00:26:13 No.46788237
WTC7 when?
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)00:27:27 No.46788249
After Silent Hill f.
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)00:29:49 No.46788260
Well, last stream R07 did mention he could start a new WTC while leaving Ciconia aside for now. I think it would pretty much need to be something that felt self-contained in a single release though. No way people would trust him with episodic releases after Ciconia.
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)00:34:27 No.46788280
When was the last stream?
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)00:38:46 No.46788296
> while leaving Ciconia aside for now
I’m the biggest Ryukishi dickrider, but I will never forgive him for the Ciconia bullshit
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)00:40:45 No.46788305
December 22.

Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)00:43:01 No.46788309
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>Ryukishi07 answered about Ciconia: he's also thinking a lot about writing it, but Ciconia is a war-themed story, and while he doesn't intend to approach the theme lightly, with everything happening in the world it doesn't feel appropriate to write it as "entertainment".
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)00:49:43 No.46788326
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)01:34:00 No.46788514
you posted a different sexually suggestive picture of a 10 year old girl than me so you are le rat

here's a discord screenshot proving that the op of the thread is actually a conspiracy

wtf why did all the oc artists leave these threads
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)01:36:51 No.46788522
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it is a mystery
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)01:47:37 No.46788567
>schizo discord shit gets attention
>R07 visiting America with Sayaka Ohara takes a week to come to the surface
These threads have never been more dead
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)01:52:48 No.46788582
Marina Inoue> Sayaka Ohara
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)02:49:47 No.46788809
The /v/ and /a/ invasion that started in 2019 killed the thread.
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)03:39:32 No.46788979
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>He starts writing a book based on Revelations then complains when what he writes is prophetic.
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)04:41:30 No.46789183
Hotarubi should have been WTC5.
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)07:53:22 No.46789589
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Whats the right answer?
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)09:07:48 No.46789780
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)09:42:06 No.46789894
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Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)11:37:51 No.46790615
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I love Sayo!
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)12:55:18 No.46791184
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Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)13:58:50 No.46791682
"I want you to bend over and let me pretend you're a tootsie pop I want to get into the middle of"
It's funny because it's true, although that must be Shion there.
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)14:59:13 No.46792134
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Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)15:02:04 No.46792164
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which umineko character should I fap to today?
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)15:05:38 No.46792191
Just go
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)15:07:21 No.46792207
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)15:13:22 No.46792259
I do that everyday I just need some change.
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)15:15:31 No.46792269
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Then Beato
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)15:16:52 No.46792283
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)15:21:06 No.46792305
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>>46778959 (OP)
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)15:28:35 No.46792366
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Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)15:33:29 No.46792413
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Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)15:36:54 No.46792437
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>not a single bullet hit her
She is the one.
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)16:22:01 No.46792752
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You told me magical Kanon would be a boy, wtf is this?
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)16:25:50 No.46792776
a sample
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)16:36:21 No.46792828
That's Shannon though.
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)16:40:28 No.46792848
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well that's when battler's not involved, the tits and puss-puss come back when it's time for lord BATTLER-sama
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)16:44:02 No.46792865
Does Jeshika know?
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)16:45:04 No.46792874
this is an aspect of sayo we're talking about, you think she'd spill the beans?
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)16:47:12 No.46792887
time for your daily fotm meme dose, /07/th
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9KO4cxFf4Q [Embed]
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)16:48:48 No.46792900
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)16:54:03 No.46792933
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Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)16:58:02 No.46792959
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>lambda has tons of pieces that're practically just self-inserts of her
>bern has one piece and it's barely anything like her outside of appearance
yeah i'm thinking she deserved that one
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)17:23:21 No.46793075
Maybe if we add some pressure...
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)17:45:28 No.46793183
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Why is Trianthology the only 07th VN that hasn't been translated?

Gensou Rougoku no Kaleidoscope a fucking console port has a translation
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)17:52:00 No.46793222
Did hype die down for this? Is it shit? What's the reason?
