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>>929977533 (OP) #
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>>929977742 #
>>929977533 (OP) #
Pic related for spreading herpes all over the Midwest.
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these two
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>>929977934 #
lol, story?
>>929977966 #
Didn't Codi ruin her body or something
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>>929978039 #
she got a reduction
>>929978234 #
why lol
>>929978326 #
don't know lol
>>929978510 #
Do you still like her?
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>>929977977 #
Yeah she goes by seraphnephilim on social media and she spread herpes.
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>>929978646 #
really shitty thing to do but if it's a kink for her i kinda get why she gets a kick out of it
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>>929979283 #
which one?
>>929978132 #
Her accent is so bad
>>929980488 #
Left even tho right has the ass of my dreams.
>>929977533 (OP) #
Who is the one on the right?
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Bluewut, I have been masturbating every day watching her videos for more than ten years.
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>>929977742 #
yes, always have wanted to eat sasha's dirty greek asshole
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Tori Black
Prettiest face and feet in porn
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Amia Miley
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>>929982798 #
>>929983236 #
>paw tattoo
>>929981956 #
aria valencia
>>929983869 #
what did she mean by this
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>>929983869 #
shes a knotty girl
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>>929987294 #
she should shave that thing
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>>929987476 #
especially her braces era
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>>929987476 #
>>929987523 #
plump pussy
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>>929987571 #
If she had done anal she'd have been my #1
I can't even get hard without her, let alone cum
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>>929978646 #
what a piece of shit lol
>>929983058 #
So fucking hot.
>>929983058 #
She could play Lisa Anns daughter..
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Nobody owns my cock except the amateur public exhibitionist goddes lily
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I'm a sucker for this type of scene what can I say
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>>929983058 #
>>929992314 #
First girl I regularly jerked off to. Wish I could marry her.
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>>929977533 (OP) #
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>>929997172 #
Which is also how long you're going to post this gif apparently
Did you guys know that the legendary MILF Rayveness tried to start a mainstream acting career? She even has 2 IMDb profiles, one under Rayveness, the other under Gina-Raye Carter.
>>929995495 #
I'm addicted to that massive ass and tiny pointy titties
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>>929997438 #
Agreed. In a world of massive bolt-ons, I'm glad she kept her natural torpedo tits.
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Would've married Marie in her prime
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>>929997225 #
I can't help it she controls me and owns my cock
>>929992961 #
Pure face porn
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been all about gabbie lately
>>929998164 #
gonna get downboated for this but
saggy tits
>>929998164 #
>>929998603 #
I was literally about to write that. She's hot as fuck, but her tits are honestly too saggy for me. I like a little sag sure, but hers just hang way too far.
For the record, I'm a disgusting incel who would fuck her brains out in a heartbeat. I'm just sayin.
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>>929998662 #
same my dude, same
apart from the tits she's top tier - crazy cute face, beautiful puffy pussy lips, cute tight asshole, nice curves, pretty feet, good performer
but them tits definitely needed a lift or work done to make them appealing to me
now post-pregnancy they're even more disgusting
still would though because i'm not a fucking faggot
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>>929999073 #
>>929999089 #
I'd keep my dick buried in this cock holster 24/7 if I could
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>>929999357 #
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Lily Rader

She looks like my ex
>>929999761 #
she is very cute
>>929999666 #
Look at dem digits!
Also that hot slut sucking on huge cocks.
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>>929989563 #
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Anna De Ville

When I’m in the mood for gangbangs/double anal she is the one
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Paige Turnah

Best big ass back in the day
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for me it's chastity
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This milf Syren
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>>929999761 #
She used to post on /pol/ lmao
>>930000025 #
based as fuck
>>929999982 #
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>>930000055 #
Atkindom has some banger models
>>930000055 #
Fucks bbc and posts on pol? She’s my dream girl.

what did she say?
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>>930000025 #
>>930000077 #
>>930000174 #
she always seems to have so much fun getting fucked
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>>930000055 #
>>930000126 #
Wait I think I got my 4chan porn stars confused

Lena Paul posted on /pol/

Lily Rader posted on /gif/

>>930000126 #
Her taking BBC and posting on /gif/ still makes sense
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Dee Williams

