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Anyone into shotadom where the girl hates it?
>>930092033 #
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>>930091499 #
You just know she looks at shotas in the park and takes them to the bathroom for some quality time
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>>930092560 #
"Quality time" meaning "the ride of a lifetime"?
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>>930092560 #
>>930092866 #
ride of a lifetime for who?
>>930093158 #
Him. For her, it's just another shota conquest.
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>>930093326 #
what techniques is helen gonna employ to make it the ride of a lifetime?
>>930093369 #
Rim her asshole
>>930090503 (OP) #
I have said this hundreds of times. Any of those youtubers who do fashion try on hauls of transparent things, do sexual cosplays or do lingerie/bikini yoga are into boys.
They want little boys to see them. That's why they try and keep their stuff not age restricted.
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>>930093880 #
Oh yeah, that's absolutely true
>>930093880 #
They want to entice them and appreciate older women's bodies.
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>>930093656 #
>>930093934 #
>>930093952 #
They want to groom boys into becoming addicted and to worship them and I'm not even saying this as some weird deviant art larp session.
There are COUNTLESS "content creators" have proved multiple times they don't mind showing or trying to push their adult material to minors.
Look at all the women who broadcast they're on onlyfans and promote it by wearing bikinis and stuff advertising it?
Or those actual models who are also on onlyfans and they promote their shit when they livestream or do little videos on youtube?
They are never questioned about it, they are never put on blast about it, they are never investigated about it regardless how much they're showing off.
Because society has deemed it acceptible for women to attract the young.
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>>930094121 #
They're the prime audience for these women too
>>930094175 #
Another example are the women who dress overly sexual at conventions involving super heroes, anime, literally anything that can make an excuse "I'm just cosplaying'.
Or the women who wear fucking thongs, g-strings in public places.
They know exactly why they're doing. And for some reason NO ONE is calling out that shit.
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>>930094236 #
Whores gonna whore
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Actually a shota hunter
>>930093903 #
She’s cute. Sister next door vibes
>>930094121 #
They don't hide it when they go on Twitch and they stream themselves in bikinis with their boobs almost pouring out of their bras and playing Fortnite, obviously on a platform with a large child audience.