I know a couple fan translation projects occured in the past but they all died.
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)17:54:21 No.46793229
Isn't there something very weird going on with the formatting of the text? That's what I remember someone mentioning.
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)17:56:33 No.46793240
Also, yeah, the ending is supposedly underwhelming, basically a "go outside and see the real world rather than searching for connections between stories!" AFTER the entire meta narrative of the game was about trying to find connections between three very different stories but that oddly seemed to share some characters/elements.
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)17:59:43 No.46793256
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MX5YHcdo7HY&ab_channel=Miyaotrice [Embed]

No word since 2022.
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)18:15:47 No.46793370
doesn't help the one that was getting worked on here was being done by a guy who was too busy brainstorming ideas for a satoko version of that imouto h-game and playing along with sperg's bullshit because he thought it was funny or whatever, i haven't seen hide nor hair of that guy (talking about trianthology anyway) since their little discord cubby-hole got made so if there were any updates to be shared it wouldn't surprise me if it was getting broadcasted solely to an audience that doesn't even care about 07th stuff outside of shitposting - i can imagine that'd hit a guy's motivation just a tad, even if he didn't just get bored and move onto the next idea he'll do a little bit of and then abandon
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)18:26:56 No.46793432
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)18:31:08 No.46793455
Me on the left
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)18:33:38 No.46793470
Me on the middle, burning.
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)18:50:07 No.46793548
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Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)18:51:06 No.46793551
fake breasts
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)18:52:46 No.46793559
when both are physically in the same image that means they're real
this really shouldn't be a hard concept to grasp
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)18:53:27 No.46793562
Magic doesn't exist.
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)18:54:09 No.46793567
yeah cool you said the thing, i don't really care man
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)18:58:23 No.46793583
>lalala i can't hear you. the bad thoughts can't get me.
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)19:07:57 No.46793657
Three men in one image 0_0
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)19:08:06 No.46793659
Then how can Shannon and Beatrice stand side by side?
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)19:09:27 No.46793668
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)19:18:59 No.46793715
Is Yasu smiling also photoshop?
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)19:19:11 No.46793716
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Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)19:35:51 No.46793810
Rats are tiny
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)19:38:16 No.46793826
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why you even keep on doing this. why. complete umitrans
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)19:40:30 No.46793840
Why is ratka wearing a Satoko wig?
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)19:44:06 No.46793854
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you have no life, literally. you're conjoined with fucking /07/th, umitrans.
online conjoined. ratoko conjoined
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)19:52:24 No.46793895
Rikaschizo hasn't mentioned touhou for weeks now, what happened?
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)19:58:39 No.46793925
who are you going to larp with now with your retarded other self? can you let me post Rika with you posting shit like>>46793810
you're the fucking cancerous fucker in here trying to fuck me. kill yourself

fuck off and stop mentioning me just for self pleasure you fuckign cancerous nigger.

Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)20:03:19 No.46793947
You know you can leave it any time, but you don't want to let go of your online persona for some reason
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)20:11:26 No.46793988
That's funny, I thought he was blow up in a different way, something about newfaggot touhou gooner qatrash schizopaths.
Guess he must be one of the fags in touhou threads being a retard and getting ignored because he needs a general's pace to get the requisite attention he needs for survival.
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)20:13:12 No.46793998
His autism reminds me of that ack/akemi guy from /a/ lol
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)20:27:16 No.46794068
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Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)21:24:42 No.46794387
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>>46778959 (OP)
>I close my eyes, tell us why must we suffer.
>Release your hands, for your will drags us under.
>My legs grow tired, tell us where must we wander.
>How can we carry on if redemption's beyond us?
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)21:33:18 No.46794433
why is it replying to it self?
