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Girls Built for Big Black Nigger Cock
so what's y'alls criterium for a btch being built for bbc?

just a nice ass or what
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POV your college crush wants you to drop her off at the black frat. Your heard rumors about what happens to white freshman girls there. Do you say anything?
Maria wants her 27th
>>930001619 (OP) #
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Braylin loves massive black penis
>>930001694 #
"Can I watch?"
>>930001619 (OP) #
>>930001882 #
And it loves her
>>930001882 #
god i want to see her in socks
>>930001722 #
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>>930001973 #
>>930001925 #
>>930001882 #
>>930002019 #
fuck yes more of braylin wearing socks! made my dick jump with joy
>>930002019 #
Look at that fat pussy!
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>>930001902 #
"oh you wouldnt like it anon. Well, its like, a clothing optional party. But white guys, well they have to be caged. Its a like an anti-racism thing. You probably aren't interested..."
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>>930002019 #
>>930001882 #
bray has for sure rimmed black ass.
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>>930002064 #
>>930002043 #
>>930002019 #
Imagine a greased up BBC slapping Braylin's pussy
>>930002161 #
im leaking for this goddess
>>930002133 #
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Built Asians are underrated, they fold for bbc…she’s showing off her body hoping they choose her next
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>>930002209 #
>>930002161 #
>>930002111 #
>>930002230 #
>>930002282 #
mmm nice
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>>930002277 #
I need her to ruin my life while she fucks black men
>>930002282 #
she has the vibe of a girl who has laughed at some pink three inchers and made them watch while a 'real man' fucked her
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>>930002301 #
>>930002362 #

and that "real man" is probably black
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“real boi”
>>930001694 #
I'd ask to join, take bbcs with her
>>930001918 #
>>930001619 (OP) #
Needs to be impregnated by white monster dick, mine specifically
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>>930002277 #
>>930002358 #
Sacrifice everything for Braylin
>>930002516 #
I will become their cleaner hoping we end up sharing the bbc
>>930002282 #
>>930002512 #
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>>930002676 #
>>930002516 #
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>>930002863 #
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Would love to see my niece take one
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>>930002840 #
>>930002952 #
i would love to fuck her up
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>>930003004 #
Please do
>>930002871 #
Braylin needs a nigger dick deep in her rectum
>>930003072 #
oh yes
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>>930003142 #
>>930003211 #
slut needs it
>>930002882 #
handbreeder kek
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>>930003255 #
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>>930002958 #
Built for nigger dick
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>>930003079 #
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>>930003287 #
Would she be able to take it?
>>930003265 #
Big mad cuck
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>>930003309 #
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>>930001979 #
>>930003577 #
Fuck yes
>>930003362 #
big black cock between those tits
>>930003072 #
god tiff needs to take a BBC! would simp hard for her!>>930003211 #
>>930003646 #
fuck off ragnarthefaggot
>>930003618 #
>>930003727 #
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she has no job but goes on constant vacations. probably an escort
Do you think they would use her? Would she enjoy it?
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Anyone think Skylar would love a BBC?
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>>930002871 #
>>930003092 #
>>930003287 #
mommy is gonna get more than one fat load
>>930001619 (OP) #
Wow absolutely. Fucking stacked.
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>>930004508 #
Yeah she's got that thicc slut vibe going
>>930003979 #
yes, she needs bbc
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>>930003907 #
Angie needs black bred
>>930003310 #
Your niece needs black fucked in front of you
>>930002311 #
needs bbc up her skirt
>>930005330 #
she has some stuff to offer him
>>930002097 #
This little slut definitely needs gangfucked by black men
>>930005334 #
3 blondes that need stuffed with black cock
>>930005427 #
Mostly right
>>930005372 #
She certainly does
>>930005033 #
>>930001619 (OP) #
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Who gets the bbc
>>930005561 #
Will she get used just by one guy, or by a group?
>>930005491 #
for sure
>>930005887 #
A group
>>930006087 #
not sure that her petite body is ready
>>930003727 #
>Angie is getting the girls out
proof this isn't the worst timeline
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>>930005902 #
>>930006068 #
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>>930006286 #
I don't think the blacks will care. They're fucking her rough as they can
>>930006399 #
Would look fantastic riding bbc
>>930006354 #
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>>930006441 #
Those curves are perfect for a bull
>>930006367 #
imagine if this were your sister and your bedrooms shared a common wall and you got to listen to her get railed by her big black boyfriend. how hard would you jack it?
