

China is too big and too important an issue for petty partisanship. I don’t think people realise how serious this is. I predict that within a decade Governments of National Unity will have been convened to address it. Democracies have willingly handed over the nervous systems of their countries to an adversary who is openly preparing for war over Taiwan. It’s crushingly disappointing to see people I once respected become tedious party apparatchiks, taking party handout questions, in hope of ministerial preferment. This is bigger than your political career, and taking this line merely allows the CCP to exploit divisions and dismiss concerns. This isn’t a Conservative, Liberal, Labour, Democrat, Republican, Congress, Christian Democrat, or BJP issue. Anyone acting in the national interest should care about it. We are critical territory already regarding emerging dependencies, but, clearly, political leadership is going to have to be forced to act by pressure and events. In the mean time, partisan point scoring distracts from our bigger, common mission: country first, democracy first. United.
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