??? you're literally throwing psychotic schizo shit pretending it's not you in here>>46793988
what's to gain? why you're replying to yourself with the most pointless shit? fucking idiot? why no one calling your behavior out? the why even post rika hate posts no one even bullies your shitty boobs or shitok anymore fucking idiot. is it because you're just hate rika because you have brain worms? i bet you will somehow stir up the shit again and somehow reply to me or mention me in some other way. stop creating ops and posting in here you're a literal fuckign annoying rat
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)21:34:29 No.46794438
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Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)21:36:00 No.46794443
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idiot cant shut the fuck up about Rika posts. guess what, 20 more years of Rika posting. now shut the fuck up or keep yapping liek the bitch you're.
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)21:37:07 No.46794445
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)21:38:30 No.46794453
>he mentions /a/ drama
>doesn't like and /a/ shit
>yaps about it
the amount of hypocrisy from the cordland
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)21:48:52 No.46794514
it just wants me to leave in them most obnoxious way. not leaving, deal with it, thingje thingtoko. cry. complain to mods. keep yapping and keep mashing your keyboard to mods. nigger as well. sorry for my cringe language
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)22:21:45 No.46794715
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Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)22:31:06 No.46794760
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/vn/ anon here
leave /vn/ alone
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)22:34:08 No.46794772
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if it's anyone we're stuck dealing with, i can assure you we don't exactly want them either
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)22:39:10 No.46794788
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We should take responsibility and deal with Ratkafag.
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)22:45:40 No.46794817
There's a reason your name is rat, shitokofag
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)22:48:55 No.46794834
I'm not your imaginary friend.
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)22:54:28 No.46794851
>in 1986
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)23:15:56 No.46794958
The photoshop doesn't necessarily need to be done in 1986 though
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)23:35:20 No.46795096
How does Battora have a smartphone in 1986?
Anonymous 05/09/24(Thu)23:48:10 No.46795192
The answer is always photoshop. That hand was added to the pic.
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)00:01:41 No.46795270
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You can't just keep saying "it was photoshop" in blue. If you can't explain how they did it in 1986 with photoshop, then it must be real. Beatrice and Shannon really did stand next to each other.
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)03:27:32 No.46796017
2/3rds of it being written not by Ryukishi makes me not as interested, but I'd still like to read it someday.
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)03:48:38 No.46796063
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Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)04:12:42 No.46796146
Because it's Jessitrice
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)06:47:50 No.46796439
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>>46778959 (OP)
look at this creature
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)07:32:25 No.46796534
Me looking for reasons to still post here
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)07:50:15 No.46796567
Satoko looking at Troonpei's former cock
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)08:47:44 No.46796696
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You won't believe this /jp/, I found adopted a wild Ratka!
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)09:36:36 No.46796845
that's actually a little cute, guy's really enjoying his massage
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)09:58:36 No.46796921
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)09:59:31 No.46796926
Stop misgendering xher
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)10:00:37 No.46796930
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Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)10:02:01 No.46796936
But angefag told me she's pure?
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)10:05:49 No.46796953
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she's pure sex. she's tried every sex positions in the book.
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)11:04:52 No.46797207
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Sayo is pure and pure sex.
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)12:02:44 No.46797601
She's pure because she only has pure loving urethral sex with her God-given husband (me).
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)12:08:03 No.46797630
>urethral sex
Yeowch, that sounds painful. That's just begging for a UTI as well.
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)12:09:01 No.46797636
I want her hymen to stay forever, and anal sex is literally shitty.
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She has the best tits of the Ushiromiya family, one hell of an ass and powerfully erotic thighs and you decided sticking it up her pee-hole was the logical course of action?
And when I say the best tits I mean it. Jeshika is good too but hot DAMN does ange have some assets to be proud of.
Seriously, anything that came from Kinzo's Kintamas seems to erupt into a boobtain range after a certain age. There might be something in the water on Rokkenjima.
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)12:25:39 No.46797716
This. Ange is the culmination of her entire family's features, she's made for sex
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)12:27:39 No.46797722
Reminder that she died of cancer as a kissless virgin.
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)12:29:23 No.46797732
How do you know she didn't beat it?
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)12:32:08 No.46797750
Intuition, someone so beaten down by life and depressed might not have much of a libido.
