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Holy shit fuck emails.

I have an email at anon@gmail.com and anon@yahoo.com. I wanted to login to the gmail to see that I got rejected or got no mail back from this job I applied for. Gmail said I have to verify the account since I didn't login to Google for a while: "gimmie verification code at Yahoo Mail". I went to Yahoo to login and since I haven't for a while it wanted to verify the account: "gimmie verification code at Gmail".

I guess I'm screwed now: have lost all the Google Drive things and e-mails due to being locked out of both accounts and one is the verification for the other.

Popular e-mail services, Yahoo in particular, will probably delete everything after one month of inactivity in the future. I could see that as a crappy future policy, like those shitty services/sites that delete all your stuff then send you and email about it (one to three months of inactivity = total user deletion). Image: Yahoo itching for a chance to delete more digital history.
Fuck email
Fuck gmail
Fuck yahoo
Fuck hotmail
Fuck protonmail
Fuck tuttyfruity
Fuck xmail
Fuck 2FA
The USPS is cool
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>>103887786 (OP)
Yahoo says

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Gmail says

>>103887786 (OP)
good marrning sarr, very bold and beutifool vlog sar but how do unsubscribe sarr??
Shut up. This is a cautionary tale.
Yeah I got the same shit going on some mails and I need to fix it, sadly the retards in charge of e-mail providers expect you to have an e-mail in order to have an e-mail
If you get or send physical mail, then you know you actually sent or received something. The digital equivalent is setting up something like notifications, so every time you receive an email you hear and annoying notification sound. If your mail is physical or digital, you also gotta be into sending and receiving such mail, which I never was really into and haven't done for months on that Gmail account (I was more active on another Gmail account).

Never in my life have I checked my email every week or every day for over a significant duration (like a week or month). I dislike email and physical mail. At least with physical mail you aren't really subjected to "verify your account".
*you hear an annoying notification sound
maybe next time don't be a tard and connect regularly to accounts you actually use and/or add additional recovery emails or a phone number. Serves you right for being a schizo privacy tard.
It's ridiculous or absurd. The major email providers like Gmail or Yahoo: you'd think they could be like the starting point which does not require any reference, but nope. I had both that Gmail and that Yahoo account for over a decade, but am now locked out of both, apparently forever.

Guess I should have caved and gave Gmail a phone number in the past so I wouldn't have gotten locked out. Giving your/a phone number to a website = very much so not privacy-friendly. I created both accounts back years ago when you didn't have to provide a phone number to create a Gmail or Yahoo! account.
I didn't sign in to either email frequently because it was kinda pointless. What is this, the 1990s? "Did you get that funny electronic mail I sent you?! He he haha :)" Fuck that. Last I signed in to either was in 2024, I think. Small possibility that the last time I signed in to either was 2023. Both Gmail and Yahoo should have a one or two year grace period because emails suck balls. Sadly, that is not the reality.
More reasons why email sucks:
- It was like shitty Discord before that was a thing. Not sure if it predates private instant messages. Unless it's part of a public mailing list which has a web interface ( like https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/screen-users/2024-12/index.html ) then your mail will remain private or end up lost. Not everything should be public, but something are better off as and make sense to be public messages and files.
- Subject line of most email messages is always in clear text (never encrypted). Email is generally not designed to be private. Protonmail and other services have designed things on top of email to make it more secure and private, but email is not "privacy by design".
- Spam, chain mail, malicious activities
- Email clients or services show the name of the sender and not their email address: bad for Boomers
- I've heard that sometimes the sender can be spoofed in a very convincing way. I forgot the details as I learned about this months ago, but you might get a message from "someone@example.com" but it actually was sent by "NigerianPrince@legitmail.top".
like I said you should have added a recovery email that you regularly use or a phone number. Also why use an email you never use for a job application.
*some things are better off as and make sense to be public messages and files.
>>103887786 (OP)
your a fucking idiot , its 100% your fault, no one shoudl feel sympathy for you and no one should help you, you should bask in the sorrows of your own stupidity and feel elated that you even go this far.
>email sucks
Google sucks but email is a core functionality that should never be replaced. What the fuck are you going to send each other, tiktoks? I hate zoomers so much its unreal.
>should have added a recovery email that you regularly use
Guess I was operating on the assumption that I could trust and rely on this big tech/FAGMAN crap over the years "no matter what." Like I said above: "a starting point which does not require any reference, but nope"
>or a phone number
I regretted that, as I stated here: >>103887935

