Richard W. Painter

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Richard W. Painter
Law Professor. Former chief White House ethics lawyer 2005-07. Independent.
Minnesota, USAJoined November 2014

Richard W. Painter’s posts

Millions of us in the Republican Party miss you. And that is an understatement.
Barack Obama
"No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion..."
This Tweet alone is grounds for removal from office under the 25th Amendment. This man should not have nukes.
Donald J. Trump
North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!
The Governor of Michigan had better get her phone calls returned and the federal aid had better arrive in Michigan within 24 hours or the House within 48 hours should impeach both and . We've had enough of this extortion racket.
A president who threatens civil war if the political process does not support him cannot be allowed to command the United States military. He should be removed from office immediately.
I am a political independent who left the Republican Party. Tomorrow I will not vote for a single Republican. I will vote for their Democratic opponents. Many Americans will join me. On Wednesday morning the Republican Party can blame two men: Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump.
Franken asked the right questions. Sessions lied. Franken then called out Sessions on his lies. Sessions then recused. Without Franken, Mueller probably wouldn’t be doing what he is doing today. Good senators make a difference.
The United States will go down in human history as a country that impeached a president for lying about a fully consensual affair with an intern but would not impeach a president who, in two separate elections, colluded with a foreign power against a political opponent. Pathetic.
BREAKING NEWS: @senatemajldr Mitch McConnell has scheduled a full impeachment trial, with witnesses, to take place immediately after the confirmation hearing for Judge Merrick Garland.
This is disgusting. Never once did I hear President Bush refer to a Member of Congress with such offensive language in private, much less in public. Decent people simply don't behave this way.
Donald J. Trump
Little Adam Schiff, who is desperate to run for higher office, is one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington, right up there with Comey, Warner, Brennan and Clapper! Adam leaves closed committee hearings to illegally leak confidential information. Must be stopped!
Justice Alito says he doesn't see a woman's right to choose in the Constitution. I do. What I don't see in the Constitution is the number nine....
If you lost money today trading in Amazon stock or any other security, and you know of anyone who knowingly or recklessly made a false public statement about that company or its stock, causing your losses, you should contact a securities lawyer today.
NO new Supreme Court nominations by Trump to replace Justice Kennedy. NONE. He is in blatant violation of the Constitution and must be impeached. Senate and House Judiciary Committee hearings are way past due. I have had it with appeasement of aspiring dictators.
Just got a "stand or kneel" email from POTUS with a push poll and ask for support. He's using our national anthem to raise cash. Disrespect.
Enough BS. For thoughts and prayers call a priest or rabbi. For decent gun laws call a congressman, and if he doesn't DO anything, sack him.
This is how a gentleman who wins an election talks about his opponent.
Barack Obama
I'm grateful to @SenJohnMcCain for his lifetime of service to our country. Congratulations, John, on receiving this year's Liberty Medal.
Don't act stupid. Opposition reasearch paid for by Americans is legal. Opposition research paid for by the Russians is not.
Kellyanne Conway
No one had the courage to tell the truth?
I just received an email from POTUS calling CNN the "Fake News Network". I have never seen a president behave this way. Something is wrong.
Just got off a MSNBC panel in which Alan Dershowitz argued it is not a crime to lie to the FBI about a meeting with the Russians if the meeting itself was not a crime. Sheer nonsense. Lying to the FBI is a crime.
A subpoena with no penalty for ignoring it isn’t a subpoena. That’s basic Latin. Sub: under Poena: penalty As Mnuchin and Barr flip their middle fingers at subpoenas they ask “what’s the penalty?” It’s time to show them.
Americans are sick of political hacks talking about condolences and sympathy while stuffing NRA blood money in their pockets. Do sonething.
Article 2, Section 4 provides for impeachment for “Treason, Bribery or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” What would the founders have said about a president doing all three and Congress doing nothing about it? Do we value democracy or not? Now is the moment to decide.
Welcome to 2018 — this year Americans will make it very clear that we do not tolerate corruption of our elected officials or their collusion with foreign adversaries, that we do not tolerate cover ups and we do not tolerate those who defend corruption, collusion and cover ups.
Congress wasted millions of dollars going through HRC emails. But Mueller isn't supposed to get Trump transition emails that were sent on a government server? Nope -it doesn't work that way. Enough BS!
A president who stays married for a quarter century and doesn't carry on with porn stars. A president chosen by Americans, not by the Russians. A president who respects the Constitution. It all seems like ancient history now, but it's been less than three years.
Barack Obama
Like the Beatles said: It’s getting better all the time. Thanks, babe, for 27 amazing years!
Intel 101 When the FBI learns that a man is contacting Russian agents, the issue isn’t who told the FBI. It could be a mob boss or it could be Stormy Daniels. What we care about is that the FBI get a warrant and do it’s job of finding out why the man is contacting Russian agents.
The President on Twitter implies that one senator is a whore and calls another "Pocahontas". A-OK with Congress. Two FBI and DOJ employees sent personal texts criticizing Trump as a candidate. Congress wants a special prosecutor. I say fire Congress!
The Boy Scouts must distance themselves from that offensive attempt to politicize scouting and turn them into a Trump youth organization.
I’ve never heard of an elected judge sending out a fundraising email saying how he will vote on a case that hasn’t yet been tried. U.S. senators are judges in an impeachment trial and vote guilty/not guilty. Asking for money in connection with that vote is SOLICITING A BRIBE,
Senate Republicans apparently threatened to use the filibuster to stop all other senate business -- including COVID19 relief for desperate American families -- if this trial were to continue and hear witnesses. Never before has the GOP stooped so low to defend Donald Trump.
Knowingly drafting a false statement for a person who is a witness in a criminal investigation is itself a crime. Obstruction of justice
If during the Cold War the Soviets had been able to sell this “deep state” baloney to Americans, to sow distrust of our own FBI and CIA, we would all be speaking Russian by now. The collaborators in Congress must be voted out now!
If Bannon, Miller and Gorka aren't out by Friday, Congress must impeach and remove Trump. If Pence hires any Alt Right staff he goes too.