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)12:34:20 No.46797761
>Kinzo's blood
She might have Sonozaki in her though.
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)12:41:10 No.46797802
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Love Ange
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)13:24:10 No.46798061
Why erikahomofag trying to flirt with rikafag like this? Umitrans are gay. Whether youre shitoko or erika or umitrans, You lost
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)13:25:16 No.46798068
I bet youre the nigger continuing the rat charade you fucknut
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)13:26:36 No.46798081
Youre either sexualing her every thread or wanking and erping every thread. Disgusting why the fuck youre keepiing on the shitposts
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)13:27:43 No.46798091
And youre not even interesting forty years of rika posting
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)13:47:22 No.46798256
You really had to vomit out four posts
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)13:47:31 No.46798258
>pluralizing Japanese words
Weeb detected.
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)13:54:50 No.46798330
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do you are you an actual illiterated chair wheeld handicap without friends? or an actual schizo trying to gaslight local rikafans?
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)13:56:57 No.46798361
>actual illiterated chair wheeld handicap
You couldn't make this stuff up even if you tried
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)13:57:22 No.46798365
why the fuck the ratoko cord isn't ban yet? then??
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)13:59:34 No.46798383
holy i replied to you and you got so triggered and replied so fast. did i hit the mark? fuck off you literal online and /07/th conjoined fucking retard. gonna post some more hidden rika btfo posts huh? you're so fucking twitched
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)14:01:54 No.46798399
then why the fuck you replied to post trying to make fun of Rika in order to say i am so lame? fuck off retarded retard. can you like shut the fuck up and this shit won't happen? you're so fucking retarded.
shitoko a shit, all of the umitrans media is a shit
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)14:03:49 No.46798418
It reads like a fucked up AI, it has to be one
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)14:04:18 No.46798420
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>wants a free rika thread an entire thread
fifty years then
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)14:06:17 No.46798432
I don't know anon, I don't think a half-decent bot running in some gopnik's basement would make so many spelling and grammatical errors
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)14:07:26 No.46798435
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i've always been posting like this even before the ai apocalypse. stop gaslighting me you fucking literal shitcord plague
the question is why you post and replied to it like this trying to btfo rika or something. you're so fucking retard
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)14:10:48 No.46798457
No rikasperg, we are making fun of your total lack of self-awareness and horrendous english.
This is very much a personal attack on you, the man behind the screen, because you are incredibly annoying and insist on coming here every day to post incoherent ravings on boogeymen that are also here specifically to get a rise out of you.
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)14:11:51 No.46798464
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Did Idolmaster rip-off our beloved Rika?
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)14:11:56 No.46798465
I'm joking since he's been here for too long but you can train an AI to make spelling and grammatical errors. It doesn't read that different from a fucked up AI chatbot vomiting out the same garbage on repeat
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)14:12:33 No.46798469
i wonder if the rat subverting plague is responsible for all of this.
then explain this shit to me why your're trying to ruin this thread by making it happen? we were calling sperg a rat then you started to subvert randomly with your shitcord autists?
then explain the autistic rika posting with rats? you're trying to gaslight? oh nice nice fucking goalposting you fucking evading the goal you're an ai you're an actual ai posting ufkcing autist. you love ruining thisplace
fuck off rat
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)14:13:41 No.46798475
nigger, ai even writes better than fucking whole murican's education system, the fuck you're on about. fuck off and stop calling rika rat. ratoko bitch from shitcord. mad because i am the only retard never entered your shithole?
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)14:14:33 No.46798478
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No... I cannot comprehend someone liking Rika... big brudder... help me...
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)14:14:41 No.46798479
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Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)14:32:32 No.46798605
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I remember a chart pointing out most designs in Idolmaster Cinderella Girls were based on various anime/manga characters although I didn't save it.

Yukimi's main outfit is clearly based on Rika's school uniform, but otherwise her character seemed more based on Bern. The Umineko Party manga that ran during those years around the time of Yukimi's creation even had Bern most of the time with those same eyes where the top is just a straight line.