Twitch is basically Chaturbate lite at this point lol.
>>930094266 #
But why is it not being called out? That's the thing: It's obvious what they're doing.
>>930094298 #
All of social media and introvert fan conventions are completely turning a blind eye about the hypocrisy.
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>>930094299 #
They're hot enough for people not to care
>>930094267 #
I bet
>>930094341 #
But see this is the problem, people do care.
Look at the other end of the sprectum of the women constantly complaining about character designs in entertainment. The feminists. The virtue signalers. The religious.
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I know it’s only a matter of time before I come home to find my wife full of shots cum. Not sure that’s a bad thing
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>>930094409 #
They're just jealous
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>>930094379 #
Gym bully vibes
>>930094440 #
But they're not askig the real question....
WHY is it being overlooked? It's completely obvious these types are groomers and pedos.
>>930094453 #
She’s taking control of the situation?
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>>930094460 #
It's a mystery
>>930094480 #
I don't think it's a mystery at all i think deep down society wants women to groom boys, they want boys to grow up like we did and become addicted to porn.
I remember seeing a video (can't seem to find it) in some spic country, where there's a woman in a kid's birthday party singing and she's literally dressed like a stripper in front of kids.
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>>930094512 #
Strong possibility of it
>>930094534 #
That just sounds like any beach area in America.
The hypocrisy here is women are wearing even less more often than even what strippers are at this point.
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best big sister ever
>>930094563 #
Yeah, but there's a difference between women wearing bikinis in a open public beach, and a woman showing up to a party full of young kids and dressed like a stripper.
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>>930094279 #
I must agree she was turning my younger bro much more than me
>>930094618 #
There's literally not though. Saying a woman is dressed like a stripper does not mean a god damn thing anymore.]
They're even girls who are wearing less and less clothes in city areas.
>>930094646 #
She’s just being friendly that’s all. And she’s very good with kids
>>930094646 #
>>930094742 #
Any woman who wears yoga wants are admitting they don't care if boys check them out.
>>930092629 #
Imagine her as a sister...
>>930094779 #
>>930094742 #
When she was visiting me my bro was 13 and already was Sterling her shoes and jerking with them
>>930094818 #
>Sterling her shoes and jerking with them
Fucking what?
>>930094834 #
He meant stealing
>>930094834 #
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>>930094780 #
making sure to introduce all her hot friends to her little brother
>>930094861 #
And she's got a lot of friends..
>>930094849 #
>>930094852 #
Fucking what? Of all the things to take...her shoes?
>>930094905 #
He started this way, he Has foot fetish, then he was doing creeps and shit Like that
>>930094905 #
Some people like jerking off into shoes, it's not hard to understand
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>>930094899 #
they all call him little bro while flirting nonstop
>>930094945 #
>then he was doing creeps and shit Like that
That makes more sense. The shoe thing doesn't make sense to me.
Foot fetish is one of those things i'll never understand. it's like a fetish where you enjoy the shittest part of meat when there's visually all these other better parts of the cow if that makes sense.
>>930094957 #
It definitely is hard to understand because it's feet. There's a whole woman and that's what they're focused on? The lowest part of her?
>>930094993 #
Always making sure to position their chests right bby his head.
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>>930095031 #
giving him the biggest hugs and squeezing him tight
>>930095106 #
Bet they giggle when they feel him poking into their thigh.
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>>930095164 #
they're always brushing their legs and tits whenever they pass by
>>930095164 #
>>930095312 #
Thread was actually decent conversation until you went full fucking larp.
>>930095312 #
Maybe even a little extra bounce if they're extra horny.
>>930095342 #
Fuck off, it was shit
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>>930095342 #
y'all can keep telling about feet if you want thread's public :)
>>930095397 #
these tits are irresistibly for any boy
>>930095397 #
How was it shit? These types of threads don't even make sense to begin with because as previously mentioned: Women are openly grooming boys.
What you two chuckle fucks are doing is cringe and autistic.
>>930095446 #
>Thread's public
See you're doing the exact thing the women are doing in public to little boys.
You're probably a furry aren't you?
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>>930095446 #
Tits, every brother's kryptonite.
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>>930095516 #
bring best friends with them just to get thirst traps
>>930095516 #
>>930095601 #
You two belong in /mlp/, jesus christ.
>>930094676 #
It is though.

Because in a beach, yes there are families there, but most of the people there are strangers who mind their own business and only stick to their group.

You have women literally dressed in fishnets and high heels and tight dresses going to a birthday party that she knows is full of children.
>>930095601 #
Leave the door open when they're changing
>>930095625 #
>>930095629 #
Take your reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeing and fuck off
>>930095629 #
Mother fucker, there are kids in god damn booty shorts these days. You got bitches of all ages wearing fucking yoga pants. What are you talking about right now?

>>930095677 #
Quit acting like chris chan you fucking weirdo. Take your deviant art tier stories and take your faggoty anne cringe jerk off partner >>930095656 # with you.
What you two are doing is cringey and just fucking dumb. You two are fags.
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>>930095656 #
they'd invite him in to rub sunscreen all over them
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>>930095771 #
He'll jump at the chance!
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what happens when a gamer boy meets his favorite streamer helen?
>>930095771 #
>>930095801 #
>>930095814 #
There's no way you fags are not autistic.
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>>930095801 #
showing him where they want him to hold onto later
>>930095866 #
Desperate to get his hands on her.
>>930090503 (OP) #
She needs BBC
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>>930095920 #
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>>930095913 #
won't even be able to stop
>>930095866 #
>>930095913 #
>>930095920 #
I like how you chris chan fuckers think ignoring me is going to help not point out you're fucking autistic.
Take your shit to deviant art with the rest of your fucked up kind.
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>>930092560 #
>You just know she looks at shotas in the park
>>930095948 #
Free the tits
>>930095951 #
Would she even try to make him?
>Ignores the reality they're chris chan of this shit.
Oh the hypocrisy.
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>>930095984 #
>>930096022 #
Damn. Perfect.
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>>930096103 #
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>>930095991 #
definitely not, these girls love being worshipped
>>930096133 #
Hands all over every inch of them
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>>930096172 #
they love how easily boys get so horny for them
And "men" wonder why women don't want to talk to them
Ever think maybe spending less time larping and writing erotica for other losers might not be a good time investment?
I know, crazy thought.
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>>930096235 #
Dressing so slutty around them...
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>>930096283 #
making him explode all the time
>>930096372 #
Probably cums in her bras.
>>930096283 #
>>930096372 #
This reminds me of when Chris Chan got back online and people were questioning about him raping his mom and he just sat there and sang a song like he didn't see the donation comment.
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>>930096428 #
>>930097470 #
Needs it
Do you guys prefer MILFs or young women for shota?
>>930097617 #
>>930097706 #
>>930097773 #
He asked for one or the other.
I swear you people are so god damn stupid.
>>930097814 #
Says the retard spending hours hyperfixating on chrischan
>>930097814 #
>>930097837 #
Kid, Chris Chan was the talk of 4chan before you were even allowed access to the internet.