>why use an email you never use for a job application.
I have (had) two Gmail accounts. The one I still have access to is the one which I shared fairly openly with many users on the Internet. I used that one more than the "private" Gmail account I have lost which is something like this: "TextHereIsRelatedToMyRealName@gmail.com".
>I didn't sign in to either email frequently because it was kinda pointless.
How do you receive invoices, get bank statements, purchase products online, or anything else? I want to never use email ever again, but its pretty impossible for me since everyone does everything important via email. I already pay a fee every month to receive utility bills via the snail mail, since hippies forced everyone to go digital, but its getting increasingly impossible to find providers that still print things on paper.

At this current time I am forced to check my mailbox once a day and my emails once a day, I would like to increase my efficiency by removing one of these actions. Please anon, I need to know your secrets.
>>103887786 (OP)
Moral of the story here: don't use multiple Gmail accounts. You may end up using one more than the other and end up locked out of one. What I could have done which may have prevent this: ...

Actually, screw that. Unless you read the fine print, websites and services will fuck you over. It's like how "cloud storage" sites delete all of your uploads after one month to a year of account inactivity. No where did they clearly say they would do that when signing up. Noobs especially get screwed as a result of this. Nowhere in Gmail or Yahoo's login pages did I see "Tip: if you don't login for more than 6 months then you will be required to send a code via the verification email."
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Protonmail free account or outlook then, I just tried an outlook email I haven't used in ages and it will let me sign in without verification.
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prompt="Email as a ball and chain to people, man checking his email, enslaved" at https://deepai.org/machine-learning-model/text2img - settings="HD, Quality", my thoughts="somewhat disappointing"
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Didn't know until now that Yahoo Mail has a "Sign in with Google" option - I don't think that will help me:
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Obviously doesn't help. It just creates a Yahoo Mail account owned by a Google account. In order for said created Yahoo account to do anything you have to grant it permissions to read/delete Gmail emails and to do other things. I am somewhat curious what the Yahoo Mail email address would be if I did grant it those permissions.
I also have a Protonmail email. I didn't log in to it for roughly one year and got an email in the one Gmail account I have left which said something like "your Proton account will be delete due to inactivity unless you login in the next 7 days." Therefore, Microsoft Outlook seems better for now: no verification after not logging in for year(s) and your account will still exist after years.
>Yeah I got the same shit going on some mails and I need to fix it, sadly the retards in charge of e-mail providers expect you to have an e-mail in order to have an e-mail
I wonder if it's possible to fix it. For me: does either Gmail or Yahoo Mail budge at all on this? Their main concern would be social engineering (or "hacking") in which you call Yahoo's paid support phone number and somehow get them to remove the verification required thing on the account. However, I'm not a social engineer, I'm just some idiot (>>103888061).

Maybe they will budge on this some if: (1) you are logging in from a device or location or IP address that you logged in before and (2) you know the email address and password. I meet both of those conditions, and just need one of them to remove the verification required thing (that's all I need from them). I could do more research on these ideas or similar:
>yahoo and gmail are the verification email for each other and I'm locked out of both
>can't use verification email to login to gmail because the service shut down
>>103887786 (OP)
Where are backup code for your Google account, sir? Redeem to access in a swift way.
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Maybe not possible with Gmail:
>ID/documentation/account content details/screenshots do not prove account "ownership". Google will not accept these. No person at Google can access your encrypted account in the Google servers to check your details. ID does not prove the account is yours. --Andrew Hatchett, Gold Product Expert

