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It's /ssd/ Friday!

Thread focused on pages or panels of ss doujins. Post, recommend, or discuss the ss doujins you like or the latest releases.
>you can post some pages from the same doujin, but don't dump the entire thing here
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BUTA god, with shota + gyarus.
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>>930422058 #
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>>930422089 #
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>>930422182 #
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>>930422358 #
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>>930422382 #
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the sniffer shota
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>>930422599 #
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>>930423836 #
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>>930424285 #
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>>930426743 #
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>>930427016 #
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>>930427041 #
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>>930427581 #
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>>930427609 #
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>>930427972 #
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thank you for posting anon there's some gold in here especially the uncensored, I've been trying to find some good translated ss comics to show the curious wife <3
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>>930431686 #
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>>930431710 #
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I'll sauce everything like I did last time. My goal is to have this thread reach the post limit instead of the image limit
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>>930431759 #
but why do you want to sauce everything? the anons can do a reverse search or ask for the sauce in the ones that interest them
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>>930431890 #
I just like doing it, something to waste time over
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>>930432071 #
oh okay
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Wish Po-ju did more straight shota, but it always seems like the best shotas are drawn artists who mainly do gay shota
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I want to take advantage of the thread to recommend some manga with ss vibes

>Shiboritoranaide, Onna Shounin-san
>The Death Mage
>The Lady Knight and the Beast-Eared Child
>In the Heavenly Prison, the Devil Enchants Me
>Do You Like Big Girls?
>Ano Oni Kyoushi ga Boku no Ane ni Narun desu ka?
>Valhalla Otintin Kan
>Ookii Kouhai wa Suki desu ka?
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>>930433669 #
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Too much untranslated /ss/ martial. I wish there was some dedicated straight shota translation group that could go through everything
>>930433546 #
Reading it
Reading it
Reading it
Not read it
Can't find it
Finished it
Reccomend it
Not read it

Solid list
>>930433935 #
>>Do You Like Big Girls?
>>Can't find it
'Ookii Onnanoko wa Suki Desu ka?' on Mangadex
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There's also these
>Kinsou no Vermeil ~Gakeppuchi Majutshi wa Saikyou no Yakusai to Mahou Sekai wo Tsukisusumu~
>Tora wa Ryuu o Mada Tabenai
>Dara-san of Reiwa
>Toshiue Elite Onna Kishi ga Boku no Mae de dake Kawaii

>>930434064 #
Ah I see, thanks
I'll throw in some recommendations too
>Apocalypse Bride
>A Boy's Scar
>Shounen, Chotto Sabotteko?
Oh nevermind I dropped that one, I think it went on hiatus or just wasn't interesting after a certain point. Can't recall
>>930434403 #
>A Boy's Scar
That's one's cute, def a good one
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>>930434192 #
>>930434403 #
>Toshiue Elite Onna Kishi ga Boku no Mae de dake Kawaii
>Kinsou no Vermeil
>Apocalypse Bride
>A Boy's Scar