Looks like a slutty Karen type and that’s kinda sexy. Also that dump truck milf ass helps
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>>930000354 #
Lena Paul is still a favourite. I came hands free when watching her blacked gangbang
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>>930000531 #
I try not to watch that one often because I always end up cumming too early, it's too fucking hot
One of the best gangbangs ever filmed
>>930000710 #
Go no fap and watch it with headphones in full with no skipping. It’s an insane goon session and you can really see how it all plays out. Now I’ll do that exclusively with bbc gangbangs
>>929987672 #
She’s a born again Christian now
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august, gone too soon
>>930001243 #
She seemed like a sweet girl. That story really does make me sad.
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>>930001713 #
just another gorgeous girl that wanted to share her body and skills with the world
>>930001946 #
And got bullied over a bunch of bullshit
>>929999994 #
shame what she's like now
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>>930002723 #
I know, she became a boring looking whore
>>930002858 #
I forgot about her, what happened to her?
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Sara Jay is still a goat all these years later. She has truly been a my go to for years and she keeps getting better looking
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>>930003616 #
Hopefully she moved back to Baltimore, got married to her boyfriend and is still gaming
Sorry I've seen all her videos so know a bit about her life
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>>930002761 #
Epic ass. Bella Bellz too.
I could tongue those delicious assholes all day long.
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>>929997702 #
prime kosher meat
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>>930000531 #
>>930000710 #
all her gangbangs are great
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>>930004316 #
Delicious and nutritious
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>>930001181 #
They always find Jesus while continuing to be whores
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>>930004428 #
She looks so good with blonde hair
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>>930003784 #
This is the scene that made me into a Sara jay warrior
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>>929997834 #
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Angel Long

Kinda niche, British early 2000s whore who loved bbc, gangbangs and anal. She’s hot but it’s her attitude that does it for me
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>>930004462 #
She looks good in all her styles. Every hair color. Every age. Every body shape.
I honestly can't make up my mind which I like best.
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>>930004783 #
>She looks good in all her styles.
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>>930004864 #
And she has the most beautiful asshole I've ever seen
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>>929989965 #
She also aborted her twins. She's given so many guys herpes and knows she does it.

Huge slut but tits are nice at least
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Asa Akira used to be a go to. Her first dp scene is hot
>>930005154 #
She is an incredible fiery little spinner
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>>930004944 #
made to take cock daily
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These 2
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>>930005326 #
Which it obviously does
>>930005359 #
Based, I wish they made more porn
>>930005326 #
>>930005391 #
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>>930005154 #
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>>930005391 #
>>930005418 #
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>>930005418 #
>>930005463 #
>>930005486 #
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>>930005527 #
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>>929981902 #
>>930005046 #
is there any evidence or is she just making shit up for her villain arc
>>930005734 #
it's tuesday dummy
>>930005359 #
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>>930006325 #
I have oc of here from her op
>>930005734 #
Hot. Got that 2008 look
>>930006497 #
women didn't pretend to like anime in 2008
>>930006497 #
>>930006909 #
And she would be using an iPhone 2G or 3G, or a Blackberry.
>>930006909 #
Ha, i rememeber getting laughed for liking videogames back then, NOW its a career path kek
>>930006909 #
>pretend to like anime
I've wondered about that myself. When exactly did it become cool to seem nerdy?
The emphasis here is on "pretend" because 99% of them are faking it. But I've always wondered why and when that started.
>>930007165 #
nerdy in general?
late 2000s/early 2010s
>>930004738 #
Couldn't stand the retarded voice
>>930005359 #
>>929995495 #
>>929997702 #
she's literally jewish
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>>930006353 #
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I'll never stop stroking to Riley
>>930007645 #
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>>929999844 #
>>930007645 #
tiffany walker
>>930007776 #
would be a solid 9/10 clean shaven
>>930007823 #
Like this?
>>930007902 #
face is completely different there, still solid pick though
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>>930007931 #
she used to keep a bush because her face made it look like she was underage
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Heather Vandeven owns literally every drop of cum in my balls.

