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OLD: >>930119972 → #

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Civitai: https://civitai.com/
Tensor: https://tensor.art/

>>> FAQ <<<
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Samplers: https://stable-diffusion-art.com/samplers/
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AMD GPU: https://rentry.co/sdg-link#amd-gpu
OP Pasta: https://rentry.co/degenpasta
Archive: https://thebarchive.com/b/search/subject/DEGENerated/
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You all need to be burned
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>>930122311 (OP) #
You better not delete this thread buttfuckacus
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>>930122327 → #
first gen. working on it. lemme know if theres some details i should add. i know shes blind, so im working on the cloudiness of the eyes...anything else?
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dark green gobbo butthole in exchange for bake (maybe too dark, oh well)
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>>930122343 #
If was a Fire gobbo burning my cock, I'm ok with that.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_sY2rjxq6M [Open]
Slop for the slop gods.
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>>930122369 #
Are you going to slop out adult humans and call hem goblins?
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Thx 4 bake
>>930122379 #
Intriguing colour. I prefer the pink/green contrast myself but that looks good
>>930122393 #
This shit is fire deadass fr fr
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>>930122225 → #
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>>930122394 #
Cute slop. Keep slopping.
>>930122406 #
Yes and you can't stop me
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>>930122373 #
wow, impressive! detail wise, she's got a black four-pointed bow and extra-long blonde hair, down to her back (picrel)
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>>930122417 #
How did she hurt her forehead? Poor girl
>>930122423 #
Have you read the manga yet? This is official btw
>>930122626 #
Bunny cunny
need more of that pink slime girl sucking and fucking
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>>930122403 #
You will swallow the turd and choke on it till you die, you little attention whoring cancerfag. KILL YOURSELF
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>>930122435 #
>>930122415 #
Reminds me of that /k/ thread where some /k/ommando lured a wild coyote in heat into his jeep with beef jerky then fucked it
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Best I can do is bot maid

>>930122379 #
Not bad! Would explore.
>>930122626 #
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>>930122394 #
>>930122393 #
Death, for the faggot slop gods
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>>930122168 → #
Oh sure, it'll be based on the drunk miku gens i did the other day. Goes out after a concert. Follows Miku's POV until she meets (You), at which point she is already pretty drunk and getting worse. Fun ensues.
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>>930122311 (OP) #
>>930122425 #
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>>930122425 #
Replace the chest plate for a "japanese rpg warrior bikini"
>>930122665 #
Got bored of Peanut already?
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>>930122644 #
>>930122679 #
>>930122668 #
Definitely getting the eyes down, nice
>>930122379 #
cavernous pussy
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>>930122644 #
no.. i keep postponing it
>This is official btw
damn.. i had seen the anime episode of that, but still
>>930122683 #
talk about a dream scenario, though I'd likely be getting drunk with her
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4 bazookas.
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>>930122393 #
>>930122702 #
smuggg fuggg
>>930122716 #
that's an ak
>>930122737 #
allmind-chan please
>>930122683 #
Side note I'm never sure whether to treat miku as a human or an android in RP. Like in our world I wanna view her as an android but in RP world I wanna view her as a human. Is she still a virtual idol in make believe land or is she just an idol? i dunno.
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>>930122674 #
Kek what a life. I remember the one where anon fucked a trapped deer or something like that
>>930122683 #
I'll keep an eye out. How long until it's released?
>>930122702 #
Delish. Rabbits are good at multiplying after all
>>930122716 #
Well, you have my rec
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>>930122705 #
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be naked around me again if a man see's you I give him permission to use you like a toy
>>930122716 #
Can I has the nazi uniform lora or prompt plz?
>>930122789 #
There have always been female custodes.
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I would say I am a KHV incel but after everyone on the discord took turns gaping my butthole I am not sure anymore!
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>>930122780 #
the deer one was a larp but really good. i remember that thread.
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>>930122690 #
>>930122683 #
Sounds very promising
>>930122760 #
My head canon involving any vocaloids is usually that it takes place in their universe where they are real idols.
>>930122760 #
a mass-produced android that is completely aware of the fact that there are thousands of androids just like her, but at least at first fully expecting you to use her only for her immediate purpose of being a musical instrument.
>>930122403 #
Best for you it would be if you just silently killed yourself and never appeared over here again bitchboy
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>>930122379 #
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Is goblin pussy good for you?
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Everyone on the discord took turns with me! I am their cumbucket!
>>930122851 #
no u
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>>930122852 #
That's pretty solid
>>930122781 #
>>930122852 #
Very nice!
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>>930122780 #
thanks man, nice wolf too
>>930122822 #
yess my first loli crush
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>>930122822 #
I wouldn't know, I don't visit /k/ at all. I bet they have plenty of outlandish stories
>>930122837 #
This is sort of sad
>>930122852 #
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>>930122897 #
>>930122760 #
Didn't you go to sleep like 4 hours ago? How the hell are you here 24/7? Gosh man, go touch some grass.
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>>930122833 #
>this will be final gen
>masterpiece like this comes out
>ok, one more
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>>930122683 #
Nice dress.

