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Post female feet and footjobs
>>930278134 (OP) #
>>930278175 #
>>930278227 #
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>>930278134 (OP) #
Does someone have high definition microscopically zoomed in soles pictures? I am mostly into very up close stuff.
>>930278538 #
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My wife's perfect feet
>>930278616 #
Not HD and close enough to what I mean.
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>>930278538 #
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>>930278834 #
Getting closer! But thanks.
>>930278834 #
i think homie wants like a 4k hyper close up
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>>930278718 #
>>930278467 #
>>930279387 #
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>>930280302 #
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>>930280316 #
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>>930280607 #
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>>930280618 #
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>>930280302 #
>>930280316 #
>>930280329 #
Bety from Czech Soles?
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>>930281066 #
Ayy its turd girl
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>>930281457 #
Sister at 18....fappening has her as a charlotte mckinney leak lol
>>930281658 #
>>930281658 #
>>930281658 #
Squirted her feet face and bald pussy for years while she was knocked out...
>>930281598 #
>>930281726 #
>>930281658 #
Her fat pussy
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>>930281658 #
Even fatter
>>930281090 #
Turd girl??
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>>930281046 #

Quite possibly, yes, found the set online but don't know the origin.
>>930281764 #
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>>930281925 #

There are those who believe that girl is a) over posted and b) ugly.
>>930282086 #
Where did you obtain the set? Sauce?
Which one
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>>930282209 #

Was on Imagefap, don't have many more saved.
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>>930282260 #
Is that the tranny from the other thread?
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>>930282395 #
>>930282207 #
Dunno about that but the girl you post d is hot and looks familiar...any more?
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>>930282515 #

She's on Clips4sale as Kinky Foot Girl, don't know much else about her, just like her milfy wrinkled soles.
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Wifey is a little clumsy with her feet but still does a pretty good footjob
>>930282531 #
More of her?
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>>930283429 #
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>>930282185 #
Moar please
>>930283508 #
Who is she? Sauce?
>>930284049 #
Girl I buy from
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>>930283776 #

Think this is the same girl.
>>930278134 (OP) #
kill yourself fucking degenerate
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>>930284646 #
nasty as fuck
>>930284646 #
Bought from her too
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>>930284690 #
>>930284646 #
Why do ugly bitches make me the hardest (face that is, soles are perfect
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My wife's feet in 3d. Cross your eyes slightly like looking at a magic eye pic and let me know if you can see it
>>930278299 #
Shit, this got me diamond
>>930284205 #
Name and age?
>>930284965 #
>>930278134 (OP) #
kill yourself fucking degenerate
>>930284646 #
>>930284690 #
>>930284773 #

Perfect soles,would bust ropes all over them
>>930280607 #
>>930280618 #
>>930280642 #
>>930284965 #
holy shit is that Sally?
>>930285045 #
neat effect how did you make this
>>930284735 #
need to ram my tongue in between those cute toes.
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gotike on r*ddit
>>930284965 #
>>930283164 #
does she like being blindfolded and posted on the internet
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>>930285814 #
Thanks. I use an app called 3dsteroidpro. The key is you need two photos just taken a little distance apart. The app adjusts them to make it 3d.

When I say a little distance apart it really is just a small difference, slightly offset but a couple of cm's even.

Think it really adds to foot photos, seeing their real shape much better
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>>930284965 #
>>930285787 #
>>930286513 #
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>>930284646 #
>>930284690 #
>>930284773 #

I can tell from the pics that her feet always feel cold to the touch but she constantly goes barefoot in the house anyway.
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Neighbors feet
>>930287117 #
Nice. Story behind pic?
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>>930287139 #
We hang out from time to time and she rarely wears socks
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>>930287150 #
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>>930287420 #
>>930287150 #
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Friend that sent me pictures the other night
Girl from a local band in Northern Ireland just casually revealing she has the most perfect feet in the world
>>930287592 #
>>930287481 #
please more. face?
>>930287645 #
Just wish I could see them in higher quality. Also have a video of her tapping them to the music but apparently it's too high resolution
>>930286977 #
sallys soo hooot im in love
>>930286977 #
>>930284965 #
more of this thick godess
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>>930284965 #
look at that fucking rack
>>930287801 #
nice big toe wow
>>930287101 #
beautiful nose shes sooo elegant
>>930284965 #
bump for those tits
>>930286977 #
post more
>>930287704 #
>high resolution
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Girlfriend on the couch
>>930288175 #
>>930278134 (OP) #
kill yourself fucking degenerate
>>930288175 #
aww very cute
>>930288240 #
silence normie
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>>930288242 #
>>930288202 #
>>930288240 #
>>930285306 #
stay quiet pleb normies, we are enjoying our patrician fetish here do not disturb us children
>>930288272 #
more more more
>>930288175 #
more more more
>>930284735 #
How are those feet so damn long??
>>930288175 #
what shoe size?
>>930287502 #
Any more? Toes? Nudes?
>>930288272 #
Possible to get toes?
>>930288240 #
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>>930288291 #
>>930288329 #
8.5-9>>930288347 #
>>930288365 #
I’m into soles mostly so don’t have many with toes
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>>930278134 (OP) #
kill yourself fucking degenerate
>>930281671 #
>>930281692 #
>>930281726 #
>>930281739 #
nobody wants to see your dick
>>930281727 #
or anybody else's
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>>930289191 #
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@atomictoez on twitter
good stuff. best shaped soles I've ever seen.
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>>930291115 #
for anyone thats interested specifcally in girls we know FEET

>>930291153 → #
>>930291316 → #

144 / 89 / 10

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