

Super tough guy is lying and he knows it - I wrote an entire book condemning pornography, routinely rip OnlyFans, and have never taken a dime from AIPAC (in fact, I often criticize them). But I get it. It must be upsetting that so many people believe he himself used sex and coercion to induce women into doing pornography for his profit just because he, you know, openly brags about it. Incidentally, I did my own quick google search. According to court records, someone did take money from OnlyFans: Tristan Tate. Tristan appears to have taken some $2.6 million from a company owned by…the owner of OnlyFans. Who has also donated to AIPAC. So probably Tristan is a tool of the Zionist Jews or something. That’s how this works, right? Maybe this would be more convincing if I took my shirt off and yelled a lot in a made-over warehouse in a rather crappy part of Bucharest. I dunno.
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