>>930097855 #
>>930097706 #
Both are nice, but I like teenage girls better.
>>930090503 (OP) #
She's clearly built for the BBC, tiny white boy penises cant touch this. Let alone pathetic little under age whiteboy penis. Just saying fags.
>>930098113 #
>>930098113 #
>Calls everyone else fags
>Obsesses over black dick
Yeah, okay...
>>930098113 #
What about Big Biracial Cocks?
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>>930098189 #
>>930098143 #
Nope big black nigger cocks only
>>930098440 #
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>>930099462 #
they love babysitting middle schoolers
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>>930099517 #
Going out to lunch in short dresses with them
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>>930099558 #
fuck yes
>>930099636 #
Short dresses... and no panties...
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>>930099681 #
Flashing him whenever they can
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>>930099717 #
Might even touch herself a little
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>>930099763 #
Fuck I'd be wishing it was me so bad
>>930099840 #
Must be so hard not to just start fucking her right there
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>>930099887 #
I think it's have to first chance she gives me
>>930099921 #
Have to find a quiet place first...
>>930099717 #
>>930099763 #
and right back to your gay shit
>>930099989 #
If you don't want to see it, feel free to fuck off rather than waste your time being autistic
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>>930099965 #
I'd fuck them anywhere
>>930100091 #
Right in the bathroom
>>930100037 #
I like how you're acting tough larping erotica for other guys to jerk off to.
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>>930100121 #
she'd make sure everyone outside can hear her
>>930100316 #
And she'd leave a mess of vaginal juices all over the floor
>>930100375 #
wouldn't even clean the cum and drool off herself
>>930100523 #
All over her chest and tits, in her hair...
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>>930100575 #
fuck they'd look so pretty
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>>930100625 #
Sexy, messy sluts
>>930098415 #
She‘s prime bait
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>>930100687 #
>>930100625 #
>search for /ss/ threads on /b/
>get gay shota shit and these retarded built for shota threads which are just random pics of girls that have nothing to do with shotas
why are y'all like this
>>930101474 #
I could start an /ss/ thread, but I usually wait until others have created them when there is more interest.

Most of the time I only start them as continuations of old threads that have died.
>>930101617 #
>Most of the time I only start them as continuations of old threads that have died.
But if there isn't one already up, there isn't one to continue from and if nobody makes one there never will be
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>>930095025 #
The shoes are easier to get than sneaking into her room for something. Also she's less likely to notice that's she is putting her feet in jizz if she's wearing socks and it has dried a little. Might just think the smell is usual foot odor

