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Disney adults strike me as Shotacons
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>>930355487 #
Of course they are
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definitely the kind to manhandle boys
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>>930355651 #
I mean imagine being THIS curvy around boys?~
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Jessica's certified 100%
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>>930355698 #
Waking around Disney World, drawing the attention of all the young boys with her body
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>>930355831 #
Showing off those fat fucking tits, long legs, and phat ass for every little boy to see
>>930355831 #
their shota dicks becoming erect for her
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>>930355898 #
She must love watching them all pitch tents in their shorts, flaunting her body to tease them all
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>>930355749 #
It's always the ones with wacky hair colors that are the craziest
>>930355937 #
Built to be used by boys
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>>930355959 #
Tits so phat she has to rest them on the table~

But absolutely, she gets pride from it, knows she's found her calling
>>930356026 #
How many boys do you think she’d give blowjobs to while at the park?
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>>930355987 #
And is an undisputed goat

Nothing gets a boy hard like a girl with his sense of humor
>>930356080 #
I bet she shows her tits to any boy she sees
>>930356026 #
pursed lips ready for small shota penis to go in and out
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>>930356046 #
Depends on how many ask her, doesn't it? They need to give consent first~
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>>930356123 #
Her ass too if she gets the chance
>>930356135 #
One approaches her and nervously asks if they can have sex, entranced by her body
>>930356170 #
Any opportunity she can find to be a sex object for boys
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Nothing like a curvy Italian to attract all the shotas
>>930356257 #
Those tits getting groped by boys all day every day
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>>930356207 #
>>930356133 #
And she just gives the boys an easy smile promising to take care of them~
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>>930356218 #
"You got a package for me? Well I got a BIG package for you, little boy"
>>930356293 #
Before she knows it a line starts to form, all the boys want a turn with her. She’s the hottest attraction at Disney World.
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>>930356288 #
Maybe the first words she learns is 'good girl'?
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>>930355749 #
Amouranth strikes be as an absolute shotacon
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I’m sure she’ll do it soon
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>>930356349 #
And the last thing she wants is a disappointed boy, so she makes sure to give them all a turn~

Sure she doesn't get to go on any of the rides, but they definitely take her for a few too many rides
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>>930356408 #
More she’s definitely sharing a hotel bed with a young cock
>>930356358 #
Fuckin huge need to swallow dick between them
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>>930356539 #
>>930356564 #
Hot body is definitely getting spied on in the shower and loves it
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>>930356559 #
Oh they swallow all kinds of dicks lol
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>>930356599 #
perfect juicy body for spying
>>930356564 #
>>930356620 #
Ugh she gives me the vibes she get bent over by her younger family members quite easily
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Think a shota can knock her up?
>>930356620 #
Spying and dreaming of getting between those tits under that bikini
>>930356610 #
Motorboat then titty fuck
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>>930356662 #
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>>930356718 #
>>930356747 #
So hot all the kids come over to see her cleavage
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>>930356736 #
Riding said boy too, gotta see those tits bounce
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>>930356812 #
And they always ask her what's under the hood whenever she's wearing a dress
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Demi everytime she spots a boy staring at her
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>>930357012 #
knows she has to fulfill her duty for him
>>930356869 #
Need her to take the boys to the pool to see her strip
>>930356845 #
Fuck any more stripped
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>>930357131 #
Definitely entices him by looking at him like this
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>>930357172 #
She'll go anywhere that lets her show off
>>930357080 #
Loves when younger bro plays with her tits
>>930357188 #
so inviting
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>>930357141 #
Oh the boys will definitely strip her. That big smile means she likes it
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>>930357261 #
Wears this to sleep, meanwhile she tells him he can play with them if he admits he has a crush on her
>>930357315 #
Wanting to fuck those tits bad
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>>930357264 #
Oh trust me, she can be even more direct
>>930357350 #
Fuck good girl! Instantly hard feeling her up
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>>930357358 #
She's a good girl! She can let you smash if you ask her!
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>>930357386 #
She just knows the power she has over boys, she at least wants her baby bro to be honest lol
>>930357402 #
She take her tits out for young cock?
>>930357432 #
Bro needs his dick between her tits
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>>930357617 #
If the boy can rizz her, she'd probably let him record
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>>930357649 #
He's just gonna cum the second he feels her tits wrap around his little boydick~
>>930357707 #
Then makes him eat her out
>>930357675 #
Goddamn they’re so nice
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>>930357885 #
She always knew he was going to eat her out, and she's patient enough to wait until he actually makes her cum~
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>>930357910 #
Oh absolutely!
Today when my babysitter was taking care of me, she let me take off the rubber that mommy makes me put it in every time!
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Lisa Ann is definetly built for shota, and i bet she did some naughty things for money
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>>930358655 #
>>930358628 #
Absolutely, she was the face of porn for a few years, bet the thought of boys gooning to her makes her feel warm and fuzzy
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>>930358703 #
>>930358760 #
I think she said that she wanted to take the virginity of a underage boy, it was in a podcast or something
Would a shota like her?