>>930122626 #
Nice Bnuyy
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>>930122851 #
I help you with foot job and you angry beans :(
>>930122780 #
I don't really know! I have no set length in mind, I think it's going to end up being longer than I thought but still not super long. Writing is coming a lot slower than I thought it would. I would love to have it done sometime this weekend but idk if that's gonna happen. I've yet to really get into a writing zone so it's been super slow going.

>>930122835 #
yeah I think that's what I think too.

>>930122837 #
this is a cool concept
>>930122940 #
If you know he was here four hours ago who the hell are you to tell someone to touch grass?
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>>930122815 #
Is your brain made of rot no there haven't. There is already a woman force, mumlitple woman exculisice factions ing 40K, it has been known since like, they day games workshop came up with this that no woman could survive becoming an astartes let along a fucking custodes! Troll elsewhere fag
>>930122944 #
Needs impregnating.
>>930122940 #
I left to go to sleep 7 hours ago :3
>>930122968 #
It's my day off and I was here 4 hours ago and just came back? Wow.
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>>930122807 #
>or prompt
, nazi uniform, nazi hat,
>>930122425 #
I've been away since this morning, did you get around to doing futa Casca railing Griffith?
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>>930122943 #
>>930122833 #

>>930122756 #
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>>930122980 #
>mumlitple woman exculisice factions ing 40K
Seething so hard he loses the ability to type lol.
>>930122976 #
>>930122878 #
I mean it's weird we had actual fags spamming and trolling why chose a random namefag to troll through when we have so many real troll fags
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>>930122954 #
>>930122943 #
Whoa that's nice. Do you have any Schierke?
>>930122957 #
You can post X parts at a time if it's too long. Hell, mine is ~80 posts long now. Just be sure to pace it well
>>930123002 #
Kek plain and simple
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do you guys inpaint at all or purely text prompt?
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>>930122935 #
>>930122897 #
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>>930122980 #
kek hey man I'm just making fun of the GW tweet relax we all know how dumb that call was
>>930123066 #
99% pure text prompt, only when I get something that's really good apart from some shitty detail I take the time to inpaint to fix it.
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>>930123002 #
You're just le trolling me. Those tags don't exist.
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>>930123063 #
>Just be sure to pace it well
I've never written by myself so if I fuck up, this'll be how!