When Yukimi was just a voiceless minor character in the original game, she had a bunch of quotes about eternity or making a pact with the producer which goes along with the Bern inspiration. Although when they developed her more they mostly pushed aside the chuuni stuff and just had her as someone who -seems- mysterious to the others due to not talking much.
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)14:40:59 No.46798681
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Did Sousou no Frieren rip-off our beloved Bernkastel?
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)14:42:25 No.46798694
No, because Bern does not have an American body.
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)15:31:24 No.46799141
and yet you still nut to it
Anonymous 05/10/24(Fri)20:51:32 No.46801378
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Jessicatrice is only true in so much as Kanon based Beatrice and Ronove's relationship off of his and Jessica's. Note the parallels- Beatrice being brash and Ronove telling "milady" to be more classy and feminine (but not actually stopping her). Ronove is related to Genji, sure, but there's also parallels between Genji and Kanon- count how many times Kanon appears from Genji's shadow, or is following right behind him. It happens weirdly often.
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)03:16:33 No.46803493
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I'm gonna filter this image
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)06:09:06 No.46804135
ok bye
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)09:33:01 No.46804810
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Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)11:54:24 No.46805456
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Satoko thread less go!!!
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)12:16:46 No.46805639
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Rest in piss, satoko thread
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)12:41:19 No.46805875
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Stay mad.
True love won.
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)12:45:23 No.46805902
This is the Gou style, they're just going to try and kill each other.
Post better bait next time you want to shill the rape victim
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)12:46:30 No.46805911
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Your thread lost and hers won, nothing you say can ever change that fact malding cuckold
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)12:48:47 No.46805935
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Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)12:48:58 No.46805936
Well, actually Ange's thread is currently winning. Don't know what that means for K1.
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)12:49:49 No.46805948
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Retarded post, do better
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)12:50:50 No.46805961
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)12:50:52 No.46805962
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Stop pairing K1 with this used goods slut
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)12:51:51 No.46805980
>Still seething
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)12:52:53 No.46805989
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Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)12:53:53 No.46806004
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Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)12:54:55 No.46806019
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Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)12:55:57 No.46806027
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Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)13:08:13 No.46806169
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Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)13:09:26 No.46806189
Sayo is so many times better than Satoko, it's unreal.
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)13:12:18 No.46806219
There is no competition, she is in the league of her own
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)13:17:55 No.46806289
Sayo is only better than Satoko because R07 had a brain back then and didn't have her killing her family for real. Somehow he didn't realize Satoko killing her friends and jumping to another world would be seen by people as a killer who moves to another town to escape being discovered rather than those deaths not counting because they don't bother her.
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)13:20:34 No.46806320
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False, I love evil and mentally unwell women.
It's one of my many faults.
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)13:21:31 No.46806328
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>delusional schizo who got her entire family killed because she was a bitter angry retard who wallowed in self-pity and self-loathing is somehow better than a literal 12 years old who is miles more mature and activley works to be a stronger better person despite all the abuse and trauma she's faced
Imagine being outdone by a fucking 12 YEAR OLD Sayofags are fucking insane
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)13:23:40 No.46806350
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fault? no, it just means you're more honest with yourself than others
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)13:24:24 No.46806353
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Yes. Way more better, interesting and entertaining character.
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)13:25:05 No.46806358
Sayofags are also tranny lovers so it shouldn't be a surprise they have shit tastes
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)13:25:57 No.46806366
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>samefagging already
mind? BROKEN
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)13:26:18 No.46806368
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You just listed all the good things about Sayo though?
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)13:29:00 No.46806389
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Another example of umifags being the fucking WORST posters here holy shit no wonder they make such god awful quality posts if they think a woman like sayo is cute
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)13:30:04 No.46806398
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he thinks he can beat the sayolovers? how adorable
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)13:30:12 No.46806399
She is though
Look at her
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)13:31:26 No.46806409
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The cutest, I mind you
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)13:33:38 No.46806442
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He's seriously underestimating just how little I care about the whole murder/pyscho thing.