How the fuck do you not know that foot fetish is a thing that plenty of people have? Few enough to be considered one of the stranger fetishes, but it's very much a thing.
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Mini is built for all kinds of cock
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>>930103995 #
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>>930104365 #
Sometimes you just want a thicccc girl
>>930104434 #
OMFG just suffocate me under her, fuuuuuck!!!
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>>930104485 #
Let the big girl boyhandle you?
>>930104516 #
She's marriage material
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Chugging for encouragement
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>>930104551 #
Marriage and plowing
>>930104721 #
But not necessarily in that order
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>>930104758 #
My mistake, breeding first
>>930104854 #
That's more like it
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>>930104879 #
I like to think she's a closet submissive who likes being dominated by smaller boys
>>930104968 #
I like that thought
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>>930105104 #
Such a sight, right? Big girl like her put in a mating press~
>>930105223 #
Like something straight out of hentai
>>930104551 #
Marrying the shota? Or would you marry her and have the shota cuck you?
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>>930105250 #
Marrying the shota
>>930105249 #
Absolutely, only in real life
>>930105331 #
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>>930105331 #
It would be interesting to see a boy marrying an adult woman, and seeing them grow old together, even when the boy becomes a young man the woman is already middle aged.
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>>930105354 #
You really love big girls, don't you?
>>930105438 #
Definitely, would certainly be an interesting dynamic, especially seeing how it progresses with the age gap
A shota could enjoy her
>>930105538 #
I love this one
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>>930105567 #
Didn't think the thread would be spamming her, but I'm not complaining lol

Love thicc submissive women versus shotas lol
>>930105670 #
She's fucking perfect and especially for that fantasy
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>>930105767 #
Yeah? What's your favorite part about the fantasy?
>>930105841 #
Her soft pillowy body getting held down as she cries, cums, cries, cums some more
>>930105841 #
She has the perfect body for making babies.
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>>930105876 #
>>930105974 #

Whimpering as she's getting plowed by a little shota, legs quivering but she clearly wants more?
>>930106112 #
If she wants more, then I think she gets more
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>>930106189 #
Oh she doesn't get a say in it... With a body like hers, every hour is breeding hour
>>930106231 #
Good. She needs to be kept bred, constantly
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>>930106270 #
Just hearing a constant plap plap plap plap and weak moaning from her bedroom... Just being a boy's free-use babymaker... Fuuuuck...
>>930106372 #
Fuck, wish I could breed er
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>>930106397 #
Boy breeding a big girl who can barely fit into her dress?~ I like th sound of that. Fuuuuck
>>930106470 #
Fuck it I need to cum
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>>930095814 #
any thoughts on this idea?
needs to be approached by cocky shota
>>930106933 #
Would watch a shota break her
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She needs to be humbled by a gangbang of shotas.
>>930106933 #
>>930107052 #
being super curious, grabby, rude, pushy on her
As a former fairly attractive shota, when I was around 15, 16 I started dressing nice and working out a bit, and whenever i got eyefucked by someone it was almost ALWAYS an older woman (lucky me) and in my experience they almost always looked like these, they always looked like homely girls, sort of nerdy girl next door
>>930103971 #
>>930093903 #
>>930096659 #
>>930097470 #
>>930107156 #
Of course she can’t stop him
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>>930107156 #
>>930107305 #
its surprising to her, how strong he his for being so young, feeling his eyes all over her, his hands getting grabby
>>930107698 #
Never seen it coming when a boy holds them down
>>930107714 #
Things it's just play until it's not
>>930109286 #
And the boys love it
>>930105670 #
Loving this thicc white bitch
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>>930111537 #
Are you the same anon that always be posting her, or are there different anons.

Tbh, off all the bitches that get overposted in these threads at least Bunny is hot.
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>>930111611 #
Probably a different one, I know there's one here who has some nasty fantasies with her but I post rarely.

Yeah she is.
>>930111694 #
Rumor has it that she likes little boys for realz.

She has the perfect body to nurture them.
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>>930111735 #
Yeah there's some tweets of hers about shota.

The perfect body period.
>>930111794 #
She's thicc, and that ass is perfect for little hands to grab onto.
>>930111794 #
Need to see those tweets!!!!
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>>930111851 #
And poke little fingers in between.