>>930006474 #
>>930006533 #
Could handle hours of taking cock from behind while he holds onto her tits
>>930006370 #
Fuck yes
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>>930006399 #
>>930006601 #
She'd be a champ
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>>930006427 #
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>>930006563 #
as rough as they like it
>>930006637 #
Imagine those titties bouncing as she rides
She is and you know it
>>>/hc/2507502 #
>>>/hc/2506158 #
>>930006651 #
Going balls deep and reaching her cervix with their massive cocks
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>>930006567 #
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>>930006666 #
>>930006403 #
i hope she loves it
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>>930006695 #
Built to be a toy for bulls
>>930006677 #
>>930006733 #
Of course she will, she's meant to be a slut for black cock
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>>930006737 #
>>930006733 #
How could she not? Feeling thick cock reaching deep where no other cock ever got to would turn her crazy
>>930006937 #
Those fucking curves
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Her reaction after seeing a big daddy dick
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>>930006943 #
>>930006961 #
tiny slavic girls are born for huge bbcs
>>930007010 #
She'd be shaking in pleasure the second he went fully inside
>>930006972 #
crafted perfectly for thugs
>>930007059 #
Imagine how loud her ass would clap as they plow her putting their full bodyweight into each thrust
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>>930007083 #
loud plappings all night
>>930007147 #
Ass plapping, lips smacking as she sucks another cock off. It'll be a busy time for her
Her white fiance needs cucked
>>930007033 #
I guess it will be just a half of his cock
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>>930007180 #
10 inches minimum, taking it all the way both ways
>>930007237 #
She needs to try real cock
>>930001619 (OP) #
Looks like lately, white and asian woman is craving for niggers, so bad.
>>930007254 #
She'll definitely be begging for him to fit it all
>>930007266 #
>>930007254 #
>>930007258 #
God, she'd do an amazing work handling those beasts
>>930007296 #
Blonde babes are made for black cock
>>930007314 #
Agreed, they should be stuffed with black cock
>>930007301 #
she'd love every second
>>930001685 #
>so what's y'alls criterium for a btch being built for bbc?
Mental illness (on the part of the poster, not the girl).
>>930007355 #
I'd love to see the expression on her face as she gets the best fuck of her life
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Will she take it hard on the boat?
>>930007346 #
The contrast of her white skin and light hair with a massive black cock would look amazing
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>>930007390 #
she loves thug dick
Sharing more of her
Kik: fembum11
>>930007441 #
Loves to dress like that and get a bull to take her clothes off before fucking her raw
>>930007298 #
>>930007286 #
Fitting whole cock inside will make her scream and annoy the whole building
>>930007497 #
That's why she'll have another stuffed down her throat
>>930007497 #
Love the curves
>>930007511 #
They will be playing a strange game using her body? Push forward - dick pushes up her throat, push backward - dick tries to pass further inside her womb
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>>930005209 #
Tell me about it
>>930007598 #
>>930008057 #
Fuck they're cute
>>930005804 #
Right until the thug shoots blanks and she can't walk.
>>930005229 #
Jadey is a nigger fleshlight <3
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>>930008227 #
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>>930008707 #
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If you truly love her, yes you should. She needs to experience true pleasure
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>>930008817 #
Goddamn that's a sexy pic
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>>930006737 #
>>930008586 #
We love our thug-milking queen. I wonder how many black 10 inchers have busted a nut to her fat tits and ass
>>930008959 #
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>>930008995 #
I wonder how many have busted in that pussy
>>930008817 #
>>930009145 #
Tongue, tits, and feet all in one pic
>unzips pants
>>930009173 #
Wouldn't be surprised if more have milked themselves into her fuckhole mouth rather than to it. She's a fuckdoll and needs to be fucked like one nonstop.
>>930009194 #
>>930009269 #
She knows what she is
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>>930008186 #
Need to be filled by BBC
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>>930009427 #
And she loves goading white boys into stroking and black men into powerfucking until she's a filled mess.
>>930009459 #
They're already in order or best to worst. Evie has drained my wallet so hard
>>930009548 #
Bbc fleshlight
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My highschool sweetheart tricked me into letting her cuck me with a football player, then she dumped me a week later. I can’t stop thinking about it.
Snap XshadowcountyX
>>930009459 #
why couldn't i be these hoes?
>>930008957 #
BBC bait right there
>>930009697 #
A foot of black dick pumping her pussy like a 20 dollar sleeve off amazon, just breaking her.
>>930008707 #
>>930008750 #
fuuuck. She looks so much like my ex. She was innocent and was creeped out by black guys. But so many young thugs in the city would catcall her. She would get so nervous, especially when they said exactly what they wanted to do to her...
