TIES4911 Deep-Learning for Cognitive Computing for Developers
8-10 ECTS, Dr. Oleksiy Khriyenko
By any measure, the past few years have been landmark years for the discussion around Artificial Intelligence and its potential impact on business and society. Being based on Artificial Intelligence,
Cognitive Computing Systems are "systems that learn at scale, reason with purpose and interact with humans naturally". Cognitive Computing solutions encompass Machine Learning, Reasoning, Natural Language Processing,
Deep Learning, Speech and Vision, Human-Computer Interaction and more. The course aims to provide practical view to the domain of Cognitive Computing and Machine Intelligence. Students will be capable to design and build
own services and apps using cloud-based Cognitive Services of such big competing player in this field as IBM, Google, AWS and Microsoft. At the same time, students will learn how to build Machine Intelligence based solutions
using corresponding open-source software libraries (e.g. TensorFlow).
- Lectures: Lectures take place in Ag C231.1. Extra possibility for remote participation is available via Zoom.
- Lecture 0 (17.01.2025, at 12:15-14:00, Ag C231.1, Zoom): Introduction to Cognitive Computing and Deep Learning

- Lecture 1 (17.01.2025, at 14:15-16:00, Ag C231.1, Zoom): Introduction to Neural Networks with TensorFlow (Linear Regression)

- Lecture 2 (23.01.2025, at 12:15-14:00, Ag C231.1, Zoom): Introduction to Neural Networks with TensorFlow (Classification)

- Lecture 3 (30.01.2025, at 12:15-14:00, Ag C231.1, Zoom): AutoEncoders and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

- Lecture 4 (13.02.2025, at 12:15-14:00, Ag C231.1, Zoom): Computer Vision (part 1): Network Architectures and Transfer Learning ( Coming soon )
- Lecture 5 (20.02.2025, at 12:15-14:00, Ag C231.1, Zoom): Computer Vision (part 2): Object Detection ( Coming soon )
- Lecture 6 (27.02.2025, at 12:15-14:00, Ag C231.1, Zoom): Computer Vision (part 3): Image Segmentation and Neural Style Transfer ( Coming soon )
- Lecture 7 (06.03.2025, at 12:15-14:00, Ag C231.1, Zoom): Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Transformers ( Coming soon )
- Lecture 8 (13.03.2025, at 12:15-14:00, Ag C231.1, Zoom): Cognitive Computing Services ( Coming soon )
- Lecture 9 (14.03.2025, at 12:15-14:00, Ag C231.1, Zoom): Generative Models (Part 1): ( Coming soon )
- Lecture 10 (14.03.2025, at 14:15-16:00, Ag C231.1, Zoom): Generative Models (Part 2): ( Coming soon )
- Lecture 11 (10.04.2025, at 12:15-14:00, Ag C231.1, Zoom): Intro to Reinforcement Learning ( Coming soon )
- Tasks: Results are present during corresponding Demo sessions
- Task 0 (deadline 01.05.2025)
- Instructions

- results presentation at Demo-0 session (02.05.2025 at 12:15-16:00, and 08.05.2025 at 12:15-14:00)
- Task 1 (deadline 23.01.2025)
- Instructions

- results presentation at Demo-1 session (24.01.2025, at 12:15-16:00)
- Task 2 (deadline 30.01.2025)
- Instructions

- results presentation at Demo-2 session (31.01.2025, at 12:15-16:00)
- Task 3 (deadline 13.02.2025)
- Instructions

- results presentation at Demo-3 session (14.02.2025, at 12:15-16:00)
- Task 4 (deadline 27.02.2025)
- Instructions: Coming soon
- results presentation at Demo-4 session (28.02.2025, at 12:15-16:00)
- Task 5 (deadline 06.03.2025)
- Instructions: Coming soon
- results presentation at Demo-5 session (07.03.2025, at 12:15-16:00)
- Task 6 (deadline 03.04.2025)
- Instructions: Coming soon
- results presentation at Demo-6 session (04.04.2025, at 12:15-16:00)
- Task 7 (deadline 10.04.2025)
- Instructions: Coming soon
- results presentation at Demo-7 session (11.04.2025, at 12:15-16:00)
- Task 8 (deadline 24.04.2025)
- Instructions: Coming soon
- results presentation at Demo-8 session (25.04.2025, at 12:15-16:00)
- MiniProject (deadline 08.05.2025)
- Instructions: Coming soon
- results presentation at Demo-MiniProject session (09.05.2025, at 12:15-16:00). Extra time slot for presentation might be used during the Demo-Extra-3 (15.05.2025, at 12:15-14:00) and Demo-Extra-4 (16.05.2025, at 12:15-16:00).
- Demo sessions: Demo sessions take place in Ag C231.1. Extra possibility for remote participation is available via Zoom.
- Demo-1 (24.01.2025, at 12:15-16:00, Ag C231.1, Zoom)
- Demo-2 (31.01.2025, at 12:15-16:00, Ag C231.1, Zoom)
- Demo-3 (14.02.2025, at 12:15-16:00, Ag C231.1, Zoom)
- Delivery of the Task 3
- Instructions: Coming soon
- Demo-4 (28.02.2025, at 12:15-16:00, Ag C231.1, Zoom)
- Delivery of the Task 4
- Instructions: Coming soon
- Demo-5 (07.03.2025, at 12:15-16:00, Ag C231.1, Zoom)
- Delivery of the Task 5
- Instructions: Coming soon
- Demo-Extra-1 (03.04.2025, at 12:15-14:00, Ag C231.1, Zoom)
- Delivery of unpresent tasks and (optional) extra tasks
- Demo-6 (04.04.2025, at 12:15-16:00, Ag C231.1, Zoom)
- Delivery of the Task 6
- Instructions: Coming soon
- Demo-7 (11.04.2025, at 12:15-16:00, Ag C231.1, Zoom)
- Delivery of the Task 7
- Instructions: Coming soon
- Demo-Extra-2 (24.04.2025, at 12:15-14:00, Ag C231.1, Zoom)
- Delivery of unpresent tasks and (optional) extra tasks
- Demo-8 (25.04.2025, at 12:15-16:00, Ag C231.1, Zoom)
- Demo-0 (02.05.2025, at 12:15-16:00, Ag C231.1, Zoom)
- Demo-0 Extra (08.05.2025, at 12:15-16:00,Ag C231.1, Zoom)
- Demo-MiniProject (09.05.2025, at 12:15-16:00, Ag C231.1, Zoom)
- Delivery of the MiniProject
- Demo-Extra-3 (15.05.2025, at 12:15-14:00, Ag C231.1, Zoom)
- Delivery of the MiniProject and (optional) extra tasks
- Demo-Extra-4 (16.05.2025, at 12:15-16:00, Ag C231.1, Zoom)
- Delivery of the MiniProject and (optional) extra tasks
Last update: 31.01.2025