If anything it makes her cuter via Gap moe, not to be confused with Gaap moe which does not exist.
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)13:33:53 No.46806447
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Actual fucking subhumans if the biggest thing you like about her is her appearance and her awful mentally ill traits, name ONE positive trait this bitch has that isn't "OH SHE HAD A HARD LIFE PREASE FORGIVE HER"
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)13:34:28 No.46806454
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harsh to poor gaap, but fair
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)13:36:05 No.46806471
Her boundless optimism. I'm not sure where it was on the day of the family meeting, but her words have stuck with me nevertheless.
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)13:38:17 No.46806497
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>If anything it makes her cuter via Gap moe
Trying to have a positive outlook on everything? Although that did her much more harm, as she was being naively stupid too often
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)13:40:22 No.46806517
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her interest in mystery books is very cute, it gives a good look into her mindset and intelligence plus it's just kinda adorable to see someone so invested in things like that
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)13:43:04 No.46806539
>A positive outlook on things
>Chimps out and decides to murder her entire fucking family because the guy she talked with a handful of times 6 years ago didn't write her a letter
and don't forget she CHOSE to stay on the island as well as a servant instead of just leaving with some of Kinzo's inheritance
didn't fucking matter not her problem but no she decided to stay whining and wallowing in self-pity about how shit her life was and then decided to rip away the lives of the people around her because she was upset it's fucking bullshit and her sad past does NOT justify her actions.
This is the correct answer, this is a trait that is cute and something that is good about her character
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)13:43:26 No.46806544
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I also like how she planned out scenarios for the murders and (at least in her stories) executed it.
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)13:47:03 No.46806585
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>because the guy she talked with a handful of times 6 years ago didn't write her a letter
That wasn't the only reason though. Yes, she planned the whole mystery thing, because she wanted Battler to solve it, but that wasn't the only reason for the murders.
>and her sad past does NOT justify her actions.
I know and still love her
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)13:50:15 No.46806610
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>I know and still love her
I just want to give her a hug. Poor girl really needs one.
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)13:53:07 No.46806635
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Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)13:57:23 No.46806672
>That wasn't the only reason though.
But it was the main driving force for it, if Battler had never planned on returning or if she had just moved on from him she would've still had to deal with George and Jessica and as we saw in episode 6 it's likely she would've chosen George and with Ryukishi confirming that George wouldn't have cared about Sayo not being able to have kids he could've taken her away on a white horse like she always wanted but she didn't want george she wanted Battler and so decided to fucking murder her entire family for that, she's one of the most selfish awful characters in the entire series and that's saying something. if she at least TRIED to improve and take action to make her life better than I could respect her and somewhat understand her downfall but she just wallows and waits like a fucking weak timid coward.
>Poor girl really needs one.
She deserves to rot in the deepest pit of hell for getting Jessica killed because she wanted to be a cringy dramatic bitch I would Say Satoko would Laugh at this fucking loser for being almost 20 and not improving in the slightest but Satoko is a kind and good human being and would forgive her and listen to her story. She really is the best WTC character ever made she deserves everything and to be eternally loved for the rest of time
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)14:16:24 No.46806823
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>one of the most selfish awful characters in the entire series
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)15:56:58 No.46807520
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Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)15:59:42 No.46807533
i hate the yasuchrist so much it's unreal
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)16:03:50 No.46807556
Kanonfag, the true rat, only comes out of corner when thread is about to die
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)17:11:13 No.46808110
I won.
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)17:15:37 No.46808138
No, I won.
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)17:19:50 No.46808181
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Who are you?
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)17:22:29 No.46808200
They won.
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)17:25:29 No.46808220
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She's fucking hilarious. She's by far the funniest character in the series while simultaneously being the most sympathetic. She's SO self-centered. Some of her problems are seriously dire, but she instead focuses on the dumbest shit possible and absolutely refuses to move on from it. I love her because she's both understandable and a total clown. She's the cutest idiot in the world.