>>930000041 #
Top notch milf, love her.
>>929999073 #
Romi is the perfect whore.
>>930008009 #
>>930007823 #
>>930003970 #
I fantasize a lot about just eating Bella's asshole for days straight.
>>930008028 #
Damn. She's gorgeous. How have I missed her all this time?!
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>>930008090 #
Same. I cum especially hard when jerking to her.
>>930008028 #
weirdly into those odd nipples
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>>930008307 #
>>930008273 #
Let’s see more British pornstars
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My dommy mommy
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>>930008160 #
She doesn't do HC stuff I think, mainly softcore and JOI shit, might be why. She's a dime.
>>930008212 #
Love her perky nips.
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>>930008413 #
>>930008191 #
She's the perfect amount of trashy to bimbo. Eating her ass while I fuck her face would be heavenly.
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>>930008349 #
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>>930008409 #
i don't find her attractive but her accent is hot
>>930008564 #
Nah she is hot but I think her performances are kinda boring
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>>930008409 #
I like the bimbofied milfy British pornstars with thick accents. They look and sound so trashy when they fuck.
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>>930008477 #
Severely underrated
>>930008708 #
never said she's not hot, but i agree
i like her grandpa foursome i guess
>>929977533 (OP) #
name of the one on the left?
>>930008767 #
I was literally about to post Ava Koxxx, she’s been a bimbo for years. Her height is also hot too. I believe she might be the worlds tallest female pornstar at this time
>>930008801 #
She's a top notch slut. French kissing that asshole and slobbering all over her cheeks while I make a mess with her hot mouth. Those flaps need a good tongue fuck too.
>>930008767 #
She had a scene with Chris Diamond that made me fall in love with her. Such a trashy plastic whore, love Ava.
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>>930008801 #
>>930008943 #
She'd eventually stop being aroused and start getting annoyed at the time I'd spend down there tongueing her holes
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>>930008909 #
tiana blow
highly recommend her
>>930009088 #
Good pick
>>930009117 #
You are my hero, i'm so fucking hard
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Jasmine Jae

>horrible fake tits
>weird puffy botox face
>great ass
>enjoys a good fuck
>>930009106 #
That's why you gotta get your hands around her neck and give her ass a good dicking every hour or so of smothering. Fuck that bitch until she can't think straight then go right back to your meal.
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>>930009206 #
Not a bad plan
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>>930009144 #
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Aryana Adin

I had a friend who looks like her blow me once and it felt amazing
>>930009239 #
God pounding her cunt and ass hard and choking her would be just as enticing as blacking out on her butthole.
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>>930009149 #
what do you like about her?
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Willow Ryder
>>930009420 #
She is pure sex, just by looking at her i got hard instantly, and these tits, i love girls like her, perfection
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>>930008409 #
sure bro
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>>930009367 #
Anything you could do to/with her would be amazing
>>930009420 #
Her face just screams 'fuck my throat'
>>930009713 #
Seriously. She makes my mouth water and my dick leak with ease. She looks so good taking big dick like that.
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>>929999994 #
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>>930009868 #
She's had a lot of practice
>>930009901 #
>>930009917 #
Born to be a fleshlight for monster cock. That ass was designed for it.
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>>930009659 #
i love girls like tiana too, especially with tits like hers, i think we might have the same type anon
>>930009719 #
for sure
>>930010110 #
the tight body gets me the most, but her face scream sexs
>>930010110 #
Post more anon, i'm almost there
>>930010110 #
Need to wrench that wet face into my hips and bulge her throat to her collarbones. Such a throattoy.
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>>930008409 #
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>>930010206 #
who are your favorite pornstars?
>>930010217 #
>>930010238 #
human fleshlight
>>929977977 #
She started doing porn? Did her acting career fail lol?
>>930010287 #
>>930010274 #
Her face coated with other hung actors' fat loads would only make me skullfuck her harder. Need that throat pussy so bad.
>>930010274 #
Sally Squirt
>>930010239 #
always got nice milf next door vibe from her
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>>930009946 #
Like it was designed in a computer
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>>930010364 #
yeah, we definitely have the same type
there's something about sally's smile...
>>930010352 #
sounds intense, but i think she can do it
>>930010497 #
Molded for being blownout and reamed by the biggest cocks. And for me to eat it fucking clean after every scene.
>>930010497 #
her ass is mostly implant so not far lol
>>930010521 #
She looks like she's used to intense. Wanna make that cute slut retch and gag before I plaster her face. Those fucking eyes.
>>930010576 #
plastic whores are disgusting
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>>930010364 #
Underrated pick
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>>930010553 #
>>930010576 #
>>930010597 #
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>>930010592 #
slutpuppy eyes
>>930010625 #
based, love her type
>>930010773 #
more anon more
>>930010729 #
Plastic fuckdoll taking it like a pro.
>>930010773 #
Would almost feel bad forcing her lips to my groin and making her make a fucking mess all over me with those pretty eyes glaring at me.
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>>930010797 #
>>930010817 #
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>>930005431 #
One of the few really hot asian girls
>>930010846 #
Balls on her face and bulged past her fucking collarbones. She's such a good slut.
>>930010729 #
Reminds me of Christy Mack
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>>930010864 #
love westernized asians
>>929999938 #
This but also her pissplay vids
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>>930010878 #
don't give her all the credit, she's getting a little help
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>>929977533 (OP) #
Ai Uehara can make me bust in seconds. SECONDS!
>>930011030 #
based, she's a great gateway
kudo lala was my next step
>>930011030 #
Perfect Specimen
>>930011005 #
Oh I'm well aware the hung fucks with a need to nut are helping fill her throat. Just as hot watching them go feral on that face as it is watching her fucking take it.
>>930010625 #
Chad taste
>>930011005 #
Been a while since i got so hard in these threads, got more anon?
>>929995459 #
I'm seeing double
>>930000531 #
watching it in 4k on a uhd tv is fucking awesome
>>930005359 #
They should've done a massive gangbang scene together
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>>930011109 #
>>930011338 #
>>930005359 #
guy with the brown hair was groomed by bill clinton
>>930011536 #
I bet he was in heaven with her braces shoved into his groin. Love this sloppy slut.
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>>930011585 #
based, braces are fucking hot
>>930011536 #
Oh god.. this mouth..
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>>930010364 #
>>930010625 #
>>930010773 #
I hate she didn't last longer than she did
>>930011611 #
Brace faces deserve the sloppiest face fucks and the fattest loads. God her mouth is fucking perfection.
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>>930010900 #
I miss her so much. One of my all time favorites!
>fuck war machine
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>>930011646 #
a shame, but at least she didn't ruin herself with plastic
who else do you like anon?
>>930011673 #
everything is sloppier with braces
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>>930010364 #
>>930011673 #
>>930011744 #
She was one of the best. Fuck war machine
>>930011747 #
>>930011774 #
Braces unlock something feral in every man to sheathe your cock as deep as you can down a slut's throat.
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>>930010239 #
>>930010464 #
>>930011747 #
>who else do you like anon?
Posted my extensive list the other day. Just added Sally to it. Can't believe i forgot about her!
>>930011845 #
>>930010239 #
Her nose reminds me of Fiona from shrek for some reason. I still fap to her
>>930011821 #
something about them...
>>930011928 #
maybe i missed it
thoughts on dakota tyler and coco lovelock?
>>930010239 #
>>930011845 #
wish she would do some gangbangs while pregnant, recently a scene got released that was filmed before she got pregnant and she's so fucking hotter than ever her new boobs are so huge
>>930012102 → #
>>930012102 → #
>>930012031 #
Sorry, thought you were the guy i talked to before. Here's my list...