>>930123066 #
Mostly just text prompt but if something cannot be done by text alone I'll either inpaint sketch or open it in photoshop or something, make edits, and then img2img it
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Aaaaaaaahhhhhh incooooomiiiiiingggghhhhhhhh
adding plasmagun to the filter
it was nice knowing you, not really
>>930123104 #
>>930123110 #
Pure 100% muttbreed face.
>>930123104 #
hahahaha little faggot so mindbroken posting half baked crap lmaooo cope son of a bitch, your name will forever be tied to scat now! Kill yourself!!!
>>930122773 #
Dude... I now this is probably on me... but I tried my prompt with your model and I almost shit myself.
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>>930123052 #
No I'm just a little drunk, the idea of a 10 foot tall loli with the power to kill an entire planet on her own with nothing but her own body is kinda hot, cuz It would be fin to have her just rape me half to death, but hen slip out of that power armour and want a man to cuddle her. I will be her cuddle toy
Yep filtering plasmagun... well he was always kinda mid so I don't care
>>930123149 #
it had a face?
>>930123067 #
thank you for these man
I'm pretty new to genning, how do you not get fucked up faces/hands/extra limbs? I put "(deformed hands)" etc in the negative prompt, if not inpainting then controlnets? Or are there keywords I'm missing? Should I change my model?
>>930123185 #
she might break you be careful
I am called plasmagun because I shoot brown plasma out of my gaping asshole!
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>>930122943 #
>>930123006 #
Wb! I have only made the right prompt sequence for Griffith and female Casca so far, but now I can't stop genning her. Every gen has been a hit, especially in this Cyberpunk setting
>>930123015 #
>>930123063 #
I'll try to cook something up. Do you want a mature Schierke or her canon age?
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>>930123189 #
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Thread tax? She barely looks cyberpunked here. I better give her some mechanic limbs
>>930123205 #
Pure luck lol. There are some loras that supposedly fix the issue. If nothing works, just hide the hands
>>930123123 #
Gotta start somewhere. It's good to have some feedback
So why is the resident scat lover going after plasmagun now? Just picking targets at random until someone gives him the attention he craves?
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Whooaaaahhh the gun is my raped rectum and the brown plasmaaaaahhh is coming outtttttttt
>>930123104 #
Excellent <3
>>930123205 #
Use a good model and keep rolling the dice, if you see a bad gen coming out just interrupt and try again.
>>930123254 #
pretty much
same old same old
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The discord fags did their initation ritual with me! Now my butthole fucking hurts damnnn
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I am a plasmacuck!!! Ahhhh my butthole is leaking brown plasma ahhhh
>>930123254 #
just a jealous idiot that hates other people having fun, nothing new. Like Angelica from Rugrats but a fat adult male.
>>930123229 #
Super hot, what about cyberpunk armor with neons mixed in?
Anyone taking requests? Would love to see some Maria Robotnik with a huge ass or pig tail Videl from Dragon Ball.
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I wanted to be accepted in the discord but everyone just raped my butthole! Rude!
>>930123205 #
Depends on multiple factors, the base model/checkpoint is a major one but it can also be your settings. And sometimes you just have to run the same prompt multiple times before you get something good. Stuff like that can almost never be solved only by prompting better.
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>>930123167 #
lol, if your arent already, you probably need to add some artists. It is kinda rough without them
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>>930123209 #
To be fair thats what I told her about my cock, but I'm fairly certain custodes are also psychic so she knows what my body can do to her insides, she will just risk it for the emperor cuz she wants to have the star child (my cock can't do anything)
>>930123284 #
You realize by doing this you're encouraging more genners to join the discord just to get away from you, right?
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>>930123117 #
uh, wat
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No info about allmind-chan on tensor. sorry anon, this is the closest i got.
>>930123340 #
>a fat adult male
Lmao the projection. Also...
>Angelica from Rugrats
Hahahahahaha little faggot can only make cartoon analogies. What a pathetic MANCHILD
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>>930123229 #
Canon age pls
>>930123301 #
>>930123370 #
>custodes are also psychic so she knows what my body can do to her insides
That's good. At least she'll be prepared for the inevitable disappointment.
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>>930123263 #
I didnt forget you
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>>930123241 #
getting close, just need that ribbon in the hair
>>930123377 #
Good! Fuck off and never come back!
>>930123340 #
Looks like you hit a nerve there.
>>930123395 #
Responded mad. Nailed it then, got it. ^_~
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>>930123412 #
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how do trip codes work anyways
>>930123365 #
I did, but I don't know why it... zombified her like that. I'd probably need to tune it more. I was curious since I liked how the style looks. I found it on Huggingface.
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Ahhhh my butthole hurts after joining the discord!!! Nobody told me about the initiation ritual!!!
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Sup degens.
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>>930123254 #
this pretty much. teenagers who aren't clever enough to get (You)s post gross shit and scream at random people.
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its a mystery to everyone
>>930123395 #
He just wanted to make sure you'd understand it
>>930123254 #
Probably the same guy who usually is whining about namefags ruining the thread. So he posing as namefags to try and get people to filter them out. Uses one name for a bit and then goes to next one.
>>930123451 #
Howdy! Also, sexy!
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>>930123445 #
You need to pay to use them, I guess.
>>930123445 #
lmfao fucking newfag you don't belong here and never will... yes, well your soul to 4chinz and the feds. Your name is FUCKED forever and I will do this every single day :))
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>>930123229 #
>>930123399 #
A wild Schierke appeared!
>>930123341 #
Let's find out
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In a degen society where everyone's guilty, the only crime...is genning gob.
>>930123485 #
oh no
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>>930123446 #
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Ahhh my senpais took turns on my asss damnnn
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>>930123451 #
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>>930123388 #
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>>930123498 #
>>930123500 #
Never thought I'd live to see a cyber goblin
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I am a plasmacuck I love brown plasma ?mixed with cum out of my rectum!
>>930123445 #
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I dont even see the clown show, filters are easy

