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>>930446639 (OP) #
Like I said before, have rough sex on that kitchen counter while I play with her boobs.
>>930446676 #
Squeeze them so hard she yelps
>>930446733 #
I want to kiss that tummy.
>>930446776 #
Mommy's tummy's so soft
>>930446804 #
Yes, it's so yummy.
>>930446836 #
>>930446858 #
I bet she likes fucking younger guys in their 20s and late teens.
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>>930446912 #
Definitely her favorite age range
>>930446946 #
Would she fuck even younger than that though?
>>930446985 #
I think she probably has
>>930447010 #
So there's no age limit for her?
>>930447041 #
Maybe not, slutty mommy, she just has preferences a little older
>>930447064 #
So a middle school boy just starting puberty will get to enjoy her tits too?
>>930447101 #
Well she was a teenage mother so it's just normal to her
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I know it’s coming
>>930447139 #
She wouldn't mind reliving her teenage flings with a younger boy to make herself feel young again.
>>930447143 #
>>930447191 #
She for sure took her son's virginity, just like his dad took hers...
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>>930447191 #
Think she’s shota bait?
>>930447221 #
Would love for her to stroke me with those toes.
>>930447229 #
Yeah, have you found one for your wife?
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>>930447281 #
Not yet
>>930447264 #
A footjob from slutty mommy Mel
>>930447291 #
Her soft and squishy body is definitely build for it.
>>930447295 #
And in full view of that ass.
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>>930447319 #
Why I expect it
>>930447332 #
She must hate when her son brings girls home, get so jealous
>>930447343 #
Must be comfy to cuddle her.
>>930447360 #
She convinces him that older women are way better than girls his age.
>>930447392 #
And that she'll do anything to make him happy.....
>>930447421 #
She'll put on his favorite outfit and do his favorite positions. She wants to make sure he's having fun.
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>>930447392 #
>>930447478 #
She seems like a groomer.
>>930447471 #
He's always so excited every time she pulls out a new outfit in her jealous desperation
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>>930447509 #
I do wonder
>>930447532 #
Do you think she'll allow the younger lady in a threesome with her son.
>>930447577 #
She wouldn't mind taking a few virginities and making them first-time dads.
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>>930447657 #
I should ask if she wants to
>>930447657 #
Only if she helps her son to dominate mommy
>>930447683 #
I bet she'll definitely agree to it.
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>>930447730 #
I hope she lets me watch
>>930447724 #
Will he be allowed to fuck his young girlfriend too, or just let her watch?
>>930447770 #
Just let her watch and see how much he loves his mom
>>930447754 #
Will it just be a one-one-one with her or a gangbang?
>>930447811 #
Maybe she can help rub mommy's pussy or squeeze her nipples as he fucks and gags her.
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>>930447816 #
Probably start her one on one. I think she can handle more though
>>930447836 #
Have her play with mommy's hypersensitive nipples
>>930447857 #
She want to be intimate with each boy she encounters and just focus on them as much as possible.
>>930447879 #
Will mommy kiss the young lady too?
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>>930447901 #
You’re probably right
>>930447922 #
No her thong is in her mouth already
>>930447941 #
Let each one enjoy her alone.
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>>930448019 #
I hope they enjoy her
>>930447954 #
At least she can eat mommy out.
>>930448039 #
She want to make sure their first sexual experience is the best they'll ever have.
>>930448041 #
Mommy's in the perfect position for it
>>930448073 #
The girlfriend eats her out while the son fucks her throat.
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>>930448090 #
Mommy absolutely loves to be used this way
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>>930448072 #
Think I should be offering her to dads who have sons? Maybe that’s an in
>>930448139 #
Will mommy eat the girlfriend out too? The son is still fucking mommy.
>>930448180 #
I don't think they'll give mommy any other choice
>>930448158 #
Will they know what's really going on, or will you just tell them that she's a friend?
>>930448199 #
Will she allow her son's friends to join along too?
>>930448235 #
He's been texting them while he's been throatfucking her
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>>930448200 #
I think most dads are into their sons getting pussy
>>930448266 #
They can come over to glaze her tits.
>>930448302 #
I bet they would be proud of their sons getting to fuck a mature woman.
>>930447295 #
a shota cock could NOT get past those cheeks holy fuck.
>>930448353 #
A lot of cum to cover all of mom
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>>930448353 #
I’d be proud too
>>930448376 #
No way but he'd certainly try!
