MAHATMA: I am not sure whether it is drops any more, rather the ocean itself appears to be getting dirty -
"A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes."
- Mark Twain
Brought to you by JeeneDo™, EnnaVidiya & EngaVeediya™ & the Danceapore™
DAILY WONDER FROM AROUND THE WORLD: Check what is inside the globe below by clicking it
Quote of the Day: "Those who don't believe in magic will never find it." — Roald Dahl
Tip of the Day: "Incorporate more vegetables into your meals. Aim to make half your plate vegetables at each meal. This simple change can help you get essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which are important for overall health and digestion."
Deep Thought: "There are two ways to be. One is at war with reality and the other is at peace." — Byron Katie
From Likes to Life Lessons: A Tale of Digital Wisdom – Wise Grandmother !!
Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, there lived a young woman named Emma. Emma was a social media butterfly, fluttering from one platform to another, basking in the glow of likes, shares, and comments. She loved the thrill of going viral and the dopamine rush that came with every notification.
One day, Emma noticed that her friend Max was always posting about his amazing parties. The photos were filled with laughter, drinks, and seemingly endless fun. "Wow," thought Emma, "I need to be part of this scene!" So, she started attending more parties, each one more extravagant than the last.
At first, it was all fun and games. Emma enjoyed the social aspect and the newfound popularity. But soon, she noticed that her social media feed was filled with images of alcohol and wild nights out. The more she saw, the more she felt the need to keep up. Peer pressure had gone digital, and Emma was on the verge of getting hooked.
One evening, Emma's wise grandmother, Nana, noticed her scrolling through her phone with a worried look. "Emma, dear, what's troubling you?" Nana asked. Emma sighed and explained how she felt pressured to keep up with the party lifestyle she saw online.
Nana chuckled and said, "Let me tell you a story. When I was your age, we didn't have social media, but we had our own pressures. The key is to find balance and not let these things control you". Nana shared some tips with Emma:
Set Boundaries: Limit your time on social media and be mindful of what you consume.
Stay Grounded: Focus on real-life connections and activities that bring you joy.
Be Aware: Understand the risks of substance abuse and avoid situations that might lead to it.
Seek Support: Talk to friends, family, or professionals if you feel overwhelmed.
Emma took Nana's advice to heart. She started setting boundaries for her social media use and focused on activities she genuinely enjoyed, like painting and hiking. She also made a conscious effort to avoid situations that might lead to substance abuse
Over time, Emma found that she was happier and more fulfilled. She realized that the curated images on social media didn't define her worth or happiness. By staying grounded and mindful, she avoided the pitfalls of addiction and discovered a more balanced, joyful life.
Check out this article , if you would like
Why did the scarecrow become a successful politician? Because he was "outstanding" in his field 😄
Good Night Dreamy Thought: "May your dreams be filled with the gentle whispers of the night, guiding you to a place of serenity and calm. Remember, the stars above are watching over you, twinkling with the promise of a new day."
Good Night Story: Mythological Story: "The Nightly Dream of Endymion In ancient Greek mythology, there was a handsome shepherd named Endymion. He was known for his unparalleled beauty and his love for the night sky. Every evening, he would lie on a hill and gaze at the stars, dreaming of the mysteries they held. One night, the moon goddess Selene saw Endymion and was captivated by his beauty. She descended from the heavens and gently kissed his forehead, casting a spell that allowed him to have the most peaceful and rejuvenating sleep each night. Every evening, as the sun set and the stars began to twinkle, Endymion would fall into a deep, restful sleep. Selene would visit him nightly, watching over him and whispering sweet lullabies. She shared stories of the cosmos, ensuring his dreams were filled with wonder and peace. Endymion's nightly slumber became a symbol of perfect tranquility, a reminder that each night brings an opportunity to rest and rejuvenate. As you close your eyes tonight, imagine yourself under the same starry sky, with the gentle presence of Selene guiding you to a realm of beautiful dreams. Sleep well and wake refreshed, ready to embrace the new day." Sweet dreams! 🌙✨
red: embodies courage
orange: offers the vision of possibilities
yellow: represents the challenge that green has kindled
green: indicates a challenge to co-operators to strive for growth of membership and of understanding of the aims and values of co-operation
blue: suggests far horizons – the need to provide education and help less fortunate people and strive toward global unity
indigo: suggests pessimism – a reminder that less fortunate people have needs that may be met through the benefits of cooperation
violet: is the colour of warmth, beauty, and friendship
Source: International Co-operative Alliance
My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old,
Or let me die!
