NCR interview questions
Updated 10 Jan 2025
Interviews at NCR
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I interviewed at NCR (Chennai) in 23 Dec 2024
Face to face interview with MD and He ask tell me about your experience and Tell me about your self and other experience and family details and he tell about company details and company norms
Interview questions [1]
I applied through a recruiter. The process took 4 weeks.I interviewed at NCR (Hyderābād) in 13 Dec 2024
Interview was bit tough , had 3 rounds of techinal and 1 managerial , then HR , and process was also completed within a month before the release of an offer letter
Interview questions [1]
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I interviewed at NCR in 17 Dec 2024
Very good process. Really fast and if done well, you land a role. 1 month interview. I have intervened at a lot of other companies but NCR was the best. Spoke with HR, Manager and Enginee and got the job
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I applied through an employee referral. I interviewed at NCR (Atlanta, GA) in 6 Dec 2024
The list includes SDLC stages, OOP concepts like inheritance and polymorphism, system design, SQL, basic data structures, API interactions, and web development topics, covering foundational programming and software engineering principles comprehensively.
Interview questions [1]
I interviewed at NCR (Giza) in 27 Nov 2024
Introducing myself, explain my previous job requirements and responsibilities and tasks, how i deal with issues and how i communicate with my colleagues and what i know in my field
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I applied through university. I interviewed at NCR in 8 Nov 2024
More then an 1 hour long 3rd round of interview just hear that the position is already taken and cannot continue with me further. Also, I connected with the person they finalized, he only had 15 min of interview before they finalized him.
Interview questions [1]
Question 1
What are the key differences between a vulnerability, threat, and risk? Can you give examples of each?
I interviewed at NCR in 25 Oct 2024
I first completed a programming test, followed by a detailed technical interview. Afterward, I attended an interview with the management team, and, ultimately, received a job offer, which I gladly accepted.
Interview questions [1]
I interviewed at NCR in 19 Oct 2024
It was a panel interview and the questions make sense, not difficult but not easy either. They give you feedback as you are interviewing and they are not intimidating at all.
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I applied online. I interviewed at NCR in 15 Oct 2024
It was correct interview, spoked with team leaders, they respond to me 5 days later that I didn't get the job. I thought that would be remote position, but not, so I wasn't disappointed that match. 7/10
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Question 1
How you will explain the customer where is the connection point in the router?
I interviewed at NCR in 12 Oct 2024
Uma entrevista padrão, boa, foj feita online ne, ai tal e pa sla meu deus monp la na casa do chefe, eu sei disso e tal aprendi ingles, falei em ingles com eles
Interview questions [1]
NCR interviews FAQs
- Glassdoor users rated their interview experience at NCR as 54.7% positive with a difficulty rating score of 2.72 out of 5 (where 5 is the highest level of difficulty). Candidates interviewing for Human Resources Representative and Java Developer rated their interviews as the hardest, whereas interviews for IT Help Desk and Junior Software Developer roles were rated as the easiest.
- The hiring process at NCR takes an average of 33.7 days when considering 54 user submitted interviews across all job titles. Candidates applying for Finance Graduate had the quickest hiring process (on average 1 day), whereas Product Quality Engineer roles had the slowest hiring process (on average 120 days).
- Common stages of the interview process at NCR according to 54 Glassdoor interviews include:
Phone interview: 23.2%
One on one interview: 18.4%
Group panel interview: 17.6%
Skills test: 13.6%
Presentation: 8.8%
Background check: 5.6%
Personality test: 4.8%
Drug test: 3.2%
Other: 2.4%
IQ intelligence test: 2.4%