>>930448379 #
Young cum keeps her skin smooth and looking young herself.
>>930448389 #
And she'll be proud to be their first.
>>930448460 #
Daily cum showers for mommy
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>>930448460 #
I hope so
>>930448402 #
that would be the hottest part, him just desperately humping her cheeks..
>>930448489 #
>>930448523 #
They want to get impregnated by young fertile sperm.
>>930448573 #
And she's encouraging him "yes baby, just like that, keep going for mommy"
>>930448606 #
Mommy wants another child from her own son
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>>930448606 #
I want her to too
>>930448622 #
Her huge ass would be too overwhelming for a small body.
>>930448663 #
Her body is made for being a shota baby maker.
>>930448730 #
She'd have to teach him how to fuck her properly
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>>930448750 #
Yeah. I’ve long accepted it
>>930448755 #
She'll be very gentile with him, and then tells him if he can make her cum and for him to only come when she does.
>>930448769 #
She'll fondle them as they lay in bed watching Pokémon together.
>>930448837 #
Slow, gentle thrusting into mommy, building to the edge together...
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>>930448864 #
That sounds so cute…
>>930448869 #
She puts his small hands on her hips, and tell him to grab her from behind as she thrusts into him.
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made for shota “cocks” 3 inches and less ONLY
>>930448946 #
She shivers as she feels him pumping into her
>>930448947 #
STPeach needs them all up in her peach
>>930448947 #
>>930448489 #
>>930448402 #
>>930448379 #
these women make me want to become a BBC sissy slut for them. or at least a total cuck watching them get used
>>930448941 #
She'll learn about all his favorite cartoons and video games so she can cosplay as the characters.
>>930448769 #
is that a fucking jade harley shirt.
>>930448993 #
Mommy only gets the best cocks in her
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>>930449017 #
>>930449024 #
She’s done a LOT of cosplay
>>930449140 #
Do you do shota roleplay with her?
>>930448984 #
>>930449075 #
She tells them to thrust a little bit faster.
>>930449200 #
Building up the speed, her tits swinging faster and harder as he does
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>>930449176 #
I haven’t. I’m not really interested in being one. More just thinking about how nice little shota cocks in her would be
>>930449268 #
When she's about to cum, she tells him to go at it as fast as he can until he busts.
>>930449269 #
Why shota specifically?
>>930449306 #
As she feels his cum in her womb she squirts all over his dick
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>>930448984 #
not like they’d be able to actually make it all the way in~
>>930449334 #
She pushes back against him and tells him to pull her toward him and stay still.
>>930449366 #
She has amazing ass and soles.
>>930449366 #
But they sure could try their best
>>930449368 #
Grinds herself onto him, so that every single last drop gets left inside her
>>930449412 #
The boy shakes and squirms in pleasure.
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>>930449306 #
Maybe it’s just the taboo. Just not into the idea of any grown man but me touching her
>>930449429 #
And mommy collapses next to him and plants a big kiss on him
>>930449448 #
You want shota to experience her soft body.
>>930449456 #
And then cuddle for the rest of the night.
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>>930449546 #
Mommy's soft warm body so comforting
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>>930449526 #
I think they’d appreciate her, and that helps to know
>>930449580 #
They'll quickly fall asleep resting on her.
>>930449605 #
On her mega milker pillow tits
>>930449601 #
She teases and plays with his cock while asking who his favorite Pokémon is.
>>930449625 #
And hearing her heartbeat and soft breathing.
>>930449653 #
Like asmr for him after he bred mommy
>>930449687 #
Indeed. Nice and tucked in bed under the moonlight and keeping each other warm and safe.
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>>930449701 #
And knowing mommy's all his
>>930449731 #
Tells him to come back and fuck her whenever he feels horny.
>>930449760 #
If he has a bad dream, she's just a room away and he can fuck her to feel better
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>>930449641 #
She loves to listen
>>930449789 #
And then sleep in mommy's bed.
>>930449797 #
And then she asks the boy if he ever kissed a girl before.
>>930449805 #
It's just a normal mother-son relationship to them
>>930449845 #
What will they do next morning?
>>930449895 #
Have a quickie before she drives him to school
asian slut built for shota cock
>>930449918 #
He'll brag about his experience to his classmates.