The Child is father of the Man;
I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety.
The Poet, William Wordsworth, captures his awe/wonder of nature through the platform of poetry. In this poem, the poet captures three essential elements namely, a. his wonder for rainbow/nature in general, b. how this wonder remained intact all through the years until then when this poem was written at the age of 32, and how he would like to retain it all through his life, c. most importantly, this poem captures the importance of retaining child's curiosity
Note: Child's curiosity is distinctly different than Childishness. For example, having the mind to see all the political gimmicks completely right before every election would come under child's curious mind; whereas, it is childishness to expect that it would be any different this time.
It is an amalgamation of physics, geometry, nature, and colors that we get to see this natural beauty.
Rainbow is formed when spherical water droplets scatters light at a specific geometric angle to the observer resulting in the dispersion of colors that we see as rainbow.
1. Coined by Archbishop Desmond Tutu in 1994, this term is used to mark post-apartheid South Africa. Connected, please check out this interesting op-ed on, rainbow nation myth
2. Rainbow formation is a unique mix of physics, geometry, nature, colors, and the observer. Since the Isaac Newton's times, we have known and accepted the presence of seven distinct colors namely, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet going by the acronym, ROYGBIV. However, in reality, rainbow is not a pure spectrum and includes a mix of multiple colors spanning red to violet.
3. The mythological goddess of rainbow is the greek goddess, Iris. As per mythology, Greek Goddess Iris builds the rainbow as a bridge between the heaven and the earth. A quick note: We hope to build products to bridge gap between classes and masses.
4. Polymath Rene Descartes is given the credit for identifying rainbow formation as an optical phenomenon, and Isaac Newton for stating the presence of seven distinct colors in the rainbow.
5. The name of the fish is Rainbow Trout. Rainbow Trout is an adaptable fish, which is native to only certain parts of the world. However, considering their adaptable nature, they are seen around the world now. At the same time, their predatory and invasive nature drives many other species to endangerment. If you would like to drive out an invasive species such as rainbow trout, make the water polluted. But then, polluted water will not serve other species as well.
6. As of now, the longest recorded rainbow was seen in Taiwan in the Yangmingshan Mountain Range. This rainbow lasted for close to 9 hours and happened in 2017. Prior to it, the longest rainbow was recorded in Yorkshire that spanned for six hours or so in the year, 1994. Usually, rainbows last for an hour.
MAHATMA: I am not sure whether it is drops any more, rather the ocean itself appears to be getting dirty -
"A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes."
- Mark Twain
Brought to you by LIFE HACKING QUOTES
Juneteenth Day? What is it?
Last Info: Would you like to know more about Juneteenth Day? Please check out over here, Juneteenth Day on LifeHackingQuotes & EyePerspective
Note: No animal was harmed in making this application. You can even see the monkey laughing in one of the gifs. :-)
Brought to you by, BrainClick Games (BCG)
Enter a question below, then click on the Magic 8-Ball for its wisdom.
Will I be a billionaire or millionaire or trillionaire one day?
Can an admirer find me charming? Who could it be?
Is there enough money in my future?
Will I get a sudden fortune or lottery luck?
Should I give money to charity?
Is it a good time to invest?
Can I be financially independent?
Should I save more?
Will I have enough money to buy my own house or car one day?
Should I start saving up for college now?
Will I receive an inheritance?
Will there be enough of a money flow in my life?
Will I win a lottery ticket today?
Will I win a lottery ticket this year?