>>930008250 #
big butt
>>930009915 #
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punished for teasing
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>>930009825 #
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>>930009681 #
They're all queen but no doubt Evie on top.
>>930009736 #
What a life huh
>>930009953 #
god i wish i could be her. the punishment i would take
>>930009825 #
>exactly what they wanted to do to her...
>>930010041 #
imagine waking up as her one day
>>930009951 #
she knows that black guys will go feral on that ass from behind
>>930010014 #
What I'd give to wake up as Marissa and just take a monster in my holes for hours.
>>930009772 #
And she'll look so happy taking it
>>930010107 #
The louder she screams, the bigger the grin on her face gets and the harder that dick gets hammered into her.
>>930010094 #
>>930010014 #
Evie knows how to drain white boys very very well
>>930010131 #
the sound it makes when getting spanked
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>>930010106 #
spend all day on yachts funded by simps then get your holes stretched out. sounds fun!
>>930010156 #
That's why she's the goat snowbunny
>>930010064 #
immediately start fucking as many black guys as possible cause you never know when you will get switched back
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>>930010221 #
God I'd be such a good whore as Marissa. Huge black cocks probably feel amazing to jerk and gag on and fuck, from both ends. Knowing you're getting the best fuck of your life and giving massive cocks maximum pleasure. Rich in both assets and nigger loads.
>>930010221 #
black seed will work it's magic
>>930010194 #
>>930010221 #
Evie legitimately made me go broke lol took a whole year to get back on my feet
>>930010448 #
This bitch is too fucking much I swear.
>>930010391 #
ass getting fatter by the day
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>>930010298 #
You've been blessed no reason not to enjoy life to the fullest!
>>930010343 #
>>930010415 #
Build yourself up again just for her to come back into your life and take it all again without remorse.
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>>930010502 #
creampied so deep she was instantly pregnant with black twins. never to be tight again
>>930010532 #
Making a nigger moan like a slut while 10 inches just destroys my ass would make me squirt so hard.
>>930010532 #
playing life on pleasurable easy mode
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>>930010655 #
being a tight young girl is the best thing in the world!
>>930010611 #
living the dream
>>930007426 #
Her fiance's cock just isn't enough
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Seeing a BBC lay across her stomach would be so fucking hot
>>930010816 #
just what she deserves
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>>930010642 #
>>930010651 #
The affect they had on white boys
>>930010873 #
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>>930010873 #
God yes, that black big thing completely covering her tummy from end to end
>>930010873 #
shooting huge ropes across her stomach and tits and into her face and over her head
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>>930010800 #
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been trying to get my gf to cream on some bbc lately
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>>930011012 #
a bbc will totally break everything
>>930010898 #
Evie owns me
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>>930010946 #
imagine how much trouble she could get into
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>>930011065 #
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>>930011136 #
join the club
>>930010898 #
>>930011302 #
What I'd give to be her throat and ass when she's too tired for her hung and horny boytoys.
>>930011173 #
once blacked it's over
>>930011340 #
Ms Evie has you insanely weak
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>>930011386 #
Wyd to sloan
>>930011302 #
tummy filled with black swimmers
>>930011399 #
She owns me. And so do the 10 inch thugs she milks regularly. I want to be her and serve her and gag for her.
>>930011417 #
beg her to let me clean her and her big black bf with my mouth after he is done using her
>>930011399 #
those soles hnnng
>>930011422 #
Her body shuts down if she doesn't get black cum daily.
>>930011448 #
Whatever Evie wants she gets
>>930011472 #
Her soles drive me insane
>>930011625 #
Whiteboy brainwash
>>930011625 #
I'm her bitch and my holes and body are hers.
>>930011625 #
her body shuts down after she is filled
>>930011691 #
lol nobody wants your holes you disgusting white boy faggot. offer your wallet and shut the fuck up homo
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>>930011663 #
Irreversible once you get hooked on Evie you can never quit your addiction
>>930011691 #
>>930011726 #
lol true Evie just wants your money but it's good he's so weak for her
>>930011711 #
Think she gets overwhelmed? She's quite the pro
>>930011863 #
addicted forever
if they created a super HRT that has the ability to feminize you 100x better and faster than anything available today but it requires a catalyst.... the catalyst is male african bodily fluids. even smelling their sweat is enough to trigger the hormones but ingesting and absorbing their cum is by far the most effective. its side effects is that its highly addictive

would you start taking it?
>>930011916 #
I'd become a bimbo for black cock overnight
>>930011863 #
>>930011726 #
She can drain my funds, spend me into debt until she's satisfied.
>>930012078 → #
>>930012082 #
anyone baking a real thread?
>>930012313 #
Apparently not

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