>>930123477 #
can I borrow some vbux
>>930123578 #
i'm going to give a (You) because this is pretty sad that this is how you spend your time, and i spend mine fapping to little girls
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I didn't think it was gonna neglect to put clothes on her
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>>930123403 #
Bru did you not read my posts I literally said what you just did
>>930123577 #
>>930123410 #
Tongue 10/10<3
You 1# place on cum/facial/open mouth :) gg
>>930123528 #
The whole word doesn't need to be a real tag atleast in illustrious. nazi uniform, The ai will connect the dots from knowing "nazi" and "uniform"
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Oopsss I had an accident... my butthole is very loose after joining the discord, many guys took advantage of me and now I can't keep my turds inside, too lose now
>>930123578 #
This would be less pathetic if you were at least making these in AI and were trying to actually mimic his style. This just comes across as impotent and lazy.
>>930123445 #
I dunno if they ever changed it, but as I recall you just put #password after your name, replacing "password" with your actual password of course. If you put two different passwords (like name#password1#password2) you get a secure tripcode which is much harder to crack if someone's autistic enough to try.
>>930123616 #
yeah but that isnt a goblin
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>>930123498 #
>>930123577 #
Ty. The AI understood the assignment
>>930123528 #
>>930123620 #
this, works just fine on ntrmix
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>>930123615 #
Nice. Just needs a womb and pussy installed and it's good
>>930123617 #
Ackshually they prefer the term "dark elves"
>>930123659 #
Remove the muscles and she's perfect
>>930123639 #
What style? You have no styles, you are just monkeys typing shit on a machine. And even at that he always was mediocre as fuck. Just an uppity attention whoring son of a bitch. Also, kill yourself
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>>930123648 #
I knows, being cheeky
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>>930123436 #
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>>930123545 #
Yep, that's mine
Here take this catbox to get started
>>930123675 #
She updating windows
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>>930123654 #
it can be if you want. But they are Big E's space marines
>>930123630 #
i want you to feel like something is going well for you since everyone else has mentally filtered you out. sorry you suck so much at everything.
>>930123664 #
Yeah, ntr is a lot less prudish than pony and its mixes
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This is how I spend my evenings after the discord guys finish stretching my boypussy
>>930123694 #
Thank you :D
>>930123697 #
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>>930123690 #
>>930123677 #
darthiir propaganda
>>930123715 #
i'm pretty sure it's underage drinking while staring at an empty social media feed but that's a step up if true
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>>930123737 #
yes! that's more like the hair ribbon, nice!
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These are /v/'s male OCs
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>>930123768 #
>>930123664 #
>>930123709 #
Yeah ntr is illustrious based right?
I don't really see any reason personally to not use illustrious atm. It just works and is really forgiving in prompting
licky licky licky my cocksucking sissy tongue loves licky licky
>>930123683 #
Then why target anyone if everyone's stuff just looks the same? If that's all it takes, how could anyone get more attention than anyone else?
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my liver is pretty good actually
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>>930123697 #

>>930123677 #
why would she get those things installed shes just a singing robot
>>930123802 #
I have my rectum full of cum and slop
>>930123807 #
lol oops autofill kicked in
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>>930123788 #
i'm taking the time to reply to the scat dump you got from a thread you were fapping to and you won't even acknowledge me :(
this is why you don't have any friends, anon.
>>930123833 #
>>930123807 #
Yeah updating windows do be like that sometimes.
fuck this shit I am just filtering this plasmagun faggot or whoever it is
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>>930123242 #
This one is better even without the prosthetics. Such is the power of clothing
>>930123744 #
No idea what's that but I'd call her a dunmer if she had dark sclerae
>>930123802 #
>>930123807 #
To have sex, duh. Sing on deez nuts
>>930123786 #
i believe so yes
>>930123709 #
i had noticed that
It got stuck! The cum acted as a glue! What do now? Senpaaaaiiii
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we should be back now

>>930123858 #

>>930123863 #
miku secks does sound kinda nice
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>>930123659 #
>>930123341 #
Cyberpunk neon armor
Me and my discord friends after we cleanse our bowels from all the cum
>>930123786 #
Yeah, even pony loras work with it to some degree. It's been a breath of fresh air. All the pony mixes seem dedicated to doing one style, the illustrious ones have some actual wiggle room for diversity. They know more characters and concepts out of the box, too. I do wish it would've kept the "source" tags from pony though. Would have made it easier to filter some base styles out and get some slightly more consistent styles from one gen to the next, but with some elbow grease and lateral thinking you can get around that too.
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>>930123786 #
yeah, ntr is illust. Its prompting is cheating