Should I avoid asking the Magic 8 Ball too many questions?
Should I let the Magic 8 Ball guide me?
Should I trust the Magic 8 Ball?
Does my future hold anything big?
Can I expect anything exciting in my life soon?
Does destiny love me?
Will I be able to find myself spiritually this year?
Is this my ultimate destiny?
Is this what I am here to learn from life?
Do people like being around me?
Am I a difficult person?
Should I focus on my personal growth this year?
Should I focus on improving my relationships this year?
Do I have the potential to become a good leader?
Do I have potential in clairvoyance?
Do I have good intuition?
Will my dream come true?
Should I believe my latest dream?
Will I be able to motivate myself today?
Will things around me begin to improve this week?
Do I have bad luck?
When will things improve?
Can I expect any type of surprises this week?
Should I wear blue or red today?
Do I have extra luck today?
Should I bike to work today?
Should I wake up early morning?
Should I not worry about tomorrow morning and enjoy my sleep?
Should I go to the party tomorrow?
Should I get a new dress for the party tomorrow?
Should I ask out my crush if (s)he is at the party tomorrow?
Do I need to pay more attention this week?
Is it time to relocate?
Should I re-decorate my house this week?
Should I live in my current country or think of relocating?
Will the party I’m hosting this weekend go well?
Will my new guests enjoy the weekend?
Is this the right day to go shopping?
Is this the best time to go travelling?
Should I get a new haircut?
I have my tattoo designed and ready. Should I go get it done this weekend?
I have been interested in becoming vegan for a long time. Is this the right time to switch?
Will I be able to have my dream body some day?
Should I have dinner right now?
Should I go for a walk today?
Should I call my neighbour and ask if she wants to go for a walk today?
Should I apologize to my friend for our fight last night?
Am I in love with my boyfriend/girlfriend?
Will we ever get a dog?
Should we get a dog?
Is my boyfriend/girlfriend cheating on me?
Are my parents taking the right decision for me?
Will my parents be up when I sneak in tonight?
Will my crush be at the party today?
When will my boyfriend/girlfriend tell me (s)he loves me?
Does my boyfriend/girlfriend really love me?
Will I ever meet the true love of my life?
Am I going to be in a new relationship soon?
Will I be single in this new year?
Is there anyone loving me secretly?
Do you think the connection I felt today with someone new will grow into something more?
When will I meet my once-in-a-lifetime soulmate?
I met someone online and was asked out on a real date. Should I accept?
How many times will I meet a compatible partner?
Do I already know my future boyfriend/girlfriend?
Should I tell my crush about my feelings today?
I went on a date last week. (S)He promised to text me but still hasn’t. Should I contact first?
Will we ever be more than just friends?
Is my ex my soulmate?
Will it be a good idea for me to get back together with my ex?
Is my ex seeing someone new now?
Will I restore myself soon after my breakup?
Will my ex ask to get back with me today?
Is it possible for me and my ex to stay good friends?
Does my ex-girlfriend/ex-boyfriend still love me?
Should I move in with my partner?
Should I agree to a long-distance relationship?
Should I go out on a date today?
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For more Pandemic stats, check out our Pielytics - here is one & one more here
Modern Day Olympics started in the year 1896 in Athens, and this year's Olympics at Paris was the XXXIII Olympiad. The three primary values of olympism being excellence, respect and friendship. When it comes to Olympics, it is not all about winning, but more about encouraging effort, preserving human dignity and developing harmony. As soon as we discuss about Olympics, immediately we think about Countries. See below is the list of Countries and Capitals as of 2024.
Do you know "Break dancing" was an official event in this year's Olympics?
While discussing about Dancing, it would be interesting to know about a social phenomenon called Dancing Mania that was prevalent in Europe in late Middle ages, and early Modern age. Check out this connected article, which touched upon the topic of Dancing Mania from the movie, Paracelsus.
Actual video and soundtrack from the movie, Paracelsus, (who is considered in Europe as the father of Modern Toxicology), is presented below.