Screenshot some time after that.
>>103887786 (OP)
Contact customer support and they might be able to help.
Also don't have circular email dependencies, retard

My view on email is that it's important enough in the modern world to be worth paying for. Find a PAID service and you don't have to deal with this crap.
I must complain again about things being so based on stupid fucking cell phones. >>103887935 >>103888101 (Cell) phone numbers are the basis of shit, like proving accounts belong to you. Emails aren't themselves verified or the basis of themselves; instead, they all require either an accessible other email or an accessible phone number or constant usage. This is what my mindset from a decade ago gets me. Back in the good old days, years ago, you could have a Yahoo or Gmail account and not use it for years: then you could sign in no problem. I do have a cell phone which can make phone calls to whatever number. However, I rarely use email and I even more rarely use that paid cell phone. I don't think I've ever verified an account with a phone number due to privacy concerns and stuff. However, I guess I just gotta bite the bullet.

Phone number = GOD.
Email = WHO CARES?
Cell phones are Stalin's dream --Richard Stallman
>don't have circular email dependencies
But how? I guess by having a phone number attached to one of them, or using an email which doesn't require verification ever: maybe Outlook, maybe cockmail (cock.li). I do have a Cock.li email account which I think is used as a verification email on the remaining Gmail account that I still have access to. (It's not me@cock.li; I'll call it ilovemares@horsefucker.org)

Or instead of site1 <-> site2, the verification could go like this site1 <-> site2 <-> site3 <-> siteN and one of them in that chain is an email which you use the most.

BTW, https://cock.li/
> https://cock.li/log.txt
whatever that means...
how can you be sure that microsoft never cucks you though? they promised that they would keep everything safe for you when you needed it?

wont this get shut down in a few years just by the nature of it?

and btw i have thought about this as well, email was a mistake and now everyone has to live with it
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>accidentally left my phone at work on friday afternoon
>pull the laptop out so i can send people emails letting them know i wont have my phone until monday
>gmail wants me to enter a code from my phone despite not having 2fa turned on
>i dont have my phone
>we cant verify its you XD
absolute braindead nigger website
this, it has absolutely nothing to do with email. Google locks your account without repercussions if you don't let them anal probe you.
I hope normalfags get braindead enough that they start losing their phones. Maybe there'll be a push to end this retardation.
> whatever that means...
It means that they are working on the cock.li project. Orange alert = less severe than red alert. Severity = how important it is to work on such and such immediately. Other web happening that no one or few care about - website
has ran out of storage space:
>write /data/ipfs/blocks/.temp/temp-2257301457: no space left on device
That CID = open WARC of cock.li website horsefucker.org.
cockli is an absolute scam
>you can't use a horsefucker address to talk with your collegues, friends and family
>you can't us as a trash bin to subscribe to internet services because half of them ban cockli addresses
>any email coming from cockli accounts is instantly flagged as spam
>Contact customer support and they might be able to help.
I may have to contact them: small chance they can do something useful. I guess I will do that after the next hours. By then, this thread may be read-only, and I won't be able to say if it worked or not ITT.

"Call premium customer care"
> Call our paid support number:
> +1 (800) 741-7610
> Please have your US Credit/Debit card & drivers license available for expedited handling.
> Provide your one-time code: 521379
"Visit our free help site"
> https://help.yahoo.com/kb/index?page=content&y=PROD_ACCT&locale=en_US&id=SLN2051&actp=productlink
I can see your one-time code!
Real niggas use carrier pidgeons
I don't see you sharing your main email to post on 4chan or identifying yourself in the options field, what are you some kind of schizo privacy tard? Defending the nonsensical practise of these email providers completely locking out the account owners is retarded.
I changed the number before posting. Should have no connection to me if the numbers are random and subsequent one-time codes are not numbers similar to the previous numbers.
I'm calling them with one-time code 6*****
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Giving up private or personally identifiable info (PII) I never gave to Yahoo before in order to maybe recover the mail.yahoo.com account. Details below. Sucks that I "have to" do this, but that's what fucking idiots like me (>>103888061) do because I screwed up or didn't expect this, OP situation, to happen. Yahoo Mail is maybe better than Gmail in the aspect that they can possibly recover your account. Gmail (Google) seemed to be impossible.

