Back in October I mentioned that Tokens in POPGOES Evergreen would be able to unlock Stickers, using the artwork that we've already been adding to Game Jolt.
Originally, they were just going to be in their own menu, like a sticker book in the Extras. But I want to share today that this plan has changed, I think for the better.
Instead of Stickers functioning like a second collection of trading cards (cool collectibles that you can scroll through in a menu), they will actually be used to decorate your file in the save selection screen. Meaning, you can customise how your save file looks by applying up to 6 stickers from your collection onto it. You can probably also select a colour for it! Bear in mind, the save file is a big rectangle displaying stats and progress, and won't just be a button. You can maybe compare it to how save files look in Pokémon or Super Mario games, acting like a summary of your experience that you can show off. Oh, and maybe if you apply a specific selection of stickers to the file, it acts like a secret code that gives you access to bonus content?
I think this is a cool idea. It's also probably easier than the original concept. Once the save selection screen has been fully designed I'll share a visual of what I mean by all of this, but I wanted to give an update since this UI is what we're currently working on.
- Kane