>Ava Addams, Lisa Ann, Briana Banks, Lanny Barbie, Bella Bellz, Armani Black, Tori Black, Adriana Chechik, Carter Cruise, Abella Danger, Harley Dean, Cherie Deville, Ava Devine, Skin Diamond, Alexis Fawx, Diamond Foxx, Karlee Grey, Keisha Grey, Jenna Haze, Holly Hendrix, Madison Ivy, Diamond Jackson, Jenna Jameson, Tory Lane, Eve Lawrence, Veronica Leal, Devon Lee, Janine Lindemulder, Brandi Love, Christy Mack, Phoenix Marie, Kelsi Monroe, Aletta Ocean, Piper Perri, Megan Rain, Raylene, Kenzie Reeves, Riley Reid, Bonnie Rotten, Rachel Roxxx, Madison Scott, Rikki Six, Aurora Snow, Sally Squirt, Emma Starr, Rachel Starr, Jada Stevens, Monica Sweetheart, Juelz Ventura, Angela White, Jennifer White, Emily Willis

>August Ames, Cody Lane, Amber Rayne, Dakota Skye, Shyla Stylez

>Brickzilla, Xander Corvus, Danny D, Damion Dayski, John E Depth, Manuel Ferrara, Julio Gomez, Keiran Lee, Justin Long, Jason Luv, Mandingo, Richard Mann, Nick Manning, Peter North, Wesley Pipes, Filthy Rich, Johnny Sins, Jax Slayher, Louie Smalls, Lexington Steele, Chris Strokes, Deep Threat, Nat Turnher, Bruce Venture

Only barely familiar with Dakota Tyler. Coco Lovelock I've jerked off to a few times, but wouldn't call her a "favorite."
>>930000531 #
>>930000710 #
>>930004427 #
>tfw ywn gangbang prime Lena with your bros
She looks so fun
>>930012061 #
post her preggo stuff
>>930010918 #
Used to watch her ages ago when i started getting more into porn, is she still active putting out new stuff?

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