<s>I'm</s> Was talking to Yahoo support right now on the phone. After pressing 1 or 2 on the automated voice prompt thing a couple of times, details I learned from the call center woman I talked to:
- If you didn't use your Yahoo Mail account for more than 12 months (1 year) then everything in it will be deleted. However, you still might be able to recover the account, it'll just be empty.
- You get asked about your first and last name; how you normally login to Yahoo Mail (type of computer, browser or not); and where you are calling from
- Must know the phone number that you are calling from, so they can send you a text message with a link. They can't see the phone number on their end as it is anonymized.
- Must use a smartphone and not a dumb phone in order to use their yahoo.intellicheck.com link.

Image from

Why do you need to check your bank statements etc every day? You can check your email every now and then if you are expecting something.
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- Use that link to "scan" (read: photograph) the front and back of your driver's license via your smartphone's camera used by that webpage: click "allow only once" on that site twice.
- Also use it to take a selfie.
- They can only send that link twice, first time it was sent to a Nokia flip phone ("dumb phone"): thought to not work to do that; so the second time it was sent to a smart phone. With the smartphone, the thing successfully photographed the front of the drivers license but seemed to fail to photograph the back. It seemed to work to take a picture of my face ("selfie"). However, the thing overall failed, we weren't sure why.
- Call back at +1-800-875-9824 when you want: they can maybe help again or try to.
- They said something about paying $12.99 per month with no lock-in, so you maybe have to pay for just one month then cancel in order for them to recover the account.

Image from
><s>[Not sharing the link now: didn't expire yet and is public, maybe otherwise bad to share it]</s> https://login.yahoo.com/account/challenge/fail?done=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.yahoo.com%2F&ref=recovery&authMechanism=secondary&eid=2003&arcinfo=NjU4NzM1QDE3MzY5MDA4NTVAdXM%3D&acrumb=7u757td7
It's a screenshot of a page you go to after going to recovery.yahoo.com and entering ThisPart of ThisPart@yahoo.com

I lost a lot of shit once losing access to a Gmail account. I was up one night drunk as hell and something happened that made me change a bunch passwords, but I couldn't remember it.

Tried recovering with my yahoo email password, that one was changed as well. And couldn't recover that one I needed the Gmail or a question which I did not knowg the answer to the custom question: something about my dota group from wc3 lmao.

FUCK lol
What did you lose? Also I kinda wish those security questions were still a thing with Gmail and Yahoo Mail. Like "Name of your favorite animal? Horse." I think that option was removed years ago. Also they should be things only you know. Like family or friends might know the name of your first pet, so don't use that. It's basically like a second password.
Unless it's Photobucket, in which case it will continue to nag you long after the "deadline"
Details on that link which they text you:

Text message = " This message is from Intellicheck. If you did not initiate a call with Intellicheck and did not expect this message, then do not click the link and contact Intellicheck Customer Support. This link will expire in 10 minutes.
https://yahoo.intellicheck.com/?token=2329bb68-4075-49e5-ae73-f1d6c508bcb2&version=yahoous&language=en-us "

Go to that page and take a picture of the front of your driver's license
of the barcode or back of your driver's license
of your face
see the complete screen/page - a white check mark in a a green circle

