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About Ertio

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  1. Other phones had it too. For example, the Samsung Omnia series had it as early as 2009. Sony added it to the Xperia Z1 (2013). The "Z" without number didn't have it. Unlike the Samsung Galaxy S series, Sony didn't skip the "1". The Sony Xperia S and P from 2012 have one too. Apple was the last vendor I would havve expected to add one. Apple is usually minimalist. Agreed...
  2. Also for reading? Normally, non-sequential reading as a result of fragmentation hardly makes almost no difference for reading. This is the major strength SSDs have over HDDs. Fragmented reading (random access) could make it slightly slower, but not much. Almost full data storage is slower for writing (SSDs too) because the file system driver has to work harder to find free...
  3. My experience: An Intenso "Premium Edition" external SSD (128 GB) is advertised with a read speed of 320 MB/s. (source: Amazon, but I got it from a local electronics store.) After purchase (roughly two years ago), I tested it and it clocked in as high as 452 MB/s over USB 3.0. After more than two years of regular usage, it has decreased to 320 MB/s, exactly as advertised. ...
  4. And people should be able to send peer-to-peer PictoChats like on the Nintendo DS using it!
  5. Let me start with mine: Hardware User-replaceable battery. Let's get the obvious one out of the way. This would eliminate dependence on external repair services and eliminate the need for slow and careful charging. Just blast the power in, charge to 100% guilt-free, and then replace it carelessly and cheaply when it stops working. Batteries are meant to be replaced like car...
  6. Interesting. Perhaps they realized exFAT had already been reverse-engineered, so there was no point in keeping it a trade secret anymore. But this begs the question: Why didn't they do that with NTFS too? NTFS is also reverse-engineered at this point. But exFAT is far simpler than NTFS. Another possibility would be Microsoft feared that the world outside Microsoft's...
  7. Indeed. Since Android 4.2, as far as I know. Indeed. Sadly, the ability to unlock the bootloader (which is necessary for rooting) is being attacked too. Xiaomi added a 7-day countdown until unlocking the bootloader. It might not sound like much, but this can quickly grow to 30 days in future phones, or worst, permanently.
  8. In 2019, Microsoft officially released the exFAT specifications. Before then, everything known about it was only known from reverse engineering, mainly by the heroes at the SANS institute. Did Microsoft do it from the goodness of their hearts or was there some motive behind it? Why it matters: exFAT is the pre-loaded file system on exFAT memory cards and pretty much all...
  9. Preface Originally, this post was only intended to be about screenshot blocking, but while writing it, more things came to my mind that I wanted to cover. This post is not aimed at finding a way around screenshot blocking (this can be found elsewhere), but just to hear others' opinions on this. If you wanted to convince someone a restriction you placed on them was for their...
  10. (Apologies for necro, but this point didn't come to my mind back then.) Realize that the law is not on the end user's (your) side. How do the bureaucrats who determine the law benefit from you owning repairable stuff? Remember how a technofascist signed DMCA into law in 1998? The DMCA section 1201 limits what you can do to your property that you paid for. Were you or...
  11. Never thought of it that way. Another possibility would be one official megathread per channel. Agreed. It is also possible to discuss directly on YouTube, but YouTube comments are very limited in functionality (no built-in quoting, it is not clear which comment was replied to), are subject to tracking by Google, and sometimes randomly disappear: YouTube is Auto-Deleting...
  12. USB hubs that can be powered externally usually work without external power too, except you can not connect high-power devices like portable hard drives or optical drives.
  13. Yes. It is linked a few posts earlier. For your convenience: https://vk.com/video-204003801_456294418 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bighjC-MiDA (likely will not survive for long)
  14. Usually, non-powered hubs have enough current for very low-power devices like flash drives, but once you add a mechanical hard drive that has no external power supply itself, and it tries to draw too much current, the USB port will lose voltage and all devices on the USB hub will shut down for a short moment. The problem with externally powering a USB hub is that you have...
  15. But why not give the possibility to discuss them? But it is not that important, just a suggestion. Another possibility would be one pinned thread for all TechQuickie videos. There is already one for suggesting new TechQuickie videos though.