>>930359389 #
Well I'm going to assume she said exactly that because it makes her that much more depraved and kinky
>>930360083 #
Fatties for shotas? Interesting
>>930360105 #
I think they'd make a mess of her
>>930360270 #
A lot to grab, and you know she’ll handle a group. Clown stuff to get into kids parties I bet
>>930360312 #
Exactly, she'd love to have a group on her I'm sure
>>930360418 #
Of course. You know she wants cum she can only get from young boys
>>930360501 #
And they will provide
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My favorite milf of all time, Raquel duarte
>>930360580 #
How are the shota feeders?
>>930360622 #
She’s perfect for them
>>930360609 #
That her skirt for kid’s parties?
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>>930355397 (OP) #
oh my god frank allen ball is the satanic man who made behind iron mouse, tex. whoops! he's wearing a cheap star vs the forces of evil wig right now to cover up his putrid, balding hairline. 50 year old. watching bluey the dogshit playhouse show in his ex wife's things that he yelled at her not to take as she left with her cat... my poor cat will never be the same after he was done if you know what i mean... she took that, too. she took it. she's going to get even with him for what he did to my little boy when i was out of town... daddy's pantyhose
>>930360630 #
Nice and plump
>>930360734 #
Shocked they’re not covered in little bite marks
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>>930360681 #
Of course, have to give them a nice view
>>930360760 #
They will be soon enough
>>930360767 #
She prefer 1 or groups you think?
>>930360783 #
When those grow after the boys team up to get her pregnant I know she’ll only look better for them
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>>930360797 #
Groups, she's gotta feel completely used
>>930360815 #
For sure
>>930360846 #
They’re the perfect size for her slit
>>930360866 #
Look at that room. It’s designed to get kids in it
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>>930360881 #
Don't let her fool you, she could take two or three at once
>>930360896 #
It's like a nursery
>>930360903 #
I’m certain she can. They make her into a good fuck toy
>>930360918 #
Just like her pussy. Full of kids
>>930360918 #
Kik or sess to share her on?
>>930360926 #
They've both drained me before
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>>930360941 #
>>930360953 #
>>930360968 #
Don't have either srry
>>930360986 #
Shota gangbang fuel
>>930360980 #
Think they could drain some shotas as well?
>>930360999 #
I bet she admits to it publicly too
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>>930361000 #
>>930361017 #
>>930361034 #
How easily do those tits swallow shota cock?
>>930361031 #
Wouldn't put it past her
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>>930361053 #
They'd certainly do a good job at it
>>930361056 #
You know she brags to all her friends about the cock she gets
>>930361072 #
Absolutely. She’s amazing for the shotas with the tiny cocks. Embarrassed at first, but now she loves it
>>930361038 #
This one has drained me so much
>>930361076 #
She loves to tell
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She’s built for repeated shota use
>>930361110 #
Would love a 3 some with her and her friend
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>>930361089 #
She loves cocks of all sizes
>>930361117 #
To her it’s not even embarrassing to take shota cock
>>930361140 #
I bet. Maybe let’s dads and sons team up?
>>930361141 #
She's proud of it
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>>930361163 #
I just know she'd love that
>>930361126 #
Bet they know how to work a cock real good
>>930361178 #
What a whore
>>930361203 #
Oh yeah especially left
>>930361188 #
Shotas always get her pussy I’m sure
>>930361212 #
And she loves it
>>930361229 #
Or her mouth
>>930361231 #
How they even get in there is crazy
>>930361221 #
>>930361263 #
If there's a will there's a way
>>930361255 #
She can swallow every drop of a little boys cum easily
>>930361271 #
Lefts got me going
>>930361289 #
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>>930360663 #
Yes! she is perfect for them, i wish i could fuck her when i was younger, i knew about her since i was 12
>>930361309 #
12 seems like her favorite age
>>930361306 #
>>930361327 #
Mmm mami
>>930361292 #
She'd love nothing more
>>930361308 #
>>930361349 #
This his pov?
>>930361341 #
Love this latina
>>930361363 #
Her favorite party trick is making little cocks vanish
>>930361392 #
Id fuck her ragged
>>930361386 #
Of course
>>930361405 #
She's never failed that trick
>>930361412 #
>>930361447 #
Shota going to make a Milf out of her
>>930361489 #
Craving left
>>930361463 #
Not once
>>930361536 #
Without question
>>930361539 #
She’s perfect for breeding
>>930361546 #
>>930361574 #
Soft body for them to grab
>>930361582 #
Seriously id breed her non stop
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>>930361589 #
You know they bounce crazy for little cocks
>>930361602 #
>>930361639 #
It can take so many loads
>>930361634 #
Oh absolutely
>>930361653 #
She'll be flooded with shota cum
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>>930361324 #
any boy at that age would Lost their mind if they could get a chance to fuck her, they would cum multiple times inside her
>>930361673 #
Think every tattoo comes from a different boy she’s taken?