>>930111912 #
Ah, try looking them up I guess, I can't rn
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This bitch is so crazy she's probably into them.
>>930112201 #
She's squishy and warm and soft and cuddly.
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>>930112255 #
Yessss, and so very curvy
>>930094267 #
I busted so Many loads to this Chick, her biceps drive me crazy
>>930112452 #
Pull that sling bikini back and pump her full of cummies.
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>>930112538 #
That's right.
But which hole, hmmm?
>>930112568 #
Her tight wet pussy seems to be the best choice.
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>>930112577 #
The most welcoming for an inexperienced shota cock
>>930112725 #
He grabs her by the hips as he gives her backshots.
>>930099462 #
Whoever sets up lighting for these shoots and does the editing should take a class in not shit at what they do.
If you cant handle taking photos outside, just stay in the studio.
>>930100300 #
How else will he be able to jerk of to the thought of other guys squeezing pant-pickle while reading his shitty harry potter fanfic-level larp?
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>>930112793 #
Grip her firmly little boy.
>>930112933 #
He can't resist cumming inside her perfect ass.
Just started her new teaching job
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>>930112983 #
And then one more for the road, between these.
>>930113023 #
It feels nice to thrust his stiff dick in between those soft pillowy tits.
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>>930113070 #
Drives you wild doesn't it?
>>930113125 #
Nice oiled up tits to glaze over.
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>>930113195 #
Best invite a few good friends. Glaze them completely.
>>930090503 (OP) #
needs more cosmetic surgeries
>>930113259 #
They each take turns blowing a nut in or on her.
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>>930113298 #
Perfect. Fill her, cover her.
>>930113604 #
And after the boys are exhausted from fucking her, what happens?
>>930113630 #
They lie down next to her and cuddle?
>>930113646 #
They'll quickly fall asleep as they wrap their body around her in the same bed.
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>>930113666 #
Trips off mommy+shota sex
>>930113693 #
>>930113693 #
Imagine her joy as she wakes up the next morning surrounded by horny, stiff shota cock
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>>930113713 #
Yeah but they're still asleep, just having morning woods.
>>930113743 #
She'll know how to wake them up nicely
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>>930113765 #
So many little stiff cocks and only one mouth to tend to them.
>>930113843 #
Luckily she's got so much curves at her disposal
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>>930113861 #
She does.
Looks like these same curves got you quite hot and bothered too, anon.
>>930113921 #
So fucking much, her body is making me real horny. I'd love to eat her ass so bad
>>930113921 #
She is the definition of peak femininity.
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>>930113962 #
I'd love that too, but I'll let you go first.

>>930113982 #
Not fat enough for Venus proportions, but that's good. She's more fit.
>>930114026 #
>I'd love that too, but I'll let you go first
Sharing is caring anon, we can alternate worshipping her hole and then suck on one tit each
>>930114026 #
Will she kiss the boys?
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>>930114040 #
I'll shake hands on that.

>>930114138 #
I bet she will. See >>930111794 #
>>930114148 #
>I'll shake hands on that
Deal, we'll share her gorgeous body. There's so much of her i want to feel and suck on
>>930114148 #
How will she kiss them?
>>930114175 #
>There's so much
And while one is enjoying the rear spot, the other can kiss her and finger her.

>>930114193 #
Ah? The normal way, surely? Healthy amount of tongue.
>>930114278 #
Getting her nice and wet for when we'll try to stick it in her and see how long we last
>>930114278 #
It would be nice to taste those lips.
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>>930114295 #
I hate to, but I'm sure I'll disappoint her.
>>930114312 #
Same here, there's no way she won't be draining us in under a minute
>>930111912 #
Both her and susu are into boys.
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>>930114324 #
Its basically an open secret that they'd use cons to scout around and find shotas to fuck
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>>930114310 #
For sure.

>>930114318 #
Pathetic (I love it). Back to licking and eating her out after that I suppose!
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>>930114584 #
Wrapping her legs around his small body and pulling him closer to her.
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>>930114599 #
Falling backwards on the the bed, his face cushioned between her breasts.
>>930114324 #
Oh fuck susu too. Need more stuff exposing their shota kinks
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>>930114726 #
And playing with her nipples.
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>>930092461 #
amy anon here?
>>930107234 #
>>930103971 #
> homely girl
tags a post with a 6ft, busty, dump truck having gamer girl lol
Ĉu iu ajn volas, ke mi faru novan fadenon?
>>930095005 #
u sound like a foot fetishist in denial. normal people can admit they find feet pleasing even though they prefer TnA
>>930095005 #
>Until they find out that oxtail, tongue and tripe are the best parts of a cow

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