putting all of these in my plan to read, ty
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I do recommend Reiwa No Dara-san just for the art, its very well done and its caked with jap mythology. Also Kaoru is my nigga for thirsting after that mountain goddess snussy.
Any Hana Hook fans here?
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>>930434791 #
ntr shit isn't my thing
>>930434791 #
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>>930434647 #
i didn't know this gem, thx. the sauce is [Nodo (Puzenketsu)] Good Teachers 2, if someone is interested
>>930435062 #
Glasses are hot. Her style in particular are perfect!
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>>930435632 #
i love fox girls + ss so much
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>>930435703 #
Me too anon, me too.
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>>930436847 #
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>>930437133 #
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>>930437290 #
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>>930437315 #
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I've noticed that nhentai is using webp more and more now and 4chan still doesn't accept this format, which means that threads like this will disappear if the op doesn't have the patience to convert all the images he posts before posting them.
>>930438244 #
Yeah, and it's annoying when I try to post something and it's in webp format.
>>930438244 #
I think webp is designed to be incompatible with more sites
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If you know the original format, can't you just save a .webp as that anyway?
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>>930439113 #
It's not about saving it, its that webps can't be uploaded to 4chan
>>930439113 #
Changing formats is a pain in the ass, it also doesn't help that is also breaks the file, rendering it useless. This can however work if you paste it on PS or MS Paint, then save it as jpeg or png, but again, very tedious.
>>930439312 #
>Changing formats is a pain in the ass
there are ways to save to another format just by right-clicking on the image, but you'll still have to convert them one by one, so yeah in the end it will be a pain in the ass
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>>930439267 #
Yeah, but if the .webp was originaly a .png, and you save it as a .png, then it's a .png and uploads just fine. I've done that.
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This thread sucks ass. Here's a crazy idea. Maybe idk.. put the name of the doujin in the post every single time. Even crazier idea. Maybe put the name of the doujin in the filename of the image that you saved and plan on posting. Why the fuck should anyone have to ask what the name of the comic is that you're posting in a thread where you post specific pages of comics you already know people are going to ask about? Makes no sense to be that lazy.
This thread is great, but please consider putting the names of the doujins in the filename, I can find them with saucenao but would make browsing easier
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>>930441288 #
>>930441642 #
it's literally click on it, it works for 90% of the doujins posted in this thread.
I think OP is done
>>930441954 #
>it works for 90%
except it doesn't. Also I have lens completely disabled because it's garbage.
>>930425029 #
Image search failed me. What's the source on this?
>not using saucenao
>not having 4chanx installed
>in the year of the lord 2012+13
>>930442445 #
>>930442516 #
saucenao was commented out. That is now rectified. Thank you kindly.
>>930442436 #
you are the lazy niggas, if a reverse search site doesn't work use another way, you are the reason why this site doesn't encourage you to deliver the sauce of things because your gen of lazzy niggas even if you give them 99% of the information they need to find something online, still can't figure it out on their own.
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>>930444444 #
>>930444444 #
>>930444444 #
>blessed numbers
blessed straight shota thread
>>930444444 #
I can't believe this post got sexts

One in 100,000 chance

And it's this
>>930444444 #
>tfw no slightly older gf
>>930444444 #
>>930443106 #
or just take 2 seconds to the write the fucking name before you click "post"
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>>930444444 #
does anyone else hear an accordion?
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Does anyone have the archive of the last /ss/ thread, I accidentally refreshed it and it 404ed
>>930447876 #
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>>930447876 #
The thread number was 930382369.
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>>930447977 #
>>930447986 #
Thanks anons
>>930448594 #
>>930448618 #
>>930448968 #
>>930434791 #
me, shota mom ntr is peak, too bad she retired
>>930421518 (OP) #
>>930422058 #
Great series
>>930437133 #
>>930431686 #
>>930433669 #
>>930434584 #
>>930434913 #
>>930434723 #
>>930435383 #
>>930426743 #
>niyaniya moe/?s=Azuma+Tesshin
This artist is pretty prolific, and fakku knows that too
>>930435632 #
>>930437741 #
Fakku did this cool thing were they broke up a tankoubon and sold each chapter individually (and than deleted it from their website)
>niyaniya moe/?s=Unou
>>930434144 #
love higashino mikan
>>930431428 #
>>930437290 #
I think 200 posts is enough, the post limit (I've learned) is 300
>>930421518 (OP) #
I don't feel like posting the whole thing page by page because who the fuck has time for that, but read this shit. It's amazing.
>>930454651 #
That poor little boy
>>930455091 #
He had a hot tsundere loli sister, Whom he impregnated. He also lives in the greatest era in America.
>>930455228 #
The one with highest all round mortality rates? Fun
>>930455500 #
The era where electricity became norm, as well as germ theory and other medical knowledge. He would live to see the 1900s. He's 11 in 1872. And obviously very healthy.
>>930434990 #
Well, I'm not gonna be able to sit still this morning, thanks to some of these. And, for whatever reason, I can't come in the mornings anymore, so I'll have to wait while trying not to go back and look through these again.
>>930424497 #
>>930424527 #
>>930424558 #
>>930439111 #
JCM did ss? Owo?
>>930459767 #
[Kakuzatou] Kuro Gal VS Fuuki Iin

210 / 150 / 6

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