>>930361682 #
Anywhere off site to share more of her?
>>930361603 #
No condoms for this slut
>>930361687 #
I love the idea of that
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>>930361702 #
If you have a disc drop it I'll add you
>>930361737 #
No disc unfortunately. Those shotas most have gone crazy on her
>>930361713 #
Bet she has a fat ass too
>>930361716 #
Makes sense for her
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>>930361763 #
They always do
>>930361781 #
It does
>>930361787 #
Would love to see a shota in each of her holes
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Ashley is a shota queen. No doubt in my mind she loves boy cock.
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>>930361815 #
Her in heaven
>>930361852 #
Chubby bodies are the best shota dumps
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>>930361875 #
Damn right
>>930361777 #
No good pic of it besides this one sticking it out
>>930361900 #
Maybe that’s who she’ll ultimately marry. At least until they turn 15
>>930361926 #
Fuck id fuck all 3
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>>930361931 #
She'll never settle for just one
>>930361972 #
She takes 2 in her pussy at a time huh?
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>>930361847 #
I reckon dozens of young boys have had their virginities stolen by this self professed 'perverted girl'.
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>>930362016 #
She can yes
>>930361960 #
Mom and her daughters
>>930362034 #
Body is pure shota fuel
>>930362055 #
Perfect for it
>>930362045 #
Fuck left and right got pumping
>>930362092 #
Sisters sharing cock
>>930362085 #
How do you know this shotacon?
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>>930362147 #
I fuck her on occasion
>>930362144 #
Draining my balls in both of them
>>930362212 #
I bet you could talk her into having a boy use her
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>>930362232 #
It wouldn't take much
>>930362225 #
Both leaking cum
>>930362276 #
Would you ever team up with a boy on her?
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>>930362298 #
Of course
>>930362279 #
They got me throbbing
>>930362320 #
You should got for it. For all of us
>>930362337 #
>>930362416 #
So close need right to drain me and steal my load from her sister
>>930362442 #
She wants it bad
>>930362498 #
Left drained me
>>930362575 #
Cum stealing little sister
>>930361255 #
she needs to wash her tongue
I miss when these threads were full of celebs and milfs and talk about how shotas would dominate, use and humiliate them.
Not a thinly veiled socials thread. At least no mommy-fags or cucks today.
>>930362792 #
I definitely prefer the amateurs to the celebs, but I feel you
>>930362864 #
I am fine with amateurs, but I don't like under 20 instathots. It all rises and falls with the comments though. Most days when I even bother to look in one of these, it is unbearable and I do an instsnt 180.
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>little boys? no clue what you're talking about, officer
>>930365383 #
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>>930362076 #
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>>930362888 #
Well Stranger Things have happened I suppose.
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Dumb question, What is makes someone built for Shota cock?
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>>930366812 #
They have "porn mommy" bodies.
>>930355698 #
What a fantastic dumb cow is Tess
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addicted to sadistic shota brats
>>930366169 #
>>930369316 #
I'm sure she is
>>930369376 #
MILF body
>>930369381 #
practically advertising it
>>930369490 #
They do need a spokesperson to make it look normal
>>930369440 #
She needs a gang of shotas using her
>>930369530 #
I like that idea a lot. Strip her?
>>930369512 #
JT dragged all the shota addicts into the light. one after the other, as always with "open hollywood secrets"
>>930369596 #
He is on a mission
>>930369538 #
>>930369624 #
I'm sure my kids would love this slut
>>930369631 #
If you had a young son and an adult woman started hitting on him, what would you do?
>>930369631 #
>>930369644 #
Let them have her
>>930369615 #
doing a good job so far
>>930369644 #
Depends on the woman. If he hates her , she has to leave but if he is cool with her , she can stay
>>930369688 #
Definitely a woman my kids would enjoy looking at and touching
>>930369691 #
A very good job it seems.
>>930369714 #
What if they 'do the deed' together?
>>930369737 #
>>930369779 #
She is a teacher?
>>930369774 #
What do you want me to do? ask her to do it with me too?
>>930369788 #
>>930369806 #
If you would like to partake.
>>930369851 #
Mhmm easy to get my kids in a room for her alone
>>930369865 #
I would ask her afterwards. Not going to make it a family thing..
>>930369867 #
Giving a very thorough exam
>>930369946 #
They once got hard during an exam so she wouldn't have to do much..
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>>930369880 #
So it's just her and your son enjoying themselves?
This mommy
>>930370093 #
It would be
>>930369984 #
>>930370120 #
It would be fun if my boys run into her in the town
>>930370129 #
Would they be aggressive with her?
>>930370169 #
They would touch her in public but really agressive , I don't think so.
>>930370185 #
>>930370301 #
But I'm curious what you mean with aggressive. In what way do you want them to be that?
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>>930370323 #
Groping and spanking her ass
>>930370401 #
Oh , they would do that
>>930370169 #
Disc for this milf?

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