I got to the "Complete" page, but it failed overall, perhaps because it failed to get the bar code.
Steam account, RuneScape account, other game accounts I didn't mind losing as much as those. And all of the pictures and vids I saved over time from 4chan. And just the email name itself. I got it with an invite when Gmail was in beta so I had a nice one with my name
Oh and yeah I knew the 3 or 4 questions about my town first pet etc. right off the bat. But however long ago it was when they let you get a custom one bit me in the ass. It's rather hilarious though I can see myself on ventrilo making the yahoo account for some dumb reason and I chose some moment that became an joke amongst us at the time aha
Sucks losing Steam and stuff, especially if you paid money into it. How many images and videos did you lose? Hundreds? Thousands? If you lost full images from 15, 10, or 5 years ago then those may be completely gone and not in any 4chan archive website. It also depends on which boards.
>>103887786 (OP)
cock doesn't have this problem
for me it's anon@123.420.69.5
Guess I will try again tomorrow.

Lost: the set of images that someone specifically had an interest in.
is it 1996? its email, its spam and invoices at this point
I've never seen an email address showing a plain IP address and not a DNS name. (That one is invalid due to 420>255.)
^I think there are email addresses that look like "someone@example.onion" (where "example" is a key name in a dht). Also "anon@example.loki" (Lokinet).
Originally written as one post. 4chan ate my post like 5 times (5 captchas): annoying. Thinking of other imageboards to use which are not this site: Endchan=no for now, 7chan=disappointing or something when I used it years ago, 8ch=maybe, m...=maybe.
>make new gmail
>go to log into it on my laptop
holy fuck google jesus christ fucking kikes
what email should i use instead of gmail
pay for your email you dumb e-nigger
how hard is it to run your own email server? isnt email an archaic technology? you could even do it with POP3
come on /g/ bros lay it out
okay but which one
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protonmail, mailbox.org etc. Don't even try weaseling out, if you aren't paying you cannot expect ANY level of service.
but what if i can't decide on one
>>you can't us as a trash bin to subscribe to internet services because half of them ban cockli addresses
You can use this, but I am skeptical of it, feels MITM'd and you may have to pay for it:
>>103887786 (OP)
I tried to log into an old google account which I know the password to.

It told me I had to verify but I never set any recovery email or numbers so there was no way to verify. How can they just lock you out of an account you have the credentials to?

I can understand now, but back in 2007 we couldn't imagine that this would happen.
>>103887786 (OP)
>Gmail said I have to verify the account
just fuck that shit
This guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Dei2buz1X0 [Embed] says that the 4G network of cell towers can constantly track you down to a few meters. If there is 2, 3, or more cell towers pinging your phone at anytime (like all of the time in a city), then they have that location data forever with no GPS needed. Cell tower triangular Saturn is worse with 5G. They can track you down to a few centimeters! I kinda wish every SIM'd cell phone in the world would disappear. Massive data loss, but a privacy win.

Privacy idea for a different thing: use a relatively high-powered consumer radio antenna to use the public wifi access of a coffee shop or whatever near your place. No security cameras see you enter the place because you were never physically there. Couple that with other privacy practices.
Crazy. It should have let you login then require you add a recovery email before doing anything. Better than being locked out, but they were too lazy to add that functionality.

*Cell tower triangularization is worse with 5G.
You can run your own email server: use whatever popular/good FOSS software is used to do that. However, you gotta pay for a domain name for anyone to be able to email it (not just Tor users, for example >>103899448).

That site is not out of storage space today. Also not out of space:

More privacy ideas for using cell phones. (1) One layer of pristine aluminum foil completely covering the device acts as a faraday cage (puts it off the grid temporarily):

Make or buy a faraday bag. Use more than one layer in case holes or tears develop in the foil. (2) Put the device in airplane mode; you can still use wifi with that on.
You saved pics/vids on an online service instead of a hard drive?
Firstly, don't use pop3, IMAP is way better.
Secondly, it's very easy to run a email server that just receives mail. You just need to run a mail server on a Pi or omething and buy a domain name (obscure ones can be like $20 a year or less) and email can just come right to you. Sending is more hassle and I'll let you google that.
That's $1.67 per month if they don't raise the price on you. However, I think you still have to enable port forwarding in your physical router's config for it to work.

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