>>930449942 #
He even took picture evidence of her spread pussy with his seed leaking out
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>>930449383 #
imagine them rubbing their little cocks all over her soles while another hopelessly thrusts into her cheeks
>>930449412 #
while she says stuff like “good boy im sure if you thrust faster you can make it through~”
>>930449979 #
>while she says stuff like “good boy im sure if you thrust faster you can make it through~”
"Yes baby, pump into me as fast as you can, I know you can do it"
>>930449966 #
He fucks her everyday after coming home from school.
>>930449979 #
Her soles are perfect boy cum catchers.
>>930450027 #
She's always there waiting for him
>>930450061 #
She asks them if he wants supper first or just go straight into fucking.
>>930450090 #
Despite already knowing his answer every time...
>>930450114 #
He'd rather fuck her than the girls at his school. She worked hard to make herself the perfect porn mommy for him.
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>>930450172 #
Sometimes he finds old pictures and shows them to her to remind her all she's done to herself for him
>>930450114 #
Sucks him off while he has breakfast, bends over for him when he comes home from school, invites him to her bedroom in the evening. The perfect mother.
>>930450203 #
The boob job was a birthday gift, i bet
>>930450203 #
His friends are probably jealous that they don't have moms like her.
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>>930450207 #
No mommy does more for their son than she does
>>930450264 #
She knew it was what he really truly wanted
>>930450270 #
And the moms are all jealous of her having so much sex, they just don't know who with
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>>930450013 #
sadly I doubt any single one of them is lasting longer than a minute before having a completely dry orgasm..
>>930450027 #
she’ll let them watch as she licks all of it off her feet
>>930450324 #
>sadly I doubt any single one of them is lasting longer than a minute before having a completely dry orgasm..
No way but they definitely put in the effort and they deserve a prize all for that
>>930450310 #
She lets him indulge in ever fetish and fantasy he has. And asks him what clothes she should buy for their next fuck session.
>>930450363 #
And he always tells her the sluttiest ones she can get
>>930450400 #
Has him pulling on her hair as she sucks him off.
>>930450516 #
Calling her all the degrading names he can think of
>>930450542 #
It only makes her suck on his cock more vigorously
>>930450589 #
Becauses she knows she deserves it
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Needs to be broken in by a group of shotas
>>930450635 #
I wonder if she lets him choke her or slap her
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>>930450696 #
Absolutely does
>>930450726 #
What a spoiled boy, she lets him get away with anything
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>>930450786 #
Everything in mommy's life revolves around him.....
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>>930450353 #
what kind of prize?
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she would take shota cocks
>>930450848 #
Fingering her to a violent hip bucking orgasm
>>930450812 #
It's her purpose as a mother. When she's not pleasuring him, she's cooking for him, cleaning after him, or shopping for new gifts for him. She'll do anything for her baby.
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>>930451141 #
The only man she needs in her life, and she wouldn't change that for anything
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>>930450673 #
Yess. Comfy fuck sess
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I keep writing fanfic of her getting fucked by a "student intern" with a huge dick behind Leonard's back and getting addicted to it.
>>930451270 #
Thousands of nerds done their first experiment to Kaley
>>930451179 #
Don’t stop with mommy
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>>930451375 #
Won't stop with sexy needy mommy
>>930451411 #
I need mommy bad
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>>930451454 #
Mommy needs it bad!
>>930451483 #
I need to feel her tight pussy
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>>930451527 #
Wake her up one day by surprise fucking her...
>>930451583 #
>>930451583 #
Would she get mad?
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>>930446639 (OP) #
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>>930451585 #
Remind her she's her boy's bimbo
>>930451597 #
Maybe if she wanted to get extra sleep but not at being used
>>930451620 #
need more asian bimbos built for shota
>>930451627 #
Good cuz I need to fuck mommy bad
>>930446639 (OP) #

>>930450843 → #


>>930450843 → #
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>>930451268 #
She’ll love every second
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Hollywood stopped even try to hide it
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>>930451664 #
Mommy the submissive barbie
>>930451688 #
Love her so much
>>930451638 #
white boys are obsessed with them
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>>930451727 #
The best mommy a boy could ever have
>>930451766 #
I want to be her good boy
>>930451792 #
Suck on her tits when they're feeling full
>>930451819 #
Yes mommy
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>>930451832 #
Remind her that we love what she's made herself if she feels insecure
>>930451862 #
Nothing but worship
>>930451884 #
Absolutely addicted to her
>>930451897 #
Yes I love my mommy
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>>930451934 #
Came so hard in her when she said she was getting implants....