Country | Capital City ▼ |
Afghanistan | Kabul |
Albania | Tirana (Tirane) |
Algeria | Algiers |
Andorra | Andorra la Vella |
Angola | Luanda |
Antigua and Barbuda | Saint John's |
Argentina | Buenos Aires |
Armenia | Yerevan |
Australia | Canberra |
Austria | Vienna |
Azerbaijan | Baku |
Bahamas | Nassau |
Bahrain | Manama |
Bangladesh | Dhaka |
Barbados | Bridgetown |
Belarus | Minsk |
Belgium | Brussels |
Belize | Belmopan |
Benin | Porto Novo |
Bhutan | Thimphu |
Bolivia | La Paz (adm), Sucre (off) |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Sarajevo |
Botswana | Gaborone |
Brazil | Brasilia |
Brunei | Bandar Seri Begawan |
Bulgaria | Sofia |
Burkina Faso | Ouagadougou |
Burundi | Gitega |
Cambodia | Phnom Penh |
Cameroon | Yaounde |
Canada | Ottawa |
Cape Verde | Praia |
Central African Republic | Bangui |
Chad | N'Djamena |
Chile | Santiago |
China | Beijing |
Colombia | Bogota |
Comoros | Moroni |
Congo, Democratic Republic of the | Kinshasa |
Congo, Republic of the | Brazzaville |
Costa Rica | San Jose |
Croatia | Zagreb |
Cuba | Havana |
Cyprus | Nicosia |
Czech Republic (Czechi | Prague |
Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) | Yamoussoukro |
Denmark | Copenhagen |
Djibouti | Djibouti |
Dominica | Roseau |
Dominican Republic | Santo Domingo |
East Timor | Dili |
Ecuador | Quito |
Egypt | Cairo |
El Salvador | San Salvador |
England | London |
Equatorial Guinea | Malabo |
Eritrea | Asmara |
Estonia | Tallinn |
Eswatini (Swaziland) | Mbabane |
Ethiopia | Addis Ababa |
Federated States of Micronesia | Palikir |
Fiji | Suva |
Finland | Helsinki |
France | Paris |
Gabon | Libreville |
Gambia | Banjul |
Georgia | Tbilisi |
Germany | Berlin |
Ghana | Accra |
Greece | Athens |
Grenada | Saint George's |
Guatemala | Guatemala City |
Guinea | Conakry |
Guinea-Bissau | Bissau |
Guyana | Georgetown |
Haiti | Port au Prince |
Honduras | Tegucigalpa |
Hungary | Budapest |
Iceland | Reykjavik |
India | New Delhi |
Indonesia | Jakarta |
Iran | Tehran |
Iraq | Baghdad |
Ireland | Dublin |
Israel | Jerusalem (very limited international recognition) |
Italy | Rome |
Jamaica | Kingston |
Japan | Tokyo |
Jordan | Amman |
Kazakhstan | Astana |
Kenya | Nairobi |
Kiribati | Tarawa Atoll |
Kosovo | Pristina |
Kuwait | Kuwait City |
Kyrgyzstan | Bishkek |
Laos | Vientiane |
Latvia | Riga |
Lebanon | Beirut |
Lesotho | Maseru |
Liberia | Monrovia |
Libya | Tripoli |
Liechtenstein | Vaduz |
Lithuania | Vilnius |
Luxembourg | Luxembourg |
Madagascar | Antananarivo |
Malawi | Lilongwe |
Malaysia | Kuala Lumpur |
Maldives | Male |
Mali | Bamako |
Malta | Valletta |
Marshall Islands | Majuro |
Mauritania | Nouakchott |
Mauritius | Port Louis |
Mexico | Mexico City |
Moldova | Chisinau |
Monaco | Monaco |
Mongolia | Ulaanbaatar |
Montenegro | Podgorica |
Morocco | Rabat |
Mozambique | Maputo |
Myanmar (Burma) | Nay Pyi Taw |
Namibia | Windhoek |
Nauru | No official capital |
Nepal | Kathmandu |
Netherlands | Amsterdam |
New Zealand | Wellington |
Nicaragua | Managua |
Niger | Niamey |
Nigeria | Abuja |
North Korea | Pyongyang |
North Macedonia (Macedonia) | Skopje |
Northern Ireland | Belfast |
Norway | Oslo |
Oman | Muscat |
Pakistan | Islamabad |
Palau | Melekeok |
Palestine | Jerusalem (very limited international recognition) |
Panama | Panama City |
Papua New Guinea | Port Moresby |