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)17:29:57 No.46808260
She's a failed and broken human
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)17:34:07 No.46808300
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Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)17:34:58 No.46808308
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Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)17:37:18 No.46808325
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Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)17:39:29 No.46808343
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Spamming the same shit for four years is indeed cringeworthy.
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)17:40:59 No.46808360
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>Spamming the same shit for four years is indeed cringeworthy.
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)17:41:59 No.46808369
If you greentext me again you're gay
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)17:43:10 No.46808375
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You win this time, fag.
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)17:50:49 No.46808441
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on this day, the bern still full of hopes and optimism won, and i think that's nice
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)18:15:04 No.46808639
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Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)18:16:27 No.46808651
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Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)18:19:08 No.46808675
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Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)18:36:54 No.46808780
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Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)18:38:17 No.46808788
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Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)18:53:23 No.46808870
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Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)18:55:36 No.46808884
You're fucking BROKEN
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)18:58:15 No.46808894
I BROKE you faggot
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:02:45 No.46808913
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>obsessing over me in a thread I'm not even in
Meds now broken faggot
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:03:47 No.46808923
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>not here
And yet you're replying to me
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:04:42 No.46808929
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I can't hear you because I broke you
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:05:36 No.46808937
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imagine randomly dropping a 'uh i'm not actually here what are you talking about' in the MIDDLE of trying to incite something, now that is the height of comedy
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:06:23 No.46808940
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I can't hear you because I don't listen to trannies
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:06:26 No.46808941
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Why are you blushing? Embarssed I just schooled your ass AGAIN LMAO
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:07:28 No.46808948
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>double reply
Yep I'm thinking You're broken
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:08:41 No.46808955
Teppei made a good prostitute out of satoko
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:09:40 No.46808961
>Seetheing about Satoko again
The jigs up det you doxed yourself with your ukrainein VPN the cuck posting ends NOW
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:10:11 No.46808966
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oh okay he's just back to sniffing his farts again, have fun jacking off how cool you are for... existing, i guess
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:10:59 No.46808973
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Satoko was raped. Get over it.
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:11:21 No.46808976
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>running away
Yep Buh BYE! Don't worry I'm a kind anon I'll forgive you if you just get down and start begging for forgivness like a underling!
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:12:23 No.46808982
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Suicide live stream when?
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:12:40 No.46808984
Nee-san, what in the goddamn hell are you talking about?
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:12:53 No.46808987
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Oh no, Rika stole K1 whatever shall we do?
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:13:25 No.46808992
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Their love will save these threads
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:13:40 No.46808994
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Doesn't mean he doesn't fuck her every night
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:14:49 No.46809003
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>Doesn't see Satoko sexually at all and thinks that he MIGHT make a move when she gets older and looks more like her mom
read the VN faggot
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:16:02 No.46809018
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Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:16:08 No.46809020
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That move was sooner than you think
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:17:04 No.46809028
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Nuke germany
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:18:41 No.46809034
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Rangebanning USA = threads saved
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:19:03 No.46809038
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True love won
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:20:05 No.46809042
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SatokEi won
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:20:51 No.46809049
What's wrong with Germany? Besides their food.
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:20:52 No.46809050
Keiichi's daughter with his true love Satoko looks like THIS
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:21:57 No.46809059
They have an sick obsession with cuck shit
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:23:06 No.46809068
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:24:08 No.46809077
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Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:24:08 No.46809078
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This isn't a cuckoldry, K1 isn't a cuck, only (You) are.
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:24:59 No.46809084
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you know the sad part is i didn't even mind this ship until it got spammed to oblivion, now it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:25:09 No.46809085
Piss off and burn in hell
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:26:10 No.46809093
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Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:27:13 No.46809098
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:28:17 No.46809104
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Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:30:07 No.46809113
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Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:31:53 No.46809123
hogging the bed all to herself? unbelievable
Anonymous 05/11/24(Sat)19:33:34 No.46809132
Don't worry Satoko learns to share :)

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