>mfw I still use ventrillo
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henlo frens & degens
>>930123940 #
those tits are great
>>930123903 #
i'm right here, hello? i'm giving you a chance to say something and you're just spamming like you're in your own thread. you have someone on the hook, right now, and you aren't even smart enough to turn it on me?
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>>930123955 #
Go away
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>>930123922 #
lol, cool
>>930122311 (OP) #
It is I, the slop God.
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You shall know, no fear!
>>930123937 #
cuz these logs will save you lol
Lmao stupid motherfucker thought that using some three dots after his name would save me. LOOK AT THIS ROOM TEMPERATURE BROWNOID RETARD!!!
>>930123955 #
hello, nice drow -- uh, dark elf
>>930123979 #
fuck of the shit poster is better than you cancer faggot
>>930123938 #
whats nice is a lot of the autoprompts from pony loras still work in illust even without the loras active, for some of the concept stuff
>>930123922 #
actually that's awesome
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>>930123664 #
>>930123709 #
"Nazi uniform" seems to work fine on Pony, not sure why you think it would be a problem.
>>930123985 #
remember when your entire trump folder got filtered by one guy with a pastebin link because you were too stupid to write a 2 line python script to change the resolutions?
>>930123859 #
Sure you are. I thought you hated Peanut for samefagging. Doesn't that make you a hypocrite on top of being a coprophiliac?
If I put three dots after my name it will surely go away? Right frenssss!? Uh-oh
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>>930123975 #
>>930123986 #
ty :)
>>930123979 #
I don't mind your slop, but do you really have to repost the same pictures every day?
>>930123940 #
Thank you appreciate you enthusiastic thumbs up.
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>>930123940 #
>>930124005 #
You really thought that adding "..." to your name would change anything??? Lol you are an idiot, even more stupid than what I thought... GET REKT FAGGOT
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>>930124019 #
Can't vouch for its accuracy since I'm not a wehraboo, but it's recognizable at least.
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>>930123977 #
>>930124012 #
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>>930124026 #
a typical blacked gen
>>930123979 #
No, fuck off Miracuck. The only GOD here is KermitGOD
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>>930123935 #
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But my name! But the archives! My fame!!!!
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>>930123955 #
>no buns
>no tanned skin
0/10. I'm going to delete the thread.
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>>930123986 #
Das rite
>>930124055 #
Hot tat and tummy
>>930124026 #
i'm wringing my fucking hands here. are you scared to reply to me? do you only try to interact with people you think are dumber than you? are you actually that insecure and bad at shit, even anonymous shitposting?
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>>930123955 #
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>>930124103 #
Oh no no no the three dots didn't work!!! I almost burnt my three working brain cells thinking of that plan!!!
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>>930124103 #
Reminds me of Lineage 2
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>>930124102 #
>>930124073 #
In False Gods, Horus fights a group of Custodes and they actually give the Primarch trouble. He does eventually kill five of the six of them, but fails to defeat the final one -- Constantin Valdor himself.

Great book, would recommend.
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>>930124102 #
>>930124116 #
henlo Kowljak :) life cant be all buns and tan ;)
>>930124055 #
>>930124126 #
Man android miku do be kinda hot.
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>>930124080 #
I just think it's funny (and sad) that even the shitposters have more diverse images and gens than some of the actual genners and namefags here. They literally post the exact same shit, same pose, same char every single day, day in day out.

Truly a sad state of affairs.
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It's like when women forget to remove the gas nozzle before driving away and yanking out the whole hose from the pump...except in this case it's her charging cable
nooooooo my genning careeeeeer nooooooo
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>>930124137 #
>posts shit while everyone ignores him
>one anon actually engaging
>ignores the anon to post more shit
kek, did i get to you that bad? you do realize i get the same feeling of you ignoring me as them ignoring you, right? i feel the effect.
pixelated eyes is bleeding into a pixel censor. need to do the eyes just on adetailer :(

>>930124158 #
Yeah theres definitely something to it >.>
how does unicode work :<
>>930123935 #
Nice, same outfit, different colors?
>>930124169 #
Because you fucking suck at this and you should seriously fuck off to your discord where you can stroke your little egos safely over your mediocre slop
>>930124234 → #
>>930124234 → #
>>930124234 → #

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