>>930451959 #
Instant boner
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>>930451973 #
Sitting hearing her say why not listening just staring imagining them slowly inflatiing
>>930452013 #
I need those huge fake tits to play with and suck on
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>>930452037 #
She let us choose the size of them
>>930452065 #
As big as you can but still look natural
>>930452093 #
Bet the surgeon was shocked and had to triple check she really wanted that huge.....
>>930452119 #
Who wouldnt want them that big..
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>>930452157 #
She didn't even hesitate when she confirmed yes she needed them so big
>>930452195 #
Want mommy to stroke my cock with them
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>>930451638 #
you know she likes to go to waterparks
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>>930452230 #
Still in the clinic and mommy titwanking
>>930452250 #
>>930452272 #
Want to cum all over them
>>930452250 #
Daring the teenage boys to follow her into the shower
>>930452297 #
Finish and the doctor comes in to find cum all over them...
>>930452332 #
She made the right choice
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>>930452377 #
She knows she did after that first clinic fuck
>>930452402 #
Perfect cock tease
>>930452443 #
Perfectly sculpted for soncock
>>930452479 #
What he sees in the kitchen every single morning
>>930452479 #
Gooning for mommy
>>930452520 #
>>930452526 #
She's up nice and early to show off her new body and make him breakfast
>>930452557 #
Such a good mommy
>>930452557 #
Someone's gonna be late to school
>>930452600 #
>>930452594 #
Late to school with the excuse he had to "look after his mom"
>>930452623 #
>>930452714 #
"Sorry I had to take care of some things she just had surgery..."
>>930452773 #
Mommy can I cum?
>>930452832 #
You can cum when mommy needs to cum and only in her pussy
>>930452864 #
Ok mommy
>>930452890 #
Mommy has another doctor visit today too...
>>930452890 #
>>930452934 #
"Doctor how big will they get if I get pregnant again?"
>>930453381 #
>>930454218 #
"sorry sweetie, let me just fix your hair"
>>930454412 #
"There baby, alllll better!"
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>>930455804 #
Breedable like mommy
I love bitches that love little kids
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>>930456168 #
>>930456205 #
Those tits world look perfect being sucked by a young little angel
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>>930456366 #
Her son on one, his friend on the other, and mommy with her hand in her pants
>>930455981 #
>>930456391 #
How young are this cute boys?
>>930456395 #
Mommy needs a good boy plowing her ass
>>930456472 #
She had him at 15 so early-mid teens by now?
>>930456395 #
Milk tanks and a phat ass
>>930456507 #
I bet mommy gets his cock so so hard
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>>930456536 #
Her sexy body and slutty clothes always turn him on so much
>>930456572 #
What is mommy waiting for to use cock for? It’s perfect for her use
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>>930456632 #
"PLease shove your cock in mommy's pussy I need cum in me"
>>930456652 #
Inside her mouth? Her pussy or her ass? Where does she need that young cum?
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>>930456679 #
A direct deposit to mommy's tight pussy
>>930456722 #
That teen hard cock will not get enough of just one load, he’ll need multiple
>>930456762 #
Mommy wants every single load she can get
>>930456775 #
Cummy for mommy
>>930458973 #
>>930459225 #
Bet Dolly is a nasty fuck
>>930459268 #
I honest to god would love to find out
>>930459376 #
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>>930458078 #
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will we go for another thread?
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>>930459225 #
>>930460396 #
Yes! Let’s have sexy slurs drool for little kid cock
>>930461461 #
Funny typo
>>930461589 #
lol haha you know what I meant
>>930461451 #
Dolly loves a good boy cock
>>930459520 #
holy fuck so much, more.
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>>930462217 #
so did Madonna in her prime apparently

pic unrelated
>>930462217 #
Hiking up her dress for them to show off her panties
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Imagine Ellie taking a golden shower from a bunch of shotas
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>>930462561 #
Just getting a drink of hot golden pee from a bunch of boys
>>930462465 #
Oh I bet Madonna loved a good hard little dick
>>930462670 #
probably still does, just didn't want to post a pic of her. it trigger people
Some make another thread so we talk about some kid loving celebs! Please
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>>930462793 #
gotta close out this thread first
>>930462932 #
You’ve just done it!
>>930463116 #
sadly i don't have enough stuff to start a new thread and I would just start posting my greentext story about a cult of Hollywood shota fuckers
>>930463246 #
Just made one!

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