Paraguay | Asuncion |
Peru | Lima |
Philippines | Manila |
Poland | Warsaw |
Portugal | Lisbon |
Qatar | Doha |
Romania | Bucharest |
Russia | Moscow |
Rwanda | Kigali |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Basseterre |
Saint Lucia | Castries |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Kingstown |
Samoa | Apia |
San Marino | San Marino |
Sao Tome and Principe | Sao Tome |
Saudi Arabia | Riyadh |
Scotland | Edinburgh |
Senegal | Dakar |
Serbia | Belgrade |
Seychelles | Victoria |
Sierra Leone | Freetown |
Singapore | Singapore |
Slovakia | Bratislava |
Slovenia | Ljubljana |
Solomon Islands | Honiara |
Somalia | Mogadishu |
South Africa | Pretoria, Bloemfontein, Cape Town |
South Korea | Seoul |
South Sudan | Juba |
Spain | Madrid |
Sri Lanka | Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte |
Sudan | Khartoum |
Suriname | Paramaribo |
Sweden | Stockholm |
Switzerland | Bern |
Syria | Damascus |
Taiwan | Taipei |
Tajikistan | Dushanbe |
Tanzania | Dodoma |
Thailand | Bangkok |
Togo | Lome |
Tonga | Nuku'alofa |
Trinidad and Tobago | Port of Spain |
Tunisia | Tunis |
Turkmenistan | Ashgabat |
Tuvalu | Funafuti |
Türkiye (Turkey) | Ankara |
Uganda | Kampala |
Ukraine | Kyiv or Kiev |
United Arab Emirates | Abu Dhabi |
United Kingdom | London |
United States | Washington D.C. |
Uruguay | Montevideo |
Uzbekistan | Tashkent |
Vanuatu | Port Vila |
Vatican City | Vatican City |
Venezuela | Caracas |
Vietnam | Hanoi |
Wales | Cardiff |
Yemen | Sana'a |
Zambia | Lusaka |
Zimbabwe | Harare |
201 | 201 |
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Brought to you by Pielytics, a unit of AIORADAR that focuses not only on volume, velocity, variety, but also veracity & WonderSky
Brought to you by Pielytics, a unit of AIORADAR that focuses not only on volume, velocity, variety, but also veracity & WonderSky
Brought to you by Pielytics, a unit of AIORADAR that focuses not only on volume, velocity, variety, but also veracity & WonderSky
Brought to you by Pielytics, a unit of AIORADAR that focuses not only on volume, velocity, variety, but also veracity & WonderSky
"There is no friend as loyal as the book." - Ernest Hemingway
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Equation: ℉=(℃*1.8)+32
under 18.5 – considered underweight.
between 18.5 and 24.9 – considered as the ‘healthy range’.
between 25 and 29.9 – considered as overweight
between 30 and 39.9 – considered as obesity
40 or over – considered as severe obesity
BMI calculator is just one indicator to determine our health status and is not the answer to all of our health concerns. As it depends on the height and weight of an individual, measuring those two values right will influence one's BMI value.
Brought to you by Health-O-Health, a unit of AIORADAR that looks at health in an interconnected and holistic way, not only on paper, but also really.
Any news presented here is randomly sourced out from a third-party source, and is not an endorsement. We are constantly looking out for self-reliant solutions to improve this section.
“Books give a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” - Credited to Plato
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This Nikola Tesla, who had no connection to the current Tesla, died bankrupt, while lighting the entire world.
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